Judge dragged from court room after sentence was impossed

That's fine and not what I addressed. You can disagree with me, just don't be a hypocrite about it.

If you want to address my point, great. Otherwise...........
what point does "generally speaking" actually make?

it's a veiled way to attack someone for views that may or may not be their own. i find it ironic you want me to address your point and it's ok to disagree, but what point would you like me to address when you're talking in high level stereotypes?

i support trump. i believe my morals to be just fine. i'd never do much of what he does but that doesn't mean my support for him as our President invalidates my own morality. that's a huge stretch.

Generally speaking means it does not apply to everyone. Again, I was not questioning your morality. I doubt many of Trump's supporters morality is as bad as his. My point is that you can't condemn others morality if you are willing to overlook Trump's.

A person can not expect others to do what they will not do.
And what evidence do you have that Trump is of bad moral character?

I made my list to start with.
A list of your moral credentials which makes you qualified to be a moral judge over anyone?

Or a list of why you hate White Men & Orange Men?

I asked you three questions and you refused to answer all three.

Nice Deflections.

When your first point is dismissable I do ignore the rest. Always will. I listed what you asked for.
Again mentioning race is not racist. Only a racist would think it was
except he never mentioned it. you did and put it on him.

only an asshole would do that.
Still waiting on that definition of it's racist to mention race
still waiting on how gator got to be racist when he never mentioned race at all.
Who cares I want the definition please
of what? an asshole?

check your mirror.
Where racist is defined as someone who mentioned the race of a person. I have not made any racist comments
i support trump. but not for the reasons people assume. so there are a lot of reasons someone may support another but that doesn't mean they support EVERYTHING about the other person, now does it? i know of no liberal that would want that pinned to them, so let's not "generalize" some strawmen up and apply fiction to people actually trying to talk through issues.

That's fine and not what I addressed. You can disagree with me, just don't be a hypocrite about it.

btw - i supported obama also. i did not like him, i did not vote for him, but he was president and i want whats best for us all, not me and my personal views. i know of no one who has ever agreed 100% with what a President did or is doing so I don't know why people get so binary when applying their views to others except that it is very lazy thinking, if thinking at all.

If you want to address my point, great. Otherwise...........
what point does "generally speaking" actually make?

it's a veiled way to attack someone for views that may or may not be their own. i find it ironic you want me to address your point and it's ok to disagree, but what point would you like me to address when you're talking in high level stereotypes?

i support trump. i believe my morals to be just fine. i'd never do much of what he does but that doesn't mean my support for him as our President invalidates my own morality. that's a huge stretch.

Generally speaking means it does not apply to everyone. Again, I was not questioning your morality. I doubt many of Trump's supporters morality is as bad as his. My point is that you can't condemn others morality if you are willing to overlook Trump's.

A person can not expect others to do what they will not do.
Hillary Clinton. You lose.

I didn't support or vote for Hillary. I believe she should be turned over for war crimes and since she wasn't I suppose your post could be correct.
Her and Obama used Benghazi (in violation of international law) as a Weapons Depot, and a Repository for Cash funneled to Terrorists (Al Queda & The Muslim Brotherhood) to stage COUPs in Egypt and Libya and Assassinate Qadaffi. Al Queda found out about it by hacking Cliinton's Illegal and Private Unsecured Server.

That is why they attacked Benghazi, and it's why there was a Cover-up in the Obama Administration about the whole thing.
That's fine and not what I addressed. You can disagree with me, just don't be a hypocrite about it.

If you want to address my point, great. Otherwise...........
what point does "generally speaking" actually make?

it's a veiled way to attack someone for views that may or may not be their own. i find it ironic you want me to address your point and it's ok to disagree, but what point would you like me to address when you're talking in high level stereotypes?

i support trump. i believe my morals to be just fine. i'd never do much of what he does but that doesn't mean my support for him as our President invalidates my own morality. that's a huge stretch.

Generally speaking means it does not apply to everyone. Again, I was not questioning your morality. I doubt many of Trump's supporters morality is as bad as his. My point is that you can't condemn others morality if you are willing to overlook Trump's.

A person can not expect others to do what they will not do.
Hillary Clinton. You lose.

I didn't support or vote for Hillary. I believe she should be turned over for war crimes and since she wasn't I suppose your post could be correct.
Yeah, It's damned hard to find anyone who voted forn Hillary today. Funny, ain't it?

Not really.
That's fine and not what I addressed. You can disagree with me, just don't be a hypocrite about it.

If you want to address my point, great. Otherwise...........
what point does "generally speaking" actually make?

it's a veiled way to attack someone for views that may or may not be their own. i find it ironic you want me to address your point and it's ok to disagree, but what point would you like me to address when you're talking in high level stereotypes?

i support trump. i believe my morals to be just fine. i'd never do much of what he does but that doesn't mean my support for him as our President invalidates my own morality. that's a huge stretch.

