Judge Halts Wyoming Abortion Ban Days After It Took Effect

Abortion will again be legal in Wyoming — at least for now — after a judge on Wednesday temporarily blocked a ban that took effect a few days earlier.

Teton County District Court Judge Melissa Owens’ decision halts the ban amid a challenge in her court to a law that took effect Sunday. The Republican-controlled Legislature approved the law despite earlier rulings by Owens that had blocked a previous ban since shortly after it took effect last summer.

An amendment in the Wyoming Constitution says adults have a right to make their own health care decisions, so Republicans enacted a ban that states abortion is not health care. However, Owens said it's up to the courts, not lawmakers, to decide whether that's the case.

Get ready for it. It's coming.
This judge went against the will of the people.
"Feelings" have nothing to do with it. Try learning some actual SCIENCE. EVERY characteristic that you were born with you had at the INSTANT of fertilization.
Right and you guys still keep calling a fetus a baby. No emotional response there ! If a fetus doesn't make it the person never existed to begin with.
Right and you guys still keep calling a fetus a baby. No emotional response there ! If a fetus doesn't make it the person never existed to begin with.
lol, so if it dies it never existed? What a twisted piece of garbage!
i want men to have a choice over ....

now read slowly..........................................

their own bodies. how'z about the smaller less intrusive gov'ment deciding whether a dude gets a little snip snip becauseit doesn't want him to sire any children?

btw - yer attempt at insulting just makes me giggle.
Must be a choice, nothing else will do.
Returned the decision to the individual states where it belonged.
The whole reason, in case you weren't born yet or have conveniently forgotten, Roe vs Wade came into being is because states passed such egregious abortion laws women were dying right and left. So it's repealed by a novel approach to the Constitution by two questionable supreme court justices with the help of three perjured judges trump got in. Sounds very suspicious. Then we're back to states passing more egregious abortion bills than before. The final answer is no abortion laws are legal in a free nation.
The whole reason, in case you weren't born yet or have conveniently forgotten, Roe vs Wade came into being is because states passed such egregious abortion laws women were dying right and left.

Objectively false.

And I want those vile ***** who kill their own kids to die. I wish we had laws that accomplished that.

three perjured judges
Whaleshit. Objectively false and insane.
The final answer is no abortion laws are legal in a free nation.
No civilization can be had without abortion laws, filth.

Objectively false.

And I want those vile ***** who kill their own kids to die. I wish we had laws that accomplished that.

Whaleshit. Objectively false and insane.

No civilization can be had without abortion laws, filth.
I really wish abortion did not exist BUT that would only occur in a perfect world. News flash, the world isn't perfect. Abortion has existed across all cultures since civilization began. There are many things that are a lot worse. If all abortions were the same, then laws could exist governing them but they are not. Some may be done for what you might consider poor excuses, guess what, it's not your decision. Abortion is a medical procedure best left to the women involved and their expert doctors. Not anyone or anything else.Stop spreading your bullshit.
I really wish abortion did not exist
Then stop promoting it pro-abort filth.

BUT that would only occur in a perfect world. News flash, the world isn't perfect.
“The world isn’t perfect, therefore rape and rob and murder to your heart’s content, nothing matters, weeeeeee.”

Abortion has existed across all cultures since civilization began.
It is a very old human rights abuse. It cannot be as old as civilization for many reasons, chiefly that cultures that practice it are barbaric, not civilized. But also note that to kill the kid but not the mom requires technology and knowledge that primitives just can’t have.

Still yes, this human rights abuse is very old. Noted. We can be better and progress and stop doing the vile human rights abuse though. We just have to do so over the objections of filth like you.

There are many things that are a lot worse.
No. Abortion is killing an utterly helpless and innocent human being, your own son or daughter, for your own selfish benefit. Nothing is worse. Not slavery, not rape, not other homicides. Nothing. Nothing is worse.

Abortion is a medical procedure
Arson is firefighting.
Then stop promoting it pro-abort filth.

“The world isn’t perfect, therefore rape and rob and murder to your heart’s content, nothing matters, weeeeeee.”

It is a very old human rights abuse. It cannot be as old as civilization for many reasons, chiefly that cultures that practice it are barbaric, not civilized. But also note that to kill the kid but not the mom requires technology and knowledge that primitives just can’t have.

Still yes, this human rights abuse is very old. Noted. We can be better and progress and stop doing the vile human rights abuse though. We just have to do so over the objections of filth like you.

No. Abortion is killing an utterly helpless and innocent human being, your own son or daughter, for your own selfish benefit. Nothing is worse. Not slavery, not rape, not other homicides. Nothing. Nothing is worse.

Arson is firefighting.
You remain willfully ignorant to the needs of others. It's not your place to make their decisions, especially such a personal and important one. Nothing has changed, no matter how much you yell and scream, it's not about you.
Needs don’t enter into a discussion on hiring someone to kill your own kid for your selfish benefit. Desist with the faggotry.
You are a horrible person. Why bring more people into the world when all you want to do is tell them what to do and call them horrible names. Look at the nightmare of a world you would create. : It's already bad enough, what you suggest makes it worse.

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