Judge denies Meadows request to move Georgia case to federal court

I really don’t understand the RW on this. The argument that Trump and Meadows and the rest acted as Government Officials and had immunity because of that.

The DOJ did not request a recount. The Trump Campaign did.

The DOJ did not request an audit. The Trump Campaign did.

So claiming that it was in the Nations legitimate interest to overturn the election in Georgia is laughable. Especially when the Attorney General flatly told Trump there was no fraud.

The Campaigns select Electors. Not the Government. They are approved by the legislature later. But the electors are selected for the honor of delivering the States Electoral Votes to the Congress by the campaigns.

So it was appropriate to have a list of electors prepared for the honor if Trump won the State. Even if there is virtually no chance he would win the state. It cost nothing to make a list.

However. Creating forged authorizations for those electors and forged electoral certifications is absolutely not appropriate. You can’t argue that is a part of any official duty of the Administration.

Forgery is a crime. It has been a crime for centuries. It’s been a crime longer than we have been a nation.

Those forged documents meant that the electors were impersonating public officials. We all know this is illegal. It’s been illegal for a long time. Again you can’t really argue that this was part of the official duties of any administration.

If you take every facet of the charges you end up with the truth that none of it was really official duties.
Wait a minute, can't a campaign challenge an election without DOJ approval, and can't it ask for a recount if hanky panky was afoot without DOJ approval ? The campaign challenger can even call for a special look see in order to get the election investigated if any hanky panky may have been involved right ??

The problem may have come when the possible rigged election had fooled the so called officials that are supposed to exhaust all avenue's in order to make sure that the election was not tampered with, otherwise do we see that the rig may have convinced them in charge of election integrity, that it was a done deal before all the avenue's were cleared up and exhausted in the eyes of fairness ???

Was the campaign challenger forced to take action of various sorts or methods in order to expose all the corruption including those who may have guarded the doorways by blocking them because the alleged rig had them convinced also that Trump lost no matter what was being asked for or said ??

Now someone please explain to me what they are talking about with these alleged fake electors or forged documents ? Mudwhistle can you give me your assessment of it or anyone not heavily biased left that knows about that type of thing or what is being talked about in that type of thing ??

They just need to muddy up until election day.
If it was all a conspiracy to steal the election from Trump, and it's since turned into a crime syndicate, then it's an on going thing until Trump is completely out of the picture because they hate him that much.
Wait a minute, can't a campaign challenge an election without DOJ approval, and can't it ask for a recount if hanky panky was afoot without DOJ approval ?
They absolutely can, no one is denying this.

The actual issue in play here is that Meadows is asking for the case to be moved to federal court based on a law that says federal officials acting in their official capacity can only be tried in federal court.

It’s pretty open and shut, there’s no real argument. Meadows was clearly acting on behalf of the Trump campaign which means the case should remain in state court.
Good news. This is an important case. Americans have a right to see it.
And the people of Georgia have the right to seek justice in their state against those who sought to violate their right to vote and overturn the will of the people.
Nope, wrong again....Trump didn't change any vote totals. He simply made a request to find lost votes that may have been part of the alleged nefarious activities that were taking place in the election, otherwise where his votes were possibly stolen from him.

So if it was found that votes weren't tabulated correctly, and it then changed the win over to Trump once recalculated, then that is a legal and just thing. Anymore bull shite theories you want to run with, because that's all you got is theories with no hard evidence to back your theories up.
Of course Trump didn’t change any vote totals. He was telling Raffensperger to change the vote totals for him.

You keep pretending that Trump was asking for something to be checked out. He wasn’t. He was telling Raffensperger directly that the vote was wrong and it needed to be changed by a certain amount.

That’s a huge difference and it’s where he goes from challenging an election to rigging it.
You lie..... Trump never threatened anyone, but here you are lying on the man, but why ? Why do y'all do this ??

It's the agenda that requires it right ?? Yep.

It's so obvious what y'all do, but with no shame y'all do it anyway.

It's all part of a long term plan to secure power at the fed level for future attacks on the electorate by a controlled government now gone rogue, and to become or remain a government hoped to be controlled by leftist/Marxist dictators. No one is or should be fooled about this stuff anymore.

The Trump investigation into Ukraine, and the phone call was perfect. The same with the investigation into vote tampering that was being conducted by Trump, and his requirement to retain every legal vote that he got in the state if they were somehow being hidden due to an alleged election fraud that may have taken place within the state. The request for finding the missing votes were not only legal but perfectly normal if foul play was thought to be a foot, but also and most importantly it was that it was his right to challenge the election in these ways, otherwise it was perfectly legal. You'll find out, and Trump is going to be president again after all the shananigans the Democrats are engaged in finally burn out.
It’s not a lie – it’s a fact.

Acting in one’s official capacity does not involve sending rightwing domestic terrorists to overthrow a fair, honest, accurate, lawful election or attempting to force state officials into violating elections laws and committing voting fraud.
^^^ Joy Reid groupie.
Stupidity, willful ignorance, contempt for facts and the truth.

