Judaism 101


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Jews have always been a tiny minority everywhere but Israel. Since we are forbidden to proselytize, we will remain a small group. Most people know very
little about Judaism because they rarely meet many Jews and ask questions.
This website is presented for any of you who have questions. I will also answer
any questions you have.

It is important to understand that there are different denominations of Judaism whose practice of Judaism varies a bit.

Judaism 101
Jews have always been a tiny minority everywhere but Israel. Since we are forbidden to proselytize, we will remain a small group. Most people know very
little about Judaism because they rarely meet many Jews and ask questions.
This website is presented for any of you who have questions. I will also answer
any questions you have.

It is important to understand that there are different denominations of Judaism whose practice of Judaism varies a bit.

Judaism 101
Thanks for the offer. I've been to that website before. It is excellent. I have tons of questions.

When you say you Jews are forbidden to proselytize, what exactly do you mean and why are you forbidden to do it?
Jews have always been a tiny minority everywhere but Israel. Since we are forbidden to proselytize, we will remain a small group. Most people know very
little about Judaism because they rarely meet many Jews and ask questions.
This website is presented for any of you who have questions. I will also answer
any questions you have.

It is important to understand that there are different denominations of Judaism whose practice of Judaism varies a bit.

Judaism 101
Thanks for the offer. I've been to that website before. It is excellent. I have tons of questions.

When you say you Jews are forbidden to proselytize, what exactly do you mean and why are you forbidden to do it?
They don't want kafir... um... I mean, gentiles to infect their people.
Jews have always been a tiny minority everywhere but Israel. Since we are forbidden to proselytize, we will remain a small group. Most people know very
little about Judaism because they rarely meet many Jews and ask questions.
This website is presented for any of you who have questions. I will also answer
any questions you have.

It is important to understand that there are different denominations of Judaism whose practice of Judaism varies a bit.

Judaism 101
Thanks for the offer. I've been to that website before. It is excellent. I have tons of questions.

When you say you Jews are forbidden to proselytize, what exactly do you mean and why are you forbidden to do it?
They don't want kafir... um... I mean, gentiles to infect their people.
That’s you projecting your racism into others.

I think I’ll wait for viktor’s reply.
What is the Jewish belief regarding Satan.
The Jews don't believe in Satan per se. They believe that he is an angel who works for God whose job is to tempt us. Effectively we are being tested. They point to Job as confirmation of this belief. Coincidentally Job is the oldest Book in the Bible and Job was not a Jew.

Does Judaism Believe in Satan?

The term 'satan' in Job is a title, not a name of an angel. It is a term meaning something like 'gadfly', or troublemaker, or jester. The 'Satan' with a capital S in the NT apparently refers to an actual being. The contexts the word is used in are different.
Jews have always been a tiny minority everywhere but Israel. Since we are forbidden to proselytize, we will remain a small group. Most people know very
little about Judaism because they rarely meet many Jews and ask questions.
This website is presented for any of you who have questions. I will also answer
any questions you have.

It is important to understand that there are different denominations of Judaism whose practice of Judaism varies a bit.

Judaism 101

Isn't the ban on 'proselytizing' a relatively recent development historically? And is it Biblical or tribal in origin and intent?
Jews have always been a tiny minority everywhere but Israel. Since we are forbidden to proselytize, we will remain a small group. Most people know very
little about Judaism because they rarely meet many Jews and ask questions.
This website is presented for any of you who have questions. I will also answer
any questions you have.

It is important to understand that there are different denominations of Judaism whose practice of Judaism varies a bit.

Judaism 101

Isn't the ban on 'proselytizing' a relatively recent development historically? And is it Biblical or tribal in origin and intent?

It went into effect in AD100. It is part of rabbinic law.
The main reason Judaism is not a good religion to convert to is because a new convert would have to accept the Jewish teaching that Jesus of Nazareth was a conman and a charlatan.
Jews have always been a tiny minority everywhere but Israel. Since we are forbidden to proselytize, we will remain a small group. Most people know very
little about Judaism because they rarely meet many Jews and ask questions.
This website is presented for any of you who have questions. I will also answer
any questions you have.

It is important to understand that there are different denominations of Judaism whose practice of Judaism varies a bit.

Judaism 101

Isn't the ban on 'proselytizing' a relatively recent development historically? And is it Biblical or tribal in origin and intent?

It went into effect in AD100. It is part of rabbinic law.

