Judaism 101

This could have been a very good informative thread.

But whenever Irosie shows up and starts posting her usual scatter brained thoughts on the subject.

Posters move on and the thread is destined for the trash bin. .... :cool:
This could have been a very good informative thread.

But whenever Irosie shows up and starts posting her usual scatter brained thoughts on the subject.

Posters move on and the thread is destined for the trash bin. .... :cool:

Well, that's what she is here for, so yes, it works. You know more about Judaism than she does. 'Viktor' probably lost interest already.
That is indeed relatively recent . We find the Prophet Jonah cautioning against Jewish exclusivity, supposedly in the 8th Century B.C., but during the 'Persian' period we see Jews impressing a lot of non-Jews re the events that the Purim holidays celebrate, generating a lot new converts, so I had the impression it was only some Jewish sects that concerned themselves with trying to ban proselytism as a policy, and that it was mainly post-exile Babylonian Jews that obsess over genealogies and 'racial purity' laws. I assumed it was the general 'permanent' case by the 2nd Century B.C.
What are you talking about?

??? I dont' know------I do not recall anything from Jonah regarding
what PIC terms "jewish exclusivity" He seems to be parroting something
from his catechism whore. As to ""RACIAL PURITY" ------??? and
catechism whore------that and jewish recipes for cookies made from Christian
Just attended a 3 part class on Yonah this winter.
I have no idea what Picaro is referring to.

Must have been a lousy class.

Some highlights of Jonah:

'A snide commentary on prophetic calling,

from rosey Pic, Please cite the lines in YONAH which indicate to
your catechism whore that the book is a snide commentary on "prophetic

A criticism of Israeli prophets and their insincerity at preaching repentance, not really wanting to see it, and being disappointed, taking it as a personal failure when destructive judgement is not dished out by God,

Please cite the lines in Yonah which , according to your catechism
whore, constitute a "criticism of Israeli prophets"

An implicit criticism of the Jewish community, which was generally unwilling to respond to prophetic calls to repentance, in contrast to willingness of Nineveh, including king, people, and even cattle, who responded immediately in faith.


A criticism of an exclusionary Jewish belief in Divine election, that they were God's only concern and no one else

from rosey who wrote da book according to your catechism whore?

An assertion of God's freedom to change his mind,

^^^ ???? who is asserting?

Pointing out that the words of true prophets do not always come true.'

"da words come true'"

It reads as a satire on Jewish culture and vanity

"cite the verses, please"
lol now the idiot thinks it gets to make demands after ruining a thread with her gibberish.

As for my sources, they are all Jewish, with few exceptions. Rosie's, in contrast, are pulled out of her ass, probably by whatever fake 'rebbe' she happens to be blowing at the moment.
This could have been a very good informative thread.

But whenever Irosie shows up and starts posting her usual scatter brained thoughts on the subject.

Posters move on and the thread is destined for the trash bin. .... :cool:

Pic agrees Both Sunni and Pic have a bit of a problem with me----I know
TOO much of the church and the mosque doctrine and HISTORY Not
by design on my part-------the stuff just landed in my lap from childhood
in what was until the post war era a "restricted town", a kind neighbor who
wanted to help me since my mom was ill----- she took me to church with her daughter------AND a proximity to the Nazi enclaves along the Hudson
Valley------AND in my teens and college years a job that brought me into
contact with young doctors from south-east asia, Iran---etc. -----I got too
much of an EDUCATION for pic and sunni-------they cannot tolerate it.
Feel free to ask questions-------if it is a question about life in a shariah shit
hole------MY PERSONAL DHIMMI is available. FEEL FREE ---anybody?
What are you talking about?

??? I dont' know------I do not recall anything from Jonah regarding
what PIC terms "jewish exclusivity" He seems to be parroting something
from his catechism whore. As to ""RACIAL PURITY" ------??? and
catechism whore------that and jewish recipes for cookies made from Christian
Just attended a 3 part class on Yonah this winter.
I have no idea what Picaro is referring to.

Must have been a lousy class.

Some highlights of Jonah:

'A snide commentary on prophetic calling,

from rosey Pic, Please cite the lines in YONAH which indicate to
your catechism whore that the book is a snide commentary on "prophetic

A criticism of Israeli prophets and their insincerity at preaching repentance, not really wanting to see it, and being disappointed, taking it as a personal failure when destructive judgement is not dished out by God,

Please cite the lines in Yonah which , according to your catechism
whore, constitute a "criticism of Israeli prophets"

An implicit criticism of the Jewish community, which was generally unwilling to respond to prophetic calls to repentance, in contrast to willingness of Nineveh, including king, people, and even cattle, who responded immediately in faith.


