Judge blocking Trump border defense is TREASON

Bush appointee attempting to stop Trump from securing borders
Judge Blocking Trump Border Defense Is Treason


And I really won't care about your snarky ass comments because if anybody knows our laws and constitution it is this guy. He has informed lawyers etc who know what is a criminal act etc..........

Don't like it well too bad.

Infowars said Bush, Jr. blew up the World Trade Center, did you buy that?

MSM lie you love to believe ..:clap2:
Semi-related story. My husband and I accidentally started a de-facto-patriot force/rebellion the other day. We were discussing the open calls for a coup by politicians and lefties with our youngest son while at the super market and debating the fate of Alaska should the fools in the lower 48 manage to overthrow President Trump. The idea that Alaska would stand for such a thing was soundly rejected by pretty much everyone in the store, including all the military (which is like 80% of our town.) It was pretty much universally decided that Alaska would break away from the nation if they manage the coup so I'm far less worried about the dangerous bullshit you folks have going on down there than I was. We did a quick assessment that Alaska has money, oil, military assets (tanks, guns, planes, boats, and missiles) on hand and that we should easily be able to repel any hostile force the left tries to send up here to overthrow what would essentially end up being the last remnant of America.

So if these sedition bastards, anarchists, and useful idiot liberals manage their fucking coup, come north patriots we will find places for you to stay (I could probably fit twenty or so in my house if it comes down to it and my house isn't even 'big' by comparison to many around here.) I'm near positive that our businesses up here (hotels, restaurants, etc) will help too - they won't want to lose America any more than we do. I don't know that we can take back the lower 48, might need help from other nations for that, but we've got oil, gold, silver, and other stuff we could negotiate with. We also have a bunch of top of the line defenses in place due to the Cold War and there's almost no 'America haters' up here to contend with. The National Guard and Army folks said that everything's set up to be almost instantly mobile on JBER so we can just pack it all up and head north - once we get out of Anchorage there's basically just wilderness.

Instead of The Last Frontier, we'll be America's Last Stand - I'm pretty damn confident we can hold Alaska, even against nukes frankly, we just need to go north more, they can't nuke the whole state without retaliation from the rest of the world. An Elder of the Eklutna tribe said he was sure that almost all the Native tribes up here would side with us and assist (we Alaskan's have a good relationship with 90% of them.) We'll have a massive compliment of small planes (we're the small plane capitol of the world) with the best pilots in the world (Bush pilots regularly fly in the worst conditions you might imagine heh,) plus we have natural resources that we can live off of, and better still there is almost no way for the lower 48 traitors to track us up here.
The best, indeed only effective, way to protest President Trump's immigration policy is to open your home to a refugee family. If you won't do that then you have no standing.

Indeed. In fact, there are more than enough of these 'Diversity' gimps around to sponsor the vast majority of these 'refugees', thus fast-tracking them, as many as their little pea-brains desire, yet they don't. The INS website has all the info they need to sponsor and bring people in. Of course we know why they don't, they're racist hypocrites.
Bush appointee attempting to stop Trump from securing borders
Judge Blocking Trump Border Defense Is Treason


And I really won't care about your snarky ass comments because if anybody knows our laws and constitution it is this guy. He has informed lawyers etc who know what is a criminal act etc..........

Don't like it well too bad.

Infowars said Bush, Jr. blew up the World Trade Center, did you buy that?

MSM lie you love to believe ..:clap2:

It’s Time to Admit The ‘9/11 Truthers’ Were Right


Among the numerous views held by those espousing “9/11 truth,” one central idea remains the same: The United States government is complicit in the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.
An article in the New York Post this week, boldly titled “How US covered up Saudi role in 9/11,” details how the highest levels of the US government not only helped conceal Saudi involvement but assisted the perpetrators in escaping the country.
Bush appointee attempting to stop Trump from securing borders
Judge Blocking Trump Border Defense Is Treason


And I really won't care about your snarky ass comments because if anybody knows our laws and constitution it is this guy. He has informed lawyers etc who know what is a criminal act etc..........

