Judge dragged from court room after sentence was impossed

There we go. You see this as "black behavior" when as I noted before, it is not all that uncommon for someone to have to be dragged out of a courtroom.
How many white judges have acted that way?

How many black judges have acted this way?
Mention race triggers you?

I am not triggered, I just correctly pointed out the fact you are a racist. You cannot deny the obvious.
He may or may not be a racist.

But discussing a Black Judge being Corrupt is not racist. There are honest black judges and dishonest black judges, same as white judges.

It is most likely that dishonest judges are Democrats, and it's because of their code of ethics (Situational Ethics) where they really have no code at all. Democrats believe in one thing, advancing their agendas. There aren't many honorable JFK type politicians or judges left in this country. They are ridiculed and ostracized by their own party and usually leave the party and join The GOP or become Independents.

Most of The Democrats left in The Democrat Party are Morally Corrupt and eventually their win at all cost mentality leads to political corruption.

Why is the color of the judge’s skin relevant?
Her race has no bearing on the discussion. That is why it is racist to point out something irrelevant to the circumstances.
It was relevant because that why gator went with it's a non story right out the gate. Appears he doesn't want blacks shown for their actions.
that's one fucked up leap of stupid to say it was a non-story cause of race, now isn't it? HE NEVER SAID THAT.

you ASSumed it and now look at you. JUST LOOK!!! all ASS and shit.
Don't get triggered by the mention of race. It's not racist to mention it

It is racist to blame race for the actions of a single person.

You should learn from the Owl, he is proud of his racism, he embraces it. Quit trying to hide yours
There we go. You see this as "black behavior" when as I noted before, it is not all that uncommon for someone to have to be dragged out of a courtroom.
How many white judges have acted that way?

How many black judges have acted this way?
Mention race triggers you?

I am not triggered, I just correctly pointed out the fact you are a racist. You cannot deny the obvious.
He may or may not be a racist.

But discussing a Black Judge being Corrupt is not racist. There are honest black judges and dishonest black judges, same as white judges.

It is most likely that dishonest judges are Democrats, and it's because of their code of ethics (Situational Ethics) where they really have no code at all. Democrats believe in one thing, advancing their agendas. There aren't many honorable JFK type politicians or judges left in this country. They are ridiculed and ostracized by their own party and usually leave the party and join The GOP or become Independents.

Most of The Democrats left in The Democrat Party are Morally Corrupt and eventually their win at all cost mentality leads to political corruption.
/---/ Case in point: White democRATs attacked Justice Clarence Thomas calling him an Uncle Tom.
How many white judges have acted that way?

How many black judges have acted this way?
Mention race triggers you?

I am not triggered, I just correctly pointed out the fact you are a racist. You cannot deny the obvious.
He may or may not be a racist.

But discussing a Black Judge being Corrupt is not racist. There are honest black judges and dishonest black judges, same as white judges.

It is most likely that dishonest judges are Democrats, and it's because of their code of ethics (Situational Ethics) where they really have no code at all. Democrats believe in one thing, advancing their agendas. There aren't many honorable JFK type politicians or judges left in this country. They are ridiculed and ostracized by their own party and usually leave the party and join The GOP or become Independents.

Most of The Democrats left in The Democrat Party are Morally Corrupt and eventually their win at all cost mentality leads to political corruption.

Why is the color of the judge’s skin relevant?
It's not, as I said. Her political party is more relevant. The Democrat Party is morally corrupt, and it is more likely that she is corrupt because she is a Democrat, not because she is black.

Discussing the corruption of a Black Judge is not racist. She just happens to be a judge who is Black. She's corrupt, not because of her race, but because of her moral code and membership in a party that has no moral code.
How many white judges have acted that way?

How many black judges have acted this way?
Mention race triggers you?

I am not triggered, I just correctly pointed out the fact you are a racist. You cannot deny the obvious.
He may or may not be a racist.

But discussing a Black Judge being Corrupt is not racist. There are honest black judges and dishonest black judges, same as white judges.

It is most likely that dishonest judges are Democrats, and it's because of their code of ethics (Situational Ethics) where they really have no code at all. Democrats believe in one thing, advancing their agendas. There aren't many honorable JFK type politicians or judges left in this country. They are ridiculed and ostracized by their own party and usually leave the party and join The GOP or become Independents.

Most of The Democrats left in The Democrat Party are Morally Corrupt and eventually their win at all cost mentality leads to political corruption.

It does if race has nothing to do with it, which it doesn't! If you bring up the fact that the judge was black, it has no bearing on her actions, and therefore, it is racist!
That's crazy talk. Especially when 90% of my reply dealt with the real issue of her corruption.....her own personal moral code and her membership in a political party that has no moral code.