That is indeed relatively recent . We find the Prophet Jonah cautioning against Jewish exclusivity, supposedly in the 8th Century B.C., but during the 'Persian' period we see Jews impressing a lot of non-Jews re the events that the Purim holidays celebrate, generating a lot new converts, so I had the impression it was only some Jewish sects that concerned themselves with trying to ban proselytism as a policy, and that it was mainly post-exile Babylonian Jews that obsess over genealogies and 'racial purity' laws. I assumed it was the general 'permanent' case by the 2nd Century B.C.
Thank you for your thread. I have known several Jews, and they have been people who have done the right thing and taken a moral stance in society, but I would never have thought to question a person about his or her religion, because I was raised to think that such thing would be totally rude. I would hope to study Judaism in my retirement and to read the Steinsaltz Talmud. I believe in Tikkun Olam as part of our human responsibility to this world.
The main reason Judaism is not a good religion to convert to is because a new convert would have to accept the Jewish teaching that Jesus of Nazareth was a conman and a charlatan.
Jews have always been a tiny minority everywhere but Israel. Since we are forbidden to proselytize, we will remain a small group. Most people know very
little about Judaism because they rarely meet many Jews and ask questions.
This website is presented for any of you who have questions. I will also answer
any questions you have.

It is important to understand that there are different denominations of Judaism whose practice of Judaism varies a bit.

Judaism 101

Isn't the ban on 'proselytizing' a relatively recent development historically? And is it Biblical or tribal in origin and intent?

It went into effect in AD100. It is part of rabbinic law.

That is indeed relatively recent . We find the Prophet Jonah cautioning against Jewish exclusivity, supposedly in the 8th Century B.C., but during the 'Persian' period we see Jews impressing a lot of non-Jews re the events that the Purim holidays celebrate, generating a lot new converts, so I had the impression it was only some Jewish sects that concerned themselves with trying to ban proselytism as a policy, and that it was mainly post-exile Babylonian Jews that obsess over genealogies and 'racial purity' laws. I assumed it was the general 'permanent' case by the 2nd Century B.C.

you assume all kinds of idiotic things PIC------in the navy I learned this little
limerick ' A S S U M E makes an ASS out of U and ME . I this case it
is more like -----U (you) Jews never obsessed over genealogies or racial
purity (laws) It is my EDUCATED belief that the SEEKING OF CONVERTS
became outlawed in Judaism because this activity was a capital crime as declared by the various despots that invaded or ruled over jews. In fact CANON LAW---rendered the conversion of a Christian by a jew to Judaism a CAPITAL CRIME---
The Assyrians also outlawed it as do the muslims. The grain of truth to which
Pic desperately clings is that some of the prophets (like Ezra) distressed over the
frequent marriage by jews of "foreign women"----who brought their religion and
customs along with them-----this stuff was especially prevalent amongst jews living Elsewhere---whether by migration or exile. The big time "lesson" was
JEZEBEL. Ezra's approach was controversial back then and actually---interestingly enough----remains a bone of contention between some jewish groups that I will not mention. I am intimately involved with someone from that group
The main reason Judaism is not a good religion to convert to is because a new convert would have to accept the Jewish teaching that Jesus of Nazareth was a conman and a charlatan.
Jews have always been a tiny minority everywhere but Israel. Since we are forbidden to proselytize, we will remain a small group. Most people know very
little about Judaism because they rarely meet many Jews and ask questions.
This website is presented for any of you who have questions. I will also answer
any questions you have.

It is important to understand that there are different denominations of Judaism whose practice of Judaism varies a bit.

Judaism 101

Isn't the ban on 'proselytizing' a relatively recent development historically? And is it Biblical or tribal in origin and intent?

It went into effect in AD100. It is part of rabbinic law.

That is indeed relatively recent . We find the Prophet Jonah cautioning against Jewish exclusivity, supposedly in the 8th Century B.C., but during the 'Persian' period we see Jews impressing a lot of non-Jews re the events that the Purim holidays celebrate, generating a lot new converts, so I had the impression it was only some Jewish sects that concerned themselves with trying to ban proselytism as a policy, and that it was mainly post-exile Babylonian Jews that obsess over genealogies and 'racial purity' laws. I assumed it was the general 'permanent' case by the 2nd Century B.C.

