Judge: Family’s $80 million gold coin collection belongs to uncle sam

This just doesn't seem right. If the family could afford an excelllent attorney, I would say, appeal. How could the government just seize something held by a family without any compensation and proof their was criminal intent? They had no knowledge of the owners capacity of knowledge or understanding of the order or the law at the time.
This just doesn't seem right. If the family could afford an excelllent attorney, I would say, appeal. How could the government just seize something held by a family without any compensation and proof their was criminal intent? They had no knowledge of the owners capacity of knowledge or understanding of the order or the law at the time.
How can the government do it?
Because we allow it. the sheeple will go into attack mode if you talk about it being wrong and to much brain washing in front of the tv screen.
This prosecution is probably a message that "We did it before -- We can do it again"..

They don't want a flight to gold when Bernanke starts the printing presses up again...
This prosecution is probably a message that "We did it before -- We can do it again"..

They don't want a flight to gold when Bernanke starts the printing presses up again...

I don't think it will go as planed now as it did then.

So fdr tyranny and oppression of the American people continues to live loud and proud among the left.

And I am stunned to this day that people refer to fdr as anything other than Americas first tyrant.

I thought that's what you guys thought about Lincoln... tell them poor rich people they couldn't have slaves.
Gold coins are not people, asshole. What authority does the government have to confiscate them?

So fdr tyranny and oppression of the American people continues to live loud and proud among the left.

And I am stunned to this day that people refer to fdr as anything other than Americas first tyrant.

I thought that's what you guys thought about Lincoln... tell them poor rich people they couldn't have slaves.
This prosecution is probably a message that "We did it before -- We can do it again"..

They don't want a flight to gold when Bernanke starts the printing presses up again...

You make an excellent point.... Reps upon reload.........
The law finally caught up with them?

The only criminal in this affair is the federal government. What authority does the government have to force you hand over your gold coins?

The same one that gives them the authority to mint coins to start with. Section 1 of the constitution give Congress the power to charter banks and issue currency, both coin and paper.

The only thing that makes these coins worth millions of dollars is that they are some of the last Double Eagles in existence.

Currency is and remains the property of the United States Government. While you own the value of the currency, the actual currency is the property of the government. It's why you can't draw penises on Geo Washington's head on the $1.00 bill.
Gold coins are not people, asshole. What authority does the government have to confiscate them?

The same authority they had to create them to start with...

There is a fine line between being a creator and having owner ship over something.
The person who paid for them through monetary transaction is the owners of said gold coins. Not the one who created them.
What next taking away someone GM car because the government created it?
Gold coins are not people, asshole. What authority does the government have to confiscate them?

The same authority they had to create them to start with...

There is a fine line between being a creator and having owner ship over something.
The person who paid for them through monetary transaction is the owners of said gold coins. Not the one who created them.
What next taking away someone GM car because the government created it?

Kind of a major difference.

If I took a GM car, copied it and violated their patents and copyrights to their technology, they actually would have legal action against me. Who issues patents? GOvernments! And rightfully so, that's something Capitalists want. They don't want anyone to be able to copy stuff they spent a lot of time and money developing.

The same thing with currency- The government has the authority to issue currency and the actual physical currency is the property of the government. When I take a worn out dollar bill to a bank and exchange it for a crisp new one, that dollar bill is still the government's property. I am only entitled to the face value of the currency.

Addendum, I just talked to my brother the coin collector, who has been following this case. The issue with THESE coins is that they are 1933 Double Eagles, that were never supposed to be put into circulation to start with. These 10 were removed from the mint either by accident or larcency, and that is how they got out into circulation.
Should have melted them down & sold the bullion...or just not said a word about it and just SOLD them.

Then they just would have been worth their weight in gold.

The value comes from what collectors put on them, and the collectors have to get special permits from the govenrment to hold them.

So sell them out of the country. You think a collector in China or Brazil cares if he gets a "permit"?

Umm that is called smuggling.

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