Judge orders new searches for Clinton's Benghazi emails

koshergrl, post: 17897279
It's amazing what can get done when the swamp is drained.

A decision by one Obama appointed Federal judge is seen as an example of Trump draining the swamp. So Stupid even for you.
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Doc1, post: 17906954
The archives are my friend. Your ignorance is making you look stupid kid.

I've checked the archives. You only attack posters who oppose Trump and/or support left leaning policy and issues. Trump supporters are apparently fine with you because of your common hatred of the left.

Your self delusion and RWNJ/LWNJ/CNJ conspiracy theory that (the two major parties in the US are one and the same and run by evil monied global power brokers, that have duped the vast majority of Americans, except you and other NJ's like you) is your fall back response every time you don't have an argument or fact based reasoning developed to define your hyper insane ideology.

Obimbette got EXACTLY what he wanted ,and is getting exactly the results he wanted.

Your CT's target the left.

LOL, the Political Class sweetie, you know how I know you aren't up to this conversation?
You still think that there two distinct Parties in Washington. Sorry no. There is one party being used to divide the Nation and they are damn good at it. This is precisely why nothing ever changes.

That's not an argument. It's a place to hide.

Get off your Leftwing fool sites, he's not taking any hits at all except from the hyper-partisan Left. Nobody gives a shit about them.

You claim not to be a Trump supporter, but you defend the dipshits that surround and serve him.

"Fool" means anyone having the balls to point out what a stupid bitch you are ? Bitchlary was the worst candidate in modern history and THAT'S why Trump is your Prez.

So you certainly did not vote for the first female candidate for president. Therefore whichever third to tenth party candidate with zero potential ever to be president you voted for was a vote for Trump. If you voted for Trump you support Trump. If you didn't vote you should STFU about everything. You have no say in anything that matters.

Of course it will, you're still pretending that there are differences between Dems and Repubs. That actually shows your lack of any real education. What's nuts is how you still spew all of those Obambi talking points from 2012.

Only you have 'real education' - I see. I see the folly of the stupids congratulating themselves for being stupid.

Nobody gives a shit about the "popular vote" but whiny assed Dems.

Obviously Trump supporters do. That is why they believe that millions of illegal votes were cast when there weren't. That is why they are wasting money on a stupid commission.

Nope, it's folks like you who keep the story going, it frosts your ass that Hillary lost.

Here you directly defend Trump Supporters. You make get as well put your MAGA red hat on.

In your opinion, but you're wrong "in my opinion".
. Here you reply to one who wrote, "Trump is second rate even in that achievement". Why?

Trump's "boss's" are the Banksters, Obama, Hillary, the Bushes, Clinton's, Reagan et al worked for them too.
The last one that bucked them was JFK.

Really? Since JFK? Here you oppose "conservatives against Trump". So you don't support Trump but don't like anyone that opposes Trump even when the opposition comes from the right.

You dumbass, Obama started Syria and Libya.

Obama started neither war. Trump says he did and you swallow it. Nuff said.

LOL, apparently I'm in your head. Trump's a dumbass just like the rest of the Political class.

"I've checked the archives. You only attack posters who oppose Trump and/or support left leaning policy and issues. Trump supporters are apparently fine with you because of your common hatred of the left."

I attack stupid posters, I also attack Trump regularly. You just don't like when someone actually has integrity.

"Your self delusion and RWNJ/LWNJ/CNJ conspiracy theory that (the two major parties in the US are one and the same and run by evil monied global power brokers, that have duped the vast majority of Americans, except you and other NJ's like you) is your fall back response every time you don't have an argument or fact based reasoning developed to define your hyper insane ideology."

Nope, it's precisely why nothing ever changes. It's precisely why the ACA will survive. Just because you are too lazy to research and learn in no way makes a thing untrue and they do not simply have "most American's" duped, they have the entire World duped. You are a perfect example of someone who cannot think outside of the imposed two dimensional political world.

"That's not an argument. It's a place to hide."

Nope, it's a fact, see above.

"Really? Since JFK? Here you oppose "conservatives against Trump". So you don't support Trump but don't like anyone that opposes Trump even when the opposition comes from the right."

Context is everything, is that beyond your understanding? I oppose the lie that is the "two party system", I oppose the Political Class. Now, I'll go slow, perhaps you'll be able to catch it this time. The last person that bucked the Bankster's and other groups was JFK. They killed him for it. I know kid, you still think it was Oswald.

"Obama started neither war. Trump says he did and you swallow it. Nuff said."

