Judge Orders Lesbian Reinstated To Air Force

The Executive, Wry Catcher. The CIC has access to the military advisors, and I'm 99% DADT is nothing but an Executive Order anyway.

Mebbe I'm being overly-cautious, but the effect of this decision seems to me to be to repeal DADT ad hoc. That doesn't seem to be the most orderly way to go about things.

I suppose you might have a different opinion if you got fired under these circumstances.
I don't know your background, but I served, did you? I'm secure enough in my own sexual orientation (for the record I'm married to a women, and have been together for over 35 years), so why do I care who I served with sleeps with? Frankly, some of the "lifers" I served with brought back some nasty little critters from their liberty.
[Do you know how to get rid of crabs? Shave half of your pubic hair, light the other side on fire, and stab the little shits with an ice pick when they run from the fire. Navy humor, circa 1967]

Wry Catcher, I am as supportive of repealing DADT as I can be. Mebbe I'm wrong, but it seems to me if this decision stands, DADT just got repealed by judicial decision. In the months or years until that becomes clear, there'll be some unneeded confusion about where folks stand.

Just is not ideal, is all. This is something Obama said he would do, and he should have done.

That is something I do not get. People want to jump all over Republicans because they think all Republicans hate gays, yet they refuse to challenge Obama for not keeping his promise to work on appealing DADT. I know quite a few gays who actually hate Obama worse than they do Bush, yet the people on this board, all of whom claim to be moderates, prefer to live in a world where Bush is worse on these issues than Obama.
I don't disagree. That said, the issue in now in the court system. Time will tell if 5-4 decides some Americans are more equal than others.

Yet another thing we have Obama to thank for. Coward.

He's not a coward. In fact it took great courage to run for POTUS in a nation where assassination is a hobby and racism is alive and well. Anyone who denies racism is part and parcel of our country is stupid and/or a liar. That is not a false dichotomy.
Put on his shoes before you judge.


Assassination is a hobby? Seriosly dude, what planet do you live on?
Yet another thing we have Obama to thank for. Coward.

He's not a coward. In fact it took great courage to run for POTUS in a nation where assassination is a hobby and racism is alive and well. Anyone who denies racism is part and parcel of our country is stupid and/or a liar. That is not a false dichotomy.
Put on his shoes before you judge.


Assassination is a hobby? Seriosly dude, what planet do you live on?

The same one where racism is just a part of daily life I guess.
Judge orders lesbian reinstated to Air Force | Latest National Headlines | News from For...

Associated Press Writer
TACOMA, Wash. — A federal judge ruled Friday that a decorated flight nurse discharged from the Air Force for being gay should be given her job back as soon as possible in the latest legal setback to the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.
The decision by U.S. District Judge Ronald Leighton came in a closely watched case as a tense debate has been playing out over the policy. Senate Republicans blocked an effort to lift the ban this week, but Leighton is now the second federal judge this month to deem the policy unconstitutional.

Read more: Judge orders lesbian reinstated to Air Force | Latest National Headlines | News from For...

I'm sure the homophob's at this site are pissing pink right now over this. This ruling is the second victory for this month for people opposed to DADT.

And just to add salt to this wound let me add this.

Con Jobs, Tea Hadists and Repugs love to site legal decisions in their posts, especially when the judge making the ruling is a Carter Appointee or Clinton Appointee (They feel that when a judge appointed by a Democrat rules against an issue that progressives support it means something).

Well guess what you Con Jobs, Tea Haters and Repugs...U.S. District Judge Ronald Leighton was appointed by none other than.....wait for it.....any second now....President George Bush. The shrub appointed Judge Leighton in 2002.

This is not "Some Liberal Activist Judge." But a judge with a strong Conservative Background, appointed by a Repuglican President.

Makes me feel good ALL OVER.

Does anyone even read nowadays?

This case was originally decided against Witt, but the 9th circuit over ruled that decision, and ordered him to retry the case on narrow grounds they imposed. This case was decided at the appellate level when the 9th circuit ordered him to ignore Supreme Court precedents that hold that DADT is constitutional.

What that means is that, unless SCOTU reverses itself, or Congress acts, this case will eventually be overturned. If that makes you feel good all over you should be ashamed of yourself.
If a law is passed that is unconstitutional I am quite alright with a federal judge ruling on it.


SCOTUS has said it is constitutional. Do you have a problem with a judge being ordered to ignore precedent and decide a case based on the social views of activist judges?
If a law is passed that is unconstitutional I am quite alright with a federal judge ruling on it.


SCOTUS has said it is constitutional. Do you have a problem with a judge being ordered to ignore precedent and decide a case based on the social views of activist judges?

Luissa is a fucking idiot who believes that an appellate court can overturn a SCOTUS decision.
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How many heterosexuals were discharged last year for getting a blow job?

Heterosexuals are punished including discharge for a variety of sexual violations every year. Stop playing dumb.

Different standard of justice than for homosexuals

Stop playing dumb

Quite true. Heterosexuals who violate regulations and get discharged as a result rarely receive honorable discharges. Homosexuals, on the other hand, almost always do.

Just something to think about.
Yep, I knew you could not quote anything. Ever wondered why every military reservation has a federal magistrate assigned to handle cases involving military members that are not handled by UCMJ?

