Judge Napolitano: Here Are The Charges Hillary Faces Over Her Private Emails

Napolitano is a clown who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.
Napolitano is a clown who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.
What are your professional credentials in the legal field/justice system compared to his? How many cases ( not meaning cases of beer on the Indian reservation) have you presided over compared to him?
Hillary Clinton will face no charges. She, like her husband, is above the law. The very same law that General Patraeous was charged with will NOT be levied against this woman. It will all go away within a matter of weeks and she will be hailed as the most "honest" woman in America. Count on it.

Welcome to hell.
Hillary Clinton will face no charges. She, like her husband, is above the law. The very same law that General Patraeous was charged with will NOT be levied against this woman. It will all go away within a matter of weeks and she will be hailed as the most "honest" woman in America. Count on it.

Welcome to hell.
I don't think she can get away with this being so close to Patraeous getting sentenced.
Hillary Clinton will face no charges. She, like her husband, is above the law. The very same law that General Patraeous was charged with will NOT be levied against this woman. It will all go away within a matter of weeks and she will be hailed as the most "honest" woman in America. Count on it.

Welcome to hell.
I don't think she can get away with this being so close to Patraeous getting sentenced.

This DOJ will do nothing, if a republican president is elected next year, maybe in 2017 you'll see something done. But I doubt it, especially if Clinton is the nominee, it would look too political and presidents are all about optics.
Charge #3: Being a Clinton. Carries a maximum penalty of up to eight years in the White House.
Hillary Clinton will face no charges. She, like her husband, is above the law. The very same law that General Patraeous was charged with will NOT be levied against this woman. It will all go away within a matter of weeks and she will be hailed as the most "honest" woman in America. Count on it.

Welcome to hell.
I don't think she can get away with this being so close to Patraeous getting sentenced.

Think back a few years. She blatantly broke insider trading laws and made $150,000 - an act that would have landed you or me in Leavenworth for 10 years. Her "punishment"? Nothing.

Remember, we live in a land where politicians routinely pass laws to control "We, the people" while ignoring the same laws upon themselves.

Eventually, the people of the United States (be they republican or democrat) will come to understand.......or we will fall into tyranny. My bet? Tyranny.

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