Judge Rules Recordings Of Racist Cops Won't Be Made Public


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"A Superior Court judge ruled today that video footage of three Wilmington cops having racist and threatening conversations will not be released, saying the need for transparency had already been met and citing potential risk to the officers involved. In an unusual twist, the city attorney usually tasked with arguing against the release of such recordings argued for releasing them in this case, as city representatives stated they wanted to provide as much transparency as possible."

To recap, this was the case of 3 fired Wilmington, NC police officers who were basically caught on tape opining for a race war...

They were saying shit like -- 'I am going to go buy a new assault rifle, and soon we are just going to go out and start slaughtering them (n-words) -- I can’t wait. God, I can’t wait.' -- and -- ' a civil war was needed to “wipe them off the (expletive) map. That’ll put them back about four or five generations.”

Now the officers claimed they were just letting off steam due to the pressure they felt due to the black lives matter protests and while one did say he wanted to put a bullet in a black woman's head he had arrested; he didn't actually mean it or else he would have done it....on the bright side, Wilmington elected a new police chief and one of the first things he did was fire all 3 of those officers -- so its good to see them being accountable and rooting out the bad cops...it's not rocket science, good cops matter...
Not really surprising to see people react this way. The irony is that the country was progressing very well away from racism, yet all these BS cries about racism have reversed the course in dramatic fashion. This is why I feel so badly for "the good" black people, and why they should long have seen the damage their democrats have inflicted for so long. Yet they claim to be "woke." Just another ironic twist.

On the flip side, some black people and even yes, democratic officials have been spewing hate-inducing encouragement lately too, and with no consequences.. so you will forgive us if some of us do not condemn the other "side" of this equation. Lots of jobs on both sides should be lost, if to be fair. Or people can just toughen up and respect freedom of speech FOR ALL?
Why the great need to broadcast this? The men were fired, releasing these tapes will make it harder for them to find other employment
Not long ago these officers would still be patrolling the streets. The protests are working.
I can't say I blame the cops. My attitude towards negroes (not blacks, blacks are respectable and decent people) has definitely changed. They've adopted this attitude which allows them to believe that all they have to do is demand something and it should be given to them. They believe that if they're offended, they have a right not to be.

Fuck that and fuck them. The colored pissants in this country have brought us to the brink of a civil war which they will find themselves on the losing side of.

Good Americans have just about had it with their bullshit and, if the authorities aren't going to do anything to stop them (example Portland, for instance), then good Americans will, and they will do so with such an overwhelming level of violence that the streets will remain stained with blood for 1,000 years.

I work in a store which has a predominantly negro clientele. Every day, I look at the "regulars" and wonder if, one day soon, I'll have to put them down. It wouldn't surprise me at all. Sure, these colored boys are friendly enough but, when push comes to shove, I have no doubt that they would turn on whites in a New York minute.

It truly has come to that...
Not really surprising to see people react this way. The irony is that the country was progressing very well away from racism, yet all these BS cries about racism have reversed the course in dramatic fashion. This is why I feel so badly for "the good" black people, and why they should long have seen the damage their democrats have inflicted for so long. Yet they claim to be "woke." Just another ironic twist.

On the flip side, some black people and even yes, democratic officials have been spewing hate-inducing encouragement lately too, and with no consequences.. so you will forgive us if some of us do not condemn the other "side" of this equation. Lots of jobs on both sides should be lost, if to be fair. Or people can just toughen up and respect freedom of speech FOR ALL?
There is no such thing as "good black people" -- you are either good or you are not -- and race has ZERO to do with that.....

but that is still irrelevant because equal protection under the law is for EVERYONE -- no matter if you are black or white and no matter who you think is good or not....because we see how "subjective" that term has been
Not really surprising to see people react this way. The irony is that the country was progressing very well away from racism, yet all these BS cries about racism have reversed the course in dramatic fashion. This is why I feel so badly for "the good" black people, and why they should long have seen the damage their democrats have inflicted for so long. Yet they claim to be "woke." Just another ironic twist.

On the flip side, some black people and even yes, democratic officials have been spewing hate-inducing encouragement lately too, and with no consequences.. so you will forgive us if some of us do not condemn the other "side" of this equation. Lots of jobs on both sides should be lost, if to be fair. Or people can just toughen up and respect freedom of speech FOR ALL?
There is no such thing as "good black people" -- you are either good or you are not -- and race has ZERO to do with that.....

but that is still irrelevant because equal protection under the law is for EVERYONE -- no matter if you are black or white and no matter who you think is good or not....because we see how "subjective" that term has been
Your scolding is empty.

OF COURSE there are "good and bad" every race. Much of the issue we have right now calls themselves BLACK lives matter. You see where I'm going with this now? Think it over.
I can't say I blame the cops. My attitude towards negroes (not blacks, blacks are respectable and decent people)
Just STFU.

Wow, I see the ability for an intelligent retort has escaped you.

If you don't believe that the basis for a civil war is coming, you're fucking stupid. Well, you're probably fucking stupid anyway, but the writing is on the wall.