A criticism of an exclusionary Jewish belief in Divine election, that they were God's only concern and no one else

from rosey who wrote da book according to your catechism whore?

An assertion of God's freedom to change his mind,

^^^ ???? who is asserting?

Pointing out that the words of true prophets do not always come true.'

"da words come true'"

It reads as a satire on Jewish culture and vanity

"cite the verses, please"
lol now the idiot thinks it gets to make demands after ruining a thread with her gibberish.

As for my sources, they are all Jewish, with few exceptions. Rosie's, in contrast, are pulled out of her ass, probably by whatever fake 'rebbe' she happens to be blowing at the moment.

do not blame PIC for his vulgarity------His life was ruined------by a priest and
his catechism whore. ROFLMAO @ pic's "jewish sources" ----reminds
me of lunchtime conversations I had whilst in college with a divinity student
from Seton Hall. He introduced himself by asserting ----"I KNOW THE MAGIC NUMBERS OF JUDAISM" He seemed to be referring to the GEMATRIA GAME but even that simple game CONFUSED HIM
It went into effect in AD100. It is part of rabbinic law.

That is indeed relatively recent . We find the Prophet Jonah cautioning against Jewish exclusivity, supposedly in the 8th Century B.C., but during the 'Persian' period we see Jews impressing a lot of non-Jews re the events that the Purim holidays celebrate, generating a lot new converts, so I had the impression it was only some Jewish sects that concerned themselves with trying to ban proselytism as a policy, and that it was mainly post-exile Babylonian Jews that obsess over genealogies and 'racial purity' laws. I assumed it was the general 'permanent' case by the 2nd Century B.C.
What are you talking about?

??? I dont' know------I do not recall anything from Jonah regarding
what PIC terms "jewish exclusivity" He seems to be parroting something
from his catechism whore. As to ""RACIAL PURITY" ------??? and
catechism whore------that and jewish recipes for cookies made from Christian
Just attended a 3 part class on Yonah this winter.
I have no idea what Picaro is referring to.

Must have been a lousy class.

Some highlights of Jonah:

'A snide commentary on prophetic calling,

A criticism of Israeli prophets and their insincerity at preaching repentance, not really wanting to see it, and being disappointed, taking it as a personal failure when destructive judgement is not dished out by God,

An implicit criticism of the Jewish community, which was generally unwilling to respond to prophetic calls to repentance, in contrast to willingness of Nineveh, including king, people, and even cattle, who responded immediately in faith.

A criticism of an exclusionary Jewish belief in Divine election, that they were God's only concern and no one else

An assertion of God's freedom to change his mind,

Pointing out that the words of true prophets do not always come true.'

It reads as a satire on Jewish culture and vanity
So you’ve never read it...Ok.
That is indeed relatively recent . We find the Prophet Jonah cautioning against Jewish exclusivity, supposedly in the 8th Century B.C., but during the 'Persian' period we see Jews impressing a lot of non-Jews re the events that the Purim holidays celebrate, generating a lot new converts, so I had the impression it was only some Jewish sects that concerned themselves with trying to ban proselytism as a policy, and that it was mainly post-exile Babylonian Jews that obsess over genealogies and 'racial purity' laws. I assumed it was the general 'permanent' case by the 2nd Century B.C.
What are you talking about?

Exactly what I said in my post. Have a specific question?

you said nothing remotely logical in your posts-----just gibberish ----and example
"some jewish sects try to ban proselytism"------yeah? which one?
Jews proselytize by telling non-Jews they’re not going to hell.

Jews have actively proselytized in their history; claiming otherwise is just ignorant. they stopped forcing conversion at points, true, but still accepted converts in droves, not making it hard until late in their history, hence the reference in Jonah and other places. From post- exilic times down to Jesus's time they developed 'racial purity' laws that would make Nazis jealous by the Roman conquests. Your genealogy even determined where one was permitted to go in the Temple and Temple grounds themselves, and of course what priest posts one could qualify for.
It is pretty clear who is being disruptive and disrespectful here.

Honest men and women can have honest differences of opinion without having to act like jerks and be disrespectful of someone else's beliefs.
Jews have always been a tiny minority everywhere but Israel. Since we are forbidden to proselytize, we will remain a small group. Most people know very
little about Judaism because they rarely meet many Jews and ask questions.
This website is presented for any of you who have questions. I will also answer
any questions you have.

It is important to understand that there are different denominations of Judaism whose practice of Judaism varies a bit.

Judaism 101
Why are you forbidden to proselytize? When did that happen? And who did it?
Jews have always been a tiny minority everywhere but Israel. Since we are forbidden to proselytize, we will remain a small group. Most people know very
little about Judaism because they rarely meet many Jews and ask questions.
This website is presented for any of you who have questions. I will also answer
any questions you have.

