Judge orders books removed from Texas public libraries due to LGBTQ and racial content must be returned

I bought the Rush Limbaugh book The way things ought to be. I thought it was an interesting read on society if a little more conservative than I personally believed.

Liberals were chided, mocked, and even vilified for trying to restrict access to this book. Let me rephrase that. Liberals were properly chided, mocked and vilified.

I bought the book because I wondered what was so bad about it. If the Liberals had shut up I probably never would have bought or read it. I listened to Limbaugh on occasion.

I read a lot of books for that reason. Fahrenheit 451 as one more example. I didn’t think it was all that good. But I’ve read good and bad books. I’ve read these books not because someone said I should. I read a lot of books for that reason. But because they said nobody should.

The Right and Left argue with equal passion, and they’re both wrong. They don’t know what is best. They don’t know what we should, or shouldn’t read.

The Taliban leaders. The Mullahs who decide what is happening for and to others. They are lauded for never reading anything but the Koran.

I’m a truth whore. I’ll take truth from any source. If I read a book that I think is terrible, but it has a single grain of truth in it, I walk away a better person.

I read Marx in school. It was bullshit. I can explain why if you want. I read the Little Red Book from Mao. They should have left Marx alone. Marx alone was bad enough, it didn’t need the help.

I told the wife not long ago. I think everyone should read Mein Kampf. One time only. So you can see the pattern of lies and flawed thinking from pseudo intellectuals.

Books are not dangerous. Books are not subversive. They aren’t going to turn your grand kids gay just by touching the cover. Reading it isn’t going to make you or anyone homosexual or transsexual. At most, it might help someone understand a single small truth about themselves or the world.

Ideals are not dangerous. It is the fear of ideals that presents a greater danger. It is that fear of ideals that presents the greatest danger to society.
I would agree with most of that... for adults.
Absolutely never for kids & there is no middle ground here when it comes to pornographic crap.
Providing access to grooming, porn & pedo materials to children is both illegal & immoral & harms impressionable children.
If I had ever caught someone providing these types of perv propaganda to my kids they would've ended up in a hospital at the very least.

I'll never understand people that want to virtue signal about providing young kids with adult materials on sexual deviancies.
Maybe it's a pederast thing?
All that a person can do is stay focused on whatever it is that they are really interested in. At the end of the day, what a person's money and time goes towards may be what says it all and with the loudest voice too.

God bless you always!!!

Let us do away with the first amendment, then.

It is the only way that only "moral and Religious" people will prevail in this country, by force, and by autocratic means.

Until then, the First Amendment is still the FIRST AMENDMENT for the most obvious reason, and will continue to be the first, for the most obvious reason.

The first amendment, as you obviously see it, would make taking children into a porn theater legal.

We see exactly how you are.
The taxpayers have a right to decide, through their elected representatives, what book and materials to pay to have shelved in the public library.

The 1AD would apply if lawmakers banned books by Democrat authors and not Republican authors. Of course, no one is doing that. Librarians might tend to stock more Democrat books that Republican books, but I do see books by Reps on my local shelves, so I doubt that's a huge problem.

Books that encourage child sexuality, including normalizing adult/child sexual interactions are objectively harmful for children, as anyone with common sense would know. If one of our Democrat posters on here wrote an autobiographical novel in which he had a sexual relationship with a grown man as a preteen that he enjoyed, I wouldn't expect it to be banned from publication. But I wouldn't expect my tax dollars to be spent on something like that, in a public library or a public school library.
The taxpayers have a right to decide, through their elected representatives, what book and materials to pay to have shelved in the public library.

The 1AD would apply if lawmakers banned books by Democrat authors and not Republican authors. Of course, no one is doing that. Librarians might tend to stock more Democrat books that Republican books, but I do see books by Reps on my local shelves, so I doubt that's a huge problem.

Books that encourage child sexuality, including normalizing adult/child sexual interactions are objectively harmful for children, as anyone with common sense would know. If one of our Democrat posters on here wrote an autobiographical novel in which he had a sexual relationship with a grown man as a preteen that he enjoyed, I wouldn't expect it to be banned from publication. But I wouldn't expect my tax dollars to be spent on something like that, in a public library or a public school library.
The First Amendment would apply if these books were prohibited to everyone. They are not.
‘Seven residents sued county officials in April 2022, claiming their First and 14th Amendment rights were violated when books deemed inappropriate by some people in the community and Republican lawmakers were removed from public libraries or access was restricted.

