Judd Gregg Withdraws from Consideration

you really need to seek out professional help for your ABDS

lol... did you see the ODS on this board? stop projecting. bush left a mess. now you really should sit back and actually see if it gets cleaned up.

what I want? to see if the new president, the one with a 67% approval rating, does a good job. the whiners are just a side show.
You can't say that Jillian. Bush did nothing wrong, he left everything in perfect order. Of course this means that 9/11 was totally Bush's fault. :lol:
keep it up, moron
I think you're right. I'm actually glad Gregg is going back to the senate, and I see his withdrawal as an act of conscience.
Except it wasn't removed and Gregg actually voted to abolish the commerce department once upon a time.

in a nonbinding referendum

i'm still waiting for someone to post a link proving that gregg asked/begged for the job, BTW.

you guys are as bad as the bushies.

What does it matter if it was non-binding, his intent was clear. Juan Williams of FAUX even got on the radio today and said that everything he's heard points to Gregg approaching the White House about the job. Perhaps you should ask Gregg.
Who was it then? The GOP? Because the article was published before Gregg's withdrawal...and it is pretty clear from their comments that the Census wasn't the reason he withdrew.

The Associated Press: GOP leaders criticize White House role in census
uh, that story supports what i have been saying
you really need to learn reading comprehension
You're the one with the reading problem. It very clearly states that the GOP was going to form a committee to oversee the census bureau...which means they accepted the compromise worked out with the White House. And the Census department wasn't going to be taken out of the Commerce department, it was just going to work with the White House...something that has happened for umpteen censuses.

Maybe Gregg thought he wasn't going to have to work with the White House at all...just like all the other cabinet members don't work with the White House. :cuckoo:

I suppose Gregg is lying, too, when he keeps repeating that the census questions weren't the reason he withdrew. :cuckoo:
you are either a liar or a fool
that story says NOTHING about what you claimed
you can see the ABDS runs strong in jillian and ravi

is the mess he left gone yet? when it is, i'll forget he was every president.

that's not ABDS. so kindly don't project. ;)

always a pleasure, though. :eusa_whistle:
he didnt create the mess
that was your fucking democrats in congress
since they took over is when it became a mess
but you, of course will deny that because you are a fucking partisan hack
yeah, the GOP fucked up, but no where near as bad as the dems have

is that the spin now? RAFLMAO! It was the chicks coming home to roost, DC.

And it's okay that you're a wingnut hack... you're just projecting.

I like you anyway.

you just have no sense of reality. is that what happens when you listen to too much talk radio?
Except it wasn't removed and Gregg actually voted to abolish the commerce department once upon a time.

in a nonbinding referendum

i'm still waiting for someone to post a link proving that gregg asked/begged for the job, BTW.

you guys are as bad as the bushies.

What does it matter if it was non-binding, his intent was clear. Juan Williams of FAUX even got on the radio today and said that everything he's heard points to Gregg approaching the White House about the job. Perhaps you should ask Gregg.

oh, everything he heard. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

well, that settles that then.


too funny. i don't pay any attention to fox, too biased. :rofl:
uh, that story supports what i have been saying
you really need to learn reading comprehension
You're the one with the reading problem. It very clearly states that the GOP was going to form a committee to oversee the census bureau...which means they accepted the compromise worked out with the White House. And the Census department wasn't going to be taken out of the Commerce department, it was just going to work with the White House...something that has happened for umpteen censuses.

Maybe Gregg thought he wasn't going to have to work with the White House at all...just like all the other cabinet members don't work with the White House. :cuckoo:

I suppose Gregg is lying, too, when he keeps repeating that the census questions weren't the reason he withdrew. :cuckoo:
you are either a liar or a fool
that story says NOTHING about what you claimed

House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, said he is creating a census task force composed of GOP lawmakers from the Judiciary, House Administration and Oversight & Government Reform committees to keep watch.
The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials on Thursday said they welcomed the new GOP task force but said they remained concerned about Gregg's views.
in a nonbinding referendum

i'm still waiting for someone to post a link proving that gregg asked/begged for the job, BTW.

you guys are as bad as the bushies.

What does it matter if it was non-binding, his intent was clear. Juan Williams of FAUX even got on the radio today and said that everything he's heard points to Gregg approaching the White House about the job. Perhaps you should ask Gregg.

oh, everything he heard. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

well, that settles that then.


too funny.
Ask Gregg...though at this point who can trust what he says?
What does it matter if it was non-binding, his intent was clear. Juan Williams of FAUX even got on the radio today and said that everything he's heard points to Gregg approaching the White House about the job. Perhaps you should ask Gregg.

oh, everything he heard. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

well, that settles that then.


too funny.
Ask Gregg...though at this point who can trust what he says?

no, i'll just accept the word of what a fox news reporter claimed, like you have. god knows, no presidential spokesman has ever lied.

You're the one with the reading problem. It very clearly states that the GOP was going to form a committee to oversee the census bureau...which means they accepted the compromise worked out with the White House. And the Census department wasn't going to be taken out of the Commerce department, it was just going to work with the White House...something that has happened for umpteen censuses.

