Judge dragged from court room after sentence was impossed

You may consider his constant lying, his cheating on his wives, his bitterness towards other and his juvenile name calling as examples of a moral standard. You really can if you like. I do not.
Do you have proof of your moral superiority and proof of his sins?

I already covered that.
So your Qualifications are NOTHING?

My qualifications are the same ones as every single person that sits on a jury.
Your qualification are Nothing, much as the sum total of your accomplishments in your life.

How many people's lives have you changed?

How many Libraries, and Schools, and Charities have you founded?

How many people do you employ?

You are just an unhappy frustrated camper on Earth who can't seem to get off the planet or make a success of his life on it.

Sucks to be you, loser.

Why are you making moral judgements about him and his life?

What are your qualifications for making such judgements about him?

Please list all the people you employ and all the companies you have founded.
I never made any such claim about myself.
It it an interesting point of view you hold. Using this logic it would be wrong to judge what Ted Bundy did as being morally wrong since none of us are perfect.

Nobody can make a moral judgement of Jeffrey Epstein since none of us are morally perfect.

I reject this logic.

What I am saying is The Poster does not have The Moral Qualifications to make Moral Judgments on The President.

Even without such qualifications, he has no evidence to prove The President is of Bad Moral Character.

You are making that claim for more than just that one poster.
Since nobody is morally perfect is it your stance nobody can make a moral judgement against anyone?

We have evidence he cheated on all 3 of his wives. Do you believe that cheating on a spouse is an action of someone with high moral character?

Please provide us with a list of your sins that you have committed as well as your tax returns over the last 20 years so that we can see if you are a pervert, reprobate, tax cheat, fornicator, adulterer, slanderer, thief, liar, homosexual, pedophile, miscreant, drunk or if you are just an ordinary man who wallows in his ordinariness, and has never accomplished anything of notoriety except for the sins he committed against his fellow man and God.

So, once again using your logic it is wrong for anyone to make a moral judgement of the actions of Jeffry Epstein or Ted Bundy or even Charles Manson.

This is faulty logic but I do get that it is what is necessary for you to worship the man sitting in the White House
Are Jeffrey Epstein, Ted Bundy, and Charles Manson personal friends of yours?

Or are they your heroes?

Maybe I will give you the benefit of the doubt and just call you an idiot for throwing out such red herrings for the purpose of building a false straw man to forward a false moral equivalency argument.

Is that "Woke" enough for you?

I am just using the logic you have laid out in this thread. This is your logic, if you do not like where it leads, then look at yourself
Do you have proof of your moral superiority and proof of his sins?

I already covered that.
So your Qualifications are NOTHING?

My qualifications are the same ones as every single person that sits on a jury.
Your qualification are Nothing, much as the sum total of your accomplishments in your life.

How many people's lives have you changed?

How many Libraries, and Schools, and Charities have you founded?

How many people do you employ?

You are just an unhappy frustrated camper on Earth who can't seem to get off the planet or make a success of his life on it.

Sucks to be you, loser.

Why are you making moral judgements about him and his life?

What are your qualifications for making such judgements about him?

Please list all the people you employ and all the companies you have founded.
Because I am Ranked as a Grand Inquisitor in The Order of Trollholio.

The Prisoner will Confess HIS SINS, or he will be Burnt at The Stake at Dawn!
What I am saying is The Poster does not have The Moral Qualifications to make Moral Judgments on The President.

Even without such qualifications, he has no evidence to prove The President is of Bad Moral Character.

You are making that claim for more than just that one poster.
Since nobody is morally perfect is it your stance nobody can make a moral judgement against anyone?

We have evidence he cheated on all 3 of his wives. Do you believe that cheating on a spouse is an action of someone with high moral character?

Please provide us with a list of your sins that you have committed as well as your tax returns over the last 20 years so that we can see if you are a pervert, reprobate, tax cheat, fornicator, adulterer, slanderer, thief, liar, homosexual, pedophile, miscreant, drunk or if you are just an ordinary man who wallows in his ordinariness, and has never accomplished anything of notoriety except for the sins he committed against his fellow man and God.

So, once again using your logic it is wrong for anyone to make a moral judgement of the actions of Jeffry Epstein or Ted Bundy or even Charles Manson.

This is faulty logic but I do get that it is what is necessary for you to worship the man sitting in the White House
Are Jeffrey Epstein, Ted Bundy, and Charles Manson personal friends of yours?

Or are they your heroes?

Maybe I will give you the benefit of the doubt and just call you an idiot for throwing out such red herrings for the purpose of building a false straw man to forward a false moral equivalency argument.