Dipshit politicians are more concerned with their political longevity than they are in doing the right thing and protecting their constituencies. We've seen that all over the country. Mayors and Governors try to appease the negro hordes, and the result is far from what they envisioned.

If you don't believe good Americans will take back their country, permit me to suggest that you move your candy ass to the side and pray you're not one of the first to be dispatched...
I can't say I blame the cops. My attitude towards negroes (not blacks, blacks are respectable and decent people)
Just STFU.
I just let these pussies rant online...

I GUARANTEE YOU he doesn't talk that shit out in the real world....
You're right. Already ignoring that one. I just like to remind some that their daily dollop of hate spew remains disgusting to (hopefully) most of us fellow humans.
Not long ago these officers would still be patrolling the streets. The protests are working.

Maybe. Or maybe they're working just a little too well.

That's not to say the firings were not justified in this case. But human nature dictates that, now that a precedent has been set, we will begin to see officers being summarily fired or vilified for things that no one would have given two thoughts about in the past. It has already happened many times, and is still happening, with civilians in the racism mania that is gripping the country.

What invariably happens in these kinds of public hysterias to protect and defend the "righteous" from the "unrighteous" is that, before long, not even the righteous are spared from rash judgment and condemnation.
Not long ago these officers would still be patrolling the streets. The protests are working.

Maybe. Or maybe they're working just a little too well.

That's not to say the firings were not justified in this case. But human nature dictates that, now that a precedent has been set, we will begin to see officers being summarily fired or vilified for things that no one would have given two thoughts about in the past. It has already happened many times, and is still happening, with civilians in the racism mania that is gripping the country.

What invariably happens in these kinds of public hysterias to protect and defend the "righteous" from the "unrighteous" is that, before long, not even the righteous are spared from rash judgment and condemnation.

There was an easy solution for that. Address the issues before they got out of hand.

Will things correct too far in the other direction to then have to be corrected also? Very possible but that's what happens when you ignore an issue for so long.
Not long ago these officers would still be patrolling the streets. The protests are working.

Maybe. Or maybe they're working just a little too well.

That's not to say the firings were not justified in this case. But human nature dictates that, now that a precedent has been set, we will begin to see officers being summarily fired or vilified for things that no one would have given two thoughts about in the past. It has already happened many times, and is still happening, with civilians in the racism mania that is gripping the country.

What invariably happens in these kinds of public hysterias to protect and defend the "righteous" from the "unrighteous" is that, before long, not even the righteous are spared from rash judgment and condemnation.

There was an easy solution for that. Address the issues before they got out of hand.

Before what issue got out of hand, cop racism or the rioting? It may or may not be true that racism on the part of police officers is out of hand but it's most certainly true that the response has gotten out of hand. Racism on the part of police officers in no way justifies the looting, burning of property or the assault and intimidation of citizens.

Everyone has a personal responsibility to curb their violent and/or racist impulses, not just the police.

Will things correct too far in the other direction to then have to be corrected also?

It already has gone too far. Unless you think burning somebody's liquor store who is innocent of racism or police brutality is not far enough.

Very possible but that's what happens when you ignore an issue for so long.

There's no excuse.
Not long ago these officers would still be patrolling the streets. The protests are working.

Maybe. Or maybe they're working just a little too well.

That's not to say the firings were not justified in this case. But human nature dictates that, now that a precedent has been set, we will begin to see officers being summarily fired or vilified for things that no one would have given two thoughts about in the past. It has already happened many times, and is still happening, with civilians in the racism mania that is gripping the country.

What invariably happens in these kinds of public hysterias to protect and defend the "righteous" from the "unrighteous" is that, before long, not even the righteous are spared from rash judgment and condemnation.

There was an easy solution for that. Address the issues before they got out of hand.

Before what issue got out of hand, cop racism or the rioting? It may or may not be true that racism on the part of police officers is out of hand but it's most certainly true that the response has gotten out of hand. Racism on the part of police officers in no way justifies the looting, burning of property or the assault and intimidation of citizens.

Everyone has a personal responsibility to curb their violent and/or racist impulses, not just the police.

Will things correct too far in the other direction to then have to be corrected also?

It already has gone too far. Unless you think burning somebody's liquor store who is innocent of racism or police brutality is not far enough.

Very possible but that's what happens when you ignore an issue for so long.

There's no excuse.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.
Not long ago these officers would still be patrolling the streets. The protests are working.

Maybe. Or maybe they're working just a little too well.

That's not to say the firings were not justified in this case. But human nature dictates that, now that a precedent has been set, we will begin to see officers being summarily fired or vilified for things that no one would have given two thoughts about in the past. It has already happened many times, and is still happening, with civilians in the racism mania that is gripping the country.

What invariably happens in these kinds of public hysterias to protect and defend the "righteous" from the "unrighteous" is that, before long, not even the righteous are spared from rash judgment and condemnation.
So in other words, purging bad cops who get caught in the middle of their racist race war fantasies is a slippery slope?? How??

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