How is the following a racist statement? I was replying to the sentiment that merely discussing the corruption of a judge who happens to be black is not racist.

"He may or may not be a racist.

But discussing a Black Judge being Corrupt is not racist. There are honest black judges and dishonest black judges, same as white judges."

The entire rest of my statement was about Moral Corruption of the Individual and The Moral Corruption of The Democrat Party.

And who THE FUCK are you to make Moral Judgments on anyone? You don't know your own ass from a hole in the ground, let alone know what is morally and ethically correct or incorrect.
She had not been a judge for 5 years.
That's great news and your point?

This is a non-story and the title of you OP is fake news.
OMG the great and powerful gator says this is a non-story time to shut the thread down but it's a story of how unhinged and corrupt black judges and politicians are.
Its so unfair to have to drag a black judge out of the courtroom for conviction of her corruption
And the crowd was ready to fight for her.

She should have walked out, in compliance with the sentence and not acted inappropriately. It was a done deal. She should have also told her supporters to stand down. She had a position of complete authority, and violated it. Now, she’s gonna play the blame game.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How many black judges have acted this way?
Mention race triggers you?

I am not triggered, I just correctly pointed out the fact you are a racist. You cannot deny the obvious.
He may or may not be a racist.

But discussing a Black Judge being Corrupt is not racist. There are honest black judges and dishonest black judges, same as white judges.

It is most likely that dishonest judges are Democrats, and it's because of their code of ethics (Situational Ethics) where they really have no code at all. Democrats believe in one thing, advancing their agendas. There aren't many honorable JFK type politicians or judges left in this country. They are ridiculed and ostracized by their own party and usually leave the party and join The GOP or become Independents.

Most of The Democrats left in The Democrat Party are Morally Corrupt and eventually their win at all cost mentality leads to political corruption.

Why is the color of the judge’s skin relevant?
It's not, as I said. Her political party is more relevant. The Democrat Party is morally corrupt, and it is more likely that she is corrupt because she is a Democrat, not because she is black.

Discussing the corruption of a Black Judge is not racist. She just happens to be a judge who is Black. She's corrupt, not because of her race, but because of her moral code and membership in a party that has no moral code.

Once again what is gained by discussing the corruption of a black judge instead of discussing the corruption of a judge?

What is gained by adding that adjective?
There we go. You see this as "black behavior" when as I noted before, it is not all that uncommon for someone to have to be dragged out of a courtroom.
How many white judges have acted that way?

How many black judges have acted this way?
Mention race triggers you?

I am not triggered, I just correctly pointed out the fact you are a racist. You cannot deny the obvious.
He may or may not be a racist.

But discussing a Black Judge being Corrupt is not racist. There are honest black judges and dishonest black judges, same as white judges.

It is most likely that dishonest judges are Democrats, and it's because of their code of ethics (Situational Ethics) where they really have no code at all. Democrats believe in one thing, advancing their agendas. There aren't many honorable JFK type politicians or judges left in this country. They are ridiculed and ostracized by their own party and usually leave the party and join The GOP or become Independents.

Most of The Democrats left in The Democrat Party are Morally Corrupt and eventually their win at all cost mentality leads to political corruption.

As a generalization, anyone that supports Trump has no business calling anyone else's morals into question.
She had not been a judge for 5 years.
That's great news and your point?

This is a non-story and the title of you OP is fake news.
OMG the great and powerful gator says this is a non-story time to shut the thread down but it's a story of how unhinged and corrupt black judges and politicians are.
Its so unfair to have to drag a black judge out of the courtroom for conviction of her corruption
And the crowd was ready to fight for her.

She should have walked out, in compliance with the sentence and not acted inappropriately. It was a done deal. She should have also told her supporters to stand down. She had a position of complete authority, and violated it. Now, she’s gonna play the blame game.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That kind of stuff is what brings condemnation upon people. If you want equality, then go to jail like everyone else. A White judge acting like that would get criticized for his or her behavior but not because he was White, but because he was an asshole.

Claiming everything is racist waters down and makes irrelevant any actual racism that still may be left in this country. Racism is nearly non existent in The US and it is way overblown to Super-Hyperbolic proportions simply because it is being used as a political tool. It's Social Justice that is becoming irrelevant, and claims of racism and other isms and becoming punch lines to a joke because of their abuse and hyperbole.
How many black judges have acted this way?
Mention race triggers you?

I am not triggered, I just correctly pointed out the fact you are a racist. You cannot deny the obvious.
He may or may not be a racist.