Don't like it well too bad.

Infowars said Bush, Jr. blew up the World Trade Center, did you buy that?

MSM lie you love to believe ..:clap2:

It’s Time to Admit The ‘9/11 Truthers’ Were Right


Among the numerous views held by those espousing “9/11 truth,” one central idea remains the same: The United States government is complicit in the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.
An article in the New York Post this week, boldly titled “How US covered up Saudi role in 9/11,” details how the highest levels of the US government not only helped conceal Saudi involvement but assisted the perpetrators in escaping the country.

Obama and Hillary funded ISIS for years. No whining about that from you that I can find. And we can bet some Obama loyalist somewhere in the woodwork tipped off the terrorists targeted by the SEAL teams in Yemen, getting one of them killed.
Bush appointee attempting to stop Trump from securing borders
Judge Blocking Trump Border Defense Is Treason


And I really won't care about your snarky ass comments because if anybody knows our laws and constitution it is this guy. He has informed lawyers etc who know what is a criminal act etc..........

Don't like it well too bad.

Infowars said Bush, Jr. blew up the World Trade Center, did you buy that?

MSM lie you love to believe ..:clap2:

It’s Time to Admit The ‘9/11 Truthers’ Were Right


Among the numerous views held by those espousing “9/11 truth,” one central idea remains the same: The United States government is complicit in the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.
An article in the New York Post this week, boldly titled “How US covered up Saudi role in 9/11,” details how the highest levels of the US government not only helped conceal Saudi involvement but assisted the perpetrators in escaping the country.

Obama and Hillary funded ISIS for years. No whining about that from you that I can find. And we can bet some Obama loyalist somewhere in the woodwork tipped off the terrorists targeted by the SEAL teams in Yemen, getting one of them killed.

It'll be overturned. The Constitution clearly gives the President power to keep people out who may present a threat.

Trump has every right to do what he did. He and homeland security sec are not certain that bureaucrats left over from Barry's administration are capable of properly vetting people.

Second, it's not a Muslim ban, and even if it is, president still have a right to do it. Carter did it, Obama did it, and leftists were not complaining for two reasons: it's within president's power to do it and because their guy did it. However, since it's not their guy, ... it's unacceptable. Fucking hypocrites.
It's not the President's job to interrupt the Constitution...

The President is the head of just ONE of the branches of government, he isn't a king or dictator. His Executive Orders are NOT the end all be all. No one in the United States is above the law.

What Trump did that is unconstitutional?
Yeah, sad but true, that we live in time when Infowars are more reliable than MSM. See how low they've got...
That is the great thing about message boards, you encounter people that you could only imagine existing in any real sense. You believe a website that exists to provoke fear and tickle the fancy of conspiracy theorists everywhere and has an extensive history of being proven false in predictions of coming calamity is more reliable. I've never actually met anyone in real life as a friend/family/coworker who is stupid enough to think this, but here online I get the pleasure of doing so all the time.

Savage times call for savage measures, homeboy. Times are changing, The jig is up and the left knows it.
It's not the President's job to interrupt the Constitution...

The President is the head of just ONE of the branches of government, he isn't a king or dictator. His Executive Orders are NOT the end all be all. No one in the United States is above the law.

What Trump did that is unconstitutional?

It's not unconstitutional when they aren't even American's yet. They have no constitution until they take the American Oath to be American's ................... They don't bring their Country here they leave it and take on our ways.

This incident Obama brought on and dumped onto Trump was to create the reaction they wanted so Trump would have to clean up the mess.

And, no I'm not saying every single one of them, but those who come here do you enjoy paying to take care of them ... let that part sink in because like it or not you pay for it all..

