Judge in Floyd case opens door for an acquital.

Not when their mind is made up before the trial even begins. Your theory would be correct if we didn't have so many uncivilized people in our country.

If people's minds are made up, it's because everyone saw what Chauvin did.

The same argument was made when Van Dyke was put on trial in Chicago. He got a mostly white jury and they still found him guilty. (then the judge fucked it up and gave him the most minimal sentence he could get away with.)

Chauvin's jury is mostly white. They'll still find him guilty because HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THAT TAPE!

Either way the guy was going to die that day. It's unfortunate for this officer Floyd happened to die while he was subduing him.

By that logic, any nurse in a hospital or a hospice who smothers a patient can get away with it because they were going to die anyway.

A city? There were dozens of cities across the country being destroyed because of this lowlife.

No, there were dozens of cities slightly damaged because of decades of police misconduct, and the only way to get white people to pay attention is to break their stuff.

Don't expect that from any Democrat. The President doesn't have the authority to stop riots in any city unless the Mayor or Governor issues a formal request, or people in those cities are attacking a federal building.

Actually, there were a whole lot of things Trump could have done to quell the riots. He just chose to make things worse.

The left loves these riots calling them the Summer of Love. They instruct their police to stand down and give rioters and robbers all the room they need to conduct their outlawish actions.

Yes, you don't make a riot over killing people better by killing more people. Hellooooo....
I'm sure those looking for excuses for their racism instead of realizing that racism is a problem believe that.

Please. If this victim was white you never would have heard of the story. How can the Democrats maintain power unless they keep the country divided?
Sounds like you are all in on whitie rightie victimhood.
Sorry you do not like facts.

Worth noting that Timpa did not resist arrest. The cops in this case also thought it was rather funny what they were doing as they joked constantly while they killed Timpa.

And these cops went back to work afterward. After a grand jury indicted them but the DA decided not to bother. Further, Floyd's death has been labeled as a race issue but there is nothing whatsoever to point to Floyd's death as being related to race at all. Nothing whatsoever.

But that does not stop the race whores from getting out there, decaling that this is only occurring to blacks, false, and that Floyd was only killed because he was black, also false.

Absolutely NO ONE is arguing it only happens to blacks. BLM showed up to the protest for Justine Damond.

'Never been about race': black activists on how Minneapolis reacted to Damond shooting

People like yourself only use that argument to dismiss the protests. The argument is that the black population has been targeted far more than others but it has NEVER been an argument that it only happens to blacks.

The suits to end Stop and Frisk is another example. It was NEVER argued that it was only blacks that were unconstitutionally searched but rather that it was blacks that were far more unconstitutionally searched.
Why aren’t they protecting black lives in the hood? Blacks on blacks, the most crime against them. You ignore it, you’re pitiful
The only thing that could make at least some people re-think what the video showed would be if it can be demonstrated that Floyd's neck was not seriously injured by the knee.
I think it's too much to imagine that crowd will ever be rational or thoughtful. He either goes down on a murder charge or they're going to need troops to keep Minneapolis from literally being burned to the ground. Before the verdict is announced, they need the Guard on the streets and clear instructions that anyone who starts to set anything on fire WILL be shot without warning.
I'm sure those looking for excuses for their racism instead of realizing that racism is a problem believe that.

Please. If this victim was white you never would have heard of the story. How can the Democrats maintain power unless they keep the country divided?
Sounds like you are all in on whitie rightie victimhood.
Sorry you do not like facts.

Worth noting that Timpa did not resist arrest. The cops in this case also thought it was rather funny what they were doing as they joked constantly while they killed Timpa.

And these cops went back to work afterward. After a grand jury indicted them but the DA decided not to bother. Further, Floyd's death has been labeled as a race issue but there is nothing whatsoever to point to Floyd's death as being related to race at all. Nothing whatsoever.

But that does not stop the race whores from getting out there, decaling that this is only occurring to blacks, false, and that Floyd was only killed because he was black, also false.

Absolutely NO ONE is arguing it only happens to blacks. BLM showed up to the protest for Justine Damond.

'Never been about race': black activists on how Minneapolis reacted to Damond shooting

People like yourself only use that argument to dismiss the protests. The argument is that the black population has been targeted far more than others but it has NEVER been an argument that it only happens to blacks.

The suits to end Stop and Frisk is another example. It was NEVER argued that it was only blacks that were unconstitutionally searched but rather that it was blacks that were far more unconstitutionally searched.
Why aren’t they protecting black lives in the hood? Blacks on blacks, the most crime against them. You ignore it, you’re pitiful

Just another attempt at ignoring the issue.
If people's minds are made up, it's because everyone saw what Chauvin did.

The same argument was made when Van Dyke was put on trial in Chicago. He got a mostly white jury and they still found him guilty. (then the judge fucked it up and gave him the most minimal sentence he could get away with.)

Chauvin's jury is mostly white. They'll still find him guilty because HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THAT TAPE!

When we start judging people on a recording alone, we are a doomed country. Of course we are doomed anyway because we are under total communist control.

By that logic, any nurse in a hospital or a hospice who smothers a patient can get away with it because they were going to die anyway.

True if the patient took a cocktail of very dangerous narcotics including three times the deadly level of fentanyl alone. A nurse killing somebody with a pillow is not standard procedure. An officer kneeling on a suspects neck to hold them down is.

No, there were dozens of cities slightly damaged because of decades of police misconduct, and the only way to get white people to pay attention is to break their stuff.

