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Judge Orders Christian to pay Homo for using “Inappropriate” Bible verse

Leviticus 20 is soo easy to debate. The gay fellow should not had debated him if he did not know about the bible. All he had to do was refer to the New Testament. And if not that, use Leviticus 20 against the preacher because he convienantly left out a lot of the other parts. Dumb on the gay fellows part. Because if we did use Leviticus 20 as some type of law I am pretty sure at least 100 million Americans would be put to death....lol
I, as a Christian, would have sent the preacher to James 2:10 and schooled him on what Jesus taught.

So you would have labored to convince him that Jesus contradicted himself by teaching homosexuality was ok when in fact he taught it was an abomination on Mt. Sinai. Got it.
Did you read the Biblical reference? Because if you did, you wouldn't say that. Focusing solely on homosexuality is no more a complete presentation of the Gospel than is focusing solely on fornication.

Jesus called sinners to repentance, not to continue living in sin. Those who read the gospels understand this. Your South Park Jesus doesn't exist.
Since you don't seem to have read it, here it is:
8 If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right.9 But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. For he who said, “You shall not commit adultery,” If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker.

You don't seem to understand that, if you want to live according to just one part of the law, you will be judged by the entire law. For this preacher to cite Leviticus as condemnation for homosexual sin makes him vulnerable to being criticized for wearing more than one type of thread in his clothes, for just one example. Yes, homosexuality is sin, that's understood. Where the Church does wrong is to then treat homosexuals as being second class citizens, undesirables, unclean, etc, and refusing to associate with them. Yes, sin must be repented of, but EVERY person who comes to Christ is equally in sin as any homosexual. Do you want to know where Jesus would be if He were here in the flesh today?

1. Standing on the street corner, shouting to one and all that homosexuals are going to burn in hell.
2. In Church on a Sunday morning, carefully shutting the door to make sure no homosexuals accidentally wander in.
3. In a gay bar, meeting gay people and convincing them that they, too, can be forgiven of ALL their sin and they can be His disciples.

We're not in disagreement. Pope Francis lamented the Church's failure to reach out to homosexuals the way Jesus would. If they are treated like second class citizens, that's an imbruement on us, a failure we have to answer for. But it's also important to point out that Jesus himself said he came not to do away with the law, not a single jot or tittle of it. (Matt 5:18), that means that the law of God still serves its purpose to throw into relief our need for salvation, our inability to achieve right standing with God apart from the shed blood of Jesus Christ. What God has called wrong is still wrong. Homosexuality did not stop being an abomination in his sight and to argue otherwise is absurd. But sinners are called to repent, that means abandoning their sin. If an adulterer needs to do so, then so too the homosexual.
I, as a Christian, would have sent the preacher to James 2:10 and schooled him on what Jesus taught.

So you would have labored to convince him that Jesus contradicted himself by teaching homosexuality was ok when in fact he taught it was an abomination on Mt. Sinai. Got it.
Did you read the Biblical reference? Because if you did, you wouldn't say that. Focusing solely on homosexuality is no more a complete presentation of the Gospel than is focusing solely on fornication.

Jesus called sinners to repentance, not to continue living in sin. Those who read the gospels understand this. Your South Park Jesus doesn't exist.
Since you don't seem to have read it, here it is:
8 If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right.9 But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. For he who said, “You shall not commit adultery,” If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker.

You don't seem to understand that, if you want to live according to just one part of the law, you will be judged by the entire law. For this preacher to cite Leviticus as condemnation for homosexual sin makes him vulnerable to being criticized for wearing more than one type of thread in his clothes, for just one example. Yes, homosexuality is sin, that's understood. Where the Church does wrong is to then treat homosexuals as being second class citizens, undesirables, unclean, etc, and refusing to associate with them. Yes, sin must be repented of, but EVERY person who comes to Christ is equally in sin as any homosexual. Do you want to know where Jesus would be if He were here in the flesh today?

1. Standing on the street corner, shouting to one and all that homosexuals are going to burn in hell.
2. In Church on a Sunday morning, carefully shutting the door to make sure no homosexuals accidentally wander in.
3. In a gay bar, meeting gay people and convincing them that they, too, can be forgiven of ALL their sin and they can be His disciples.

