Judge: Hobby Lobby won't have to pay fines

"The companies' owners oppose birth control methods that can prevent implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus, such as an intrauterine device or the morning-after pill,

but are willing to offer the 16 other forms of birth control mentioned in the federal health care law."

SO, it's OK to offer SOME forms of birth control?
but NOT others.

anyone else see the hypocrisy here?

The RIGHT are such morons.

You do know, don't you, that different birth control methods work in different ways and at different times before/during/after fertilization?

No. Doesn't look like you do.

Tell us Dave which ones are acceptable and which aren't. When you cannot look in the mirror and repeat your post to yourself and stop pretending to know.

This is just like some catholics were complaining about paying for birth control with Obama care and found out they already cover it in their insurance for years
Hobby Lobby's position is ridiculous. None of their employees are forced to use the birth control in the insurance policy if they don't want to.

Of course the employee can go buy that birth control out of the money in her paycheck that Hobby Lobby gives her. Why doesn't HL object to that? There's no difference between the two.
Yes there is. The government is trying to force them to pay for it. Not every employee that works for them is a xtian but Hobby Lobby is a xtian owned business and I always take the side of business over government...Obama's regime needs to fuck off.He has done enough damage to businesses here in the US.
Yes there is. The government is trying to force them to pay for it. Not every employee that works for them is a xtian but Hobby Lobby is a xtian owned business and I always take the side of business over government...Obama's regime needs to fuck off.He has done enough damage to businesses here in the US.

The company doesn't pay for it. The employee pays for it with his labor.
Since many states already this or a similar mandate in place for insurance coverage,

I wouldn't be surprised if Hobby Lobby was already paying for this in compliance with state laws in some places,

much like many of the Catholic institutions were already paying for it in states like NY all the time they were bitching about Obamacare and having to violate their 'conscience'.
Yes there is. The government is trying to force them to pay for it. Not every employee that works for them is a xtian but Hobby Lobby is a xtian owned business and I always take the side of business over government...Obama's regime needs to fuck off.He has done enough damage to businesses here in the US.

The company doesn't pay for it. The employee pays for it with his labor.

That means Hobby Lobby raises its prices or cuts back on employees or their hours...
Yes there is. The government is trying to force them to pay for it. Not every employee that works for them is a xtian but Hobby Lobby is a xtian owned business and I always take the side of business over government...Obama's regime needs to fuck off.He has done enough damage to businesses here in the US.

The company doesn't pay for it. The employee pays for it with his labor.

That means Hobby Lobby raises its prices or cuts back on employees or their hours...

The owner of HL is effectively imposing a religious test on his employees, by deciding for them whether or not they have a religious objection to this part of the mandated insurance coverage.
Its his business. They can find work elsewhere. No one is forcing them to work there...the government has no business telling a business what they have to provide.People want BC go to the store or doctor.
The company doesn't pay for it. The employee pays for it with his labor.

That means Hobby Lobby raises its prices or cuts back on employees or their hours...

The owner of HL is effectively imposing a religious test on his employees, by deciding for them whether or not they have a religious objection to this part of the mandated insurance coverage.

Well if someone doesn't like the polocies or the beliefs of the company, then don't work there. I can tell you i wouldn't want to work for a devil worshipper, and i have that choice.
If it were men who were not getting their full pay, this would not even be discussed.

If the employer isn't going to pay the wage amount in the form of the insurance benefit, they should have to pay it in cash to the employee.
The company doesn't pay for it. The employee pays for it with his labor.

That means Hobby Lobby raises its prices or cuts back on employees or their hours...

The owner of HL is effectively imposing a religious test on his employees, by deciding for them whether or not they have a religious objection to this part of the mandated insurance coverage.

Shows what the right thinks of the First Amendment.

And, since insurance is part of the pay, he should have to pay that amount in cash to the employee.
All these creeps who want to cheat women out of what they earned and have a right to ... surely no one is so naive as to believe they have religious reasons for screwing over their female employees. Surely, there is no one who believes that the hobby Lobby scum bag does not use birth control in his own life.

This is political.

And, what I said earlier is true - if it were men's health and well being, it would never even be considered.
Well if someone doesn't like the polocies or the beliefs of the company, then don't work there. I can tell you i wouldn't want to work for a devil worshipper, and i have that choice.

Why not apply that to the owner of the Hobby Lobby? If his religious convictions are such that he feels the need to prioritize them over the law of the land as it relates to running a business,

then running a business might not be a wise choice of careers.
"The companies' owners oppose birth control methods that can prevent implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus, such as an intrauterine device or the morning-after pill,

but are willing to offer the 16 other forms of birth control mentioned in the federal health care law."

SO, it's OK to offer SOME forms of birth control?
but NOT others.

anyone else see the hypocrisy here?

The RIGHT are such morons.

well typical liberal, they all look alike, why you love the identity politics. Plan B is after conception, the others (and I'm just assuming) are for before or preventing conception.....but you things like nuance and critical thinking arent your strong points.
Did Dave ever come back and explain to everyone the differences in birth control and why one is cool and the others aren't? Or was he just playing pretend?
Well if someone doesn't like the polocies or the beliefs of the company, then don't work there. I can tell you i wouldn't want to work for a devil worshipper, and i have that choice.

Why not apply that to the owner of the Hobby Lobby? If his religious convictions are such that he feels the need to prioritize them over the law of the land as it relates to running a business,

then running a business might not be a wise choice of careers.

So your saying if i did want to work fof a devil worshipper he should be forced to go against his beliefs to employ me?
Apparently the owner's religious convictions about abortion don't interfere with his willingness to make millions selling hundreds of products made in China.
All these creeps who want to cheat women out of what they earned and have a right to ... surely no one is so naive as to believe they have religious reasons for screwing over their female employees. Surely, there is no one who believes that the hobby Lobby scum bag does not use birth control in his own life.

This is political.

And, what I said earlier is true - if it were men's health and well being, it would never even be considered.
By reading your post you sound like a racist black woman that is mad at the world.
SO, it's OK to offer SOME forms of birth control?
but NOT others.

anyone else see the hypocrisy here?

The RIGHT are such morons.

You do know, don't you, that different birth control methods work in different ways and at different times before/during/after fertilization?

No. Doesn't look like you do.

Tell us Dave which ones are acceptable and which aren't. When you cannot look in the mirror and repeat your post to yourself and stop pretending to know.
Look, I understand you're angry that your ignorance was pointed out, but that's the risk you run posting on a message board that doesn't rigidly enforce groupthink. Perhaps you'd be more comfortable at DemocraticUndergound...?

I can't speak for Hobby Lobby, but I'd say any barrier method would be okay, as they prevent fertilization.

Of course, anyone who has multiple partners and DOESN'T use a barrier method deserves to have their dick/vag rot off for being insanely stupid.
This is just like some catholics were complaining about paying for birth control with Obama care and found out they already cover it in their insurance for years
You need to stop listening to whoever you listen to. They're only giving you part of the story, and you're too stupid to go looking for the rest.

Sandra Fluke lied. Georgetown covers birth control for students -- as long as a doctor determines it's a medical necessity; i.e., regulating periods, etc.

If you just want it for birth control, pay for it yourself. Condoms are cheap. And no one is obligated to pay for your sex life.

Got it?

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