Of course he did, but your ignorance is not m problem.
koshergrl, post: 17897279
It's amazing what can get done when the swamp is drained.

A decision by one Obama appointed Federal judge is seen as an example of Trump draining the swamp. So Stupid even for you.

Context kid, context. G said.....

"In that respect, Trump has not exceeded Obama's success in driving the opposition crazy. Including birfer Trump himself.

Trump is second rate even in that achievement.

I said....

In your opinion, but you're wrong "in my opinion".

See how context is everything. You ain't my first rodeo junior.
Doc1, post: 17911533
Of course he did, but your ignorance is not m problem.

Repeating right wing lies that are Trump's only source of knowledge about the world - is supporting Trump by default.

Obama did not start the war in Libya or Syria.

How do you think he started them? What exactly did he do. m

Can you post a more specific lie?
Doc1, post: 17911533
Of course he did, but your ignorance is not m problem.

Repeating right wing lies that are Trump's only source of knowledge about the world - is supporting Trump by default.

Obama did not start the war in Libya or Syria.

How do you think he started them? What exactly did he do. m

Can you post a more specific lie?
You can't stop haters from hating and they hated Obama
Doc1, post: 17911533
Of course he did, but your ignorance is not m problem.

Repeating right wing lies that are Trump's only source of knowledge about the world - is supporting Trump by default.

Obama did not start the war in Libya or Syria.

How do you think he started them? What exactly did he do. m

Can you post a more specific lie?
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Just thinking about all the Russian collusion the left doesn't give a shit about.
Doc1, post: 17911533
I oppose the lie that is the "two party system", I oppose the Political Class.

Doesn't really mean much - what you oppose. The "two party system" lie truly only exists in your own head, and the heads of a few other nutjobs that subcribe to similar CTs.

Opposing the political class must be opposing for the sake of opposing. There is no social redeeming value in that kind of work.

You can go around telling everyone you are smarter than them all, but most only see a miserable pathetic wretch.
Doc1, post: 17911533
Of course he did, but your ignorance is not m problem.

Repeating right wing lies that are Trump's only source of knowledge about the world - is supporting Trump by default.

Obama did not start the war in Libya or Syria.

How do you think he started them? What exactly did he do. m

Can you post a more specific lie?

I've posted no lies Junior, not one. I find it humorous that you think that you get to define what or whom I support and not me. ;) Again son, your ignorance is not my problem. You are too lazy to find the truth and truth be told you wouldn't like it very much anyway. None of us have. Do you still think Oswald killed Kennedy?
Doc1, post: 17911533
I oppose the lie that is the "two party system", I oppose the Political Class.

Doesn't really mean much - what you oppose. The "two party system" lie truly only exists in your own head, and the heads of a few other nutjobs that subcribe to similar CTs.

Opposing the political class must be opposing for the sake of opposing. There is no social redeeming value in that kind of work.

You can go around telling everyone you are smarter than them all, but most only see a miserable pathetic wretch.

Translation: "You're a poopy head and I don't like you." Once again you think that you get to define what I think, what I believe and what I do. Sorry Junior. Whether you like it or not the two dimensional Political world you live in is nothing more than a construct.....a device designed to divide American's. I'm sure you'll agree that it's working very well. "Social redeeming value", what a good little collectivist you are.
Doc1, post: 17912731
I've posted no lies Junior, not one.

Obviously you did. You offer no specifics backing your very specific lie that Obama started the wars in Libya and Syria.

You post nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Doc1, post: 17911533
Of course he did, but your ignorance is not m problem.

Repeating right wing lies that are Trump's only source of knowledge about the world - is supporting Trump by default.

Obama did not start the war in Libya or Syria.

How do you think he started them? What exactly did he do. m

Can you post a more specific lie?
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Just thinking about all the Russian collusion the left doesn't give a shit about.
All investigated. No collusion or quid pro quo, great charity...Pure RW BS you love...
Doc1, post: 17912731
I've posted no lies Junior, not one.

Obviously you did. You offer no specifics backing your very specific lie that Obama started the wars in Libya and Syria.

You post nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Um, do we have troops on the ground?
Are we using air power in the region?

Who was the President when that started? Kid I'll run rings around you all day.
Doc1, post: 17911533
Of course he did, but your ignorance is not m problem.

Repeating right wing lies that are Trump's only source of knowledge about the world - is supporting Trump by default.

Obama did not start the war in Libya or Syria.

How do you think he started them? What exactly did he do. m

Can you post a more specific lie?
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Just thinking about all the Russian collusion the left doesn't give a shit about.
All investigated. No collusion or quid pro quo, great charity...Pure RW BS you love...