The lawsuit filed in the US District Court for the Western District of Texas in San Antonio claimed county officials removed books from the shelves of the three-branch public library system “because they disagree with the ideas within them” and terminated access to thousands of digital books because they could not ban two specific titles.


The library system also is required to reflect these books as available in their catalog and cannot remove any books for any reason while the case is ongoing, US District Judge Robert Pitman said in his order.

“Although libraries are afforded great discretion for their selection and acquisition decisions, the First Amendment prohibits the removal of books from libraries based on either viewpoint or content discrimination,” Pitman said.’

Very good.

This is a victory for the First Amendment and the right to freedom of expression; it is a defeat for neo-fascist authoritarianism.
Libraries in Texas? They have those?
Which of Sally Hemings' six children was conceived when she was 14 years old?

Sally Hemings, Thomas Jefferson's sister-in-law, and Jefferson had an an extraordinary love despite the vast difference in their ages. Clearly Jefferson's relationship with the entire Hemings family were based on close friendship.
Okay 15 - 16. That doesn't make it much better. She left for Paris at 14 and came back pregnant at 16 according to that source. Jefferson was 44 when they left for Paris so that means a 45 - 46 year old Jefferson was raping his teenage slave.
Okay 15 - 16. That doesn't make it much better. She left for Paris at 14 and came back pregnant at 16 according to that source. Jefferson was 44 when they left for Paris so that means a 45 - 46 year old Jefferson was raping his teenage slave.
He had an affair with his sister-in-law. If the affair began in Paris, she was a free woman and not a slave.
‘Seven residents sued county officials in April 2022, claiming their First and 14th Amendment rights were violated when books deemed inappropriate by some people in the community and Republican lawmakers were removed from public libraries or access was restricted.

The lawsuit filed in the US District Court for the Western District of Texas in San Antonio claimed county officials removed books from the shelves of the three-branch public library system “because they disagree with the ideas within them” and terminated access to thousands of digital books because they could not ban two specific titles.


The library system also is required to reflect these books as available in their catalog and cannot remove any books for any reason while the case is ongoing, US District Judge Robert Pitman said in his order.

“Although libraries are afforded great discretion for their selection and acquisition decisions, the First Amendment prohibits the removal of books from libraries based on either viewpoint or content discrimination,” Pitman said.’

Very good.

This is a victory for the First Amendment and the right to freedom of expression; it is a defeat for neo-fascist authoritarianism.
Which of Sally Hemings' six children was conceived when she was 14 years old?

Sally Hemings, Thomas Jefferson's sister-in-law, and Jefferson had an an extraordinary love despite the vast difference in their ages. Clearly Jefferson's relationship with the entire Hemings family were based on close friendship.
Yeah..that and the fact that Hemings, and her family, were OWNED by Jefferson!

When James Thomas Callender published allegations in 1802 alleging that Thomas Jefferson not only enslaved Sally Hemings but also raped her, it was the beginning but not the end of public speculation on the parentage of Hemings' children.

Sally Hemings' Own Genealogy

Sally Hemings was enslaved by Jefferson; she came to him through his wife, Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson. She may have been Martha Jefferson's half-sister, fathered by Martha's father, John Wayles. Sally's mother, Betty, was herself the daughter of a White ship captain and an enslaved African woman, so Sally may have had just one Black grandparent. Nevertheless, the laws of the time meant that Sally, as well as her children regardless of their father, would remain enslaved.

What Happened to These Children and Their Descendants?​

Two of Sally's documented children (a first Harriet and a girl possibly named Thenia) died in infancy (plus, possibly, the child named Tom who was born shortly after the return from Paris).
Two others―Beverly and Harriet―left Monticello in 1822; they were never formally freed, but they disappeared into White society. Beverly probably died after 1873, and Harriet after 1863. Their descendants are not known, nor do historians know what names they used after their egress. Jefferson spent minimal effort to track them after their departure, lending credence to the theory that he let them go purposely. Under an 1805 Virginia law, if he'd freed them (or anyone he enslaved), that person would not be able to remain in Virginia.

