Judge Fudge


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Talk about unqualfied, and she was probably on Biden's short list for a District Court appointment. Biden, champion of unqualified people getting judicial nominations.

Well, that won't be happening for Christine, at least not now.

1992’s The Distinguished Gentleman starred Eddie Murphy as a jive-talkin’ brutha who impersonates a deceased congressman, and 2003’s Head of State starred Chris Rock as a jive-talkin’ brutha who becomes president when the real candidate dies. In both movies, the unqualified bruthas use their ghetto wisdom to become great leaders.

But Hollywood ain’t real life. Or Atlanta.

Atlanta Probate Judge Christina Peterson, best known for playing “Ghetto Ho #1” in Soul Plane, walked into an uncontested race in 2020 and got elected with zero qualifications, as she was the only one running (see, black people? Stop naming your kids DeSleezius and LaMentible and they can chameleon their way into high-paying jobs).

Since then, Peterson’s racked up thirty ethics charges (“dun nobody tolt me de judge can’t take no evidence home. Them reefers jus’ be sittin’ there”). Three nights before the Georgia Judicial Commission was to rule on whether her “systemic incompetence” is disqualifying (it is), Peterson, donning her best wig in honor of British jurisprudence, went clubbing for a night of drinking and assaulting cops.

She was arrested, and shot to national prominence. As did transcripts of her cases.

Attorney: “Did you see my client’s deposition?”

Peterson: “I don’t care none ’bout de position, but personally I be likin’ missionary.”

Attorney: “I have a writ of mandamus.”

Peterson: “Don’t you be bringin’ my man Daymoose into dis; he an honor student.”

Attorney: “I make a motion in limine!”

Peterson: “Leave LaMinnie out of it too; she mah niece.”

Attorney: “May we discuss this in camera?”

Peterson: “You ain’t seein’ mah damn camera; I got my TikToks on there.”

Attorney: “But I have a duces tecum.”

Peterson: “I do gotta take-um a deuce. Court dismissed!”

Talk about unqualfied, and she was probably on Biden's short list for a District Court appointment. Biden, champion of unqualified people getting judicial nominations.

Well, that won't be happening for Christine, at least not now.

1992’s The Distinguished Gentleman starred Eddie Murphy as a jive-talkin’ brutha who impersonates a deceased congressman, and 2003’s Head of State starred Chris Rock as a jive-talkin’ brutha who becomes president when the real candidate dies. In both movies, the unqualified bruthas use their ghetto wisdom to become great leaders.
But Hollywood ain’t real life. Or Atlanta.
Atlanta Probate Judge Christina Peterson, best known for playing “Ghetto Ho #1” in Soul Plane, walked into an uncontested race in 2020 and got elected with zero qualifications, as she was the only one running (see, black people? Stop naming your kids DeSleezius and LaMentible and they can chameleon their way into high-paying jobs).
Since then, Peterson’s racked up thirty ethics charges (“dun nobody tolt me de judge can’t take no evidence home. Them reefers jus’ be sittin’ there”). Three nights before the Georgia Judicial Commission was to rule on whether her “systemic incompetence” is disqualifying (it is), Peterson, donning her best wig in honor of British jurisprudence, went clubbing for a night of drinking and assaulting cops.
She was arrested, and shot to national prominence. As did transcripts of her cases.
Attorney: “Did you see my client’s deposition?”
Peterson: “I don’t care none ’bout de position, but personally I be likin’ missionary.”
Attorney: “I have a writ of mandamus.”
Peterson: “Don’t you be bringin’ my man Daymoose into dis; he an honor student.”
Attorney: “I make a motion in limine!”
Peterson: “Leave LaMinnie out of it too; she mah niece.”
Attorney: “May we discuss this in camera?”
Peterson: “You ain’t seein’ mah damn camera; I got my TikToks on there.”
Attorney: “But I have a duces tecum.”
Peterson: “I do gotta take-um a deuce. Court dismissed!”

She sounds as bad some white judges I have known. Get rid of her is my advice.

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