Juanita Broaddrick: "After Bill Clinton viciously raped me - he said, "Don’t worry, I’m sterile due to mumps when I was a boy.”

That is at best arguable. Do you feel a womanizing creep is what we should have lead the country? Being a womanizing creep is someone you feel you need to defend?

No, it isn't arguable at all. None of the women who claimed "rape" have any credibility.

As far as being a 'womanizer', um, until women get smarter about the men they get involved with, I can't get worked up about it. Every woman who slept with Clinton knew he was a married man. They slept with him anyway.

The voters knew he was a womanizer, too. They still voted for him twice.
No, it isn't arguable at all. None of the women who claimed "rape" have any credibility.

Pre-Clinton women always had credibility. This is what Clinton has done for women.

Sad isn't it?

As far as being a 'womanizer', um, until women get smarter about the men they get involved with, I can't get worked up about it. Every woman who slept with Clinton knew he was a married man. They slept with him anyway.

Wow, now blaming the women for scum like Clinton. Sheesh. That is sad.

Noted, it's the women's fault that Clinton was a serial adulterer. I guess that applies to Trump also?
Pre-Clinton women always had credibility. This is what Clinton has done for women.

Sad isn't it?

Not really. I always thought it was bullshit that we take a woman's claim at face value and ignore contrary evidence. I thought Antia Hill was full of shit. I think Clinton's accusers are full of shit. I kind of have my doubts about E. Jean Carroll, but Trump didn't defend himself well, so sucks to be him.

Women are just as capable as men of lying. That's why you need to examine the evidence.

The problem with Broderick (The only one who has actually claimed rape) is that her story has a bunch of holes in it. Not to mention she's changed it several times.

Wow, now blaming the women for scum like Clinton. Sheesh. That is sad.

Noted, it's the women's fault that Clinton was a serial adulterer. I guess that applies to Trump also?
You don't see me complaining about Trump's womanizing either. If he fucked Stormy Daniels because she looks like his daughter, that's creepy, but not a crime.

Paying her to keep quiet about it might be a crime, but we'll see.
Not really. I always thought it was bullshit that we take a woman's claim at face value and ignore contrary evidence. I thought Antia Hill was full of shit. I think Clinton's accusers are full of shit. I kind of have my doubts about E. Jean Carroll, but Trump didn't defend himself well, so sucks to be him.

Women are just as capable as men of lying. That's why you need to examine the evidence.

The problem with Broderick (The only one who has actually claimed rape) is that her story has a bunch of holes in it. Not to mention she's changed it several times.

You don't see me complaining about Trump's womanizing either. If he fucked Stormy Daniels because she looks like his daughter, that's creepy, but not a crime.

Paying her to keep quiet about it might be a crime, but we'll see.

This is why I can't join the cults.
This is why I can't join the cults.
Your a Bernie Supporter... That's about as close to being in a cult as you can get.

For the record, I didn't vote for Clinton either time, and I probably wouldn't have voted for Hillary if the GOP put up anyone who wasn't Trump.

But the reality- every president back to Washington has stepped out on his wife, except for James Buchanan, who wasn't married and probably a homosexual. And he was the worst of the lot.
Your a Bernie Supporter... That's about as close to being in a cult as you can get.

I supported him during the primaries because the option was Hillary. Seems I was not alone.

For the record, I didn't vote for Clinton either time, and I probably wouldn't have voted for Hillary if the GOP put up anyone who wasn't Trump.

But the reality- every president back to Washington has stepped out on his wife, except for James Buchanan, who wasn't married and probably a homosexual. And he was the worst of the lot.

And yet you feel this incredible need to defend the Clinton's no matter what.
At this point I really don't understand why governments don't create an "elitist harem" full of young women and sometimes men for these politicians to use for sexual gratification.

It's not like this hasn't happened throughout the history of human governments.

Somehow we believe that today we as humans don't have the same immorality as people did in the past. (Politicians being the worst of us)

We haven't evolved one iota from our past.
The only difference now from then is that it's used to wag a finger of self righteousness at those politicians falling prey to base desires.