You'd have to be a total idiot to believe that. The officer was arrested and charged before a police investigation even began, and the same with the riots starting. When you give an animal a treat after shitting on your living room carpet, expect that animal to do it again. That's exactly what happened with the two riots under Hussein. The animals learned their bad behavior will be rewarded by Democrats. If you went to any of those riots, interviewed the criminals participating, probably half of them couldn't tell you who George Floyd was if asked. They would tell you they never met the guy.

Actually, there were a whole lot of things Trump could have done to quell the riots. He just chose to make things worse.

You don't know much about our political system, do ya? No, a President cannot take any action unless there is a formal request by a city or state. Even after Trump sent troops to protect the federal building, the communists demanded he remove them.

Yes, you don't make a riot over killing people better by killing more people. Hellooooo....

If authorities actually killed people, the riots would have stopped. A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried.
No, there were dozens of cities slightly damaged because of decades of police misconduct, and the only way to get white people to pay attention is to break their stuff
So white people are to blame for black crime now, cause that makes sense from an insane demofk
I support things that would make their lives better. Like addressing the wealth inequality in this country.

Wealth inequity is very simple. If you don't like the rich getting richer, quit giving them your money. But no. Send your money to them several times every week and then bitch when they have the money.

Blacks getting killed by cops could stop today. Listen to all orders by a police officer, and nobody gets hurt or killed. Of course this is very simple to us on the right, but the left would rather people get killed by the cops, and then riot from coast to coast causing tens of millions of dollars damage.
And will that even be covered in court? That goes to motive.

I don't have a TEE VEE, I am not watching the trial. . . but if this does not come up. . . ask yourselves a question. . . why? :dunno:
I support things that would make their lives better. Like addressing the wealth inequality in this country.

Wealth inequity is very simple. If you don't like the rich getting richer, quit giving them your money. But no. Send your money to them several times every week and then bitch when they have the money.

Blacks getting killed by cops could stop today. Listen to all orders by a police officer, and nobody gets hurt or killed. Of course this is very simple to us on the right, but the left would rather people get killed by the cops, and then riot from coast to coast causing tens of millions of dollars damage.

The Fed is pumping trillions. I can not just stop that. I vote against it but I am only one vote.
I support things that would make their lives better. Like addressing the wealth inequality in this country
Dude, they need fking jobs in their neighborhood, ain’t ever going to happen without ridding the gangs. You have no solutions, just take others money! Very fking sad are you? I spit at people like you. Help the neighborhood fk! That’s what will save black lives
I support things that would make their lives better. Like addressing the wealth inequality in this country
Dude, they need fking jobs in their neighborhood, ain’t ever going to happen without ridding the gangs. You have no solutions, just take others money! Very fking sad are you? I spit at people like you. Help the neighborhood fk! That’s what will save black lives

The Federal Reserve's money is our money.
I support things that would make their lives better. Like addressing the wealth inequality in this country
Dude, they need fking jobs in their neighborhood, ain’t ever going to happen without ridding the gangs. You have no solutions, just take others money! Very fking sad are you? I spit at people like you. Help the neighborhood fk! That’s what will save black lives

The Federal Reserve's money is our money.
so more debt? cause taxes are our money not the Federal Reserve's. And still no solution from you. I have plenty but racist kkk demofks hate the ideas.
And will that even be covered in court? That goes to motive.

I don't have a TEE VEE, I am not watching the trial. . . but if this does not come up. . . ask yourselves a question. . . why? :dunno:
I support things that would make their lives better. Like addressing the wealth inequality in this country
Dude, they need fking jobs in their neighborhood, ain’t ever going to happen without ridding the gangs. You have no solutions, just take others money! Very fking sad are you? I spit at people like you. Help the neighborhood fk! That’s what will save black lives
Employment where people live is essential to order and well being. Small to medium sized businesses are the engine of employment in every successful economy. The most presently visible small businesses in "problem" neighborhoods is, unfortunately, contraband. Stimulate small business, especially workshops and manufacturing where young men learn skills and earn incomes, and watch the difference. This doesn't cost trillions, either. In fact, it is investment, not spending.
In this morning's videos from within the Cup Foods store, Floyd's physical behavior seems to suggest he's hopped up on drugs.

Now the store clerk (Christopher Martin) is testifying that he believed Floyd to be under the influence of drugs.

I'm convinced that Floyd was definitely drugged up.

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I support things that would make their lives better. Like addressing the wealth inequality in this country
Dude, they need fking jobs in their neighborhood, ain’t ever going to happen without ridding the gangs. You have no solutions, just take others money! Very fking sad are you? I spit at people like you. Help the neighborhood fk! That’s what will save black lives
Employment where people live is essential to order and well being. Small to medium sized businesses are the engine of employment in every successful economy. The most presently visible small businesses in "problem" neighborhoods is, unfortunately, contraband. Stimulate small business, especially workshops and manufacturing where young men learn skills and earn incomes, and watch the difference. This doesn't cost trillions, either. In fact, it is investment, not spending.
Indeed. defund police ain't going to help that, george floyd or no george floyd. these people are insane.
In this morning's videos from within the Cup Foods store, Floyd's physical behavior seems to suggest he's hopped up on drugs.

The call sheet shows it was called in as under the influence. The prosecutor never said that in his remarks or questioning of witnesses. Nope, took the defense to point that out. A fact the prosecutors are afraid of.

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