Judge dragged from court room after sentence was impossed

That's fine and not what I addressed. You can disagree with me, just don't be a hypocrite about it.

If you want to address my point, great. Otherwise...........
what point does "generally speaking" actually make?

it's a veiled way to attack someone for views that may or may not be their own. i find it ironic you want me to address your point and it's ok to disagree, but what point would you like me to address when you're talking in high level stereotypes?

i support trump. i believe my morals to be just fine. i'd never do much of what he does but that doesn't mean my support for him as our President invalidates my own morality. that's a huge stretch.

Generally speaking means it does not apply to everyone. Again, I was not questioning your morality. I doubt many of Trump's supporters morality is as bad as his. My point is that you can't condemn others morality if you are willing to overlook Trump's.

A person can not expect others to do what they will not do.
And what evidence do you have that Trump is of bad moral character?

What evidence do you have that can prove to use that you are of good moral character?

What evidence do you have that can qualify you as a Moral Judge over all of us?

Cheating on one’s spouse is the actions of someone with low moral character.
/----/ No one is arguing the fact he cheated on his wives. We knew that when we voted for him into office - just like you knew about Billy Clintoon cheating on Hildabeast, but voted for him anyway.

I didn't.
i support trump. but not for the reasons people assume. so there are a lot of reasons someone may support another but that doesn't mean they support EVERYTHING about the other person, now does it? i know of no liberal that would want that pinned to them, so let's not "generalize" some strawmen up and apply fiction to people actually trying to talk through issues.

That's fine and not what I addressed. You can disagree with me, just don't be a hypocrite about it.

btw - i supported obama also. i did not like him, i did not vote for him, but he was president and i want whats best for us all, not me and my personal views. i know of no one who has ever agreed 100% with what a President did or is doing so I don't know why people get so binary when applying their views to others except that it is very lazy thinking, if thinking at all.

If you want to address my point, great. Otherwise...........
what point does "generally speaking" actually make?

it's a veiled way to attack someone for views that may or may not be their own. i find it ironic you want me to address your point and it's ok to disagree, but what point would you like me to address when you're talking in high level stereotypes?

i support trump. i believe my morals to be just fine. i'd never do much of what he does but that doesn't mean my support for him as our President invalidates my own morality. that's a huge stretch.

Generally speaking means it does not apply to everyone. Again, I was not questioning your morality. I doubt many of Trump's supporters morality is as bad as his. My point is that you can't condemn others morality if you are willing to overlook Trump's.

A person can not expect others to do what they will not do.
And what evidence do you have that Trump is of bad moral character?

What evidence do you have that can prove to use that you are of good moral character?

What evidence do you have that can qualify you as a Moral Judge over all of us?

Cheating on one’s spouse is the actions of someone with low moral character.

So you are a cheater? I bet you have had Premarital Sex, and probably paid for an abortion or two, lied and cheated on girlfriends, probably stole money from your mom's purse, cheated on tests in school, probably had some hairy man butt sex. Please list all your sins so we can Evaluate Your 'Expert" Moral Qualifications.

Wasn't there a court case about that, where The #Me Too Accuser not only ended up having to pay The President's Legal Fees, but then came out later and said, nothing ever happened? She should have been brought up on charges after the Civil Case was dismissed.

At any rate, she is a broke washed up hooker forced to dance on a pole at seedy Strip Joints now. Perfect Justice.
That's fine and not what I addressed. You can disagree with me, just don't be a hypocrite about it.

If you want to address my point, great. Otherwise...........
what point does "generally speaking" actually make?

it's a veiled way to attack someone for views that may or may not be their own. i find it ironic you want me to address your point and it's ok to disagree, but what point would you like me to address when you're talking in high level stereotypes?

i support trump. i believe my morals to be just fine. i'd never do much of what he does but that doesn't mean my support for him as our President invalidates my own morality. that's a huge stretch.

Generally speaking means it does not apply to everyone. Again, I was not questioning your morality. I doubt many of Trump's supporters morality is as bad as his. My point is that you can't condemn others morality if you are willing to overlook Trump's.

A person can not expect others to do what they will not do.
And what evidence do you have that Trump is of bad moral character?

What evidence do you have that can prove to use that you are of good moral character?