It is important to understand that there are different denominations of Judaism whose practice of Judaism varies a bit.

Judaism 101
Why are you forbidden to proselytize? When did that happen? And who did it?
Avraham proselytized and it failed.
Yitzchak did not.
That is indeed relatively recent . We find the Prophet Jonah cautioning against Jewish exclusivity, supposedly in the 8th Century B.C., but during the 'Persian' period we see Jews impressing a lot of non-Jews re the events that the Purim holidays celebrate, generating a lot new converts, so I had the impression it was only some Jewish sects that concerned themselves with trying to ban proselytism as a policy, and that it was mainly post-exile Babylonian Jews that obsess over genealogies and 'racial purity' laws. I assumed it was the general 'permanent' case by the 2nd Century B.C.
What are you talking about?

??? I dont' know------I do not recall anything from Jonah regarding
what PIC terms "jewish exclusivity" He seems to be parroting something
from his catechism whore. As to ""RACIAL PURITY" ------??? and
catechism whore------that and jewish recipes for cookies made from Christian
Just attended a 3 part class on Yonah this winter.
I have no idea what Picaro is referring to.

Must have been a lousy class.

Some highlights of Jonah:

'A snide commentary on prophetic calling,

A criticism of Israeli prophets and their insincerity at preaching repentance, not really wanting to see it, and being disappointed, taking it as a personal failure when destructive judgement is not dished out by God,

An implicit criticism of the Jewish community, which was generally unwilling to respond to prophetic calls to repentance, in contrast to willingness of Nineveh, including king, people, and even cattle, who responded immediately in faith.

A criticism of an exclusionary Jewish belief in Divine election, that they were God's only concern and no one else

An assertion of God's freedom to change his mind,

Pointing out that the words of true prophets do not always come true.'

It reads as a satire on Jewish culture and vanity
So you’ve never read it...Ok.

Projection. Those interpretations are pretty much standard. maybe your teacher is just a racist and doesn't like the main scholarship.
What are you talking about?

Exactly what I said in my post. Have a specific question?

you said nothing remotely logical in your posts-----just gibberish ----and example
"some jewish sects try to ban proselytism"------yeah? which one?
Jews proselytize by telling non-Jews they’re not going to hell.

Jews have actively proselytized in their history; claiming otherwise is just ignorant. they stopped forcing conversion at points, true, but still accepted converts in droves, not making it hard until late in their history, hence the reference in Jonah and other places. From post- exilic times down to Jesus's time they developed 'racial purity' laws that would make Nazis jealous by the Roman conquests. Your genealogy even determined where one was permitted to go in the Temple and Temple grounds themselves, and of course what priest posts one could qualify for.

Says the historical record. It must suck that there are so many honest Jewish scholars out there who don't and won't participate in false revisionism.
Jews have always been a tiny minority everywhere but Israel. Since we are forbidden to proselytize, we will remain a small group. Most people know very
little about Judaism because they rarely meet many Jews and ask questions.
This website is presented for any of you who have questions. I will also answer
any questions you have.

It is important to understand that there are different denominations of Judaism whose practice of Judaism varies a bit.

Judaism 101
Why are you forbidden to proselytize? When did that happen? And who did it?

They aren't, actually, not by any theological restrictions, just the opposite, in fact, hence the rise of Christian sect and its taking over the covenant to go and be a light unto the world. They are nearly the only Jewish sect that can fulfill many of the prophecies, and certainly the largest by far.

Religious Judaism is in major decline among Jews themselves; it pretty much stopped in the post-exilic centuries. Jesus ministry revived it. that's why the Jewish supremacist types have such a frothing hatred of Xians, and supported Muslims at every opportunity when it came to massacring and oppressing Christians.

The ban on proselytizing is a tribal law, not a theological law that is anywhere in the Hebrew Bible. It is in fact impossible to carry out the covenants with such a requirement.
Last edited:
What are you talking about?

??? I dont' know------I do not recall anything from Jonah regarding
what PIC terms "jewish exclusivity" He seems to be parroting something
from his catechism whore. As to ""RACIAL PURITY" ------??? and
catechism whore------that and jewish recipes for cookies made from Christian
Just attended a 3 part class on Yonah this winter.
I have no idea what Picaro is referring to.

Must have been a lousy class.

Some highlights of Jonah:

'A snide commentary on prophetic calling,

A criticism of Israeli prophets and their insincerity at preaching repentance, not really wanting to see it, and being disappointed, taking it as a personal failure when destructive judgement is not dished out by God,

An implicit criticism of the Jewish community, which was generally unwilling to respond to prophetic calls to repentance, in contrast to willingness of Nineveh, including king, people, and even cattle, who responded immediately in faith.

