Judge in Floyd case opens door for an acquital.

Yes, just Google technique used on Floyd. If they introduce that 1 paragraph.
No, you go ahead and do your own homework and post it. So we can tear apart your claim.

Clearly you haven't noticed or more likely totally block out of your brain the fact that you and your leftist friends claims are getting completely torn apart on this thread.
Chauvin did exactly as he was trained to do.
False. And the prosecution will send out a parade of police officers and officials to testify to that. Stop making stuff up.

Well, it will be interesting to see if they do as you're confident they will, or if they don't because the reality of their police training is different from what you've been told to "know" about it.
After what the FBI-DOJ-Hillary got away with, I don't have any faith in our justice system. So some facts are that Floyd was a lowlife with little or no redeeming value. Floyd was loaded with drugs and defective body parts that could have killed him. Chauvin looked like a smart ass who disregarded all the onlookers that were warning him that Floyd wasn't moving. Chauvin kept his knee on the neck long after Floyd was subdued. So what does that mean legally? So that all brings us back to a broken justice system that makes judgements based on race, public opinion, party, money, connections and many other things that aren't any part of our laws. In the end, nobody really knows what these legal outlaws will decide

The problem with what took place there is that kneeling on the neck is typical police procedure and taught in many academies. I used to be an avid viewer of the show COPS and seen police officers from all around the country use that technique to subdue violent or out of control criminals all the time.

Besides his terrible medical condition, Floyd had several illegal drugs in his system, and the fentanyl alone was beyond a deadly level.

It was common (no so much any more). The issue is he remained on the neck of a dying man for 9 minutes.

DId Chauven even know the great African American was dying ?

It's on the video. People were yelling at him to get off him because there was clearly something wrong with him.

Yes there was. A lethal dose of fentanyl.

And you don't address that by kneeling on a persons neck until they die.
He was trained to do that. The technique has been used hundreds of times. It was in their handbook.

He isn't trained to continue to kneel on a man's neck while others are yelling at him that there is something wrong with that man.
They are trained to use the technique till the suspect passes out. Especially if they think the suspect is overdosing. All the defending attorney needs to ask, when you were kneeling on Floyd. Were you doing as you were trained to do. The person that should be arrested is the one who made the decision to use that technique.
That’s false. But whatever. :cuckoo:
44 times that technique was used on suspects that were thought to be overdosing. Floyd was the first to die, the problem is the cop didn't kill him he died of an overdose and the cop shouldn't have to pay for Floyd's bad decision.
9 min and 29 sec.
By what i understand the training manual states you kneel till they passport. If the manual says get up after 5 minutes. Than prosecute him because he didn't do as he was trained. But if it says till they passout he followed his training.

You can tell when someone is making crap up when they start off with "By what I understand.................".
After what the FBI-DOJ-Hillary got away with, I don't have any faith in our justice system. So some facts are that Floyd was a lowlife with little or no redeeming value. Floyd was loaded with drugs and defective body parts that could have killed him. Chauvin looked like a smart ass who disregarded all the onlookers that were warning him that Floyd wasn't moving. Chauvin kept his knee on the neck long after Floyd was subdued. So what does that mean legally? So that all brings us back to a broken justice system that makes judgements based on race, public opinion, party, money, connections and many other things that aren't any part of our laws. In the end, nobody really knows what these legal outlaws will decide

The problem with what took place there is that kneeling on the neck is typical police procedure and taught in many academies. I used to be an avid viewer of the show COPS and seen police officers from all around the country use that technique to subdue violent or out of control criminals all the time.

Besides his terrible medical condition, Floyd had several illegal drugs in his system, and the fentanyl alone was beyond a deadly level.

It was common (no so much any more). The issue is he remained on the neck of a dying man for 9 minutes.

DId Chauven even know the great African American was dying ?

It's on the video. People were yelling at him to get off him because there was clearly something wrong with him.

Yes there was. A lethal dose of fentanyl.

And you don't address that by kneeling on a persons neck until they die.
He was trained to do that. The technique has been used hundreds of times. It was in their handbook.

He isn't trained to continue to kneel on a man's neck while others are yelling at him that there is something wrong with that man.
They are trained to use the technique till the suspect passes out. Especially if they think the suspect is overdosing. All the defending attorney needs to ask, when you were kneeling on Floyd. Were you doing as you were trained to do. The person that should be arrested is the one who made the decision to use that technique.
That’s false. But whatever. :cuckoo:
44 times that technique was used on suspects that were thought to be overdosing. Floyd was the first to die, the problem is the cop didn't kill him he died of an overdose and the cop shouldn't have to pay for Floyd's bad decision.
9 min and 29 sec.
By what i understand the training manual states you kneel till they passport. If the manual says get up after 5 minutes. Than prosecute him because he didn't do as he was trained. But if it says till they passout he followed his training.

You can tell when someone is making crap up when they start off with "By what I understand.................".
Just read it myself.

No you didn't.
Yes, just Google technique used on Floyd. If they introduce that 1 paragraph. It will be a short trial, Chauvin did exactly as the manual trained him.

