Judge Reverses Order Forcing Hospital To Give Ivermectin To COVID-19 Patient

I'm not sure it's "available" without a prescription at a legitimate licensed pharmacy, even if it isn't really a federally scheduled controlled substance prioritized for enforcement and on the other hand it's not something usually carried by the usual narcotics dealer on the street corner in any given city in the U.S.
Tractor Supply.

Ivermectin is Ivermectin.

Paste, and injectable

If you want to take it you can...no script needed.

And if you're dying..you would lick a cat's nuts if you thought it was gonna save you.
And HCQ is a "malaria drug" which was also proven to be highly effective in people with a Covid infection. You have a guy on a ventilator on his last days, and you aren't going to try a drug that has helped other people? What are they doing for him other than monitoring his demise?
Exactly... I know someone that had that happen to him, where as he ended up on the ventilator, and all they did was monitor him until he was dead I think. Took him a while to die, but eventually he gave up the fight while they had him sedated for a long time, and then tried to bring him back but it didn't work. Not sure if they gave him the transfusion or any known drug to work while ventilated, but the end result was death because they probably didn't give him anything that we are referencing here. Sad situation.
Exactly... I know someone that had that happen to him, where as he ended up on the ventilator, and all they did was monitor him until he was dead I think. Took him a while to die, but eventually he gave up the fight while they had him sedated for a long time, and then tried to bring him back but it didn't work. Not sure if they gave him the transfusion or any known drug to work while ventilated, but the end result was death because they probably didn't give him anything that we are referencing here. Sad situation.
You don't excuse premeditated murder in the first degree with malice aforethought by a "sad situation."
You don't excuse premeditated murder in the first degree with malice aforethought by a "sad situation."
Not sure what happened, so on that note it was for me a sad situation. Not sure how his family is doing these days.
Actually the Ventilators are damaging the lungs as they are forcing air in to hard for the patients weakened lungs to handle resulting in damage and usually death.

People put on ventilators are already dying. Their lungs are already badly damaged from covid. Those who survive, probably don't have much longer to live. Maybe 3-5 years on average if they have severe lung fibrosis from their bout with covid. Those who have been hospitalized and needed some sort of oxygen also likely have some degree of lung damage. These are the facts. It's not the ventilators killing people. :icon_rolleyes:
Exactly... I know someone that had that happen to him, where as he ended up on the ventilator, and all they did was monitor him until he was dead I think. Took him a while to die, but eventually he gave up the fight while they had him sedated for a long time, and then tried to bring him back but it didn't work. Not sure if they gave him the transfusion or any known drug to work while ventilated, but the end result was death because they probably didn't give him anything that we are referencing here. Sad situation.
There’s very little one can do, as is the case for many (most?) viral infections. Was your friend vaccinated?
People put on ventilators are already dying. Their lungs are already badly damaged from covid. Those who survive, probably don't have much longer to live. Maybe 3-5 years on average if they have severe lung fibrosis from their bout with covid. Those who have been hospitalized and needed some sort of oxygen also likely have some degree of lung damage. These are the facts. It's not the ventilators killing people. :icon_rolleyes:
Ummmm whatever dude, but one things for sure, nobody is substantiating such unknown claim's, so around and around we all go on this Merry go round.
There’s very little one can do, as is the case for many (most?) viral infections. Was your friend vaccinated?
No, the vaccines weren't ready then, but not sure if he was given anything other than the monitoring of his vitals in hopes that he would overcome. Don't have any more information than that.

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