Nobody wants to admit these things...but young women are usually attracted to power. Submit your resume with a picture and medical records and then interviews/tryouts will be held in person. LOL.
I supported him during the primaries because the option was Hillary. Seems I was not alone.
Yet Hillary accomplished more in 8 years in the Senate than Commie Bernie did in 30.

And yet you feel this incredible need to defend the Clinton's no matter what.
No, I defend them when they are being accused of bullshit.

Here's the thing. Back in 1998, I was one of these wingnuts who screamed loudly about "Subornation of Perjury" and "that poor intern".

And then Bush became president, and at the end of it, I was left with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and a 20% reduction in salary.

i don't really care where a president is sticking his dick. I do care about his results.

8 years of Clinton we had peace, prosperity and job growth.
Yet Hillary accomplished more in 8 years in the Senate than Commie Bernie did in 30.

No, I defend them when they are being accused of bullshit.

Here's the thing. Back in 1998, I was one of these wingnuts who screamed loudly about "Subornation of Perjury" and "that poor intern".

And then Bush became president, and at the end of it, I was left with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and a 20% reduction in salary.

i don't really care where a president is sticking his dick. I do care about his results.

8 years of Clinton we had peace, prosperity and job growth.

You have to remember that only happened because Bill was willing to work with Republicans in overturning regulations on Wall Street.
At this point I really don't understand why governments don't create an "elitist harem" full of young women and sometimes men for these politicians to use for sexual gratification.

It's not like this hasn't happened throughout the history of human governments.

Somehow we believe that today we as humans don't have the same immorality as people did in the past. (Politicians being the worst of us)

We haven't evolved one iota from our past.
The only difference now from then is that it's used to wag a finger of self righteousness at those politicians falling prey to base desires.

Nobody wants to admit these things...but young women are usually attracted to power. Submit your resume with a picture and medical records and then interviews/tryouts will be held in person. LOL.
I'm watching a couple of Chinese historical docudramas with my wife, focusing on court life in China and how ruthless the women in these harems could be.

That might be amusing if we had "Concubine Watch" as part of our politics.
Well, because she was a distinguished academic who didn't change her story every five minutes.

I think it's a matter of defending them against false charges.

Clinton is a womanizing creep. He's not a rapist.
She didn't know where or when. Your a hypocrite.
You have to remember that only happened because Bill was willing to work with Republicans in overturning regulations on Wall Street.
Not really. What caused the growth in the Clinton years is Clinton finally got serious about getting our economic house in order, something no one has done since.
Not really. What caused the growth in the Clinton years is Clinton finally got serious about getting our economic house in order, something no one has done since.

I said nothing about "growth" but your instincts to deflect and defend kicked in.
At the time that Broaddick and Clinton had their one night stand, Anita was married to one man and having an affair with another. She told both men that Clinton raped her. Yet she continued to work on his campaign and never distanced herself from him.

Now divorced from her first husband, and married to her lover, Anita Broaddrick signed an affidavit in the Paula Jones Trial saying Bill Clinton did not rape her. Ken Starr threatened to arrest her for perjury, using her ex-husband's testimony that she told him Clinton raped her, unless she recanted that affidavit and said he raped her.

Starr gave her immunity from prosecution if she recanted her affidavit, and promised to send her to jail, if she didn't. So Anita changed her story - again.

So which time was Anita telling the truth - when she went home after the incident and only told the two other men she was involved with that she was raped, when she willingly signed an affidavit saying she was never raped, or when she was threatened with jail unless she said Clinton raped her.

Common sense says that the only story that makes sense is her affidavit in the Jones Trial. She was under no pressure to say it never happened. She wasn't risking her marriage in saying it wasn't true.