A criticism of an exclusionary Jewish belief in Divine election, that they were God's only concern and no one else

An assertion of God's freedom to change his mind,

Pointing out that the words of true prophets do not always come true.'

It reads as a satire on Jewish culture and vanity
So you’ve never read it...Ok.

Projection. Those interpretations are pretty much standard. maybe your teacher is just a racist and doesn't like the main scholarship.

the standard interpretation ---"matzoh made of Christian blood"
??? I dont' know------I do not recall anything from Jonah regarding
what PIC terms "jewish exclusivity" He seems to be parroting something
from his catechism whore. As to ""RACIAL PURITY" ------??? and
catechism whore------that and jewish recipes for cookies made from Christian
Just attended a 3 part class on Yonah this winter.
I have no idea what Picaro is referring to.

Must have been a lousy class.

Some highlights of Jonah:

'A snide commentary on prophetic calling,

A criticism of Israeli prophets and their insincerity at preaching repentance, not really wanting to see it, and being disappointed, taking it as a personal failure when destructive judgement is not dished out by God,

An implicit criticism of the Jewish community, which was generally unwilling to respond to prophetic calls to repentance, in contrast to willingness of Nineveh, including king, people, and even cattle, who responded immediately in faith.

A criticism of an exclusionary Jewish belief in Divine election, that they were God's only concern and no one else

An assertion of God's freedom to change his mind,

Pointing out that the words of true prophets do not always come true.'

It reads as a satire on Jewish culture and vanity
So you’ve never read it...Ok.

Projection. Those interpretations are pretty much standard. maybe your teacher is just a racist and doesn't like the main scholarship.

the standard interpretation ---"matzoh made of Christian blood"

poor PIC------he laughs. Pic dear------"standard interpretation"?
interpreted by whom? The pope did not write the book. IMHO---
it is a literary work and ------not actual history like the book JOB.
both seem to me to be sorta midrashic. As to STANDARD INTERPRETATION-------a few years ago-----I got treated to the REAL
STANDARD INTERPRETATION----sadly, it was delivered in Hebrew so
I missed parts. Who has the STANDARD ? the people who do both
Hebrew and Aramaic and KNOW their stuff------I heard it from a
STANDARD YEMENITE rabbi------in a synagogue----the book is regularly
read on the holiday YOM KIPPUR--------if anyone has the STANDARD--
it is them Yemenites. I will find you some more------the big issue that day
was----WHERE IS NINEVEH? ---------do you know what
"aram v'naharyim" means? An erudite guy like you MUST KNOW
Exactly what I said in my post. Have a specific question?

you said nothing remotely logical in your posts-----just gibberish ----and example
"some jewish sects try to ban proselytism"------yeah? which one?
Jews proselytize by telling non-Jews they’re not going to hell.

Jews have actively proselytized in their history; claiming otherwise is just ignorant. they stopped forcing conversion at points, true, but still accepted converts in droves, not making it hard until late in their history, hence the reference in Jonah and other places. From post- exilic times down to Jesus's time they developed 'racial purity' laws that would make Nazis jealous by the Roman conquests. Your genealogy even determined where one was permitted to go in the Temple and Temple grounds themselves, and of course what priest posts one could qualify for.

Says the historical record. It must suck that there are so many honest Jewish scholars out there who don't and won't participate in false revisionism.
What historical method.
I spend 30 hours a week on my Jew studies and I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Since none of my Jewish brothers and sisters have even attempted to answer my questions I can only assume there is no such restriction on spreading the good news.
Since none of my Jewish brothers and sisters have even attempted to answer my questions I can only assume there is no such restriction on spreading the good news.

you have jewish brothers and sisters, ding?. -------THAT IS GOOD
NEWS-------they can cook all kinds of goodies for you
you said nothing remotely logical in your posts-----just gibberish ----and example
"some jewish sects try to ban proselytism"------yeah? which one?
Jews proselytize by telling non-Jews they’re not going to hell.

Jews have actively proselytized in their history; claiming otherwise is just ignorant. they stopped forcing conversion at points, true, but still accepted converts in droves, not making it hard until late in their history, hence the reference in Jonah and other places. From post- exilic times down to Jesus's time they developed 'racial purity' laws that would make Nazis jealous by the Roman conquests. Your genealogy even determined where one was permitted to go in the Temple and Temple grounds themselves, and of course what priest posts one could qualify for.

Says the historical record. It must suck that there are so many honest Jewish scholars out there who don't and won't participate in false revisionism.
What historical method.
I spend 30 hours a week on my Jew studies and I have no idea what you’re talking about.

And you think that's my problem???

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