Judge blocking Trump border defense is TREASON

Trump needs a briefing by a middle school social studies teacher to learn about the three branches of government and why the founders set that system up.
I don't understand why people are fighting so hard to let MORE people come into this country. We don't have enough jobs. We are going to end up in a housing/job crisis like Sweden. Are people REALLY this stupid?
The Federal benches are infested with all manner of gimps and loons; they are political appointees, like the racist La Raza judges Sotomayor and the judge Trump pointed out correctly was a Mexican, not an American, and a member of the violently racist La Raza movement that calls for ;ethnic cleansing' and race wars, the mentally ill homosexual judge who overturned Prop 8 in California for no reason other than he was a sexual fetishist himself, and onward through the lists, so we can expect all kinds of roadblocks in Trump's way. This isn't unexpected. Treason is in fact the common denominator binding the terrorist front organization that calls itself the 'Democratic Party'.
It's not the President's job to interrupt the Constitution...

The President is the head of just ONE of the branches of government, he isn't a king or dictator. His Executive Orders are NOT the end all be all. No one in the United States is above the law.
The judges actions are merely checks and balances on the powers of government. Trump may be vindicated but the process must play out

For a President to declare a judge a "so called judge " merely because he disagrees once again shows why he is not suited for the job
There is WAY too much bullshit going on in this country/world. Something's gotta give eventually. I feel like something really bad is going to happen.
Something is going to happen that WILL bring millions of extremely well armed American Patriots into the streets. It could be the smallest spark that ignites the full blown second civil war.
90% of all men and women serving in uniform, from local LE to Navy Commanders are REPs.
THAT should be a foreshadowing of the final result.
Read this carefully: After the election an MSNBC TV producer who travelled with the Trump campaign was asked when he first realised Trump was going to win. "When we would go to the Trump rallies and there were twenty thousand supporters cheering for him and on the same day a hundred miles away Hillary's rally had 500 supporters I knew what was going to happen. My colleagues were too blinded believing in a Hillary's guaranteed victory to see what was really happening throughout the country".
The SAME ratio of REPs versus LIBs will be in the nationwide running gun battles.
The result will be the US version of Israel's Six Day War.
But some smart Cal./Hollywood/NYC LIBs can see what's coming. They are 'hoarding' every 'Toys R US' Roy Rogers and Dale Evans 'Chrome-Inspired' plastic 'six-shooter' they can find!
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Didn't there use to be this thing we called " Presidents Give the orders" he is commander and Chief ........When anyone goes against a direct order so to speak .................. it's a treasonous act because many FEDERAL rules and or law can trump state laws. if they weren't power over the states people who smoked/sold pot would not have been threatened by Federal Laws even though the states approved the legalization of pot. ( The pot is only an example).
So, we have another 'Conservative' voting for a dictatorship. When a President gives an illegal order and it is obeyed, rather than struck down, then we have a tragedy like the "Trial of Bitter Tears".
Given the realities of what these "peaceful" immigrants tend to do I'd guess an accessory-to-murder indictment is more likely for that "so-called" judge is more probable than one for treason.
Now little cocksuck, show us where any immigrant from those nations have killed an American on American soil.
9th Curcuit Court of homos denied DOJ appeal. Terrorists are welcome to flood our borders thanks to liberal stupidity.
God, you are a dumb fuck. Were terrorists flooding our borders before the EO? No, they were not. And no citizens of those nations have committed a terrorist act here in the US. However, the nations exempted from that order contributed the people that did 9-11. But the orange clown has economic interests in those nations.
I don't understand why people are fighting so hard to let MORE people come into this country. We don't have enough jobs. We are going to end up in a housing/job crisis like Sweden. Are people REALLY this stupid?
There are six million high paying jobs going begging in this nation right now. In the crafts and technical fields. And who fights the idea of making education that these jobs require free? The 'Conservatives'. Most of the other industrial nations make college education free. We cannot even seem to get it through our heads that we should be making at least the technical education free, so we can fill those jobs with our own people without having to import people to fill them.
I guess Trump is going to have to clean out all of the crooked judges....which he should have done first.....but I think he assumed that leftist judges would follow the law.

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