What evidence do you have that can qualify you as a Moral Judge over all of us?

Cheating on one’s spouse is the actions of someone with low moral character.
/----/ No one is arguing the fact he cheated on his wives. We knew that when we voted for him into office - just like you knew about Billy Clintoon cheating on Hildabeast, but voted for him anyway.

Was it known in 1992 that Bill was doing such things?

I can’t recall, and will admit at that time it was less of an issue for me. I was single and didn’t really understand the marriage bonds.

By 1996 I was married and did not vote for him, in part because of the things that had come out.

Perhaps you still do not understand the commitment of marriage...many never do
what point does "generally speaking" actually make?

it's a veiled way to attack someone for views that may or may not be their own. i find it ironic you want me to address your point and it's ok to disagree, but what point would you like me to address when you're talking in high level stereotypes?

i support trump. i believe my morals to be just fine. i'd never do much of what he does but that doesn't mean my support for him as our President invalidates my own morality. that's a huge stretch.

Generally speaking means it does not apply to everyone. Again, I was not questioning your morality. I doubt many of Trump's supporters morality is as bad as his. My point is that you can't condemn others morality if you are willing to overlook Trump's.

A person can not expect others to do what they will not do.
And what evidence do you have that Trump is of bad moral character?

What evidence do you have that can prove to use that you are of good moral character?

What evidence do you have that can qualify you as a Moral Judge over all of us?

Cheating on one’s spouse is the actions of someone with low moral character.
/----/ No one is arguing the fact he cheated on his wives. We knew that when we voted for him into office - just like you knew about Billy Clintoon cheating on Hildabeast, but voted for him anyway.

Was it known in 1992 that Bill was doing such things?

Cheating on Hillary? Yes. To the extent we know now? It wasn't.

I can’t recall, and will admit at that time it was less of an issue for me. I was single and didn’t really understand the marriage bonds.

By 1996 I was married and did not vote for him, in part because of the things that had come out.

Perhaps you still do not understand the commitment of marriage...many never do

I've often made a point that I can understand when someone votes for a president the first time. The problem is when someone votes to re-elect them after it's obvious they are not the person you voted for.
what point does "generally speaking" actually make?

it's a veiled way to attack someone for views that may or may not be their own. i find it ironic you want me to address your point and it's ok to disagree, but what point would you like me to address when you're talking in high level stereotypes?

i support trump. i believe my morals to be just fine. i'd never do much of what he does but that doesn't mean my support for him as our President invalidates my own morality. that's a huge stretch.

Generally speaking means it does not apply to everyone. Again, I was not questioning your morality. I doubt many of Trump's supporters morality is as bad as his. My point is that you can't condemn others morality if you are willing to overlook Trump's.

A person can not expect others to do what they will not do.
And what evidence do you have that Trump is of bad moral character?

What evidence do you have that can prove to use that you are of good moral character?

What evidence do you have that can qualify you as a Moral Judge over all of us?

Cheating on one’s spouse is the actions of someone with low moral character.
/----/ No one is arguing the fact he cheated on his wives. We knew that when we voted for him into office - just like you knew about Billy Clintoon cheating on Hildabeast, but voted for him anyway.

Was it known in 1992 that Bill was doing such things?

I can’t recall, and will admit at that time it was less of an issue for me. I was single and didn’t really understand the marriage bonds.

By 1996 I was married and did not vote for him, in part because of the things that had come out.

Perhaps you still do not understand the commitment of marriage...many never do

That's fine and not what I addressed. You can disagree with me, just don't be a hypocrite about it.

If you want to address my point, great. Otherwise...........
what point does "generally speaking" actually make?

it's a veiled way to attack someone for views that may or may not be their own. i find it ironic you want me to address your point and it's ok to disagree, but what point would you like me to address when you're talking in high level stereotypes?

i support trump. i believe my morals to be just fine. i'd never do much of what he does but that doesn't mean my support for him as our President invalidates my own morality. that's a huge stretch.

Generally speaking means it does not apply to everyone. Again, I was not questioning your morality. I doubt many of Trump's supporters morality is as bad as his. My point is that you can't condemn others morality if you are willing to overlook Trump's.

A person can not expect others to do what they will not do.
And what evidence do you have that Trump is of bad moral character?