It’s the only logical explanation for why conservatives continue to support and defend Trump; Trump who committed historic crimes, attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.
I really don’t understand the RW on this. The argument that Trump and Meadows and the rest acted as Government Officials and had immunity because of that.

The DOJ did not request a recount. The Trump Campaign did.

The DOJ did not request an audit. The Trump Campaign did.

So claiming that it was in the Nations legitimate interest to overturn the election in Georgia is laughable. Especially when the Attorney General flatly told Trump there was no fraud.

The Campaigns select Electors. Not the Government. They are approved by the legislature later. But the electors are selected for the honor of delivering the States Electoral Votes to the Congress by the campaigns.

So it was appropriate to have a list of electors prepared for the honor if Trump won the State. Even if there is virtually no chance he would win the state. It cost nothing to make a list.

However. Creating forged authorizations for those electors and forged electoral certifications is absolutely not appropriate. You can’t argue that is a part of any official duty of the Administration.

Forgery is a crime. It has been a crime for centuries. It’s been a crime longer than we have been a nation.

Those forged documents meant that the electors were impersonating public officials. We all know this is illegal. It’s been illegal for a long time. Again you can’t really argue that this was part of the official duties of any administration.

If you take every facet of the charges you end up with the truth that none of it was really official duties.
Yet you have no proof of these crimes. Only the word of 3 corrupt Democrats.
Fani Willis received 222 illegal unlisted donations to her political campaign to get her that job, (so she could press these charges against Trump).


We can prove that Democrats cheated in the last two elections, but you parrots repeat the lie that it never happened. In the entire election history of the United States........the last two elections are the only ones that were perfect.

Zero Election fraud what.....so....evah......!!!

2016 was a stolen election but 2020 was absolutely perfect.

All these indictments are is claims that Trump had no right to pursue legal challenges to a corrupt election.
Jan 6th claims that nobody has the right protest. :hmpf:

When did America become Communist China?:slap:
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Of course Trump didn’t change any vote totals. He was telling Raffensperger to change the vote totals for him.

You keep pretending that Trump was asking for something to be checked out. He wasn’t. He was telling Raffensperger directly that the vote was wrong and it needed to be changed by a certain amount.

That’s a huge difference and it’s where he goes from challenging an election to rigging it.
Here's an NPR story with a very short clip of the audio from the phone call:

Click on this one:


Trump does mention the 11,780 votes that would change the results of the Georgia electoral votes. But he doesn't tell Raffensperger to "change the vote totals for him." He asks him to keep looking and not give up on the investigation.

We'll hear the full tape if the trial is televised, not just the media's truncated version.

That is perfectly reasonable for a president who honestly believes that the will of the people has been thwarted by Democrat Party cheating. Al Gore also desperately implored people to find votes for him in Florida in 2020. So much so that even the very liberal and very Bush Deranged media noted that he seemed to be going through the nation's couch cushions looking for votes to put him over.

The USSC ruled that Gore could not continue to do that (I disagreed with that decision), but no criminal charges were ever filed. Being a sore loser is unseemly and immature, but it is not yet a crime.
But he doesn't tell Raffensperger to "change the vote totals for him." He asks him to keep looking and not give up on the investigation.
Raffensperger politely told Trump that every problem he was bringing up was investigated and not true. Trump tells him to keep looking until he gets the “right” answer. It’s not an investigation when you’re telling them what outcome they’re supposed to reach.
Al Gore also desperately implored people to find votes for him in Florida in 2020. So much so that even the very liberal and very Bush Deranged media noted that he seemed to be going through the nation's couch cushions looking for votes to put him over.
In Florida, there were tens of thousands of votes that were not counted. This was not a question that was debated, everyone agreed on this fact. Al Gore was asking for those votes to be counted. Nothing more. And, he did it through the courts.

Trump wasn’t going through the courts when he called Raffensperger. He was just telling him what to do.
Stupidity, willful ignorance, contempt for facts and the truth.

It’s the only logical explanation for why conservatives continue to support and defend Trump; Trump who committed historic crimes, attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.

You may have missed it, but conservatives tend to support those in opposition to self-loathing Dem / Marxist ideologues. As for your melodramatic historic crimes™, nonsense, we can certainly point to the Biden Crime Family as the most corrupt crime syndicate ever to have soiled the presidency.

Considering corruption that is a hallmark of the pretend Biden presidency, the cancerous corruption that defines the Biden DOJ and his lackeys in the FBI, DHS, NEA and the military, no Dem / Socialist politburo has done more damage to this country than the current crop of Leninist wannabes.
Raffensperger politely told Trump that every problem he was bringing up was investigated and not true. Trump tells him to keep looking until he gets the “right” answer. It’s not an investigation when you’re telling them what outcome they’re supposed to reach.
So none of the DOJ's desperate smear attempts on Trump were investigations?