But discussing a Black Judge being Corrupt is not racist. There are honest black judges and dishonest black judges, same as white judges.

It is most likely that dishonest judges are Democrats, and it's because of their code of ethics (Situational Ethics) where they really have no code at all. Democrats believe in one thing, advancing their agendas. There aren't many honorable JFK type politicians or judges left in this country. They are ridiculed and ostracized by their own party and usually leave the party and join The GOP or become Independents.

Most of The Democrats left in The Democrat Party are Morally Corrupt and eventually their win at all cost mentality leads to political corruption.

Why is the color of the judge’s skin relevant?
It's not, as I said. Her political party is more relevant. The Democrat Party is morally corrupt, and it is more likely that she is corrupt because she is a Democrat, not because she is black.

Discussing the corruption of a Black Judge is not racist. She just happens to be a judge who is Black. She's corrupt, not because of her race, but because of her moral code and membership in a party that has no moral code.
/----/ Golfing Gator can't refute the facts you posted so he/she/they resort to playing the race card when no sane person sees any racism in your posts. BTW, Golfing Gato was featured this morning in Dilbert. He's the guy with the goatee.
How many black judges have acted this way?
Mention race triggers you?

I am not triggered, I just correctly pointed out the fact you are a racist. You cannot deny the obvious.
He may or may not be a racist.

But discussing a Black Judge being Corrupt is not racist. There are honest black judges and dishonest black judges, same as white judges.

It is most likely that dishonest judges are Democrats, and it's because of their code of ethics (Situational Ethics) where they really have no code at all. Democrats believe in one thing, advancing their agendas. There aren't many honorable JFK type politicians or judges left in this country. They are ridiculed and ostracized by their own party and usually leave the party and join The GOP or become Independents.

Most of The Democrats left in The Democrat Party are Morally Corrupt and eventually their win at all cost mentality leads to political corruption.

It does if race has nothing to do with it, which it doesn't! If you bring up the fact that the judge was black, it has no bearing on her actions, and therefore, it is racist!
That's crazy talk. Especially when 90% of my reply dealt with the real issue of her corruption.....her own personal moral code and her membership in a political party that has no moral code.

How is the following a racist statement? I was replying to the sentiment that merely discussing the corruption of a judge who happens to be black is not racist.

"He may or may not be a racist.

But discussing a Black Judge being Corrupt is not racist. There are honest black judges and dishonest black judges, same as white judges."

The entire rest of my statement was about Moral Corruption of the Individual and The Moral Corruption of The Democrat Party.

And who THE FUCK are you to make Moral Judgments on anyone? You don't know your own ass from a hole in the ground, let alone know what is morally and ethically correct or incorrect.

Why was it necessary to call out the fact that she is black? Was it relevant? No.

I find the same lack of logic in the media when you see headlines like "Teacher arrested for double murder" when being a teacher had nothing to do with the fact that she caught her husband banging the blonde bimbo from next door.

You never see headlines like "Unemployed construction crew flagman arrested for DUI", do you?
How many white judges have acted that way?

How many black judges have acted this way?
Mention race triggers you?

I am not triggered, I just correctly pointed out the fact you are a racist. You cannot deny the obvious.
He may or may not be a racist.

But discussing a Black Judge being Corrupt is not racist. There are honest black judges and dishonest black judges, same as white judges.

It is most likely that dishonest judges are Democrats, and it's because of their code of ethics (Situational Ethics) where they really have no code at all. Democrats believe in one thing, advancing their agendas. There aren't many honorable JFK type politicians or judges left in this country. They are ridiculed and ostracized by their own party and usually leave the party and join The GOP or become Independents.

Most of The Democrats left in The Democrat Party are Morally Corrupt and eventually their win at all cost mentality leads to political corruption.

As a generalization, anyone that supports Trump has no business calling anyone else's morals into question.
Anyone claiming to be a moral authority, and then claiming Trump is somehow immoral because you disagree with his politics, has no business discussing morality, or calling The President's Morals in to question.
She had not been a judge for 5 years.
That's great news and your point?

This is a non-story and the title of you OP is fake news.
OMG the great and powerful gator says this is a non-story time to shut the thread down but it's a story of how unhinged and corrupt black judges and politicians are.
Its so unfair to have to drag a black judge out of the courtroom for conviction of her corruption
And the crowd was ready to fight for her.

She should have walked out, in compliance with the sentence and not acted inappropriately. It was a done deal. She should have also told her supporters to stand down. She had a position of complete authority, and violated it. Now, she’s gonna play the blame game.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That kind of stuff is what brings condemnation upon people. If you want equality, then go to jail like everyone else. A White judge acting like that would get criticized for his or her behavior but not because he was White, but because he was an asshole.