What evidence do you have that can prove to use that you are of good moral character?

What evidence do you have that can qualify you as a Moral Judge over all of us?

Cheating on one’s spouse is the actions of someone with low moral character.

So you are a cheater? I bet you have had Premarital Sex, and probably paid for an abortion or two, lied and cheated on girlfriends, probably stole money from your mom's purse, cheated on tests in school, probably had some hairy man butt sex. Please list all your sins so we can Evaluate Your 'Expert" Moral Qualifications.

Wasn't there a court case about that, where The #Me Too Accuser not only ended up having to pay The President's Legal Fees, but then came out later and said, nothing ever happened? She should have been brought up on charges after the Civil Case was dismissed.

At any rate, she is a broke washed up hooker forced to dance on a pole at seedy Strip Joints now. Perfect Justice.

I never made any such claim about myself.
It it an interesting point of view you hold. Using this logic it would be wrong to judge what Ted Bundy did as being morally wrong since none of us are perfect.

Nobody can make a moral judgement of Jeffrey Epstein since none of us are morally perfect.

I reject this logic.
Generally speaking means it does not apply to everyone. Again, I was not questioning your morality. I doubt many of Trump's supporters morality is as bad as his. My point is that you can't condemn others morality if you are willing to overlook Trump's.

A person can not expect others to do what they will not do.
And what evidence do you have that Trump is of bad moral character?

What evidence do you have that can prove to use that you are of good moral character?

What evidence do you have that can qualify you as a Moral Judge over all of us?

Cheating on one’s spouse is the actions of someone with low moral character.
/----/ No one is arguing the fact he cheated on his wives. We knew that when we voted for him into office - just like you knew about Billy Clintoon cheating on Hildabeast, but voted for him anyway.

Was it known in 1992 that Bill was doing such things?

I can’t recall, and will admit at that time it was less of an issue for me. I was single and didn’t really understand the marriage bonds.

By 1996 I was married and did not vote for him, in part because of the things that had come out.

Perhaps you still do not understand the commitment of marriage...many never do


You are not judging Bill for all that cheating, are you?
what point does "generally speaking" actually make?

it's a veiled way to attack someone for views that may or may not be their own. i find it ironic you want me to address your point and it's ok to disagree, but what point would you like me to address when you're talking in high level stereotypes?

i support trump. i believe my morals to be just fine. i'd never do much of what he does but that doesn't mean my support for him as our President invalidates my own morality. that's a huge stretch.

Generally speaking means it does not apply to everyone. Again, I was not questioning your morality. I doubt many of Trump's supporters morality is as bad as his. My point is that you can't condemn others morality if you are willing to overlook Trump's.

A person can not expect others to do what they will not do.
And what evidence do you have that Trump is of bad moral character?

What evidence do you have that can prove to use that you are of good moral character?

What evidence do you have that can qualify you as a Moral Judge over all of us?

Cheating on one’s spouse is the actions of someone with low moral character.

So you are a cheater? I bet you have had Premarital Sex, and probably paid for an abortion or two, lied and cheated on girlfriends, probably stole money from your mom's purse, cheated on tests in school, probably had some hairy man butt sex. Please list all your sins so we can Evaluate Your 'Expert" Moral Qualifications.

Wasn't there a court case about that, where The #Me Too Accuser not only ended up having to pay The President's Legal Fees, but then came out later and said, nothing ever happened? She should have been brought up on charges after the Civil Case was dismissed.

At any rate, she is a broke washed up hooker forced to dance on a pole at seedy Strip Joints now. Perfect Justice.

I never made any such claim about myself.
It it an interesting point of view you hold. Using this logic it would be wrong to judge what Ted Bundy did as being morally wrong since none of us are perfect.

Nobody can make a moral judgement of Jeffrey Epstein since none of us are morally perfect.

I reject this logic.

What I am saying is The Poster does not have The Moral Qualifications to make Moral Judgments on The President.

Even without such qualifications, he has no evidence to prove The President is of Bad Moral Character.
And what evidence do you have that Trump is of bad moral character?

What evidence do you have that can prove to use that you are of good moral character?

What evidence do you have that can qualify you as a Moral Judge over all of us?