We're not in disagreement. Pope Francis lamented the Church's failure to reach out to homosexuals the way Jesus would. If they are treated like second class citizens, that's an imbruement on us, a failure we have to answer for. But it's also important to point out that Jesus himself said he came not to do away with the law, not a single jot or tittle of it. (Matt 5:18), that means that the law of God still serves its purpose to throw into relief our need for salvation, our inability to achieve right standing with God apart from the shed blood of Jesus Christ. What God has called wrong is still wrong. Homosexuality did not stop being an abomination in his sight and to argue otherwise is absurd. But sinners are called to repent, that means abandoning their sin. If an adulterer needs to do so, then so too the homosexual.
but all I see is you railing against homosexuality and not divorce you treat them different. And people sin and as I said they do not come to Christ until their appointed time, calling hell fire and damnation from the Old Testament will drive those away as well as legislating laws against them. I said before and you are not jesus so do not presume what Jesus would or would not do. And jesus did not just hang out with sin free people. He taught everyone and those that needed it most. and yes God did evolve and God did changed. Why do you think you know everything? And get angry if some people point out your failings? If you can't admitt your wrong then you can learn nothing. What does it matter to you that gays have civil unions or marraige? Some people are not christian so why blanket them with the same religious gobble goop. That is the failings that you won't see. Perhaps gays should make a religion where they are to be wed. Then of course you would have no leg to stand on. Because to deny another religion from performing a service is against what this country is about. And you sin doesn't matter. And neither states or fed restrict it. Or if churches allow the ceremony what gives you the right to condemn them? Live your life for what it is. And let others do the same, you do not have to accept homosexuality just leave them alone! But I know I am talking to a wall now because your mind is set and so is your heart.
So you would have labored to convince him that Jesus contradicted himself by teaching homosexuality was ok when in fact he taught it was an abomination on Mt. Sinai. Got it.
Did you read the Biblical reference? Because if you did, you wouldn't say that. Focusing solely on homosexuality is no more a complete presentation of the Gospel than is focusing solely on fornication.

Jesus called sinners to repentance, not to continue living in sin. Those who read the gospels understand this. Your South Park Jesus doesn't exist.
Since you don't seem to have read it, here it is:
8 If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right.9 But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. For he who said, “You shall not commit adultery,” If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker.

You don't seem to understand that, if you want to live according to just one part of the law, you will be judged by the entire law. For this preacher to cite Leviticus as condemnation for homosexual sin makes him vulnerable to being criticized for wearing more than one type of thread in his clothes, for just one example. Yes, homosexuality is sin, that's understood. Where the Church does wrong is to then treat homosexuals as being second class citizens, undesirables, unclean, etc, and refusing to associate with them. Yes, sin must be repented of, but EVERY person who comes to Christ is equally in sin as any homosexual. Do you want to know where Jesus would be if He were here in the flesh today?

1. Standing on the street corner, shouting to one and all that homosexuals are going to burn in hell.
2. In Church on a Sunday morning, carefully shutting the door to make sure no homosexuals accidentally wander in.
3. In a gay bar, meeting gay people and convincing them that they, too, can be forgiven of ALL their sin and they can be His disciples.

We're not in disagreement. Pope Francis lamented the Church's failure to reach out to homosexuals the way Jesus would. If they are treated like second class citizens, that's an imbruement on us, a failure we have to answer for. But it's also important to point out that Jesus himself said he came not to do away with the law, not a single jot or tittle of it. (Matt 5:18), that means that the law of God still serves its purpose to throw into relief our need for salvation, our inability to achieve right standing with God apart from the shed blood of Jesus Christ. What God has called wrong is still wrong. Homosexuality did not stop being an abomination in his sight and to argue otherwise is absurd. But sinners are called to repent, that means abandoning their sin. If an adulterer needs to do so, then so too the homosexual.
but all I see is you railing against homosexuality and not divorce you treat them different. And people sin and as I said they do not come to Christ until their appointed time, calling hell fire and damnation from the Old Testament will drive those away as well as legislating laws against them. I said before and you are not jesus so do not presume what Jesus would or would not do. And jesus did not just hang out with sin free people. He taught everyone and those that needed it most. and yes God did evolve and God did changed. Why do you think you know everything? And get angry if some people point out your failings? If you can't admitt your wrong then you can learn nothing. What does it matter to you that gays have civil unions or marraige? Some people are not christian so why blanket them with the same religious gobble goop. That is the failings that you won't see. Perhaps gays should make a religion where they are to be wed. Then of course you would have no leg to stand on. Because to deny another religion from performing a service is against what this country is about. And you sin doesn't matter. And neither states or fed restrict it. Or if churches allow the ceremony what gives you the right to condemn them? Live your life for what it is. And let others do the same, you do not have to accept homosexuality just leave them alone! But I know I am talking to a wall now because your mind is set and so is your heart.

Those are a lot of thoughts and if you tried to put yourself in my position, you'd see how you come off as a child who asks a lot of questions but doesn't wait for the answer before pestering with another one. So why don't you present your most pressing concern instead of hitting me with a cluster bomb and pretending that strengthens your argument?
What the fuck!!!!? So...if you are debating a person...and you hurt their feelings...they can sue and win money for "emotional distress"???

This will.never stand. A judge cant rule a monetary award...based on that judge disagreeing with which Bible verse was appropriate in a religious debate. Talk about separation of church and state.

Cant believe the homo was so immature to take on a court case over it.

Homosexuals aren't really people in the sense of possessing a charter of morality that you and I can understand. Right and wrong mean nothing to them, and the rights of others mean even less. There's a reason God commands us to abstain from homosexuality, not only because of the intrinsic evil of the lifestyle, but the moral bankruptcy that accompanies it.
Absolute bull shit
Why is it that these threads without fail morph into Christians telling other Christians
that their faith is false?
He was a street preacher and they are the worst. The Homo as you called him probably got sick of being told what a sinner he was and approached him, I'd like to see the other side of the story.