Maybe Gregg thought he wasn't going to have to work with the White House at all...just like all the other cabinet members don't work with the White House. :cuckoo:

I suppose Gregg is lying, too, when he keeps repeating that the census questions weren't the reason he withdrew. :cuckoo:
you are either a liar or a fool
that story says NOTHING about what you claimed

House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, said he is creating a census task force composed of GOP lawmakers from the Judiciary, House Administration and Oversight & Government Reform committees to keep watch.
The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials on Thursday said they welcomed the new GOP task force but said they remained concerned about Gregg's views.

the retard would be the one that thinks boehner's "task force" has any legal standing. they'll have all the authority of PETA, but they'll prolly eat better.
What does it matter if it was non-binding, his intent was clear. Juan Williams of FAUX even got on the radio today and said that everything he's heard points to Gregg approaching the White House about the job. Perhaps you should ask Gregg.

oh, everything he heard. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

well, that settles that then.


too funny.
Ask Gregg...though at this point who can trust what he says?

Why don't you trust what he says?
You're the one with the reading problem. It very clearly states that the GOP was going to form a committee to oversee the census bureau...which means they accepted the compromise worked out with the White House. And the Census department wasn't going to be taken out of the Commerce department, it was just going to work with the White House...something that has happened for umpteen censuses.

Maybe Gregg thought he wasn't going to have to work with the White House at all...just like all the other cabinet members don't work with the White House. :cuckoo:

I suppose Gregg is lying, too, when he keeps repeating that the census questions weren't the reason he withdrew. :cuckoo:
you are either a liar or a fool
that story says NOTHING about what you claimed

House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, said he is creating a census task force composed of GOP lawmakers from the Judiciary, House Administration and Oversight & Government Reform committees to keep watch.
The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials on Thursday said they welcomed the new GOP task force but said they remained concerned about Gregg's views.
no retard
he said he was creating after the fact\ to watch what Obama is DOING

learn to fucking read
Last edited:
you are either a liar or a fool
that story says NOTHING about what you claimed

House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, said he is creating a census task force composed of GOP lawmakers from the Judiciary, House Administration and Oversight & Government Reform committees to keep watch.
The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials on Thursday said they welcomed the new GOP task force but said they remained concerned about Gregg's views.

the retard would be the one that thinks boehner's "task force" has any legal standing. they'll have all the authority of PETA, but they'll prolly eat better.
That's besides the point, as you well know. It means that the GOP was down with whatever compromise was worked out so something else made them lean on Gregg.
Jillian, Bush has been gone nearly a month, time to drop the vitriol.

You forgot to add:

Republicans, Clinton has been gone for over eight years, time to drop the vitriol there as well. :eusa_whistle:

the retard would be the one that thinks boehner's "task force" has any legal standing. they'll have all the authority of PETA, but they'll prolly eat better.
That's besides the point, as you well know. It means that the GOP was down with whatever compromise was worked out so something else made them lean on Gregg.

hey, believe what you want- you saw it on fox, it must be true.
What does it matter if it was non-binding, his intent was clear. Juan Williams of FAUX even got on the radio today and said that everything he's heard points to Gregg approaching the White House about the job. Perhaps you should ask Gregg.

oh, everything he heard. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

well, that settles that then.


too funny.
Ask Gregg...though at this point who can trust what he says?

Why don't you trust what he said?

"I realize that to withdraw at this point is really unfair in many ways," the three-term New Hampshire Republican said.

"But to go forward and take this position and then find myself sitting there and not being able to do the job the way it should be done on behalf of the president, 100 percent, that would have been an even bigger mistake."

the retard would be the one that thinks boehner's "task force" has any legal standing. they'll have all the authority of PETA, but they'll prolly eat better.
That's besides the point, as you well know. It means that the GOP was down with whatever compromise was worked out so something else made them lean on Gregg.
wrong, moron, it means they want to watch what the fuck Obama is doing with the census
oh, everything he heard. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

well, that settles that then.


too funny.
Ask Gregg...though at this point who can trust what he says?

Why don't you trust what he said?

"I realize that to withdraw at this point is really unfair in many ways," the three-term New Hampshire Republican said.

"But to go forward and take this position and then find myself sitting there and not being able to do the job the way it should be done on behalf of the president, 100 percent, that would have been an even bigger mistake."

Sen. Gregg stated, “I want to thank the President for nominating me to serve in his Cabinet as Secretary of Commerce. This was a great honor, and I had felt that I could bring some views and ideas that would assist him in governing during this difficult time. I especially admire his willingness to reach across the aisle.

“However, it has become apparent during this process that this will not work for me as I have found that on issues such as the stimulus package and the Census there are irresolvable conflicts for me. Prior to accepting this post, we had discussed these and other potential differences, but unfortunately we did not adequately focus on these concerns. We are functioning from a different set of views on many critical items of policy.

“Obviously the President requires a team that is fully supportive of all his initiatives.

“I greatly admire President Obama and know our country will benefit from his leadership, but at this time I must withdraw my name from consideration for this position.

“As we move forward, I expect there will be many issues and initiatives where I can and will work to assure the success of the President’s proposals. This will certainly be a goal of mine.

I like Senator Gregg and I take him at his word.

the retard would be the one that thinks boehner's "task force" has any legal standing. they'll have all the authority of PETA, but they'll prolly eat better.
That's besides the point, as you well know. It means that the GOP was down with whatever compromise was worked out so something else made them lean on Gregg.

You know someone leaned on him. You got the inside scoop? Or did he maybe actually not want to take the job because he does not agree with Obama's Economic Ideas, and treatment of the Census like he said.

Oh wait I forgot he was a republican right, so he must be lying oh yeah thats right.

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