Cheating on one’s spouse is the actions of someone with low moral character.
/----/ No one is arguing the fact he cheated on his wives. We knew that when we voted for him into office - just like you knew about Billy Clintoon cheating on Hildabeast, but voted for him anyway.

Was it known in 1992 that Bill was doing such things?

I can’t recall, and will admit at that time it was less of an issue for me. I was single and didn’t really understand the marriage bonds.

By 1996 I was married and did not vote for him, in part because of the things that had come out.

Perhaps you still do not understand the commitment of marriage...many never do


You are not judging Bill for all that cheating, are you?
No, I am just throwing out another Red Herring to Call You on The Previous Red Herring you threw out. Now you can raise or fold.
Generally speaking means it does not apply to everyone. Again, I was not questioning your morality. I doubt many of Trump's supporters morality is as bad as his. My point is that you can't condemn others morality if you are willing to overlook Trump's.

A person can not expect others to do what they will not do.
And what evidence do you have that Trump is of bad moral character?

What evidence do you have that can prove to use that you are of good moral character?

What evidence do you have that can qualify you as a Moral Judge over all of us?

Cheating on one’s spouse is the actions of someone with low moral character.

So you are a cheater? I bet you have had Premarital Sex, and probably paid for an abortion or two, lied and cheated on girlfriends, probably stole money from your mom's purse, cheated on tests in school, probably had some hairy man butt sex. Please list all your sins so we can Evaluate Your 'Expert" Moral Qualifications.

Wasn't there a court case about that, where The #Me Too Accuser not only ended up having to pay The President's Legal Fees, but then came out later and said, nothing ever happened? She should have been brought up on charges after the Civil Case was dismissed.

At any rate, she is a broke washed up hooker forced to dance on a pole at seedy Strip Joints now. Perfect Justice.

I never made any such claim about myself.
It it an interesting point of view you hold. Using this logic it would be wrong to judge what Ted Bundy did as being morally wrong since none of us are perfect.

Nobody can make a moral judgement of Jeffrey Epstein since none of us are morally perfect.

I reject this logic.

What I am saying is The Poster does not have The Moral Qualifications to make Moral Judgments on The President.

Even without such qualifications, he has no evidence to prove The President is of Bad Moral Character.

You may consider his constant lying, his cheating on his wives, his bitterness towards other and his juvenile name calling as examples of a moral standard. You really can if you like. I do not.
And what evidence do you have that Trump is of bad moral character?

What evidence do you have that can prove to use that you are of good moral character?

What evidence do you have that can qualify you as a Moral Judge over all of us?

Cheating on one’s spouse is the actions of someone with low moral character.

So you are a cheater? I bet you have had Premarital Sex, and probably paid for an abortion or two, lied and cheated on girlfriends, probably stole money from your mom's purse, cheated on tests in school, probably had some hairy man butt sex. Please list all your sins so we can Evaluate Your 'Expert" Moral Qualifications.

Wasn't there a court case about that, where The #Me Too Accuser not only ended up having to pay The President's Legal Fees, but then came out later and said, nothing ever happened? She should have been brought up on charges after the Civil Case was dismissed.

At any rate, she is a broke washed up hooker forced to dance on a pole at seedy Strip Joints now. Perfect Justice.

I never made any such claim about myself.
It it an interesting point of view you hold. Using this logic it would be wrong to judge what Ted Bundy did as being morally wrong since none of us are perfect.

Nobody can make a moral judgement of Jeffrey Epstein since none of us are morally perfect.

I reject this logic.

What I am saying is The Poster does not have The Moral Qualifications to make Moral Judgments on The President.

Even without such qualifications, he has no evidence to prove The President is of Bad Moral Character.

You may consider his constant lying, his cheating on his wives, his bitterness towards other and his juvenile name calling as examples of a moral standard. You really can if you like. I do not.
Do you have proof of your moral superiority and proof of his sins?

I'd like to see a list of your sins. Better yet, how about you show us your tax returns and medical records......hmmm?

And if we were to weigh your sins, vs his, and the good he has done for society vs yours, would you be lacking in the balance?

Yes you would.

Donald Trump has helped to build libraries, hospitals, universities, and has helped the poor, disadvantaged, minorities, women, and people of all types.

What have you done?