you assume all kinds of idiotic things PIC------in the navy I learned this little
limerick ' A S S U M E makes an ASS out of U and ME . I this case it
is more like -----U (you) Jews never obsessed over genealogies or racial
purity (laws) It is my EDUCATED belief that the SEEKING OF CONVERTS
became outlawed in Judaism because this activity was a capital crime as declared by the various despots that invaded or ruled over jews. In fact CANON LAW---rendered the conversion of a Christian by a jew to Judaism a CAPITAL CRIME---
The Assyrians also outlawed it as do the muslims. The grain of truth to which
Pic desperately clings is that some of the prophets (like Ezra) distressed over the
frequent marriage by jews of "foreign women"----who brought their religion and
customs along with them-----this stuff was especially prevalent amongst jews living Elsewhere---whether by migration or exile. The big time "lesson" was
JEZEBEL. Ezra's approach was controversial back then and actually---interestingly enough----remains a bone of contention between some jewish groups that I will not mention. I am intimately involved with someone from that group

Nobody is asking you to contribute your usual pointless strawmen here, Rosie; we all already know you don't know jack about any of it. And you're also wrong, as usual. If you think your hopping around between many centuries is confusing anybody, you're also wrong, and it just makes you look that much more dishonest as well as ignorant.
The main reason Judaism is not a good religion to convert to is because a new convert would have to accept the Jewish teaching that Jesus of Nazareth was a conman and a charlatan.
Jews have always been a tiny minority everywhere but Israel. Since we are forbidden to proselytize, we will remain a small group. Most people know very
little about Judaism because they rarely meet many Jews and ask questions.
This website is presented for any of you who have questions. I will also answer
any questions you have.

It is important to understand that there are different denominations of Judaism whose practice of Judaism varies a bit.

Judaism 101

Isn't the ban on 'proselytizing' a relatively recent development historically? And is it Biblical or tribal in origin and intent?

It went into effect in AD100. It is part of rabbinic law.

That is indeed relatively recent . We find the Prophet Jonah cautioning against Jewish exclusivity, supposedly in the 8th Century B.C., but during the 'Persian' period we see Jews impressing a lot of non-Jews re the events that the Purim holidays celebrate, generating a lot new converts, so I had the impression it was only some Jewish sects that concerned themselves with trying to ban proselytism as a policy, and that it was mainly post-exile Babylonian Jews that obsess over genealogies and 'racial purity' laws. I assumed it was the general 'permanent' case by the 2nd Century B.C.

you assume all kinds of idiotic things PIC------in the navy I learned this little
limerick ' A S S U M E makes an ASS out of U and ME . I this case it
is more like -----U (you) Jews never obsessed over genealogies or racial
purity (laws) It is my EDUCATED belief that the SEEKING OF CONVERTS
became outlawed in Judaism because this activity was a capital crime as declared by the various despots that invaded or ruled over jews. In fact CANON LAW---rendered the conversion of a Christian by a jew to Judaism a CAPITAL CRIME---
The Assyrians also outlawed it as do the muslims. The grain of truth to which
Pic desperately clings is that some of the prophets (like Ezra) distressed over the
frequent marriage by jews of "foreign women"----who brought their religion and
customs along with them-----this stuff was especially prevalent amongst jews living Elsewhere---whether by migration or exile. The big time "lesson" was
JEZEBEL. Ezra's approach was controversial back then and actually---interestingly enough----remains a bone of contention between some jewish groups that I will not mention. I am intimately involved with someone from that group

Nobody is asking you to contribute your usual pointless strawmen here, Rosie; we all already know you don't know jack about any of it. And you're also wrong, as usual. If you think your hopping around between many centuries is confusing anybody, you're also wrong, and it just makes you look that much more dishonest as well as ignorant.

Is anyone asking YOU to continue FARTING OUT YOUR STUPIDITY. In fact, if you knew anything about HISTORY-----you would know that there is no
JUMPING around on time periods in my posts. If you could pinpoint even one---you would be delighted to make a note of it. ROFLMAO @ pic's "we already know...." you got ANOTHER PIECE OF SHIT IN YOUR POCKET---PIC?
What is the Jewish belief regarding Satan.
The Jews don't believe in Satan per se. They believe that he is an angel who works for God whose job is to tempt us. Effectively we are being tested. They point to Job as confirmation of this belief. Coincidentally Job is the oldest Book in the Bible and Job was not a Jew.

Does Judaism Believe in Satan?

The term 'satan' in Job is a title, not a name of an angel. It is a term meaning something like 'gadfly', or troublemaker, or jester. The 'Satan' with a capital S in the NT apparently refers to an actual being. The contexts the word is used in are different.

who in the new testament writes SATAN with a capital S. ------who decided and on what basis that SATAN should be written with a capital S and is an actual
The main reason Judaism is not a good religion to convert to is because a new convert would have to accept the Jewish teaching that Jesus of Nazareth was a conman and a charlatan.
Isn't the ban on 'proselytizing' a relatively recent development historically? And is it Biblical or tribal in origin and intent?

