Judge dragged from court room after sentence was impossed

/----/ " Going up and grabbing women by the pussy. " Trump never said he did that and you know it. And you don't think there are women who throw themselves at rich and powerful men?

We will note, you picked one item out of a long list and even then you aren't going to be able to defend what he said whether women throw themselves at rich men or not.
Hah, they do. Trust me. You want to get laid? Rent a Ferrari and pick a girl up in that, and then rent an expensive motel room for a night. She'll go back with you to your hotel room.

Show up for your date in a pick up truck and try to get her back to your white trash trailer..... Good Luck with that.

Probably true but it has nothing to do with what I said.
Point being is that image is important. How things appear affects perception.

The Media... CNN, MSNBC and others are THE BIGGEST RACISTS on The Planet, because they always try to capitalize on race in every story.
They are worse than The Tabloids every used to be, without all the fun stories about Big Foot, and Aliens impregnating Hillary Clinton.

Trump is the one who created the image by saying what he said.
now if you're going to be fair, he also has to carry an image the media creates for him. he was never a RACIST until it became politically convenient for him to be such.

funny how that works. "generally speaking".
He may or may not be a racist.

But discussing a Black Judge being Corrupt is not racist. There are honest black judges and dishonest black judges, same as white judges.

It is most likely that dishonest judges are Democrats, and it's because of their code of ethics (Situational Ethics) where they really have no code at all. Democrats believe in one thing, advancing their agendas. There aren't many honorable JFK type politicians or judges left in this country. They are ridiculed and ostracized by their own party and usually leave the party and join The GOP or become Independents.

Most of The Democrats left in The Democrat Party are Morally Corrupt and eventually their win at all cost mentality leads to political corruption.

Why is the color of the judge’s skin relevant?
It's not, as I said. Her political party is more relevant. The Democrat Party is morally corrupt, and it is more likely that she is corrupt because she is a Democrat, not because she is black.

Discussing the corruption of a Black Judge is not racist. She just happens to be a judge who is Black. She's corrupt, not because of her race, but because of her moral code and membership in a party that has no moral code.
/----/ Golfing Gator can't refute the facts you posted so he/she/they resort to playing the race card when no sane person sees any racism in your posts. BTW, Golfing Gato was featured this morning in Dilbert. He's the guy with the goatee.
can ANYONE please show me where GG brought race into this or has made it a point of contention for ANY of this?

so far i see him NOT going there but a few others trying hard to pin him down as racist even though he's not said a racist thing.

and you guys blame the left for over-use of the race card shit.
Why did he try to blow this thread off as a non story?
dunno. but it has NOTHING to do with race. that's your windmill you're chasing and applying to him.
I am not triggered, I just correctly pointed out the fact you are a racist. You cannot deny the obvious.
He may or may not be a racist.

But discussing a Black Judge being Corrupt is not racist. There are honest black judges and dishonest black judges, same as white judges.

It is most likely that dishonest judges are Democrats, and it's because of their code of ethics (Situational Ethics) where they really have no code at all. Democrats believe in one thing, advancing their agendas. There aren't many honorable JFK type politicians or judges left in this country. They are ridiculed and ostracized by their own party and usually leave the party and join The GOP or become Independents.

Most of The Democrats left in The Democrat Party are Morally Corrupt and eventually their win at all cost mentality leads to political corruption.

As a generalization, anyone that supports Trump has no business calling anyone else's morals into question.
i support trump. but not for the reasons people assume. so there are a lot of reasons someone may support another but that doesn't mean they support EVERYTHING about the other person, now does it? i know of no liberal that would want that pinned to them, so let's not "generalize" some strawmen up and apply fiction to people actually trying to talk through issues.

That's fine and not what I addressed. You can disagree with me, just don't be a hypocrite about it.

btw - i supported obama also. i did not like him, i did not vote for him, but he was president and i want whats best for us all, not me and my personal views. i know of no one who has ever agreed 100% with what a President did or is doing so I don't know why people get so binary when applying their views to others except that it is very lazy thinking, if thinking at all.