When you die, No ONE will remember your name.
Generally speaking means it does not apply to everyone. Again, I was not questioning your morality. I doubt many of Trump's supporters morality is as bad as his. My point is that you can't condemn others morality if you are willing to overlook Trump's.

A person can not expect others to do what they will not do.
And what evidence do you have that Trump is of bad moral character?

What evidence do you have that can prove to use that you are of good moral character?

What evidence do you have that can qualify you as a Moral Judge over all of us?

Cheating on one’s spouse is the actions of someone with low moral character.

So you are a cheater? I bet you have had Premarital Sex, and probably paid for an abortion or two, lied and cheated on girlfriends, probably stole money from your mom's purse, cheated on tests in school, probably had some hairy man butt sex. Please list all your sins so we can Evaluate Your 'Expert" Moral Qualifications.

Wasn't there a court case about that, where The #Me Too Accuser not only ended up having to pay The President's Legal Fees, but then came out later and said, nothing ever happened? She should have been brought up on charges after the Civil Case was dismissed.

At any rate, she is a broke washed up hooker forced to dance on a pole at seedy Strip Joints now. Perfect Justice.

I never made any such claim about myself.
It it an interesting point of view you hold. Using this logic it would be wrong to judge what Ted Bundy did as being morally wrong since none of us are perfect.

Nobody can make a moral judgement of Jeffrey Epstein since none of us are morally perfect.

I reject this logic.

What I am saying is The Poster does not have The Moral Qualifications to make Moral Judgments on The President.

Even without such qualifications, he has no evidence to prove The President is of Bad Moral Character.

You are making that claim for more than just that one poster.
Since nobody is morally perfect is it your stance nobody can make a moral judgement against anyone?

We have evidence he cheated on all 3 of his wives. Do you believe that cheating on a spouse is an action of someone with high moral character?
Cheating on one’s spouse is the actions of someone with low moral character.

So you are a cheater? I bet you have had Premarital Sex, and probably paid for an abortion or two, lied and cheated on girlfriends, probably stole money from your mom's purse, cheated on tests in school, probably had some hairy man butt sex. Please list all your sins so we can Evaluate Your 'Expert" Moral Qualifications.

Wasn't there a court case about that, where The #Me Too Accuser not only ended up having to pay The President's Legal Fees, but then came out later and said, nothing ever happened? She should have been brought up on charges after the Civil Case was dismissed.

At any rate, she is a broke washed up hooker forced to dance on a pole at seedy Strip Joints now. Perfect Justice.

I never made any such claim about myself.
It it an interesting point of view you hold. Using this logic it would be wrong to judge what Ted Bundy did as being morally wrong since none of us are perfect.

Nobody can make a moral judgement of Jeffrey Epstein since none of us are morally perfect.

I reject this logic.

What I am saying is The Poster does not have The Moral Qualifications to make Moral Judgments on The President.

Even without such qualifications, he has no evidence to prove The President is of Bad Moral Character.

You may consider his constant lying, his cheating on his wives, his bitterness towards other and his juvenile name calling as examples of a moral standard. You really can if you like. I do not.
Do you have proof of your moral superiority and proof of his sins?

I already covered that.
And what evidence do you have that Trump is of bad moral character?

What evidence do you have that can prove to use that you are of good moral character?

What evidence do you have that can qualify you as a Moral Judge over all of us?

Cheating on one’s spouse is the actions of someone with low moral character.

So you are a cheater? I bet you have had Premarital Sex, and probably paid for an abortion or two, lied and cheated on girlfriends, probably stole money from your mom's purse, cheated on tests in school, probably had some hairy man butt sex. Please list all your sins so we can Evaluate Your 'Expert" Moral Qualifications.

Wasn't there a court case about that, where The #Me Too Accuser not only ended up having to pay The President's Legal Fees, but then came out later and said, nothing ever happened? She should have been brought up on charges after the Civil Case was dismissed.

At any rate, she is a broke washed up hooker forced to dance on a pole at seedy Strip Joints now. Perfect Justice.

I never made any such claim about myself.
It it an interesting point of view you hold. Using this logic it would be wrong to judge what Ted Bundy did as being morally wrong since none of us are perfect.

Nobody can make a moral judgement of Jeffrey Epstein since none of us are morally perfect.

I reject this logic.