It went into effect in AD100. It is part of rabbinic law.

That is indeed relatively recent . We find the Prophet Jonah cautioning against Jewish exclusivity, supposedly in the 8th Century B.C., but during the 'Persian' period we see Jews impressing a lot of non-Jews re the events that the Purim holidays celebrate, generating a lot new converts, so I had the impression it was only some Jewish sects that concerned themselves with trying to ban proselytism as a policy, and that it was mainly post-exile Babylonian Jews that obsess over genealogies and 'racial purity' laws. I assumed it was the general 'permanent' case by the 2nd Century B.C.

you assume all kinds of idiotic things PIC------in the navy I learned this little
limerick ' A S S U M E makes an ASS out of U and ME . I this case it
is more like -----U (you) Jews never obsessed over genealogies or racial
purity (laws) It is my EDUCATED belief that the SEEKING OF CONVERTS
became outlawed in Judaism because this activity was a capital crime as declared by the various despots that invaded or ruled over jews. In fact CANON LAW---rendered the conversion of a Christian by a jew to Judaism a CAPITAL CRIME---
The Assyrians also outlawed it as do the muslims. The grain of truth to which
Pic desperately clings is that some of the prophets (like Ezra) distressed over the
frequent marriage by jews of "foreign women"----who brought their religion and
customs along with them-----this stuff was especially prevalent amongst jews living Elsewhere---whether by migration or exile. The big time "lesson" was
JEZEBEL. Ezra's approach was controversial back then and actually---interestingly enough----remains a bone of contention between some jewish groups that I will not mention. I am intimately involved with someone from that group

Nobody is asking you to contribute your usual pointless strawmen here, Rosie; we all already know you don't know jack about any of it. And you're also wrong, as usual. If you think your hopping around between many centuries is confusing anybody, you're also wrong, and it just makes you look that much more dishonest as well as ignorant.

Is anyone asking YOU to continue FARTING OUT YOUR STUPIDITY. In fact, if you knew anything about HISTORY-----you would know that there is no
JUMPING around on time periods in my posts. If you could pinpoint even one---you would be delighted to make a note of it. ROFLMAO @ pic's "we already know...." you got ANOTHER PIECE OF SHIT IN YOUR POCKET---PIC?

If any shit is in my pocket, it leaked out of your head and fell in. The fact you don't even know what you're doing is hilarious in itself.
The main reason Judaism is not a good religion to convert to is because a new convert would have to accept the Jewish teaching that Jesus of Nazareth was a conman and a charlatan.
Isn't the ban on 'proselytizing' a relatively recent development historically? And is it Biblical or tribal in origin and intent?

It went into effect in AD100. It is part of rabbinic law.

That is indeed relatively recent . We find the Prophet Jonah cautioning against Jewish exclusivity, supposedly in the 8th Century B.C., but during the 'Persian' period we see Jews impressing a lot of non-Jews re the events that the Purim holidays celebrate, generating a lot new converts, so I had the impression it was only some Jewish sects that concerned themselves with trying to ban proselytism as a policy, and that it was mainly post-exile Babylonian Jews that obsess over genealogies and 'racial purity' laws. I assumed it was the general 'permanent' case by the 2nd Century B.C.

you assume all kinds of idiotic things PIC------in the navy I learned this little
limerick ' A S S U M E makes an ASS out of U and ME . I this case it
is more like -----U (you) Jews never obsessed over genealogies or racial
purity (laws) It is my EDUCATED belief that the SEEKING OF CONVERTS
became outlawed in Judaism because this activity was a capital crime as declared by the various despots that invaded or ruled over jews. In fact CANON LAW---rendered the conversion of a Christian by a jew to Judaism a CAPITAL CRIME---
The Assyrians also outlawed it as do the muslims. The grain of truth to which
Pic desperately clings is that some of the prophets (like Ezra) distressed over the
frequent marriage by jews of "foreign women"----who brought their religion and
customs along with them-----this stuff was especially prevalent amongst jews living Elsewhere---whether by migration or exile. The big time "lesson" was
JEZEBEL. Ezra's approach was controversial back then and actually---interestingly enough----remains a bone of contention between some jewish groups that I will not mention. I am intimately involved with someone from that group

Nobody is asking you to contribute your usual pointless strawmen here, Rosie; we all already know you don't know jack about any of it. And you're also wrong, as usual. If you think your hopping around between many centuries is confusing anybody, you're also wrong, and it just makes you look that much more dishonest as well as ignorant.