Yes, Trump wanted a specific outcome. But Raffensperger doesn't work for Trump and had no obligation to do what Trump asked him to do. You may not like what Trump said, but that doesn't make it a crime.
In Florida, there were tens of thousands of votes that were not counted. This was not a question that was debated, everyone agreed on this fact. Al Gore was asking for those votes to be counted. Nothing more. And, he did it through the courts.
Ballots that were not readable were not counted, because they weren't readable. The Democrat Secretary of State in Florida used a bizarre ballot that led to uncountable ballots being put in the ballot box. Gore wanted the uncountable ballots to be counted in his favor with an unlimited number of recounts until he won Florida.

Sore loser move, but not a crime, and it was Gore not Trump, so he wasn't prosecuted.
Trump wasn’t going through the courts when he called Raffensperger. He was just telling him what to do.
The constitution does not say that courts determine the manner of chusing electors, it says that the state legislatures do. The Georgia legislature created the position of Secretary of State in Georgia to oversee elections and Raffensperger was in that position. It's fine to like what Trump asked of Raffensperger, but Raffensperger was the person to ask.
If it was all a conspiracy to steal the election from Trump, and it's since turned into a crime syndicate, then it's an on going thing until Trump is completely out of the picture because they hate him that much.
True. But this wouldn't stop with Trump. These tactics would be brought against any opposition. That's why it cannot be allowed to succeed, even against Trump.
And the people of Georgia have the right to seek justice in their state against those who sought to violate their right to vote and overturn the will of the people.
People seem to forget that trump and his criminal associates conspired to nullify millions of voters. The large, obese, piece of human flash needs to be in jail.

Every volatile and threatening post he makes is jury tampering. But the judge are letting the dirt bag get away with it.
People seem to forget that trump and his criminal associates conspired to nullify millions of voters. The large, obese, piece of human flash needs to be in jail.

Every volatile and threatening post he makes is jury tampering. But the judge are letting the dirt bag get away with it.
That’s quite a conspiracy theory.
Yes, Trump wanted a specific outcome. But Raffensperger doesn't work for Trump and had no obligation to do what Trump asked him to do. You may not like what Trump said, but that doesn't make it a crime.
Good. So let’s dispense with the idea that Trump was just asking for a recount. He wasn’t. He was asking to be made president.

Call me crazy, but I think asking people to do something illegal might just be illegal.
Ballots that were not readable were not counted, because they weren't readable. The Democrat Secretary of State in Florida used a bizarre ballot that led to uncountable ballots being put in the ballot box. Gore wanted the uncountable ballots to be counted in his favor with an unlimited number of recounts until he won Florida.
The ballots may not have been readable by a machine but that doesn’t mean they weren’t readable by person.

Gore was asking for one recount. A hand recount. He wasn’t asking to for an outcome, he was asking for all votes that could be to be counted.

I don’t see how anyone could find that to be a personality flaw.
The constitution does not say that courts determine the manner of chusing electors, it says that the state legislatures do. The Georgia legislature created the position of Secretary of State in Georgia to oversee elections and Raffensperger was in that position. It's fine to like what Trump asked of Raffensperger, but Raffensperger was the person to ask.
The constitution says we get equal protection under the law, which means that Raffensperger isn’t allowed to throw out votes because Trump told him to. If Trump wants votes thrown out, he has to prove that they shouldn’t be counted.

So no, Raffensperger was not the right person to ask because he can’t constitutionally do what Trump was asking. Trump was asking Raffensperger to violate his oath of office.
Wait a minute, can't a campaign challenge an election without DOJ approval, and can't it ask for a recount if hanky panky was afoot without DOJ approval ? The campaign challenger can even call for a special look see in order to get the election investigated if any hanky panky may have been involved right ??

The problem may have come when the possible rigged election had fooled the so called officials that are supposed to exhaust all avenue's in order to make sure that the election was not tampered with, otherwise do we see that the rig may have convinced them in charge of election integrity, that it was a done deal before all the avenue's were cleared up and exhausted in the eyes of fairness ???

Was the campaign challenger forced to take action of various sorts or methods in order to expose all the corruption including those who may have guarded the doorways by blocking them because the alleged rig had them convinced also that Trump lost no matter what was being asked for or said ??

Now someone please explain to me what they are talking about with these alleged fake electors or forged documents ? Mudwhistle can you give me your assessment of it or anyone not heavily biased left that knows about that type of thing or what is being talked about in that type of thing ??


If it was official Government Business the department that would pursue it would be the Department of Justice. Let’s put it this way.

Political Parties. You can read that to mean Campaigns nominate who their Electors will be. After the election, the Legislature approves these electors in a ceremonial vote after the election awarding the electors from the campaign that won the popular vote in the state the right to represent the State in the issue.

The Electors can’t be paid for it so this action is ceremonial as well as legal. They get a certificate they hang on the wall and that is about it besides pride.

The certification and right to cast the vote representing the State in the Electoral College is decided by the State Legislature.

Trump wanted Fake Electors using forged certifications to create chaos in January Six. When two slates of electors would claim the right to cast the vote for the state.

In what I believe is every state where this took place the electors have been charged with fraud and impersonation of public officials.

In Georgia the head of the Republican Party has stated that this was done by instruction of the Campaign Lawyers. The Campaign lawyers. Not the White House Council. Not the Department of Justice. The people empowered to speak for the Government.

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