What I am saying is The Poster does not have The Moral Qualifications to make Moral Judgments on The President.

Even without such qualifications, he has no evidence to prove The President is of Bad Moral Character.

You are making that claim for more than just that one poster.
Since nobody is morally perfect is it your stance nobody can make a moral judgement against anyone?

We have evidence he cheated on all 3 of his wives. Do you believe that cheating on a spouse is an action of someone with high moral character?

Please provide us with a list of your sins that you have committed as well as your tax returns over the last 20 years so that we can see if you are a pervert, reprobate, tax cheat, fornicator, adulterer, slanderer, thief, liar, homosexual, pedophile, miscreant, drunk or if you are just an ordinary man who wallows in his ordinariness, and has never accomplished anything of notoriety except for the sins he committed against his fellow man and God.
So you are a cheater? I bet you have had Premarital Sex, and probably paid for an abortion or two, lied and cheated on girlfriends, probably stole money from your mom's purse, cheated on tests in school, probably had some hairy man butt sex. Please list all your sins so we can Evaluate Your 'Expert" Moral Qualifications.

Wasn't there a court case about that, where The #Me Too Accuser not only ended up having to pay The President's Legal Fees, but then came out later and said, nothing ever happened? She should have been brought up on charges after the Civil Case was dismissed.

At any rate, she is a broke washed up hooker forced to dance on a pole at seedy Strip Joints now. Perfect Justice.

I never made any such claim about myself.
It it an interesting point of view you hold. Using this logic it would be wrong to judge what Ted Bundy did as being morally wrong since none of us are perfect.

Nobody can make a moral judgement of Jeffrey Epstein since none of us are morally perfect.

I reject this logic.

What I am saying is The Poster does not have The Moral Qualifications to make Moral Judgments on The President.

Even without such qualifications, he has no evidence to prove The President is of Bad Moral Character.

You may consider his constant lying, his cheating on his wives, his bitterness towards other and his juvenile name calling as examples of a moral standard. You really can if you like. I do not.
Do you have proof of your moral superiority and proof of his sins?

I already covered that.
So your Qualifications are NOTHING?
I never made any such claim about myself.
It it an interesting point of view you hold. Using this logic it would be wrong to judge what Ted Bundy did as being morally wrong since none of us are perfect.

Nobody can make a moral judgement of Jeffrey Epstein since none of us are morally perfect.

I reject this logic.

What I am saying is The Poster does not have The Moral Qualifications to make Moral Judgments on The President.

Even without such qualifications, he has no evidence to prove The President is of Bad Moral Character.

You may consider his constant lying, his cheating on his wives, his bitterness towards other and his juvenile name calling as examples of a moral standard. You really can if you like. I do not.
Do you have proof of your moral superiority and proof of his sins?

I already covered that.
So your Qualifications are NOTHING?

My qualifications are the same ones as every single person that sits on a jury.
Cheating on one’s spouse is the actions of someone with low moral character.

So you are a cheater? I bet you have had Premarital Sex, and probably paid for an abortion or two, lied and cheated on girlfriends, probably stole money from your mom's purse, cheated on tests in school, probably had some hairy man butt sex. Please list all your sins so we can Evaluate Your 'Expert" Moral Qualifications.

Wasn't there a court case about that, where The #Me Too Accuser not only ended up having to pay The President's Legal Fees, but then came out later and said, nothing ever happened? She should have been brought up on charges after the Civil Case was dismissed.

At any rate, she is a broke washed up hooker forced to dance on a pole at seedy Strip Joints now. Perfect Justice.

I never made any such claim about myself.
It it an interesting point of view you hold. Using this logic it would be wrong to judge what Ted Bundy did as being morally wrong since none of us are perfect.

Nobody can make a moral judgement of Jeffrey Epstein since none of us are morally perfect.

I reject this logic.

What I am saying is The Poster does not have The Moral Qualifications to make Moral Judgments on The President.

Even without such qualifications, he has no evidence to prove The President is of Bad Moral Character.

You are making that claim for more than just that one poster.
Since nobody is morally perfect is it your stance nobody can make a moral judgement against anyone?

We have evidence he cheated on all 3 of his wives. Do you believe that cheating on a spouse is an action of someone with high moral character?