You poor little boy.

"As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well."

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
Doc1, post: 17912748
Once again you think that you get to define what I think, what I believe and what I do

Another lie. I don't get to do any of that bs. You can't escape them. I do get to call you on any lie you put in writing under your name.

That is all I asked of you. Give the readers here specifics on what Obama did that made you write that it was him that started the wars in Syria and Libya.

It is fun watching you run.

Run to a the safety of your "two party system lie" cacoon.
Doc1, post: 17911533
I oppose the lie that is the "two party system", I oppose the Political Class.

Doesn't really mean much - what you oppose. The "two party system" lie truly only exists in your own head, and the heads of a few other nutjobs that subcribe to similar CTs.

Opposing the political class must be opposing for the sake of opposing. There is no social redeeming value in that kind of work.

You can go around telling everyone you are smarter than them all, but most only see a miserable pathetic wretch.

Translation: "You're a poopy head and I don't like you." Once again you think that you get to define what I think, what I believe and what I do. Sorry Junior. Whether you like it or not the two dimensional Political world you live in is nothing more than a construct.....a device designed to divide American's. I'm sure you'll agree that it's working very well. "Social redeeming value", what a good little collectivist you are.
Dems want to raise taxes on the bloated megarich, cuts for the nonrich, cure our corrupt GOP/Big Health mess, get cheap loans for college and training for 4-6 MILLION techie jobs going begging, huge infrastructure/good jobs bill. GOP: STUPID bs based on misinformation/hate/propaganda and war mongering, ANOTHER giant tax cut for the rich and no doubt ANOTHER dereg bubble/bust for the Donald...
Doc1, post: 17911533
I oppose the lie that is the "two party system", I oppose the Political Class.

Doesn't really mean much - what you oppose. The "two party system" lie truly only exists in your own head, and the heads of a few other nutjobs that subcribe to similar CTs.

Opposing the political class must be opposing for the sake of opposing. There is no social redeeming value in that kind of work.

You can go around telling everyone you are smarter than them all, but most only see a miserable pathetic wretch.

Translation: "You're a poopy head and I don't like you." Once again you think that you get to define what I think, what I believe and what I do. Sorry Junior. Whether you like it or not the two dimensional Political world you live in is nothing more than a construct.....a device designed to divide American's. I'm sure you'll agree that it's working very well. "Social redeeming value", what a good little collectivist you are.
Dems want to raise taxes on the bloated megarich, cuts for the nonrich, cure our corrupt GOP/Big Health mess, get cheap loans for college and training for 4-6 MILLION techie jobs going begging, huge infrastructure/good jobs bill. GOP: STUPID bs based on misinformation/hate/propaganda and war mongering, ANOTHER giant tax cut for the rich and no doubt ANOTHER dereg bubble/bust for the Donald...

You're being played dude, as a self proclaimed mentally superior "lefty" I'd think you'd be able to smell it. Yes, another bust is coming...it has been for some time now. Should the Donald use bail outs to "fix" it? You know, like Bush and Obambi did?
Doc1, post: 17911533
Of course he did, but your ignorance is not m problem.

Repeating right wing lies that are Trump's only source of knowledge about the world - is supporting Trump by default.

Obama did not start the war in Libya or Syria.

How do you think he started them? What exactly did he do. m

Can you post a more specific lie?
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Just thinking about all the Russian collusion the left doesn't give a shit about.
All investigated. No collusion or quid pro quo, great charity...Pure RW BS you love...

You poor little boy.

"As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well."

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
"In a statement, Brian Fallon, a spokesman for Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign, said no one “has ever produced a shred of evidence supporting the theory that Hillary Clinton ever took action as secretary of state to support the interests of donors to the Clinton Foundation.” He emphasized that multiple United States agencies, as well as the Canadian government, had signed off on the deal and that, in general, such matters were handled at a level below the secretary. “To suggest the State Department, under then-Secretary Clinton, exerted undue influence in the U.S. government’s review of the sale of Uranium One is utterly baseless,” he added."
Doc1, post: 17912748
Once again you think that you get to define what I think, what I believe and what I do

Another lie. I don't get to do any of that bs. You can't escape them. I do get to call you on any lie you put in writing under your name.

That is all I asked of you. Give the readers here specifics on what Obama did that made you write that it was him that started the wars in Syria and Libya.

It is fun watching you run.

Run to a the safety of your "two party system lie" cacoon.

(smile) I never run Junior. Who put our Military into harms way in both Syria and Libya kid?

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