No, a person would get criticized for acting like that. You have not seen anyone defend her actions.

Claiming everything is racist waters down and makes irrelevant any actual racism that still may be left in this country. Racism is nearly non existent in The US and it is way overblown to Super-Hyperbolic proportions simply because it is being used as a political tool. It's Social Justice that is becoming irrelevant, and claims of racism and other isms and becoming punch lines to a joke because of their abuse and hyperbole.

Do some use it as a political tool? Yes some do but it is nowhere near non existent.
How many white judges have acted that way?

How many black judges have acted this way?
Mention race triggers you?

I am not triggered, I just correctly pointed out the fact you are a racist. You cannot deny the obvious.
He may or may not be a racist.

But discussing a Black Judge being Corrupt is not racist. There are honest black judges and dishonest black judges, same as white judges.

It is most likely that dishonest judges are Democrats, and it's because of their code of ethics (Situational Ethics) where they really have no code at all. Democrats believe in one thing, advancing their agendas. There aren't many honorable JFK type politicians or judges left in this country. They are ridiculed and ostracized by their own party and usually leave the party and join The GOP or become Independents.

Most of The Democrats left in The Democrat Party are Morally Corrupt and eventually their win at all cost mentality leads to political corruption.

As a generalization, anyone that supports Trump has no business calling anyone else's morals into question.
i support trump. but not for the reasons people assume. so there are a lot of reasons someone may support another but that doesn't mean they support EVERYTHING about the other person, now does it? i know of no liberal that would want that pinned to them, so let's not "generalize" some strawmen up and apply fiction to people actually trying to talk through issues.

btw - i supported obama also. i did not like him, i did not vote for him, but he was president and i want whats best for us all, not me and my personal views. i know of no one who has ever agreed 100% with what a President did or is doing so I don't know why people get so binary when applying their views to others except that it is very lazy thinking, if thinking at all.
How many black judges have acted this way?
Mention race triggers you?

I am not triggered, I just correctly pointed out the fact you are a racist. You cannot deny the obvious.
He may or may not be a racist.

But discussing a Black Judge being Corrupt is not racist. There are honest black judges and dishonest black judges, same as white judges.

It is most likely that dishonest judges are Democrats, and it's because of their code of ethics (Situational Ethics) where they really have no code at all. Democrats believe in one thing, advancing their agendas. There aren't many honorable JFK type politicians or judges left in this country. They are ridiculed and ostracized by their own party and usually leave the party and join The GOP or become Independents.

Most of The Democrats left in The Democrat Party are Morally Corrupt and eventually their win at all cost mentality leads to political corruption.

As a generalization, anyone that supports Trump has no business calling anyone else's morals into question.
Anyone claiming to be a moral authority, and then claiming Trump is somehow immoral because you disagree with his politics, has no business discussing morality, or calling The President's Morals in to question.

Cheating on his wives. Bragging about going into a teen Ms America pageant locker room. Going up and grabbing women by the pussy. His language and lies. There is plenty to condemn Trump over outside of his politics.
Mention race triggers you?

I am not triggered, I just correctly pointed out the fact you are a racist. You cannot deny the obvious.
He may or may not be a racist.

But discussing a Black Judge being Corrupt is not racist. There are honest black judges and dishonest black judges, same as white judges.

It is most likely that dishonest judges are Democrats, and it's because of their code of ethics (Situational Ethics) where they really have no code at all. Democrats believe in one thing, advancing their agendas. There aren't many honorable JFK type politicians or judges left in this country. They are ridiculed and ostracized by their own party and usually leave the party and join The GOP or become Independents.

Most of The Democrats left in The Democrat Party are Morally Corrupt and eventually their win at all cost mentality leads to political corruption.

Why is the color of the judge’s skin relevant?
It's not, as I said. Her political party is more relevant. The Democrat Party is morally corrupt, and it is more likely that she is corrupt because she is a Democrat, not because she is black.

Discussing the corruption of a Black Judge is not racist. She just happens to be a judge who is Black. She's corrupt, not because of her race, but because of her moral code and membership in a party that has no moral code.
/----/ Golfing Gator can't refute the facts you posted so he/she/they resort to playing the race card when no sane person sees any racism in your posts. BTW, Golfing Gato was featured this morning in Dilbert. He's the guy with the goatee.
can ANYONE please show me where GG brought race into this or has made it a point of contention for ANY of this?

so far i see him NOT going there but a few others trying hard to pin him down as racist even though he's not said a racist thing.

and you guys blame the left for over-use of the race card shit.

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