Please provide us with a list of your sins that you have committed as well as your tax returns over the last 20 years so that we can see if you are a pervert, reprobate, tax cheat, fornicator, adulterer, slanderer, thief, liar, homosexual, pedophile, miscreant, drunk or if you are just an ordinary man who wallows in his ordinariness, and has never accomplished anything of notoriety except for the sins he committed against his fellow man and God.

So, once again using your logic it is wrong for anyone to make a moral judgement of the actions of Jeffry Epstein or Ted Bundy or even Charles Manson.

This is faulty logic but I do get that it is what is necessary for you to worship the man sitting in the White House
What I am saying is The Poster does not have The Moral Qualifications to make Moral Judgments on The President.

Even without such qualifications, he has no evidence to prove The President is of Bad Moral Character.

You may consider his constant lying, his cheating on his wives, his bitterness towards other and his juvenile name calling as examples of a moral standard. You really can if you like. I do not.
Do you have proof of your moral superiority and proof of his sins?

I already covered that.
So your Qualifications are NOTHING?

My qualifications are the same ones as every single person that sits on a jury.
Your qualification are Nothing, much as the sum total of your accomplishments in your life.

How many people's lives have you changed?

How many Libraries, and Schools, and Charities have you founded?

How many people do you employ?

You are just an unhappy frustrated camper on Earth who can't seem to get off the planet or make a success of his life on it.

Sucks to be you, loser.
Last edited:
What I am saying is The Poster does not have The Moral Qualifications to make Moral Judgments on The President.

Even without such qualifications, he has no evidence to prove The President is of Bad Moral Character.

You may consider his constant lying, his cheating on his wives, his bitterness towards other and his juvenile name calling as examples of a moral standard. You really can if you like. I do not.
Do you have proof of your moral superiority and proof of his sins?

I already covered that.
So your Qualifications are NOTHING?

My qualifications are the same ones as every single person that sits on a jury.

This is an interesting hole he has dug himself into. Using his logic it is wrong for us to look at Epstein and make a moral judgment on his actions with young girls.

Personally I reject his logic.
So you are a cheater? I bet you have had Premarital Sex, and probably paid for an abortion or two, lied and cheated on girlfriends, probably stole money from your mom's purse, cheated on tests in school, probably had some hairy man butt sex. Please list all your sins so we can Evaluate Your 'Expert" Moral Qualifications.

Wasn't there a court case about that, where The #Me Too Accuser not only ended up having to pay The President's Legal Fees, but then came out later and said, nothing ever happened? She should have been brought up on charges after the Civil Case was dismissed.

At any rate, she is a broke washed up hooker forced to dance on a pole at seedy Strip Joints now. Perfect Justice.

I never made any such claim about myself.
It it an interesting point of view you hold. Using this logic it would be wrong to judge what Ted Bundy did as being morally wrong since none of us are perfect.

Nobody can make a moral judgement of Jeffrey Epstein since none of us are morally perfect.

I reject this logic.

What I am saying is The Poster does not have The Moral Qualifications to make Moral Judgments on The President.

Even without such qualifications, he has no evidence to prove The President is of Bad Moral Character.

You are making that claim for more than just that one poster.
Since nobody is morally perfect is it your stance nobody can make a moral judgement against anyone?

We have evidence he cheated on all 3 of his wives. Do you believe that cheating on a spouse is an action of someone with high moral character?

Please provide us with a list of your sins that you have committed as well as your tax returns over the last 20 years so that we can see if you are a pervert, reprobate, tax cheat, fornicator, adulterer, slanderer, thief, liar, homosexual, pedophile, miscreant, drunk or if you are just an ordinary man who wallows in his ordinariness, and has never accomplished anything of notoriety except for the sins he committed against his fellow man and God.

So, once again using your logic it is wrong for anyone to make a moral judgement of the actions of Jeffry Epstein or Ted Bundy or even Charles Manson.

This is faulty logic but I do get that it is what is necessary for you to worship the man sitting in the White House
Are Jeffrey Epstein, Ted Bundy, and Charles Manson personal friends of yours?

Or are they your heroes?

Maybe I will give you the benefit of the doubt and just call you an idiot for throwing out such red herrings for the purpose of building a false straw man to forward a false moral equivalency argument.

Is that "Woke" enough for you?

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