The coerced rape claim made after Starr's threats and the coercion involved has invalidates it completely. That testimoney would NEVER be admissable in a trial.
The people you admire have little character as you demonize Trump. If you were one of five people, and the political Progs you love were the other 4 and only 4 could survive, you would not be one of them.
Not really. What caused the growth in the Clinton years is Clinton finally got serious about getting our economic house in order, something no one has done since.
My understanding of Bill was where he is a highly intelligent man but completely self serving at the same time. Which is a reason why he and Trump actually are friends....they are just alike.

The "getting of the financial house in order" wasn't so much his doing as it was Congress had real leadership for a change. (Newt Gingrich)
Where Bill was adept at stealing credit for the results it really was not his doing. He just went along and took the credit after checking the wind. Bill really had no agenda other than power....money was a secondary(which Hillary was usually doing the grabbing for him)

The Federal Reserve and SEC was also under very different leadership at the time as well. (Greenspan) and where they were rather dictatorial it was a more honest period than current SEC and Fed Reserve is today. (The SEC did make a few crappy changes due to popular demands of wealthy elite...and we should reverse these things)
I don't know about him being a serial rapist...

The fact of Epsteins Island, underage girls as well as the numerous other instances of his sexual improprieties....

He is a deviant...A rapist? Dunno....because some women take a kernel of truth and explode it into something it wasn't.

It's not like people have sex publicly....for the whole world to witness (unless you are a porn producer)

Rape is all about domination and control...not sex itself. I don't see that behavior in Bill....desire and perversion yes...domination and subjugation no.
Some good points, but his wife's obsession with rape; the hilarity with which she regards it...

Those two are like Adolf & Eva.
I don't know about him being a serial rapist...

The fact of Epsteins Island, underage girls as well as the numerous other instances of his sexual improprieties....

He is a deviant...A rapist? Dunno....because some women take a kernel of truth and explode it into something it wasn't.

It's not like people have sex publicly....for the whole world to witness (unless you are a porn producer)

Rape is all about domination and control...not sex itself. I don't see that behavior in Bill....desire and perversion yes...domination and subjugation no.

Thing is you only know what you see on tv or read about. You don't actually know him in real life, even then you don't know him in private.

People weren't suspicious of John Wayne gacy, even his neighbors. That is until they found out he had been raping and killing 30 something young men and burying them under his house. For decades and decades people thought bill Cosby was the salt of the earth as well.

Is he a rapist? I can't say because I don't personally know. But just seeing someone on tv doesn't mean you know a thing about them.
I will admit, Clinton is a womanizer, and if Hillary had any integrity, she'd have kicked him to the curb.

But there's no evidence he ever raped anyone. All the women who came forward either admitted to consensual relationships or were straight up lying like Brodderick.

Based on what?

Let's limit this conversation to just Juanita Broderick, Paula Jones, and Kathleen Willey, the three women who have made "accusing Clinton of misconduct" their permanent jobs since the 1990s.

Juanita Broderick was a liar, as stated above. She either lied in her affidavit, or she's lying now, or maybe she lied on both. (That her relationship with Clinton was consensual, but she found there's money in accusing him of rape.) .

Kathleen Willey is a liar. After this supposed incident in the White House, she continued to lobby Clinton and his staff for a job to pay off the massive debt she had from her husband who offed himself. This is not something a rape victim does. Not to mention all of her other acts of fraud, like hiding assets by transferring them to her children so that her husband's creditors couldn't get at them.

But even if you take her claims at face value, that Clinton made a pass at her, that isn't rape. When she said no, Clinton stopped. Not Rape.

then you have Paula Jones. You know, the one who posed for Penthouse to raise money to pay off her lawyers after they kept most of her settlement and still demanded more. (Thereby proving MOST people look better with their clothes on.) At face value, Clinton supposedly exposed himself to her, but then backed down when she said no.

She also made a claim that Clinton's male member had a "distinguishing characteristic," which is not supported by either Clinton's medical records OR any of the women who did have relationships with him.

Now, all that said, Clinton is a creep. He has very little honor, and it's a shame we keep electing people like him and Trump. Used to be adultery was a career killer in politics, as it should be. If your wife can't trust you, why should I?
Some good points.

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