Judge rejects Manafort attempt to dismiss criminal case


Gold Member
Jul 28, 2011
Judge rejects Manafort attempt to dismiss criminal case

Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson on Tuesday rejected former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort's attempt to invalidate the criminal case against him in Washington.

Manafort had claimed special counsel Robert Mueller's appointment order was too broad, and thus his investigation had overstepped its legal authority.

But Berman Jackson concluded for several reasons that Mueller's investigation and prosecution of Manafort is legal -- and that the special counsel still can maintain some independence while working within the Department of Justice.
Judge rejects Manafort attempt to dismiss criminal case

Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson on Tuesday rejected former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort's attempt to invalidate the criminal case against him in Washington.

Manafort had claimed special counsel Robert Mueller's appointment order was too broad, and thus his investigation had overstepped its legal authority.

But Berman Jackson concluded for several reasons that Mueller's investigation and prosecution of Manafort is legal -- and that the special counsel still can maintain some independence while working within the Department of Justice.
A DC judge appointed by obama
Judge rejects Manafort attempt to dismiss criminal case

Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson on Tuesday rejected former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort's attempt to invalidate the criminal case against him in Washington.

Manafort had claimed special counsel Robert Mueller's appointment order was too broad, and thus his investigation had overstepped its legal authority.

But Berman Jackson concluded for several reasons that Mueller's investigation and prosecution of Manafort is legal -- and that the special counsel still can maintain some independence while working within the Department of Justice.
Don’t worry, Manafort. Conservatives will rate this thread “funny” many times so you can go free.
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Judge rejects Manafort attempt to dismiss criminal case

Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson on Tuesday rejected former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort's attempt to invalidate the criminal case against him in Washington.

Manafort had claimed special counsel Robert Mueller's appointment order was too broad, and thus his investigation had overstepped its legal authority.

But Berman Jackson concluded for several reasons that Mueller's investigation and prosecution of Manafort is legal -- and that the special counsel still can maintain some independence while working within the Department of Justice.

Well, for those poor Trump cult members even a "twig" seems like a life saver when they're DROWNING.......
The indictment, which the Judge lambasted Mueller for, is for a potential crime that occurred before Obama was ever elected President (PRE-2008), so nothing has changed regarding the fact that the indictment has NOTHING to do with non-existent illegal collusion with Russians and has nothing to do with the President.

Manafort and his lawyer did not deny that this was a potential crime, they were basically arguing that it should never have come to light because, in their opinion (and the opinion of millions of other Americans) , Mueller's 'jurisdiction' was WAY too broad and that Mueller had no reason to go that far back to look into potential illegal collusion that happened in 2015/2016.

I think they are completely right - Mueller had no business digging into PRE-2008 events when tasked to look into potential crimes that did not occur until 2015/2016...that being said, since potential crimes WERE discovered you can't just close your eyes to them and pretend you didn't find them. (Unless you are a Liberal who stumbles across Democrats breaking laws...then you ignore them and keep going...)

Sorry, Manafort - saying 'You shouldn't have been able to find 'this' so I should not be charged /stand trial does not 'float'...
Crooked Paul is going to have to start singing - Like a bird! :D


There is nothing to 'sing' about.

There never was any crime committed warranting a special counsel.

There was never any evidence of a crime committed warranting a special counsel.

There has never been any evidence to back up accusations against the President.

Mueller had to dig through Manafort's entire history, going back to PRE-2008, to find any hint of a crime when he was tasked to look into possible crimes / collusion committed in 2015/2016....and the potential crime found has absolutely NOTHING to do with the non-existent 2015/2016 crimes.

There was no collusion between the President and Russians....unlike all the evidence of Hillary/Bill/Mueller/Comey/FBI collusion with the Russians.

Yesterday snowflakes began insisting this Witch Hunt 'is not about Trump', that it is about 'Russian Interference'....bt posts like this show snowflakes believe the witch hunt is ALL about taking Trump down....yet they still can't produce the slightest bit of evidence to support their claim.

The indictment, which the Judge lambasted Mueller for, is for a potential crime that occurred before Obama was ever elected President (PRE-2008), so nothing has changed regarding the fact that the indictment has NOTHING to do with non-existent illegal collusion with Russians and has nothing to do with the President.

Did you miss the judge's opinion or something?

"Who had connections to the Russian government? Who attended meetings on behalf of the campaign?" Berman Jackson wrote. "Given the combination of his prominence within the campaign and his ties to Ukrainian officials supported by and operating out of Russia, as well as to Russian oligarchs, Manafort was an obvious person of interest. The Special Counsel would have been remiss to ignore such an obvious potential link between the Trump campaign and the Russian government," she wrote later in the opinion.​

Not to worry Easy - Mueller is barely getting started with Crooked Paul :wink:
The indictment, which the Judge lambasted Mueller for, is for a potential crime that occurred before Obama was ever elected President (PRE-2008), so nothing has changed regarding the fact that the indictment has NOTHING to do with non-existent illegal collusion with Russians and has nothing to do with the President.

Did you miss the judge's opinion or something?

"Who had connections to the Russian government? Who attended meetings on behalf of the campaign?" Berman Jackson wrote. "Given the combination of his prominence within the campaign and his ties to Ukrainian officials supported by and operating out of Russia, as well as to Russian oligarchs, Manafort was an obvious person of interest. The Special Counsel would have been remiss to ignore such an obvious potential link between the Trump campaign and the Russian government," she wrote later in the opinion.​

Not to worry Easy - Mueller is barely getting started with Crooked Paul :wink:
You do realize, right, that Barak Obama himself said that it is NORMAL for campaigns to begin talking with representatives from other countries so they could 'hit the ground running' - Barry even said his election campaign team did the same exact thing.

Let's say Manafort and Trump's team did talk to Russian Reps, as Obama said he and his team did when prepping to be President in 2008, not Mueller, not Comey, Not McCabe, not YOU have any evidence of any illegal criminal collusion between them.

You don't even have any evidence of any activity that rises to the level of that between Hillary, Bill, and Mueller with the Russians.
- HILLARY, not Trump, took millions from the Russians / KGB Bank.
- Bill, not Trump, took $500k per speech from the Russians ' KGB Bank and met directly with Putin
- Hillary, not Trump, paid foreign spies and Russians for bogus reports she and the FBI used illegally

So you still have NOTHING.
This begs the question, if there no statute of limitations on "financial crimes"? Most of this stuff supposedly happened 13 years ago.

The indictment, which the Judge lambasted Mueller for, is for a potential crime that occurred before Obama was ever elected President (PRE-2008), so nothing has changed regarding the fact that the indictment has NOTHING to do with non-existent illegal collusion with Russians and has nothing to do with the President.
It’s within the special counsel mandate to investigate any crimes that they come across whether or not they’re associated with the question of Russian collusion.

And apparently, this judge agrees.

Tissue? :(

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