Hey dumb ass, the homo approached the preacher looking for a debate. You fail
Why dont you seek out and post the other side of the story?

Like.. you know, read the actual grievance.

Why don't you post it as a rebuttal and stop whining?
This thread is a whine.

What id be doing......is "counter whining" if a discussion is "whining" at all, lady gun slinger.

Worthy of note.....this is not even in the united fucking states.

Get a life.

I don't take direction from lowly left loons, understand this, loon
You're a liar and dishonest, as is the case with most on the right.

As already correctly noted, this didn't occur in the United States, but in the UK, having no bearing whatsoever on the issue of religious liberty in this country.

Taunton street preacher Michael Overd in court accused of public order offence From Somerset County Gazette

“Homosexuals aren't really people in the sense of possessing a charter of morality that you and I can understand. Right and wrong mean nothing to them, and the rights of others mean even less. There's a reason God commands us to abstain from homosexuality, not only because of the intrinsic evil of the lifestyle, but the moral bankruptcy that accompanies it.”

And here we see an example of the ignorance, fear, hate, arrogance, and stupidity common to most on the right, and why the Constitution and its case law are needed as much now as any time in our Nation's history to protect all Americans from this sort of ignorance, fear, hate, arrogance, and stupidity common to most on the right.
Happened in England. Lawsuit probably would have no chance here.

This would be summarily dismissed in this country. Obviously you can sue for anything you want, but no judge is going to waste any more time necessary on this crap

"your honor, I wanted to debate the Bible with the preacher, but then he used a verse that hurt my feelings, I suffered and need money"


Happened in England. Lawsuit probably would have no chance here.

This would be summarily dismissed in this country. Obviously you can sue for anything you want, but no judge is going to waste any more time necessary on this crap

"your honor, I wanted to debate the Bible with the preacher, but then he used a verse that hurt my feelings, I suffered and need money"


Hardly any judge with a more Christian than thee pov would have ruled against the gay guy .
Why is it that these threads without fail morph into Christians telling other Christians
that their faith is false?

Christer wars

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Happened in England. Lawsuit probably would have no chance here.

This would be summarily dismissed in this country. Obviously you can sue for anything you want, but no judge is going to waste any more time necessary on this crap

"your honor, I wanted to debate the Bible with the preacher, but then he used a verse that hurt my feelings, I suffered and need money"


Hardly any judge with a more Christian than thee pov would have ruled against the gay guy .

Um English motherfucker, do you speak it?
Homosexuals aren't really people in the sense of possessing a charter of morality that you and I can understand. Right and wrong mean nothing to them, and the rights of others mean even less. There's a reason God commands us to abstain from homosexuality, not only because of the intrinsic evil of the lifestyle, but the moral bankruptcy that accompanies it.
I agree and with the rights of other people meaning less to them in my opinion only makes them even more ignorant, hate filled, and arrogant than Christians are accused of being.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Have they ever stopped to wonder why they have never had the kind of rights that they are wanting in the first place? Because their life style is wrong. If it were right, both genders would not need any help from the other in order to replenish this planet. They could stay amongst their own kind in order to naturally get pregnant.
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He was a street preacher and they are the worst. The Homo as you called him probably got sick of being told what a sinner he was and approached him, I'd like to see the other side of the story.

Hey dumb ass, the homo approached the preacher looking for a debate. You fail
Why dont you seek out and post the other side of the story?

Like.. you know, read the actual grievance.
she not interested in the facts just gay bashing..

X I disagree.

“Homosexuals aren't really people in the sense of possessing a charter of morality that you and I can understand. Right and wrong mean nothing to them, and the rights of others mean even less. There's a reason God commands us to abstain from homosexuality, not only because of the intrinsic evil of the lifestyle, but the moral bankruptcy that accompanies it.”

And here we see an example of the ignorance, fear, hate, arrogance, and stupidity common to most on the right, and why the Constitution and its case law are needed as much now as any time in our Nation's history to protect all Americans from this sort of ignorance, fear, hate, arrogance, and stupidity common to most on the right.


Are you still coming to the Christmas party this year?
Homosexuals aren't really people in the sense of possessing a charter of morality that you and I can understand. Right and wrong mean nothing to them, and the rights of others mean even less. There's a reason God commands us to abstain from homosexuality, not only because of the intrinsic evil of the lifestyle, but the moral bankruptcy that accompanies it.
I agree and with the rights of other people meaning less to them in my opinion only makes them even more ignorant, hate filled, and arrogant than Christians are accused of being.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Have they ever stopped to wonder why they have never had the kind of rights that they are wanting in the first place? Because their life style is wrong. If it were right, both genders would not need any help from the other in order to replenish this planet. They could stay amongst their own kind in order to naturally get pregnant.
And yet another ignorant, hateful rightist chimes in.

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