Generally speaking means it does not apply to everyone. Again, I was not questioning your morality. I doubt many of Trump's supporters morality is as bad as his. My point is that you can't condemn others morality if you are willing to overlook Trump's.

A person can not expect others to do what they will not do.
Hillary Clinton. You lose.

I didn't support or vote for Hillary. I believe she should be turned over for war crimes and since she wasn't I suppose your post could be correct.
Her and Obama used Benghazi (in violation of international law) as a Weapons Depot, and a Repository for Cash funneled to Terrorists (Al Queda) to stage COUPs in Egypt and Libya and Assassinate Qadaffi. Al Queda found out about it by hacking Cliinton's Illegal and Private Unsecured Server.

That is why they attacked Benghazi, and it's why there was a Cover-up in the Obama Administration about the whole thing.

I agree (except for the hack part, they didn't need to do that) and it's why I call Troy Gowdy a complete fraud for letting it all slide.
except he never mentioned it. you did and put it on him.

only an asshole would do that.
Still waiting on that definition of it's racist to mention race
still waiting on how gator got to be racist when he never mentioned race at all.
Who cares I want the definition please
of what? an asshole?

check your mirror.
Where racist is defined as someone who mentioned the race of a person. I have not made any racist comments
first time race was mentioned:
Judge dragged from court room after sentence was impossed

so by your own definition - you're the racist.now if mentioning race does NOT make you racist, how does NOT mentioning race make someone racist?

quite the quandrious delimmea you got going on there.
except he never mentioned it. you did and put it on him.

only an asshole would do that.
Still waiting on that definition of it's racist to mention race
still waiting on how gator got to be racist when he never mentioned race at all.
Who cares I want the definition please
of what? an asshole?

check your mirror.
Where racist is defined as someone who mentioned the race of a person. I have not made any racist comments

You brought race into a discussion where race has no relevance at all.
what point does "generally speaking" actually make?

it's a veiled way to attack someone for views that may or may not be their own. i find it ironic you want me to address your point and it's ok to disagree, but what point would you like me to address when you're talking in high level stereotypes?

i support trump. i believe my morals to be just fine. i'd never do much of what he does but that doesn't mean my support for him as our President invalidates my own morality. that's a huge stretch.

Generally speaking means it does not apply to everyone. Again, I was not questioning your morality. I doubt many of Trump's supporters morality is as bad as his. My point is that you can't condemn others morality if you are willing to overlook Trump's.

A person can not expect others to do what they will not do.
And what evidence do you have that Trump is of bad moral character?

I made my list to start with.
A list of your moral credentials which makes you qualified to be a moral judge over anyone?

Or a list of why you hate White Men & Orange Men?

I asked you three questions and you refused to answer all three.

Nice Deflections.

When your first point is dismissable I do ignore the rest. Always will. I listed what you asked for.
In order to judge someone Morally, you have to be a very Moral Person qualified to make such a judgment.

So, you made a claim that The President is of Bad Moral Character.

Like in any court case, an Expert Witness is asked to present their credentials before they provide The Court with their assessment.

You neither proved that you are of good moral character nor that The President was of poor Moral Character.

i can prove that I am far more intelligent than you.

You cannot prove that you can think your way out of a wet paper bag.

Generally speaking means it does not apply to everyone. Again, I was not questioning your morality. I doubt many of Trump's supporters morality is as bad as his. My point is that you can't condemn others morality if you are willing to overlook Trump's.

A person can not expect others to do what they will not do.
And what evidence do you have that Trump is of bad moral character?

I made my list to start with.
A list of your moral credentials which makes you qualified to be a moral judge over anyone?

Or a list of why you hate White Men & Orange Men?

I asked you three questions and you refused to answer all three.

Nice Deflections.

When your first point is dismissable I do ignore the rest. Always will. I listed what you asked for.
In order to judge someone Morally, you have to be a very Moral Person qualified to make such a judgment.

So, you made a claim that The President is of Bad Moral Character.

Like in any court case, an Expert Witness is asked to present their credentials before they provide The Court with their assessment.

You neither proved that you are of good moral character nor that The President was of poor Moral Character.

i can prove that I am far more intelligent than you.

You cannot prove that you can think your way out of a wet paper bag.


You are wrong. A murderer can still judge another murderer as being wrong. Not a single person to ever sit on a jury has not broken some law themselves.
Still waiting on that definition of it's racist to mention race
still waiting on how gator got to be racist when he never mentioned race at all.
Who cares I want the definition please
of what? an asshole?

check your mirror.
Where racist is defined as someone who mentioned the race of a person. I have not made any racist comments

You brought race into a discussion where race has no relevance at all.
He'd have been better off saying Libtard Judge, instead of mentioning race. I think we should all be calling The Media and others out on this stuff. Race needs to be downplayed as part of the equation and made irrelevant. Too much is made of it.