Whens the last time you were able to take your family on a vacation a long vacation?
The Left have gotten away with screaming fire in a crowded society... Forget a theatre. Chickens are coming home to roost. Best move for any narcissistic piece of shit currently on the left would be to abandon ship.

However I doubt they're smart enough to do so.
The Left have gotten away with screaming fire in a crowded society... Forget a theatre. Chickens are coming home to roost. Best move for any narcissistic piece of shit currently on the left would be to abandon ship.

However I doubt they're smart enough to do so.

This is what kills me, these brain deads who seem to think the minute they step on US soil they have automatic Const. rights. So ok someone swims in from Cuba do we allow them to have every right we do. Before that asshole Obama opened the flood gates and the NWO fully rolled in no other Country ever just let someone mozy on into the Country and said ok you are now our Citizen. Jesus cripe .

Here's the kicker of that point, Our own .............n American's can't own a gun for whatever reason, but some gawd damn illegal alien has the right to our 2nd amendment , and own a gun................. O moron has turned this Country upside down on it's head. These leftist are so ............n retarded they don't even see it all.

Half these jokes are probably getting " Human Rights" mixed up with Constitutional rights.
Yeah, sad but true, that we live in time when Infowars are more reliable than MSM. See how low they've got...
That is the great thing about message boards, you encounter people that you could only imagine existing in any real sense. You believe a website that exists to provoke fear and tickle the fancy of conspiracy theorists everywhere and has an extensive history of being proven false in predictions of coming calamity is more reliable. I've never actually met anyone in real life as a friend/family/coworker who is stupid enough to think this, but here online I get the pleasure of doing so all the time.


There is no question what you said about Infowars is true. The question is, how stupid you have to be to think that I somehow "praised" Infowars by putting them above MSM. No buffoon, Infowars is exactly where they have always been, and MSM are those who lowered themselves by becoming primal source of conspiracies, disinformation, fears and lies on much higher level.

But you already knew that, right? You just had an urge to say something stupid.
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Bush appointee attempting to stop Trump from securing borders
Judge Blocking Trump Border Defense Is Treason


And I really won't care about your snarky ass comments because if anybody knows our laws and constitution it is this guy. He has informed lawyers etc who know what is a criminal act etc..........

Don't like it well too bad.

Why play a video from an ignorant tard.

This is how it works. You can't make a law to make a law. There has to be a rational reason for the law. When the judges asked the Trump Administration if anyone from any of those seven countries ever attacked this country, they had to say no. At first, they said it was because of 9/11, only none of those 9/11 attackers came from any of those seven countries.

So so far, from the Trump administration the only factor that could be found is religious discrimination and Trump doesn't have any property in any of those countries.

So if they can figure out a way to make this ban "rational", then Trump has a good chance of winning.

That's how it works.

The key word is "rational".
Bush appointee attempting to stop Trump from securing borders
Judge Blocking Trump Border Defense Is Treason


And I really won't care about your snarky ass comments because if anybody knows our laws and constitution it is this guy. He has informed lawyers etc who know what is a criminal act etc..........

Don't like it well too bad.

Why play a video from an ignorant tard.

This is how it works. You can't make a law to make a law. There has to be a rational reason for the law. When the judges asked the Trump Administration if anyone from any of those seven countries ever attacked this country, they had to say no. At first, they said it was because of 9/11, only none of those 9/11 attackers came from any of those seven countries.

So so far, from the Trump administration the only factor that could be found is religious discrimination and Trump doesn't have any property in any of those countries.

So if they can figure out a way to make this ban "rational", then Trump has a good chance of winning.

That's how it works.

The key word is "rational".

Nope, that is not how it works.

People overseas with no connection to this country don't have our constitutional rights. We do not export our constitutional rights to citizens of other countries. If they have a right to come to this country as that judge assumes, than 7 billion people can exercise that right and come here. Why don't they? Because constitution doesn't give our constitutional rights to citizens in other countries.

District courts do not have the jurisdiction over immigration, period.

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