Judge Dismisses former CIA Operative Valerie Plame's Lawsuit Against

Here you have a woman who serves in our country's intelligence community in a covert capacity being outed


She was about as covert as one of the toilet-scrubbing custodians who worked at Langley.
I say Senator Webb needs to resign his senate seat hes a FUCKING traitor.. And Sheehan is just a dumb FUCKING broad that needs to be in an insane assylum TAKING IT WITH A BROOM STICK. Valerie Plume was just a whore WHOS CURTAINS AND DRAPES DONT MATCHthat got pimped out to foriegn diplomats. Shes just mad CUZ JOE HAS A SMALL DICK AND she didnt get any money out of the deal.

He probably does strange things to his son anyways, Senator Webb is a fucking wack job.
I wouldn't be talking since Senator McCain takes George Bush's cock in the ass while Laura Bush watches them going at it. :wtf: It's my understanding that George Bush had an affair with Jeff Gannon and that they were lovers and that Laura Bush is a prostitute who will have sex with Republican members of Congress for votes and if they are into gay sex like the pervert Foley they can have sex with George himself since he needs to do what needs to be done to get votes. Of course, George was upset when he learned that Mark was a pedophile since he didn't want no pedophile fucking him for votes. :rofl: If this post isn't moved to the taunting forum then GunnyL is an asshole and needs to do a better job of moderating the board.

can you post a link and some pics dude cuz you are making me hard....
Not friends with anyone who supports the war? Like that would be a loss to anyone, your an immiture little boy who suffers from the littleman syndrome that has to talk tough behind a comeputer screen as he would get his ass handed to him if he tried that to anyone in person.

No I think frodo needs to give this hobbit his ring. He just likes to point out his own shortcomings by being a liberal jackass.
OK first of all I am a veteran myself. Second of all when you join the military you volunteer. I volunteered knowing and accepting that if I want to defend my country I would willingly give my life in defense of it and even though i am out of the military now I'd still go back if they needed. And If you are against the war then you are a PRO TERRORIST and should be placed on the terrorist watch list

The only problem is that our soldiers aren't being asked to defend their country in Iraq instead they are being asked to fight for someone else's opinion. Iraq did not invade us, the terrorists were not operating out of Iraq and there were no WMD and Saddam Hussein posed no imminent threat instead George Bush decided we needed to invade and he has sacrificed the lives of countless of our soldiers who are opposed to this war and who signed up to defend this country to find themselves fighting for the opinions of pieces of shit like you. :razz:
I wouldn't be talking since Senator McCain takes George Bush's cock in the ass while Laura Bush watches them going at it. :wtf: It's my understanding that George Bush had an affair with Jeff Gannon and that they were lovers and that Laura Bush is a prostitute who will have sex with Republican members of Congress for votes and if they are into gay sex like the pervert Foley they can have sex with George himself since he needs to do what needs to be done to get votes. Of course, George was upset when he learned that Mark was a pedophile since he didn't want no pedophile fucking him for votes. :rofl: If this post isn't moved to the taunting forum then GunnyL is an asshole and needs to do a better job of moderating the board.

You have some sick fastasies. You must really love the tought of a guy stabbing another guy in the ass, you probably have your little princess panties down around your ankles at the computer screen at the thought of two guys going at it since thats all you talk about you sick bastard.
The only problem is that our soldiers aren't being asked to defend their country in Iraq instead they are being asked to fight for someone else's opinion. Iraq did not invade us, the terrorists were not operating out of Iraq and there were no WMD and Saddam Hussein posed no imminent threat instead George Bush decided we needed to invade and he has sacrificed the lives of countless of our soldiers who are opposed to this war and who signed up to defend this country to find themselves fighting for the opinions of pieces of shit like you. :razz:

they are fighting for gaot strokers like you as well....wel i assume you are american...hey wait...are you even human?
go look up the leagal definition of covert and compare it to her covert status


tell me

why has NO one that leaked her covert status been charged....

I am not saying that she is definitely "covert." I guess a judge would have to make that decision. However, I think it very clear that there is a significant question as to whether she was covert, enough so that the Director of the CIA believed she was.

Why has no one been charged? I don't know. Here is one possibility: The criminal statute surely carries an intent requirement, and perhaps the leaker didn't believe that she was covert when he leaked her identity as a CIA agent. If he didn't know she was covert, then there is no specific intent, and no crime.

I don't know that this is the case, but it is one of the possible reasons no one was charged. Another possibility is that it is arguable that she wasn't covert, and the prosecutor decided not to pursue a criminal prosecution where the possibility existed that a court would find there was no crime.

In either of these situations, Plame could have been covert (as a legal classification, but open to dispute), although no crime was charged.

Anyway, I don't know why no one was charged, but I think that one perhaps should not read too much into this - or at least everything into this.
The only problem is that our soldiers aren't being asked to defend their country in Iraq instead they are being asked to fight for someone else's opinion. Iraq did not invade us, the terrorists were not operating out of Iraq and there were no WMD and Saddam Hussein posed no imminent threat instead George Bush decided we needed to invade and he has sacrificed the lives of countless of our soldiers who are opposed to this war and who signed up to defend this country to find themselves fighting for the opinions of pieces of shit like you. :razz:

Hmm actually AQ used to sneak across the border from Iran and attack us. So dont let anyone ever say that we didnt kill any of those Tango bastards.
You need to really go back to school maybe college? or did you even graduate high school?? looking at your grammer and stupidity you surely need some college
You have some sick fastasies. You must really love the tought of a guy stabbing another guy in the ass, you probably have your little princess panties down around your ankles at the computer screen at the thought of two guys going at it since thats all you talk about you sick bastard.

dudes types with one hand and keeps the screen clean with his sisters panties
You have some sick fastasies. You must really love the tought of a guy stabbing another guy in the ass, you probably have your little princess panties down around your ankles at the computer screen at the thought of two guys going at it since thats all you talk about you sick bastard.

