Judge Halts Wyoming Abortion Ban Days After It Took Effect

Nonsense. There not "Someone" in the uterus. It is zygote. A jumble of cells. Life does not begin at conception, it begins at the first breath.

In A "Free Society" the government does not and should not decide for a Woman what medical procedures or what medications she can or cannot have or take. "Big Government" as the ReNaziKlans like to call it, well they are all for it, as as it is the kind of "Big Government" they want.

Life doesn't begin at any point that we can be certain of. What is life?
It's all an emotional issue. You cannot say, based on SCIENCE, that life begins at a certain time.
You find that they like "Big Government" only when they get what they like... inconsistencies are prevalent among most political groups.
Nonsense. There not "Someone" in the uterus. It is zygote. A jumble of cells.
Fucking retarded.

You’re a jumble of cells. Only in your case, worse than useless, malformed jumble, one that needs to be flushed away.

Life does not begin at conception
Objectively false. Where did you flunk out of the 5th grade, moron?

medical procedures
Non sequitur.
or what medications
Non sequitur.
You regressive filth aren’t liberal, you hate individual rights and individual freedom, and you want to own and destroy the bodies of others.
Get off the soapbox already. I'm all for individual rights, that means everyone is able to control their own bodies, and live the lives they need/ want without interference from government or the courts, as long as they don't do anything criminal. In the past gay sexual relationships were considered crimes. I:m not talking about those ignorant laws, we know better now
We still haven't learned our lesson about abortion laws yet because they still exist.
Get off the soapbox already. I'm all for individual rights, that means everyone is able to control their own bodies
Fucking liar. You don’t want people to merely control their own bodies, you want mothers to own their kids’ bodies.

Assuming you even know what mothers or women are, most of you don’t anymore.
In a FREE SOCIETY, why should someone have to go to another state to get something like this that someone is willing to offer in their own state?
I know I used to have to cross state lines to buy weed legally.

And my concealed carry permit is not valid in every state as it should be.
Life doesn't begin at any point that we can be certain of. What is life?
It's all an emotional issue. You cannot say, based on SCIENCE, that life begins at a certain time.
You find that they like "Big Government" only when they get what they like... inconsistencies are prevalent among most political groups.
I happen to be pro choice but biologists agree that a life actually begins at conception. A fertilized human ovum is human life.

The real legal and moral, if you want to use that word, question is when is a fetus a person?

Personally, and philosophically I think that a fetus attains personhood when its organs and nervous system are fully developed and it is capable of surviving outside the womb.
Fucking liar. You don’t want people to merely control their own bodies, you want mothers to own their kids’ bodies.

Assuming you even know what mothers or women are, most of you don’t anymore.
There's only a " child " in the woman's body IF she wants a child. Otherwise it is what it is a fertilized egg, blastula, gastrula, embryo or fetus. No child involved.
I happen to be pro choice but biologists agree that a life actually begins at conception. A fertilized human ovum is human life.
Ah, but what is the true meaning of "life"?

  1. 1.
    the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.
    "the origins of life"
and yes, biologists agree with that. What they don't agree with is your spurious addition of "human" to the equation.
Personally, and philosophically I think that a fetus attains personhood when its organs and nervous system are fully developed and it is capable of surviving outside the womb.
Logical, but being born still requires a mother at the very least, plus a team of specialists once separated prematurely. Logic dictates that if fetuses were actually "capable of surviving outside the womb" they would naturally be born sooner (or borne by their mothers less).
I think the general response (right or wrong) is that there is someone

wrong. that human DNA is not some 'one' with the same person hood as a post born human being with a life history & is already existing.

in that uterus who might have a vested interest in the decision....but who has no voice.

well ... there is only one person that can have that final decision AND has a right to make a choice re: their autonomy & destiny; otherwise that person is literally reduced to that of a slave.
That would require a two-thirds vote of the people to change the Constitution, no easy task. Women in Wyoming are very independent.

If it isn't important to them, then so be it.

My point being.....it's up to Wyoming.
wrong. that human DNA is not some 'one' with the same person hood as a post born human being with a life history & is already existing.

well ... there is only one person that can have that final decision AND has a right to make a choice re: their autonomy & destiny; otherwise that person is literally reduced to that of a slave.

Good to know you have an opinion.

You are just like everyone else.

Nonsense. There not "Someone" in the uterus. It is zygote. A jumble of cells. Life does not begin at conception, it begins at the first breath.

In A "Free Society" the government does not and should not decide for a Woman what medical procedures or what medications she can or cannot have or take. "Big Government" as the ReNaziKlans like to call it, well they are all for it, as as it is the kind of "Big Government" they want.

Learn to read.

I said "the general response" is........

Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

And you vote that.

Your statements about "should not" reveal a left-wing attitude of actually knowing something that can't really be known.

Your overgeneralization in your last statement is noted.
If it isn't important to them, then so be it.

My point being.....it's up to Wyoming.
That's the problem with a lot of the trigger laws that were voted in many years ago and when these old trigger laws get back on the ballot they aren't a slam dunk to stay legal.

It seems to me that every state should have had a referendum before just enacting these old trigger laws.
There's only a " child " in the woman's body IF she wants a child. Otherwise it is what it is a fertilized egg, blastula, gastrula, embryo or fetus. No child involved.

Pure magical thinking.

Then you are an "egg," fucktard, and someone needs to crack that shell and let all the rotten yoke out down the garbage disposal.

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