Judge Reverses Order Forcing Hospital To Give Ivermectin To COVID-19 Patient

crepitus has a list of who "they" are but unfortunately he never remembers which page a specific "they" is on, so he goes someplace else to talk about "them" with the same problem. *sigh* Inside Crepitus world is a brain that only has room for dissing Donald Trump, his employers' preoccupation for his destruction. You know a real Democrat when you meet someone whose brains are filled with the Donald. He gets inside and stays there till kingdom come. TDS is kinda fun to watch as the Demmies turn themselves inside out like circus doggies all jumping through the same hoop, over and over and over some more. I guess that's what they filled all those vaccuous medullas with. *giggle* And it can be entertaining to come here and watch all of the nonsense.
Excellent post ..
The anti vaxxers say they won't take the vaccine because it's experimental and not proven to work.

Yet they will take a horse dewormer that is experimental for the virus and has not been proven to work.
First of all it's not a horse dewormer, and you best go ask Joe Rogan about his recovery before you spew lie's like you are doing.
If you want Ivermectin just buy the shit.
“The drug has surged in popularity as a COVID-19 treatment, egged on by conservative politicians and media figures, despite adverse warnings from the Centers for Disease Control, the Food and Drug Administration, the American Medical Association, the drug’s manufacturer and others.” ibid

The right’s reckless, irresponsible, and unwarranted opposition to safe and effective vaccines has gotten to the ridiculous, dangerous point where conservatives would rather poison themselves with horse dewormer.

Conservativism is clearly madness.
“The drug has surged in popularity as a COVID-19 treatment, egged on by conservative politicians and media figures, despite adverse warnings from the Centers for Disease Control, the Food and Drug Administration, the American Medical Association, the drug’s manufacturer and others.” ibid

The right’s reckless, irresponsible, and unwarranted opposition to safe and effective vaccines has gotten to the ridiculous, dangerous point where conservatives would rather poison themselves with horse dewormer.

Conservativism is clearly madness.
Last I checked Joe Rogan is alive and well.
“The drug has surged in popularity as a COVID-19 treatment, egged on by conservative politicians and media figures, despite adverse warnings from the Centers for Disease Control, the Food and Drug Administration, the American Medical Association, the drug’s manufacturer and others.” ibid

The right’s reckless, irresponsible, and unwarranted opposition to safe and effective vaccines has gotten to the ridiculous, dangerous point where conservatives would rather poison themselves with horse dewormer.

Conservativism is clearly madness.
As opposed to the left who blindly follow the directives of their state?

Pot meet kettle.
The anti vaxxers say they won't take the vaccine because it's experimental and not proven to work.

Yet they will take a horse dewormer that is experimental for the virus and has not been proven to work.
good point. It would be interesting to know if this guy got the vaccination or if he is an anti vaxxer who will not get the vaccination and is looking for this or any other drug to save him.

It is amazing how people paint themselves in a corner and when they get sick because of the virus. Cannot admit that they are wrong and get the shot but will be willing to try anything else just to keep from being a hypocritical person
First of all it's not a horse dewormer, and you best go ask Joe Rogan about his recovery before you spew lie's like you are doing

It could just as well be used in wildlife such as deer for onchocerciasis, but the proven reservoir of SARS-CoV, palm civet, has been treated for scabies with Selamectin (Pfizer, Ltd.) and humans are also treated with ivermectin for scabies. Rogan may not yet knows that ivermectin, first used for nematodes in mice, physically attaches to the SARS-CoV-2 Chinese communist virus.
Last I checked Joe Rogan is alive and well.

That's because he got monoclonal antibodies too along with the horse dewormer.

The monoclonal antibodies are what trump, christy and giuliani got too.

The monoclonal antibodies have been proven to work.

Not so much with the horse dewormer.

If Rogan smeared dogshit on his ass and took Monoclonal antibodies...which was more likely the treatment that helped him?
Man. You fuckers gotta stop with these “internet doctors”

You can’t be serious
You just don't see the writing on the wall. Your false narrative leaders are loco to tell so many lies they must live in the narrowest perspectives we used to never see except what we heard about those who dwell inside prison walls. They created your alternative universe with the insincere creeps who report the latest DNC falsehood and even false witness against Republican staff as Maxine Waters ordered stalking orders to her bully criminal stalkers against President Trump and his Staff. No wonder you don't understand the real world. You see it through the dark curtains of Democrat criminal acts that go unpunished that will end when your idiot House gets this
free country nuked by loose Demmie lips that sink ships. I hate the evil your leaders do to grovel and get power to take us all out with your Pollyanna paradigm in another world that wants to take us all off the map and declaring themselves heroes as they mutilate their women. You think the Ayatollah will spare you because you were once useful to them? Ain't gonna happen.
Rogan’s Z-pack is azithromycin.

May 2020 France
’....Azithromycin is directed against the virus, whereas hydroxychloroquine is directed against cellular attachment cofactors. We conclude that both drugs act as competitive inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 attachment to the host cell membrane.’
What cured Rogan was monoclonal antibodies. The same thing that saved Trump's life

Nothing else
I hope this man lives but he's been on a ventilator since August 1.

He and his wife weren't vaccinated.
What sort of treatment would be best for the judge to order against the patient's will for COVID? What actually is the best legal remedy for COVID, other than a court-ordered vaccination and probationary treatment?
That's because he got monoclonal antibodies too along with the horse dewormer.

The monoclonal antibodies are what trump, christy and giuliani got too.

The monoclonal antibodies have been proven to work.

Not so much with the horse dewormer.

Ok, so why the mandate on vaccines if we have effective treatment's ????
Ok, so why the mandate on vaccines if we have effective treatment's ????
Because its roaring expensive, we don't have that much of it and it's only really effective if used early on
This couple drank the Ivermectin koolaid and now they're paying for it. Imagine being that stupid. The husband seems like a goner. Most ppl who are put on ventilators don't have good odds.
Demonstrated, not proven. No one said it's been proven. Only that it has potential. I say it's worth looking into. Right?

It has. The largest randomized double blind study, which is the gold standard used around the world was just performed on nearly 2300 people, the largest by far for Ivermectin. This was not your 15, 30, 45 or 80 person "study" you usually see with ivermectin and the results showed that Ivermectin had no effect on covid. It was called the Together Trial and is awaiting a peer review since it was only just concluded. At some point all the Ivermectin flavored koolaid drinkers simply need to accept the truth, like adults.

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