Judge demands fireman be fired for wearing anti-affirmative-action shirt


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
More insanity. You're a racist if you fight the brazen racism of affirmative action!!!

Fireman faces ax over anti-affirmative-action T-shirts New York Post

jan 27 2015
A T-shirt could cost this firefighter his job.

A judge has recommended the FDNY sack Brooklyn firefighter Thomas Buttaro for wearing anti-affirmative-action T-shirts to work, creating what she called a hostile work environment.

“The FDNY is a para-military organization and may restrict a uniformed member’s appearance so long as the restrictions are rationally related to the department’s legitimate interests,” Administrative Law Judge Alessandra Zorgniotti decided.

She found Buttaro, a 17-year FDNY veteran who earned $111,209 in 2013, disobeyed orders after May 2012 to wear regulation gear and not T-shirts with provocative slogans.

The judge said Buttaro engaged in a “persistent and long-term pattern of harassment” and was guilty of “repeated acts of insubordination.”

Buttaro, of Ladder Co. 123 in Crown Heights, would wear T-shirts on duty bearing the logo and slogans of Merit Matters, a group opposed to altering the FDNY’s admissions test to accommodate minority recruits.

Speaking through his lawyer, Buttaro said he planned to challenge the judge’s findings, which are not binding on the FDNY.
Judge is a white female and they have benefited immensely from affirmative action. Judgeships should not be handed out by race or sex.
California abolished affirmative action in college admissions and in all state hiring years ago, and the law has withstood challenges from morons like this judge and the SCOTUS for at least 15 years. Affirmative action was determined by the people of California to be RACISM, especially against whites and Asians & SEXISM against males. Asians weren't eligible for affirmative action racism preferences. Chinese-Americans put up a lot of money behind the referendum, thus lily white communist loudmouths had to squirm in their seats and keep their race-baiting mouths shut through the whole effort of voting the bill into law. Race-baiters are the lowest form of filth on planet earth. They call themselves "liberals" today. They called themselves Nazis in the 1930's & 40's, and their race-baiting then cost the lives of millions of Jews and other minorities.
California abolished affirmative action in college admissions and in all state hiring years ago, and the law has withstood challenges from morons like this judge and the SCOTUS for at least 15 years. Affirmative action was determined by the people of California to be RACISM, especially against whites and Asians & SEXISM against males. Asians weren't eligible for affirmative action racism preferences. Chinese-Americans put up a lot of money behind the referendum, thus lily white communist loudmouths had to squirm in their seats and keep their race-baiting mouths shut through the whole effort of voting the bill into law. Race-baiters are the lowest form of filth on planet earth. They call themselves "liberals" today. They called themselves Nazis in the 1930's & 40's, and their race-baiting then cost the lives of millions of Jews and other minorities.
California abolished affirmative action in college admissions and in all state hiring years ago, and the law has withstood challenges from morons like this judge and the SCOTUS for at least 15 years. Affirmative action was determined by the people of California to be RACISM, especially against whites and Asians & SEXISM against males. Asians weren't eligible for affirmative action racism preferences. Chinese-Americans put up a lot of money behind the referendum, thus lily white communist loudmouths had to squirm in their seats and keep their race-baiting mouths shut through the whole effort of voting the bill into law. Race-baiters are the lowest form of filth on planet earth. They call themselves "liberals" today. They called themselves Nazis in the 1930's & 40's, and their race-baiting then cost the lives of millions of Jews and other minorities.

Affirmative action is not only immoral and unconstitutional, it is also stupid. Why give special treatment to a race of failures? A race that has proven they are incapable of accomplishing anything. Blacks are the same in both africa and america. Few can read or count or even tell time and thus are unqualified for anything but manual labor.
Judge is a white female and they have benefited immensely from affirmative action. Judgeships should not be handed out by race or sex.

She's probably a lesbian, thus an irrational hater of men. We haven't even broached the issue of our First Amendment. Lesbians belong in mental hospitals, not on the bench.
California abolished affirmative action in college admissions and in all state hiring years ago, and the law has withstood challenges from morons like this judge and the SCOTUS for at least 15 years. Affirmative action was determined by the people of California to be RACISM, especially against whites and Asians & SEXISM against males. Asians weren't eligible for affirmative action racism preferences. Chinese-Americans put up a lot of money behind the referendum, thus lily white communist loudmouths had to squirm in their seats and keep their race-baiting mouths shut through the whole effort of voting the bill into law. Race-baiters are the lowest form of filth on planet earth. They call themselves "liberals" today. They called themselves Nazis in the 1930's & 40's, and their race-baiting then cost the lives of millions of Jews and other minorities.

Thugs on parade all you got, idiot.
If America didn't reward failure how would Obama ever have become anything more than a perennial foreign student?
As a former cop who sees standards being lowered in law enforcement for the same liberal cause....I 100% agree with this firemans stance.

But..disobeying an order to wear only the issued uniform on duty is a no no. Protest it all you want off duty. But on duty.....opinion and politics stay home. On duty you do the duty.
As a former cop who sees standards being lowered in law enforcement for the same liberal cause....I 100% agree with this firemans stance.

But..disobeying an order to wear only the issued uniform on duty is a no no. Protest it all you want off duty. But on duty.....opinion and politics stay home. On duty you do the duty.

Protest.? Politics? The t-shirt simply says "merit matters". That's like saying "truth is good". Can you think at all?
More insanity. You're a racist if you fight the brazen racism of affirmative action!!!

Fireman faces ax over anti-affirmative-action T-shirts New York Post

jan 27 2015
A T-shirt could cost this firefighter his job.

A judge has recommended the FDNY sack Brooklyn firefighter Thomas Buttaro for wearing anti-affirmative-action T-shirts to work, creating what she called a hostile work environment.

“The FDNY is a para-military organization and may restrict a uniformed member’s appearance so long as the restrictions are rationally related to the department’s legitimate interests,” Administrative Law Judge Alessandra Zorgniotti decided.

She found Buttaro, a 17-year FDNY veteran who earned $111,209 in 2013, disobeyed orders after May 2012 to wear regulation gear and not T-shirts with provocative slogans.

The judge said Buttaro engaged in a “persistent and long-term pattern of harassment” and was guilty of “repeated acts of insubordination.”

Buttaro, of Ladder Co. 123 in Crown Heights, would wear T-shirts on duty bearing the logo and slogans of Merit Matters, a group opposed to altering the FDNY’s admissions test to accommodate minority recruits.

Speaking through his lawyer, Buttaro said he planned to challenge the judge’s findings, which are not binding on the FDNY.

To hell with free speach.
Damn libs really love discrimination.

Yes they do and that's something the repubs should say but never do. They should point out that THEY oppose racial preferences and liberals support them. But the idiots never say it and find themselves always on the defensive on the issue of race. GOP truly is the stupid party.
As a former cop who sees standards being lowered in law enforcement for the same liberal cause....I 100% agree with this firemans stance.

But..disobeying an order to wear only the issued uniform on duty is a no no. Protest it all you want off duty. But on duty.....opinion and politics stay home. On duty you do the duty.

Protest.? Politics? The t-shirt simply says "merit matters". That's like saying "truth is good". Can you think at all?

But it wasnt an approved uniform. I agree with the mans point. But he was ordered not to wear it because it wasnt issued clothing or official logo. In fire or police work...you cant win that battle. Must follow legal orders.

Now...if he set up an event on his own time and on private property. ..id be first in line.

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