If you had it you would have posted it.
The official site of Minneapolis wouldn't let me download it. Took me 20 seconds to find it.
All three autopsies clearly stated "murder by asphyxiation"
There was only one autopsy. It revealed lethal doses of drugs...and no tissue damage around the neck. Floyd was bleeding from the nose because he banged his own face against the plexiglass divider in the police vehicle, leaving some of his own blood on it. He ate some drugs to keep the police from finding them.

His car was impounded. It was later searched twice with warrants each time. The second produced at least two "speedballs".

You should have watched the defense attorney's opening statements.

The drugged thug killed himself.
After what the FBI-DOJ-Hillary got away with, I don't have any faith in our justice system. So some facts are that Floyd was a lowlife with little or no redeeming value. Floyd was loaded with drugs and defective body parts that could have killed him. Chauvin looked like a smart ass who disregarded all the onlookers that were warning him that Floyd wasn't moving. Chauvin kept his knee on the neck long after Floyd was subdued. So what does that mean legally? So that all brings us back to a broken justice system that makes judgements based on race, public opinion, party, money, connections and many other things that aren't any part of our laws. In the end, nobody really knows what these legal outlaws will decide

The problem with what took place there is that kneeling on the neck is typical police procedure and taught in many academies. I used to be an avid viewer of the show COPS and seen police officers from all around the country use that technique to subdue violent or out of control criminals all the time.

Besides his terrible medical condition, Floyd had several illegal drugs in his system, and the fentanyl alone was beyond a deadly level.

It was common (no so much any more). The issue is he remained on the neck of a dying man for 9 minutes.

DId Chauven even know the great African American was dying ?

It's on the video. People were yelling at him to get off him because there was clearly something wrong with him.

Yes there was. A lethal dose of fentanyl.

And you don't address that by kneeling on a persons neck until they die.
He was trained to do that. The technique has been used hundreds of times. It was in their handbook.

He isn't trained to continue to kneel on a man's neck while others are yelling at him that there is something wrong with that man.
They are trained to use the technique till the suspect passes out. Especially if they think the suspect is overdosing. All the defending attorney needs to ask, when you were kneeling on Floyd. Were you doing as you were trained to do. The person that should be arrested is the one who made the decision to use that technique.
That’s false. But whatever. :cuckoo:
44 times that technique was used on suspects that were thought to be overdosing. Floyd was the first to die, the problem is the cop didn't kill him he died of an overdose and the cop shouldn't have to pay for Floyd's bad decision.
9 min and 29 sec.
By what i understand the training manual states you kneel till they passport. If the manual says get up after 5 minutes. Than prosecute him because he didn't do as he was trained. But if it says till they passout he followed his training.
9 min and 29 sec.
Floyd was doing both the speed and slowness of drugs (fentanyl and speedballs)?
Speedballs are combinations of two drugs mixed together, one a stimulant, the other a depressant.

Cocaine and morphine, cocaine and heroine, cocaine and fentanyl, meth and fentanyl....all are speedballs.

After what the FBI-DOJ-Hillary got away with, I don't have any faith in our justice system. So some facts are that Floyd was a lowlife with little or no redeeming value. Floyd was loaded with drugs and defective body parts that could have killed him. Chauvin looked like a smart ass who disregarded all the onlookers that were warning him that Floyd wasn't moving. Chauvin kept his knee on the neck long after Floyd was subdued. So what does that mean legally? So that all brings us back to a broken justice system that makes judgements based on race, public opinion, party, money, connections and many other things that aren't any part of our laws. In the end, nobody really knows what these legal outlaws will decide

The problem with what took place there is that kneeling on the neck is typical police procedure and taught in many academies. I used to be an avid viewer of the show COPS and seen police officers from all around the country use that technique to subdue violent or out of control criminals all the time.

Besides his terrible medical condition, Floyd had several illegal drugs in his system, and the fentanyl alone was beyond a deadly level.

It was common (no so much any more). The issue is he remained on the neck of a dying man for 9 minutes.

DId Chauven even know the great African American was dying ?

It's on the video. People were yelling at him to get off him because there was clearly something wrong with him.

Yes there was. A lethal dose of fentanyl.

And you don't address that by kneeling on a persons neck until they die.
He was trained to do that. The technique has been used hundreds of times. It was in their handbook.

He isn't trained to continue to kneel on a man's neck while others are yelling at him that there is something wrong with that man.
They are trained to use the technique till the suspect passes out. Especially if they think the suspect is overdosing. All the defending attorney needs to ask, when you were kneeling on Floyd. Were you doing as you were trained to do. The person that should be arrested is the one who made the decision to use that technique.
That’s false. But whatever. :cuckoo:
44 times that technique was used on suspects that were thought to be overdosing. Floyd was the first to die, the problem is the cop didn't kill him he died of an overdose and the cop shouldn't have to pay for Floyd's bad decision.
9 min and 29 sec.
By what i understand the training manual states you kneel till they passport. If the manual says get up after 5 minutes. Than prosecute him because he didn't do as he was trained. But if it says till they passout he followed his training.
9 min and 29 sec.
3x the lethal dose of fentanyl in his system. Nothing anyone could do to save his life. I hate it for him, but you loons making out to be a great man. Proves you have no morals and are the most ignorant people around. He shoved a gun on a pregnant woman womb, threatening to kill her baby. While his buddies robbed her. He represents your party well.
People that wanted Murder 1 are just fucking idiots. The cop didnt premeditate the murder like it was the fucking JFK assassination.

