Judge: No adverse action against Navy sailors for refusing vaccine

For the second time in less than a year, a federal judge in Washington blocked the Pentagon from forcing troops to take the anthrax vaccine, saying the vaccine was not properly approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

As a result of Wednesday's ruling by U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan, the Defense Department will suspend vaccinations until the legal situation is clarified, Pentagon spokesman Jim Turner said.

"The men and women of our armed forces deserve the assurance that the vaccines our government compels them to take into their bodies have been tested by the greatest scrutiny of all--public scrutiny," Sullivan wrote in his 41-page opinion.

The Anthrax vaccine program was a fucking joke.
Yawn. I just nailed you on the Anthrax so now you shift to Covid is different...........

Covid doesn't work as it allows you to get and transmit the virus..........Gives no LONG TERM IMMUNITY.....and requires you to get jab after jab after jab. It does NOTHING TO STOP OMICRON.

It doesn't work...........and again they are ignoring the adverse effects and using propoganda to deny the adverse effects.

You didn't nail me on anything. Yes, COVID is way different as it is world wide and is a threat to everyone, not just those in war zones. Like I said, I was active duty when it first came out and was never required to get the anthrax vaccine, as I wasn't forward deployed to war zones where it was required.

For the second time in less than a year, a federal judge in Washington blocked the Pentagon from forcing troops to take the anthrax vaccine, saying the vaccine was not properly approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

As a result of Wednesday's ruling by U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan, the Defense Department will suspend vaccinations until the legal situation is clarified, Pentagon spokesman Jim Turner said.

"The men and women of our armed forces deserve the assurance that the vaccines our government compels them to take into their bodies have been tested by the greatest scrutiny of all--public scrutiny," Sullivan wrote in his 41-page opinion.

The Anthrax vaccine program was a fucking joke.

You're pulling up stuff from 2004? That was 17 years ago dude.
There are many differences between the COVID vaccine and the anthrax vaccine. First, there was only 1 supplier for anthrax, while there are at least 3 major companies who make the COVID vaccine. And, while the anthrax vaccine was in short supply, the COVID vaccine is pretty plentiful, anyone who currently wants a shot can get one now, as opposed to the first few months where it was in short supply while they were getting started on producing it. And, there is also the fact that COVID is world wide and a risk for everyone, whereas the anthrax threat was only in war zones where bio weapons might be used. Like I said, I was on active duty while this was happening, and was never told I had to get the vaccine, because I never deployed to areas where bio weapons might be used against my command (sitting far away out on the water has that benefit).
The Anthrax company made the vaccine 48 years before this use.............And they ignored the adverse effects and hid them. And in the end it wasn't even needed. As it didn't protect the threat it was supposed to be for on the battlefield.

It WAS A JOKE. And they used the military as lab rats...........the courts shut it down more than once and the leaders eventually testified it was a clusterfuck.

Covid doesn't stop you from getting Covid or transmitting it. Under the 1905 ruling from the Supreme court used over and over again..........It has to provide IMMUNITY to be the same..........IT DOESN'T........Not to mention it was more toward States and not the Fed................

mRNA will in history be shown to be BS......it already is now............Another BS scenario brought to you by PFIZER........
You didn't nail me on anything. Yes, COVID is way different as it is world wide and is a threat to everyone, not just those in war zones. Like I said, I was active duty when it first came out and was never required to get the anthrax vaccine, as I wasn't forward deployed to war zones where it was required.
I've shown the data..................And I've shown that it was a COMPLETE JOKE.............It was shot down mulitple times in the courts........and they admitted IT WAS A FAILURE.
You're pulling up stuff from 2004? That was 17 years ago dude.
We were talking about the Anthrax DUDE......And that was another ruling against the military.

I've shown Gov't data that rips the ANTHRAX PROGRAM A NEW ASSHOLE.......No wonder you don't want to stay there.........lmao
Actually, they don't normally kick you out of the military, you just aren't allowed to deploy to the area requiring them. Part of the overseas screening for personnel deploying to areas outside of the continental US is for them to get required shots for that area. If they refuse, they simply do not go to the area in question. And, if a person gets orders overseas, you can bet they are willing to take the shots, because getting overseas duty is kinda cool. At least.................that's what the deal was when I was active duty from '82 to '02. If you refuse the shots, they take away the orders and send you someplace that is here in the States.
During Desert Storm when folks refused to take shots or refused to be deployed they pretty much were on their way out the door, unless it was something medical or religious. Just refusing to go because you didn't want to didn't cut it.
During Desert Storm when folks refused to take shots or refused to be deployed they pretty much were on their way out the door, unless it was something medical or religious. Just refusing to go because you didn't want to didn't cut it.

Of course refusing to deploy because you don't feel like it doesn't cut it in the military. Didn't those idiots realize what they were joining when they signed the dotted line? If the military says go, you go, you don't get a choice about it.
An update.

All those who refused the vaccine can now have their duty assignments changed. So all those heroes will be working in rear area jobs. Some make work nonsense counting boxes of toothbrushes probably.
The vaccine is still garbage............same as the Anthrax BS........Anthrax was never an issue just fear mongering of the time. artillery rounds would have been in theatre and the anthrax wouldn't have stopped it........not to mention the volume needed to kill you.

mRNA don't stop you from getting the virus..........couldn't train dog to sit............and do have severe side effects that have killed Americans....I don't care how you water it down.

I stand with the SEALS.......who know this is all BS..........I agree with them.........GO GET YOUR BOOSTERS...........lab rats.

mRNA were NEVER NEEDED...............People pushing these jabs have killed Americans.......All over the world early treatments were used............

They did night and day better than us...............and here we go with those cheering for those attacking the men who took a stand.............Guess you guys think TRUDEAU is a HERO TOO.

Perhaps you have always wanted to beat down an old lady for honking a horn or starve a family for not having vaccine passports......huy.

You guys suck..............So does our gov't and the the FAUCIITES.........nothing is happening to those who did gain of function in Wuhan.........NOTHING.
It will be overturned.

The military has many exceptions to Constitutional guarantees and the ability to ensure force readiness is one of the reasons they can't just:
Walk away from the service like you can leave a job;
Make public statements against the service while in uniform or representing as a member;
Tell a superior to eff-off in response to an order.
The Vaccine does not make the force READY---
The vaccines are shit and even when they don't kill, they only last about 4 months..meaning most of our troops are no longer vaccinated pumpkin.
The men in the military are at low risk from the virus---being that they are generally healthy, young, and in shape. The troops know this and are ignoring infected personal and telling them not to report to sick bay to avoid lockdowns and paperwork.
The vaccines do not stop the virus or stop the virus from killing especially in this demographic.
Natural immunity last longer and provides more protection than the shots.
Whose fear mongering here eddie the eagle?

I bet you think the vaccines change your DNA....Right.
I never said that............said they don't work and are BS. They don't give long lasting immunity and never did........They don't stop you from getting the virus or spreading it.

They are useless just like you.

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