If you want to address my point, great. Otherwise...........
what point does "generally speaking" actually make?

it's a veiled way to attack someone for views that may or may not be their own. i find it ironic you want me to address your point and it's ok to disagree, but what point would you like me to address when you're talking in high level stereotypes?

i support trump. i believe my morals to be just fine. i'd never do much of what he does but that doesn't mean my support for him as our President invalidates my own morality. that's a huge stretch.

Generally speaking means it does not apply to everyone. Again, I was not questioning your morality. I doubt many of Trump's supporters morality is as bad as his. My point is that you can't condemn others morality if you are willing to overlook Trump's.

A person can not expect others to do what they will not do.
Why is the color of the judge’s skin relevant?
It's not, as I said. Her political party is more relevant. The Democrat Party is morally corrupt, and it is more likely that she is corrupt because she is a Democrat, not because she is black.

Discussing the corruption of a Black Judge is not racist. She just happens to be a judge who is Black. She's corrupt, not because of her race, but because of her moral code and membership in a party that has no moral code.
/----/ Golfing Gator can't refute the facts you posted so he/she/they resort to playing the race card when no sane person sees any racism in your posts. BTW, Golfing Gato was featured this morning in Dilbert. He's the guy with the goatee.
can ANYONE please show me where GG brought race into this or has made it a point of contention for ANY of this?

so far i see him NOT going there but a few others trying hard to pin him down as racist even though he's not said a racist thing.

and you guys blame the left for over-use of the race card shit.
Why did he try to blow this thread off as a non story?
dunno. but it has NOTHING to do with race. that's your windmill you're chasing and applying to him.
You can tell when someone does not want to address a topic when it deals with blacks they call it a non story.
He may or may not be a racist.

But discussing a Black Judge being Corrupt is not racist. There are honest black judges and dishonest black judges, same as white judges.

It is most likely that dishonest judges are Democrats, and it's because of their code of ethics (Situational Ethics) where they really have no code at all. Democrats believe in one thing, advancing their agendas. There aren't many honorable JFK type politicians or judges left in this country. They are ridiculed and ostracized by their own party and usually leave the party and join The GOP or become Independents.

Most of The Democrats left in The Democrat Party are Morally Corrupt and eventually their win at all cost mentality leads to political corruption.

Why is the color of the judge’s skin relevant?
It's not, as I said. Her political party is more relevant. The Democrat Party is morally corrupt, and it is more likely that she is corrupt because she is a Democrat, not because she is black.

Discussing the corruption of a Black Judge is not racist. She just happens to be a judge who is Black. She's corrupt, not because of her race, but because of her moral code and membership in a party that has no moral code.
/----/ Golfing Gator can't refute the facts you posted so he/she/they resort to playing the race card when no sane person sees any racism in your posts. BTW, Golfing Gato was featured this morning in Dilbert. He's the guy with the goatee.
can ANYONE please show me where GG brought race into this or has made it a point of contention for ANY of this?

so far i see him NOT going there but a few others trying hard to pin him down as racist even though he's not said a racist thing.

and you guys blame the left for over-use of the race card shit.
Why did he try to blow this thread off as a non story?

It is a non-story. Someone that was a judge 4 years ago got 6 months in jail.
Why is the color of the judge’s skin relevant?
It's not, as I said. Her political party is more relevant. The Democrat Party is morally corrupt, and it is more likely that she is corrupt because she is a Democrat, not because she is black.

Discussing the corruption of a Black Judge is not racist. She just happens to be a judge who is Black. She's corrupt, not because of her race, but because of her moral code and membership in a party that has no moral code.
/----/ Golfing Gator can't refute the facts you posted so he/she/they resort to playing the race card when no sane person sees any racism in your posts. BTW, Golfing Gato was featured this morning in Dilbert. He's the guy with the goatee.
can ANYONE please show me where GG brought race into this or has made it a point of contention for ANY of this?

so far i see him NOT going there but a few others trying hard to pin him down as racist even though he's not said a racist thing.

and you guys blame the left for over-use of the race card shit.
Why did he try to blow this thread off as a non story?

It is a non-story. Someone that was a judge 4 years ago got 6 months in jail.
Triggered is still triggered
Republicans are angry at this judge for getting on the six months. Bill Barr stood up in front of the nation and lied to protect a corrupt president. They Will defend him to the end.
It's not, as I said. Her political party is more relevant. The Democrat Party is morally corrupt, and it is more likely that she is corrupt because she is a Democrat, not because she is black.