That's exactly the way the libs see it however. Floyd got a more impression state funeral than did MLK. Dozens of dignitaries eulogizing him as a tremendous hero.
Including Piglosi.
Yes a violent negro with a rap sheet was trying to pass off a fake 20 dollar bill dies during an arrest in which he fought with the cops. And for this we burn down buildings and give him a ride in a golden casket.

This country is fucked.

Indeed. Floyd was dying before the Officers arrived. He had enough dope in him to kill and elephant. So yeah, screw the idea that this was a dead man walking (due to his own bullshit, thuggery life) and let's burn down a city.

Yes sir! That will show the "white devil".......Jesus wept.
Watch the unedited video.

They play it at the beginning of this pod.

Floyd was screaming, “I CANT CHOKE, I CANT BREATHE!” when he was in the back of the cop car and no one was anywhere near his head or chest.


Nebraska has used Fentanyl to execute death row prisoners.

The video makes it quite obvious.

yep, exactly. no one touching him he was complaining about his breathing. it continues to amaze me the ignorance of demofk.

He very well may have had trouble breathing then also.

What you do is get someone medical help, not kneel on their neck until they die.

When they are resisting arrest you restrain them whether they have trouble breating or not.

They did as they were trained and restrained him AND called for medical assistance.

When one is unconscious, one cannot possibly be "resisting arrest".

The video does not show them restraining him after he lost consciousness

Yes it does.

Watch the unedited video.

They play it at the beginning of this pod.

Floyd was screaming, “I CANT CHOKE, I CANT BREATHE!” when he was in the back of the cop car and no one was anywhere near his head or chest.


Nebraska has used Fentanyl to execute death row prisoners.

The video makes it quite obvious.

yep, exactly. no one touching him he was complaining about his breathing. it continues to amaze me the ignorance of demofk.

He very well may have had trouble breathing then also.

What you do is get someone medical help, not kneel on their neck until they die.

When they are resisting arrest you restrain them whether they have trouble breating or not.

They did as they were trained and restrained him AND called for medical assistance.

When one is unconscious, one cannot possibly be "resisting arrest".

The video does not show them restraining him after he lost consciousness

Wow...Allen Dulles’ grandson is here and the thread isn’t even about the CIA’s killing of JFK. WOW again!

Of course he sides with the state on the Floyd murder...as always, just like his granddaddy.

Still emabarrassed over how many times i proved you a fool.

Someday you'll grow up
All three autopsies clearly stated "murder by asphyxiation"
There was only one autopsy. It revealed lethal doses of drugs...and no tissue damage around the neck. Floyd was bleeding from the nose because he banged his own face against the plexiglass divider in the police vehicle, leaving some of his own blood on it. He ate some drugs to keep the police from finding them.

His car was impounded. It was later searched twice with warrants each time. The second produced at least two "speedballs".

You should have watched the defense attorney's opening statements.

The drugged thug killed himself.

There were two autopsies.

The family ordered one and the official autopsy.
If Mr. Floyd was a known violent nogoodnik, why shouldn't this information be heard by the 12 angry men assembled? Mr. Chauven in on trial for his life, is it more important to convict him guilty or not, or to get it right?

Actually, it's important to convict him or they'll burn down the city if he isn't.

Not to worry, that tape of him kneeling on the guy's neck for nine minutes is damning no matter what shit you throw against the wall.
It's worse than that. They are having a hard time finding jurors because they fear for their safety and lives if they find the officer was not guilty. That means the only people willing to take a juror position is one who's mind is already made up about the case as guilty.

This case should have been sent to some small remote town somewhere on the other side of the country where lowlifes are much less of a threat to jurors.

Chauven committed his crime against that community... that community should be the one to judge him.
Floyd was doing both the speed and slowness of drugs (fentanyl and speedballs)?
Speedballs are combinations of two drugs mixed together, one a stimulant, the other a depressant.

Cocaine and morphine, cocaine and heroine, cocaine and fentanyl, meth and fentanyl....all are speedballs.
Not here on the north coast. In the lexicon in my neck of the woods...



They are different substances. A goofball is much riskier because, regarding dosage of heroin vs. fentanyl, fentanyl has a much smaller margin of error between getting high and getting dead.

Both are opioids that can paralyze your diaphragm, but it takes a much smaller dose of fentanyl by an order of magnitude.

A goofball and a speedball are not the same thing.

To put this in perspective, here's a pic of a lethal dose of heroin juxtaposed with a lethal dose of fentanyl.

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