Is that "Woke" enough for you?

I am just using the logic you have laid out in this thread. This is your logic, if you do not like where it leads, then look at yourself
I have looked at myself, and have found myself, not only to be better looking and more intelligent than you, but I find myself to be morally and ethically superior to you in every way.

Bow down before your superior, Slug!



You are making that claim for more than just that one poster.
Since nobody is morally perfect is it your stance nobody can make a moral judgement against anyone?

We have evidence he cheated on all 3 of his wives. Do you believe that cheating on a spouse is an action of someone with high moral character?

Please provide us with a list of your sins that you have committed as well as your tax returns over the last 20 years so that we can see if you are a pervert, reprobate, tax cheat, fornicator, adulterer, slanderer, thief, liar, homosexual, pedophile, miscreant, drunk or if you are just an ordinary man who wallows in his ordinariness, and has never accomplished anything of notoriety except for the sins he committed against his fellow man and God.

So, once again using your logic it is wrong for anyone to make a moral judgement of the actions of Jeffry Epstein or Ted Bundy or even Charles Manson.

This is faulty logic but I do get that it is what is necessary for you to worship the man sitting in the White House
Are Jeffrey Epstein, Ted Bundy, and Charles Manson personal friends of yours?

Or are they your heroes?

Maybe I will give you the benefit of the doubt and just call you an idiot for throwing out such red herrings for the purpose of building a false straw man to forward a false moral equivalency argument.

Is that "Woke" enough for you?

I am just using the logic you have laid out in this thread. This is your logic, if you do not like where it leads, then look at yourself
I have looked at myself, and have found myself, not only to be better looking and more intelligent than you, but I find myself to be morally and ethically superior to you in every way.

Bow down before your superior, Slug!




All you have done is proven to be the biggest hypocrite on the forum
Please provide us with a list of your sins that you have committed as well as your tax returns over the last 20 years so that we can see if you are a pervert, reprobate, tax cheat, fornicator, adulterer, slanderer, thief, liar, homosexual, pedophile, miscreant, drunk or if you are just an ordinary man who wallows in his ordinariness, and has never accomplished anything of notoriety except for the sins he committed against his fellow man and God.

So, once again using your logic it is wrong for anyone to make a moral judgement of the actions of Jeffry Epstein or Ted Bundy or even Charles Manson.

This is faulty logic but I do get that it is what is necessary for you to worship the man sitting in the White House
Are Jeffrey Epstein, Ted Bundy, and Charles Manson personal friends of yours?

Or are they your heroes?

Maybe I will give you the benefit of the doubt and just call you an idiot for throwing out such red herrings for the purpose of building a false straw man to forward a false moral equivalency argument.

Is that "Woke" enough for you?

I am just using the logic you have laid out in this thread. This is your logic, if you do not like where it leads, then look at yourself
I have looked at myself, and have found myself, not only to be better looking and more intelligent than you, but I find myself to be morally and ethically superior to you in every way.

Bow down before your superior, Slug!




All you have done is proven to be the biggest hypocrite on the forum
Blasphemy Infidel!

How Dare you accuse your Moral and Intellectual Superior of anything.

Officer, Clap This Heathen In IRONS, and sear his Tongue with a Hot Iron!

To the Dungeon with You Cretan until you either Rot, or Confess your Sins.

Kiss my Ring or Be NO MORE!

Away with Him to The Pit of Despair
Please provide us with a list of your sins that you have committed as well as your tax returns over the last 20 years so that we can see if you are a pervert, reprobate, tax cheat, fornicator, adulterer, slanderer, thief, liar, homosexual, pedophile, miscreant, drunk or if you are just an ordinary man who wallows in his ordinariness, and has never accomplished anything of notoriety except for the sins he committed against his fellow man and God.

So, once again using your logic it is wrong for anyone to make a moral judgement of the actions of Jeffry Epstein or Ted Bundy or even Charles Manson.

This is faulty logic but I do get that it is what is necessary for you to worship the man sitting in the White House
Are Jeffrey Epstein, Ted Bundy, and Charles Manson personal friends of yours?

Or are they your heroes?

Maybe I will give you the benefit of the doubt and just call you an idiot for throwing out such red herrings for the purpose of building a false straw man to forward a false moral equivalency argument.

Is that "Woke" enough for you?

I am just using the logic you have laid out in this thread. This is your logic, if you do not like where it leads, then look at yourself
I have looked at myself, and have found myself, not only to be better looking and more intelligent than you, but I find myself to be morally and ethically superior to you in every way.