Discussing the corruption of a Black Judge is not racist. She just happens to be a judge who is Black. She's corrupt, not because of her race, but because of her moral code and membership in a party that has no moral code.
/----/ Golfing Gator can't refute the facts you posted so he/she/they resort to playing the race card when no sane person sees any racism in your posts. BTW, Golfing Gato was featured this morning in Dilbert. He's the guy with the goatee.
can ANYONE please show me where GG brought race into this or has made it a point of contention for ANY of this?

so far i see him NOT going there but a few others trying hard to pin him down as racist even though he's not said a racist thing.

and you guys blame the left for over-use of the race card shit.
Why did he try to blow this thread off as a non story?

It is a non-story. Someone that was a judge 4 years ago got 6 months in jail.
Triggered is still triggered
then why did you get triggered over her going to jail?

you seem to be the run running around frantic and all up in arms doing the OH NO'S!!!
Republicans are angry at this judge for getting on the six months. Bill Barr stood up in front of the nation and lied to protect a corrupt president. They Will defend him to the end.

i forgot what a doosh you are.

thanks for the reminder.
/----/ " Going up and grabbing women by the pussy. " Trump never said he did that and you know it. And you don't think there are women who throw themselves at rich and powerful men?

We will note, you picked one item out of a long list and even then you aren't going to be able to defend what he said whether women throw themselves at rich men or not.
Hah, they do. Trust me. You want to get laid? Rent a Ferrari and pick a girl up in that, and then rent an expensive motel room for a night. She'll go back with you to your hotel room.

Show up for your date in a pick up truck and try to get her back to your white trash trailer..... Good Luck with that.

Probably true but it has nothing to do with what I said.
Point being is that image is important. How things appear affects perception.

The Media... CNN, MSNBC and others are THE BIGGEST RACISTS on The Planet, because they always try to capitalize on race in every story.
They are worse than The Tabloids every used to be, without all the fun stories about Big Foot, and Aliens impregnating Hillary Clinton.

Trump is the one who created the image by saying what he said.
That's not true, and that's a lie. The Media has always been racist and race baiting. Obama did some of it too. I'd say his constantly targeting cops and calling everything and everyone racists made things worse.

Obama could have been a modern day Abraham Lincoln who in the end brought The Country Back Together Again, but instead, he chose the path of Division, when he should have been a Unifier. That WAS HIS LEGACY. That is what people voted for, but he rejected them, and he rejected that role.

Here, now, you have President Trump who actually talks about Unity between The Races, who was given praise and accolades by Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton for his work in the Black Communities and Hispanic Communities before becoming President and for his Generosity, and Every Statement he makes is Parsed, and Refashioned in to A Racist Weapon to be used against him.

Identity Politics is The Ugliest Thing Ever Invented. It's essentially Lynching Someone without a trial in Public. It elevates Racial Identity to a Religion.

Clarence Thomas pointed that out a long long time ago. He was hated because he was a Black Conservative, which in the Eyes of a Leftist is the Worst Crime of all, being Black while Conservative.
/----/ Golfing Gator can't refute the facts you posted so he/she/they resort to playing the race card when no sane person sees any racism in your posts. BTW, Golfing Gato was featured this morning in Dilbert. He's the guy with the goatee.
can ANYONE please show me where GG brought race into this or has made it a point of contention for ANY of this?

so far i see him NOT going there but a few others trying hard to pin him down as racist even though he's not said a racist thing.

and you guys blame the left for over-use of the race card shit.
Why did he try to blow this thread off as a non story?

It is a non-story. Someone that was a judge 4 years ago got 6 months in jail.
Triggered is still triggered
then why did you get triggered over her going to jail?

you seem to be the run running around frantic and all up in arms doing the OH NO'S!!!
You have me confused with someone else. I have not been triggered
can ANYONE please show me where GG brought race into this or has made it a point of contention for ANY of this?

so far i see him NOT going there but a few others trying hard to pin him down as racist even though he's not said a racist thing.

and you guys blame the left for over-use of the race card shit.
Why did he try to blow this thread off as a non story?