And here is oddball's expression as he figures what to do next.

What the hell are you talking about?
He's not a coward. In fact it took great courage to run for POTUS in a nation where assassination is a hobby and racism is alive and well. Anyone who denies racism is part and parcel of our country is stupid and/or a liar. That is not a false dichotomy.
Put on his shoes before you judge.


Assassination is a hobby? Seriosly dude, what planet do you live on?

The same one where racism is just a part of daily life I guess.

I guess. I had to think for a minute before I could even remember when anyone was charged with trying to assassinate anyone. If it is a hobby, it is not a very popular one.
Yep, I knew you could not quote anything. Ever wondered why every military reservation has a federal magistrate assigned to handle cases involving military members that are not handled by UCMJ?

And here is oddball's expression as he figures what to do next.

What the hell are you talking about?

Oddone is trying to argue, very unsuccessfully, that the UCMJ and service personnel are outside the jurisdiction of the federal judiciary.
Lets here it for those damned activist judges :clap2:

The fact that the armed services discrininate against gay Americans who are committing no crime should have been settled years ago

The "Activist Judge" your refering to was appointed by the shrub, in 2002.

i think he's being tongue in cheek.

of course the decision is a correct one. rights can't be left to majority vote.
Heterosexuals are punished including discharge for a variety of sexual violations every year. Stop playing dumb.

Different standard of justice than for homosexuals

Stop playing dumb

Quite true. Heterosexuals who violate regulations and get discharged as a result rarely receive honorable discharges. Homosexuals, on the other hand, almost always do.

Just something to think about.

My God!

You are right......Homosexuals do have it better than heterosexuals in the military

What the hell are they complaining about? They should feel blessed for DADT
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Assassination is a hobby? Seriosly dude, what planet do you live on?

The same one where racism is just a part of daily life I guess.

I guess. I had to think for a minute before I could even remember when anyone was charged with trying to assassinate anyone. If it is a hobby, it is not a very popular one.

Are you two ignorant of the history of violence in America or simply too dishonest to reflect on the statement? Silly question actually, as for assassination being a hobby that was of course literary license; to deny the facts of political assassinations in our country suggests you're political hacks without shame.
Assassinations include the murder of Dr. Tiller and the murders of Timothy McVeigh; the bombings of abortion clinics and the Olympic venue by Eric Randolph; the attempted assassination of President Reagan and the two attempts on the life of President Ford; the murder of Dr. King, the assassination of JFK. All of these and more in my lifetime.

Racism is alive and well in America and yes it is part of our daily life. Even to suggest otherwise is by any standard of evidence denial. Denial through willful ignorance or mendacity.

The irony is both of you wear your Christianity on your sleeves yet hate your neighbors. Hypocrite is too kind a description of 'your kind'.
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I guess. I had to think for a minute before I could even remember when anyone was charged with trying to assassinate anyone. If it is a hobby, it is not a very popular one.

I would think assassination as 'hobby' is overstated. But it's clear assassination was and is a risk. All presidents have their loonies, but this particular one had 400% more threats against him than baby bush from the day he was elected. I'd say the same if a jew were president, btw.
Obama, because of who and what he is, is at greater risk than Bush, I believe.
Lets here it for those damned activist judges :clap2:

The fact that the armed services discrininate against gay Americans who are committing no crime should have been settled years ago

The "Activist Judge" your refering to was appointed by the shrub, in 2002.

i think he's being tongue in cheek.

of course the decision is a correct one. rights can't be left to majority vote.

Jillian, why don't you understand that the military as an entity is entirely separate from the civilian judiciary, except in two instances which I have documented above?

As a member of the military your rights are defined by the UCMJ, NOT the COTUS. I can think of a thousand instances of soldiers not having the same rights as civilians. Can you think of a single time prior to this case where a US soldier sued in federal court to keep the military from taking away their "right" and won?

Further , I have already shown where ONLY the SCOTUS has jurisdiction to review the discharge of a soldier, meaning they can't kick it down to a lower court, they must either hear it themselves or let it stand.

Further, serving in the military is not a right, it is a privilege, if it were a right, the military could not for instance require a high school diploma, so the argument that someone's right to serve is being taken away is invalid.
The "Activist Judge" your refering to was appointed by the shrub, in 2002.

i think he's being tongue in cheek.

of course the decision is a correct one. rights can't be left to majority vote.

Jillian, why don't you understand that the military as an entity is entirely separate from the civilian judiciary, except in two instances which I have documented above?

As a member of the military your rights are defined by the UCMJ, NOT the COTUS. I can think of a thousand instances of soldiers not having the same rights as civilians. Can you think of a single time prior to this case where a US soldier sued in federal court to keep the military from taking away their "right" and won?

Further , I have already shown where ONLY the SCOTUS has jurisdiction to review the discharge of a soldier, meaning they can't kick it down to a lower court, they must either hear it themselves or let it stand.

Further, serving in the military is not a right, it is a privilege, if it were a right, the military could not for instance require a high school diploma, so the argument that someone's right to serve is being taken away is invalid.

You don't have a right to serve. You do have a right to be treated equally

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