There are more Black millionaires and billionaires in America than in the entire world combined. In a country that is 70% Caucasian we elected a Black President.

Cries of Racism are Over-Blown to Astronomical Proportions, but we still should try to make sure it's less a part of the discussion, instead of a primary identifier.

Identity Politics is not a good thing for America or for discussions. It's nothing but a inflammatory topic, that is all hot air, smoke and mirrors, with no real substance of value.
still waiting on how gator got to be racist when he never mentioned race at all.
Who cares I want the definition please
of what? an asshole?

check your mirror.
Where racist is defined as someone who mentioned the race of a person. I have not made any racist comments

You brought race into a discussion where race has no relevance at all.
He'd have been better off saying Libtard Judge, instead of mentioning race. I think we should all be calling The Media and others out on this stuff. Race needs to be downplayed as part of the equation and made irrelevant. Too much is made of it.

There are more Black millionaires and billionaires in America than in the entire world combined. In a country that is 70% Caucasian we elected a Black President.

Cries of Racism are Over-Blown to Astronomical Proportions, but we still should try to make sure it's less a part of the discussion, instead of a primary identifier.

Identity Politics is not a good thing for America or for discussions. It's nothing but a inflammatory topic, that is all hot air, smoke and mirrors, with no real substance of value.

She wasn't a judge. She used to be a judge.
I didn't know background of the case and so found she was found guilty of this:

Tracie Hunter, then a Hamilton County Juvenile Court judge, is indicted on multiple felony charges by a Hamilton County grand jury. Among the accusations: Hunter backdated documents to prevent prosecutors from appealing her decisions against them and improperly used her position as judge to give confidential documents to her brother, a juvenile court employee who was in the process of getting fired.
What did former judge Tracie Hunter do? An explainer and timeline
Her 6 month sentence seems appropriate.

6 months seems a bit light in my opinion. 6 years would have been closer to appropriate. She totally abused her position as a judge.

Doesn't surprise me this was in OHIO, I knew a Prosecutor who suborned perjury and laughed about it over drinks after the defendants conviction based on the lies of his witness. He said "We couldn't convict him with the truth". He died a week later! Justice or Karma ?
what point does "generally speaking" actually make?

it's a veiled way to attack someone for views that may or may not be their own. i find it ironic you want me to address your point and it's ok to disagree, but what point would you like me to address when you're talking in high level stereotypes?

i support trump. i believe my morals to be just fine. i'd never do much of what he does but that doesn't mean my support for him as our President invalidates my own morality. that's a huge stretch.

Generally speaking means it does not apply to everyone. Again, I was not questioning your morality. I doubt many of Trump's supporters morality is as bad as his. My point is that you can't condemn others morality if you are willing to overlook Trump's.

A person can not expect others to do what they will not do.
Hillary Clinton. You lose.

I didn't support or vote for Hillary. I believe she should be turned over for war crimes and since she wasn't I suppose your post could be correct.
Her and Obama used Benghazi (in violation of international law) as a Weapons Depot, and a Repository for Cash funneled to Terrorists (Al Queda) to stage COUPs in Egypt and Libya and Assassinate Qadaffi. Al Queda found out about it by hacking Cliinton's Illegal and Private Unsecured Server.

That is why they attacked Benghazi, and it's why there was a Cover-up in the Obama Administration about the whole thing.

I agree (except for the hack part, they didn't need to do that) and it's why I call Troy Gowdy a complete fraud for letting it all slide.
Well, you don't really have to hack an unsecured server. The actual email that was uncovered was actually sent to Sid Blumenthal who was not authorized to receive classified information. They got in to his Yahoo account somehow, and there was Sid with a bunch of insider information he wasn't supposed to have sent to him by Hillary. She was tipping him off to the COUP she and Obama were planning in Libya because SID had investments in Libyan Oil Fields.

Insider Trading and Influence Peddling is how The Clintons got Rich, and how they created a network of friends that all did the same.
Who cares I want the definition please
of what? an asshole?

check your mirror.
Where racist is defined as someone who mentioned the race of a person. I have not made any racist comments

You brought race into a discussion where race has no relevance at all.
He'd have been better off saying Libtard Judge, instead of mentioning race. I think we should all be calling The Media and others out on this stuff. Race needs to be downplayed as part of the equation and made irrelevant. Too much is made of it.

There are more Black millionaires and billionaires in America than in the entire world combined. In a country that is 70% Caucasian we elected a Black President.

Cries of Racism are Over-Blown to Astronomical Proportions, but we still should try to make sure it's less a part of the discussion, instead of a primary identifier.