:razz: :razz: :razz: :clap2:
First of all, I don't support McCain so get that through your pea brain. Cindy Sheehan is a nutbag and should be locked up. Oh and your hero Senator who's son is fighting in Iraq, he voted for the war to begin with and as of latley he should be branded as a traitor.

You are a total and complete fucking idiot. Let me break it down for your retarded ass. Senator Webb did not vote for the war to begin with because he wasn't in the Senate at that time. It's also quite that George Bush and those who support him are the traitors and have betrayed every American who do not agree with them by sending us and our loved ones to die for their opinions in Iraq by taking us into a war of choice based on their ideology. It is sickening but it is to be expected from conservatives whether they are conservatives like Osama bin Laden or George W. Bush
I am not saying that she is definitely "covert." I guess a judge would have to make that decision. However, I think it very clear that there is a significant question as to whether she was covert, enough so that the Director of the CIA believed she was.

Why has no one been charged? I don't know. Here is one possibility: The criminal statute surely carries an intent requirement, and perhaps the leaker didn't believe that she was covert when he leaked her identity as a CIA agent. If he didn't know she was covert, then there is no specific intent, and no crime.

I don't know that this is the case, but it is one of the possible reasons no one was charged. Another possibility is that it is arguable that she wasn't covert, and the prosecutor decided not to pursue a criminal prosecution where the possibility existed that a court would find there was no crime.

In either of these situations, Plame could have been covert (as a legal classification, but open to dispute), although no crime was charged.

Anyway, I don't know why no one was charged, but I think that one perhaps should not read too much into this - or at least everything into this.

that is what all my lawyer buddies tell me....no intent and the exact definition of her covert status is in question with respect to the law...
I am not saying that she is definitely "covert." I guess a judge would have to make that decision. However, I think it very clear that there is a significant question as to whether she was covert, enough so that the Director of the CIA believed she was.

Why has no one been charged? I don't know. Here is one possibility: The criminal statute surely carries an intent requirement, and perhaps the leaker didn't believe that she was covert when he leaked her identity as a CIA agent. If he didn't know she was covert, then there is no specific intent, and no crime.

I don't know that this is the case, but it is one of the possible reasons no one was charged. Another possibility is that it is arguable that she wasn't covert, and the prosecutor decided not to pursue a criminal prosecution where the possibility existed that a court would find there was no crime.

In either of these situations, Plame could have been covert (as a legal classification, but open to dispute), although no crime was charged.

Anyway, I don't know why no one was charged, but I think that one perhaps should not read too much into this - or at least everything into this.

If your covert you don't go in and out of Langley several times a day, just a thought.
That's it. I am signing off this thread for now because you idiots are derailing the thread and I don't want to be a part of your idiocy. :eusa_shhh: I am done having fun for now but you people need to get a life. :eusa_boohoo:
You are a total and complete fucking idiot. Let me break it down for your retarded ass. Senator Webb did not vote for the war to begin with because he wasn't in the Senate at that time. It's also quite that George Bush and those who support him are the traitors and have betrayed every American who do not agree with them by sending us and our loved ones to die for their opinions in Iraq by taking us into a war of choice based on their ideology. It is sickening but it is to be expected from conservatives whether they are conservatives like Osama bin Laden or George W. Bush

Learn proper english. And learn how to spell. Jackass Dumbocrat
that is what all my lawyer buddies tell me....no intent and the exact definition of her covert status is in question with respect to the law...

Sounds right to me.

Hey. Look we just had a discussion,we talked out an issue, and we only insulted each other once.

I am going to call it a night.

Way to go dickhead. ;)
At the time of the publication of Robert Novak's column on July 14,2003, Ms. Wilson's CIA employment status was covert.
This was classified information.

And do any of you liberals out there bother to ask yourselves do covert people and their spouses have a responsibility to keep their identity a secret? Of course they do, but that didn't stop Joe Wilson from making false accusations against a sitting President did it? Of course it didn't. Joe Wilson never cared about protecting his wife's identity, he cared about smearing Bush before the election, especially after he joined the John Kerry campaign. Not only did Joe Wilson lie about Bush disregarding his "report", but it turns out Joe Wilson wasn't even on the payoll of the U.S. government during this time period, much less sent to investigate uranium sales in Niger by the Bush administration. And to this day, no one has even seen a copy of this report, because it never existed. In fact the only evidence that came out of the Congressional invesigation into this whole matter, is the email Valarie Plame herself sent to her boss asking if her husband could look into the matter by contacting his friends in the ministry over there.

But hey, he has a book deal and a TV movie coming soon, mission accomplished! :rolleyes:
Hmm actually AQ used to sneak across the border from Iran and attack us. So dont let anyone ever say that we didnt kill any of those Tango bastards.
You need to really go back to school maybe college? or did you even graduate high school?? looking at your grammer and stupidity you surely need some college


what are you talking about with alqaeda sneaking across the border to attack us?

you're not making any sense? When? Were our forces on the ground in iraq before the preemptive war that we started, and alqaeda was crossing over from iran and killing them???

i guess i am confused by your response?

If your covert you don't go in and out of Langley several times a day, just a thought.

That may be a bit simplistic. I think there are deeper questions about covert status than the number of times you enter and exit Langley.

Please review the rest of the discussion on this thread that doesn't involve pointless insults.

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