It is a non-story. Someone that was a judge 4 years ago got 6 months in jail.
Triggered is still triggered
then why did you get triggered over her going to jail?

you seem to be the run running around frantic and all up in arms doing the OH NO'S!!!
You have me confused with someone else. I have not been triggered
says the person going YOU RACIST for 8 pages before bothering to ask Gator what he meant by the comment.

son, you've been the posterboy for "triggered" this am. a "non-triggered" person would have asked up front why gator felt this was a non-story. instead, you made gator racist even though he never made a racist comment. if you still don't think you're triggered, then all i can say is "you keep using that word...i do not think it means what you think it means" and be done with you til you hit puberty and cut this shit out.
Why is the color of the judge’s skin relevant?
It's not, as I said. Her political party is more relevant. The Democrat Party is morally corrupt, and it is more likely that she is corrupt because she is a Democrat, not because she is black.

Discussing the corruption of a Black Judge is not racist. She just happens to be a judge who is Black. She's corrupt, not because of her race, but because of her moral code and membership in a party that has no moral code.
/----/ Golfing Gator can't refute the facts you posted so he/she/they resort to playing the race card when no sane person sees any racism in your posts. BTW, Golfing Gato was featured this morning in Dilbert. He's the guy with the goatee.
can ANYONE please show me where GG brought race into this or has made it a point of contention for ANY of this?

so far i see him NOT going there but a few others trying hard to pin him down as racist even though he's not said a racist thing.

and you guys blame the left for over-use of the race card shit.
Why did he try to blow this thread off as a non story?

It is a non-story. Someone that was a judge 4 years ago got 6 months in jail.
None the less, She represents her political affiliation perfectly.
It's not, as I said. Her political party is more relevant. The Democrat Party is morally corrupt, and it is more likely that she is corrupt because she is a Democrat, not because she is black.

Discussing the corruption of a Black Judge is not racist. She just happens to be a judge who is Black. She's corrupt, not because of her race, but because of her moral code and membership in a party that has no moral code.
/----/ Golfing Gator can't refute the facts you posted so he/she/they resort to playing the race card when no sane person sees any racism in your posts. BTW, Golfing Gato was featured this morning in Dilbert. He's the guy with the goatee.
can ANYONE please show me where GG brought race into this or has made it a point of contention for ANY of this?

so far i see him NOT going there but a few others trying hard to pin him down as racist even though he's not said a racist thing.

and you guys blame the left for over-use of the race card shit.
Why did he try to blow this thread off as a non story?

It is a non-story. Someone that was a judge 4 years ago got 6 months in jail.
None the less, She represents her political affiliation perfectly.

As do you.
Why did he try to blow this thread off as a non story?

It is a non-story. Someone that was a judge 4 years ago got 6 months in jail.
Triggered is still triggered
then why did you get triggered over her going to jail?

you seem to be the run running around frantic and all up in arms doing the OH NO'S!!!
You have me confused with someone else. I have not been triggered
says the person going YOU RACIST for 8 pages before bothering to ask Gator what he meant by the comment.

son, you've been the posterboy for "triggered" this am. a "non-triggered" person would have asked up front why gator felt this was a non-story. instead, you made gator racist even though he never made a racist comment. if you still don't think you're triggered, then all i can say is "you keep using that word...i do not think it means what you think it means" and be done with you til you hit puberty and cut this shit out.
Again mentioning race is not racist. Only a racist would think it was
It is a non-story. Someone that was a judge 4 years ago got 6 months in jail.
Triggered is still triggered
then why did you get triggered over her going to jail?

you seem to be the run running around frantic and all up in arms doing the OH NO'S!!!
You have me confused with someone else. I have not been triggered
says the person going YOU RACIST for 8 pages before bothering to ask Gator what he meant by the comment.

son, you've been the posterboy for "triggered" this am. a "non-triggered" person would have asked up front why gator felt this was a non-story. instead, you made gator racist even though he never made a racist comment. if you still don't think you're triggered, then all i can say is "you keep using that word...i do not think it means what you think it means" and be done with you til you hit puberty and cut this shit out.
Again mentioning race is not racist. Only a racist would think it was
except he never mentioned it. you did and put it on him.

only an asshole would do that.

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