Madison and Eston, the youngest of the children, both born after the 1803 Callendar revelations, were freed in Jefferson's will and were able to remain in Virginia for some time, as Jefferson had requested a special act of the Virginia legislature to permit them to stay contrary to the 1805 law. Both worked as tradesmen and musicians and ended up in Ohio.
There is nothing about books with LGBTQ and racial content that warrants their being banned or removed from a public venue.

The fear and ignorance of hateful bigots doesn’t justify banning books with LGBTQ content.

Hateful racists who fear the truth about race in America doesn’t justify banning books with racial content.
‘Seven residents sued county officials in April 2022, claiming their First and 14th Amendment rights were violated when books deemed inappropriate by some people in the community and Republican lawmakers were removed from public libraries or access was restricted.

The lawsuit filed in the US District Court for the Western District of Texas in San Antonio claimed county officials removed books from the shelves of the three-branch public library system “because they disagree with the ideas within them” and terminated access to thousands of digital books because they could not ban two specific titles.


The library system also is required to reflect these books as available in their catalog and cannot remove any books for any reason while the case is ongoing, US District Judge Robert Pitman said in his order.

“Although libraries are afforded great discretion for their selection and acquisition decisions, the First Amendment prohibits the removal of books from libraries based on either viewpoint or content discrimination,” Pitman said.’

Very good.

This is a victory for the First Amendment and the right to freedom of expression; it is a defeat for neo-fascist authoritarianism.
Any one who steals books from the PUBLIC library for any reason is a criminal.
Yeah..that and the fact that Hemings, and her family, were OWNED by Jefferson!

When James Thomas Callender published allegations in 1802 alleging that Thomas Jefferson not only enslaved Sally Hemings but also raped her, it was the beginning but not the end of public speculation on the parentage of Hemings' children.

Sally Hemings' Own Genealogy

Sally Hemings was enslaved by Jefferson; she came to him through his wife, Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson. She may have been Martha Jefferson's half-sister, fathered by Martha's father, John Wayles. Sally's mother, Betty, was herself the daughter of a White ship captain and an enslaved African woman, so Sally may have had just one Black grandparent. Nevertheless, the laws of the time meant that Sally, as well as her children regardless of their father, would remain enslaved.

What Happened to These Children and Their Descendants?​

Two of Sally's documented children (a first Harriet and a girl possibly named Thenia) died in infancy (plus, possibly, the child named Tom who was born shortly after the return from Paris).
Two others―Beverly and Harriet―left Monticello in 1822; they were never formally freed, but they disappeared into White society. Beverly probably died after 1873, and Harriet after 1863. Their descendants are not known, nor do historians know what names they used after their egress. Jefferson spent minimal effort to track them after their departure, lending credence to the theory that he let them go purposely. Under an 1805 Virginia law, if he'd freed them (or anyone he enslaved), that person would not be able to remain in Virginia.

Madison and Eston, the youngest of the children, both born after the 1803 Callendar revelations, were freed in Jefferson's will and were able to remain in Virginia for some time, as Jefferson had requested a special act of the Virginia legislature to permit them to stay contrary to the 1805 law. Both worked as tradesmen and musicians and ended up in Ohio.
NOT in France. Everyone of the Hemings family were free people in France. James was free when Jefferson paid for James to attend culinary school in Paris. Did James welcome the bonds of slavery when he returned to be head chef at the White House? He had been free for several years by this time, living on Thomas Jefferson's dime.
Sounds like more grooming, porno & ped materials the lefties love to give to kids.

Is that what you're celebrating here, the deviant sexualization of our children?
Joseph Gobbels
Sounds like more grooming, porno & ped materials the lefties love to give to kids.

Is that what you're celebrating here, the deviant sexualization of our children?
Joseph Goebbels would be so proud of you!
Was this you or one of your other buddies? Did your Klan put you out with tiny hoses?

Talking about "tiny hoses" ... you think the orange douchebag will voluntarily turn himself in on Tuesday or would he do an OJ?

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