Identity Politics is not a good thing for America or for discussions. It's nothing but a inflammatory topic, that is all hot air, smoke and mirrors, with no real substance of value.

She wasn't a judge. She used to be a judge.

Yeah but she was convicted for the "crimes" she committed while she was a Judge. 500 Lawyers chained together at the bottom of a swimming pool! A good start! Dem arrogant judges!
Mention race triggers you?

I am not triggered, I just correctly pointed out the fact you are a racist. You cannot deny the obvious.
He may or may not be a racist.

But discussing a Black Judge being Corrupt is not racist. There are honest black judges and dishonest black judges, same as white judges.

It is most likely that dishonest judges are Democrats, and it's because of their code of ethics (Situational Ethics) where they really have no code at all. Democrats believe in one thing, advancing their agendas. There aren't many honorable JFK type politicians or judges left in this country. They are ridiculed and ostracized by their own party and usually leave the party and join The GOP or become Independents.

Most of The Democrats left in The Democrat Party are Morally Corrupt and eventually their win at all cost mentality leads to political corruption.

Why is the color of the judge’s skin relevant?
It's not, as I said. Her political party is more relevant. The Democrat Party is morally corrupt, and it is more likely that she is corrupt because she is a Democrat, not because she is black.

Discussing the corruption of a Black Judge is not racist. She just happens to be a judge who is Black. She's corrupt, not because of her race, but because of her moral code and membership in a party that has no moral code.

Once again what is gained by discussing the corruption of a black judge instead of discussing the corruption of a judge?

What is gained by adding that adjective?
Nothing, and I agree with you. But you can discuss that she is black, without being a racist.
Love her dress.


Lying slime ball judge in a county jail for 6 mos. The girls are licking their lips In Hamilton county! Hope she likes jolly ranchers , moon pies, and giant honey buns. LMAO.:CryingCow::laughing0301:
Strange times

Thanks for posting the video, I watched it in its entirety last night before making my initial reply (#8). The prosecution hit the nail on the head when he commented that the defendant Tracie Hunter wasn't at all remorseful and acted as if she should be granted complete control over the proceedings. The best evidence of that in the video was when she declined her chance to comment near the start and then when she saw it wasn't going to go her way (close to the end) she stepped to the mic and tried to make her comments then. Liked it when the judge said she declined her chance and sat her down.

The video gave a solid impression that her defense went full speed on playing the race card to the point of even implementing a write-in campaign to the judge asking him not to implement the sentence. He was plenty pissed that those postcards were sent to his home. Prosecution countered well and treaded ever so lightly to the point that their only negative comment was the mention of no remorse and want of control and even that was worded oh so delicately. Heck, looking into the matter further this morning, I came across this:

After a dramatic day in court that saw former judge Tracie Hunter dragged off to jail, perhaps the biggest twist came via a phone call to the state capital.

Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters asked Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine to commute Hunter's six-month sentence, a surprise move following a tense hearing at the courthouse.
Chaos erupts as former judge Tracie Hunter dragged off to serve 6-month sentence

Strange times indeed.
Last edited:
i support trump. but not for the reasons people assume. so there are a lot of reasons someone may support another but that doesn't mean they support EVERYTHING about the other person, now does it? i know of no liberal that would want that pinned to them, so let's not "generalize" some strawmen up and apply fiction to people actually trying to talk through issues.

That's fine and not what I addressed. You can disagree with me, just don't be a hypocrite about it.

btw - i supported obama also. i did not like him, i did not vote for him, but he was president and i want whats best for us all, not me and my personal views. i know of no one who has ever agreed 100% with what a President did or is doing so I don't know why people get so binary when applying their views to others except that it is very lazy thinking, if thinking at all.

If you want to address my point, great. Otherwise...........
what point does "generally speaking" actually make?

it's a veiled way to attack someone for views that may or may not be their own. i find it ironic you want me to address your point and it's ok to disagree, but what point would you like me to address when you're talking in high level stereotypes?

i support trump. i believe my morals to be just fine. i'd never do much of what he does but that doesn't mean my support for him as our President invalidates my own morality. that's a huge stretch.

Generally speaking means it does not apply to everyone. Again, I was not questioning your morality. I doubt many of Trump's supporters morality is as bad as his. My point is that you can't condemn others morality if you are willing to overlook Trump's.

A person can not expect others to do what they will not do.
And what evidence do you have that Trump is of bad moral character?

What evidence do you have that can prove to use that you are of good moral character?

What evidence do you have that can qualify you as a Moral Judge over all of us?

Cheating on one’s spouse is the actions of someone with low moral character.
/----/ No one is arguing the fact he cheated on his wives. We knew that when we voted for him into office - just like you knew about Billy Clintoon cheating on Hildabeast, but voted for him anyway.

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