Is anyone asking YOU to continue FARTING OUT YOUR STUPIDITY. In fact, if you knew anything about HISTORY-----you would know that there is no
JUMPING around on time periods in my posts. If you could pinpoint even one---you would be delighted to make a note of it. ROFLMAO @ pic's "we already know...." you got ANOTHER PIECE OF SHIT IN YOUR POCKET---PIC?

Pic evaluated my post ^^^^^^ as "funny" because he is STUCK---he cannot support his FART suggesting that I "JUMP AROUND IN TIME PERIODS"
The main reason Judaism is not a good religion to convert to is because a new convert would have to accept the Jewish teaching that Jesus of Nazareth was a conman and a charlatan.
It went into effect in AD100. It is part of rabbinic law.

That is indeed relatively recent . We find the Prophet Jonah cautioning against Jewish exclusivity, supposedly in the 8th Century B.C., but during the 'Persian' period we see Jews impressing a lot of non-Jews re the events that the Purim holidays celebrate, generating a lot new converts, so I had the impression it was only some Jewish sects that concerned themselves with trying to ban proselytism as a policy, and that it was mainly post-exile Babylonian Jews that obsess over genealogies and 'racial purity' laws. I assumed it was the general 'permanent' case by the 2nd Century B.C.

you assume all kinds of idiotic things PIC------in the navy I learned this little
limerick ' A S S U M E makes an ASS out of U and ME . I this case it
is more like -----U (you) Jews never obsessed over genealogies or racial
purity (laws) It is my EDUCATED belief that the SEEKING OF CONVERTS
became outlawed in Judaism because this activity was a capital crime as declared by the various despots that invaded or ruled over jews. In fact CANON LAW---rendered the conversion of a Christian by a jew to Judaism a CAPITAL CRIME---
The Assyrians also outlawed it as do the muslims. The grain of truth to which
Pic desperately clings is that some of the prophets (like Ezra) distressed over the
frequent marriage by jews of "foreign women"----who brought their religion and
customs along with them-----this stuff was especially prevalent amongst jews living Elsewhere---whether by migration or exile. The big time "lesson" was
JEZEBEL. Ezra's approach was controversial back then and actually---interestingly enough----remains a bone of contention between some jewish groups that I will not mention. I am intimately involved with someone from that group

Nobody is asking you to contribute your usual pointless strawmen here, Rosie; we all already know you don't know jack about any of it. And you're also wrong, as usual. If you think your hopping around between many centuries is confusing anybody, you're also wrong, and it just makes you look that much more dishonest as well as ignorant.

Is anyone asking YOU to continue FARTING OUT YOUR STUPIDITY. In fact, if you knew anything about HISTORY-----you would know that there is no
JUMPING around on time periods in my posts. If you could pinpoint even one---you would be delighted to make a note of it. ROFLMAO @ pic's "we already know...." you got ANOTHER PIECE OF SHIT IN YOUR POCKET---PIC?

If any shit is in my pocket, it leaked out of your head and fell in. The fact you don't even know what you're doing is hilarious in itself.

I am interacting with an imbecile on the internet----a waste of time
Jews have always been a tiny minority everywhere but Israel. Since we are forbidden to proselytize, we will remain a small group. Most people know very
little about Judaism because they rarely meet many Jews and ask questions.
This website is presented for any of you who have questions. I will also answer
any questions you have.

It is important to understand that there are different denominations of Judaism whose practice of Judaism varies a bit.

Judaism 101

Isn't the ban on 'proselytizing' a relatively recent development historically? And is it Biblical or tribal in origin and intent?

It went into effect in AD100. It is part of rabbinic law.

That is indeed relatively recent . We find the Prophet Jonah cautioning against Jewish exclusivity, supposedly in the 8th Century B.C., but during the 'Persian' period we see Jews impressing a lot of non-Jews re the events that the Purim holidays celebrate, generating a lot new converts, so I had the impression it was only some Jewish sects that concerned themselves with trying to ban proselytism as a policy, and that it was mainly post-exile Babylonian Jews that obsess over genealogies and 'racial purity' laws. I assumed it was the general 'permanent' case by the 2nd Century B.C.
What are you talking about?

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