Bow down before your superior, Slug!




All you have done is proven to be the biggest hypocrite on the forum
Wait, so reading between the lines here, you wanna be my friend?
Awww...... I was so wrong about you.
You are really a sweet guy.
The Moral of the story here, is bitch slapping people is an art, and not for amateurs.
But as your moral superior, I am prone to empathy and kindness.
I give you this to soothe your wounds.

Triggered is still triggered
then why did you get triggered over her going to jail?

you seem to be the run running around frantic and all up in arms doing the OH NO'S!!!
You have me confused with someone else. I have not been triggered
says the person going YOU RACIST for 8 pages before bothering to ask Gator what he meant by the comment.

son, you've been the posterboy for "triggered" this am. a "non-triggered" person would have asked up front why gator felt this was a non-story. instead, you made gator racist even though he never made a racist comment. if you still don't think you're triggered, then all i can say is "you keep using that word...i do not think it means what you think it means" and be done with you til you hit puberty and cut this shit out.
Again mentioning race is not racist. Only a racist would think it was

Only when race has zero relevance to the story being discussed.
/---/ But to democRATs every conversation has relevance to race.
then why did you get triggered over her going to jail?

you seem to be the run running around frantic and all up in arms doing the OH NO'S!!!
You have me confused with someone else. I have not been triggered
says the person going YOU RACIST for 8 pages before bothering to ask Gator what he meant by the comment.

son, you've been the posterboy for "triggered" this am. a "non-triggered" person would have asked up front why gator felt this was a non-story. instead, you made gator racist even though he never made a racist comment. if you still don't think you're triggered, then all i can say is "you keep using that word...i do not think it means what you think it means" and be done with you til you hit puberty and cut this shit out.
Again mentioning race is not racist. Only a racist would think it was

Only when race has zero relevance to the story being discussed.
/---/ But to democRATs every conversation has relevance to race.

And you people are no different than they are, yet you hate them...just weird
A corrupt is on trial, is found guilty, sentenced and was drug out of the courtroom.

How is this a story? Seems that trolling is in season.
You have me confused with someone else. I have not been triggered
says the person going YOU RACIST for 8 pages before bothering to ask Gator what he meant by the comment.

son, you've been the posterboy for "triggered" this am. a "non-triggered" person would have asked up front why gator felt this was a non-story. instead, you made gator racist even though he never made a racist comment. if you still don't think you're triggered, then all i can say is "you keep using that word...i do not think it means what you think it means" and be done with you til you hit puberty and cut this shit out.
Again mentioning race is not racist. Only a racist would think it was

Only when race has zero relevance to the story being discussed.
/---/ But to democRATs every conversation has relevance to race.

And you people are no different than they are, yet you hate them...just weird
We love our Black Conservative Brothers and don't give a damn about the color of their skin, and they love us.
Some of them make more money than us or you, so we get a little jealous, but that's why they are Conservatives, because they value WORK, over Politics and Butt Hurtism.

Now, consider yourself educated on the Virtues of Shit Canning Identity Politics and embracing The Conservative Work Ethic.
Everyone gets Rich that way, Jew, Gentile, Black Man, White Man, Yellow Man Red Man.

You know who don't get Rich?

A Lazy Lib Tard Snow Flake sitting on his ASS crying about Racism and all The Isms that are so Unfair, except for the Only ISM that is holding him back

Who cares I want the definition please
of what? an asshole?

check your mirror.
Where racist is defined as someone who mentioned the race of a person. I have not made any racist comments

You brought race into a discussion where race has no relevance at all.
He'd have been better off saying Libtard Judge, instead of mentioning race. I think we should all be calling The Media and others out on this stuff. Race needs to be downplayed as part of the equation and made irrelevant. Too much is made of it.

There are more Black millionaires and billionaires in America than in the entire world combined. In a country that is 70% Caucasian we elected a Black President.

Cries of Racism are Over-Blown to Astronomical Proportions, but we still should try to make sure it's less a part of the discussion, instead of a primary identifier.

Identity Politics is not a good thing for America or for discussions. It's nothing but a inflammatory topic, that is all hot air, smoke and mirrors, with no real substance of value.

She wasn't a judge. She used to be a judge.
Is obama called obama or president obama?
A corrupt is on trial, is found guilty, sentenced and was drug out of the courtroom.

How is this a story? Seems that trolling is in season.
so says the clown avatar

So why is this a big story? If it were a judge that was ruling on the bench as your stupid headline implied, you'd have something, but again a troll isn't usually honest.
Why not clown boy?

Irony coming from someone who has a clown avatar lol

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