Judge rules transgender people are protected, keeps hold on troop ban

Protected classes are unconstitutional.
Brilliant! Care to elaborate on that ?

Would it do any good to repeat myself?
No it would not unless you actually explained what your talking about which obviously you cannot.

Another question. Do you consider protected class status to be unconstitutional in relation to race, religion, gender, and nationality as well, or just when applied to LGBT people ?
Are you really going to deny the left protects muslims and attacks Christians?

Pretty broad statement there, don't you think? I'm on the left, and I do my best to protect innocent Muslims who are the victims of racist Alt-Right Nazis. I will also oppose people who claim Christianity as an excuse to deny basic human rights to anyone who doesn't look, act, and believe exactly like them.
Thanks for proving my point!! Muslim nations on this planet are denying human rights every day, and you believe that the American Christian conservatives are the problem. You're very confused.

So you think it is all right to assault innocent American Citizens who happen to be Muslim, because of what happens in other countries? What a disgusting pig.
I never said that. You did.
View attachment 188126
Um, I think you should take a reading comprehension class. Unbelievable.
Protected classes are unconstitutional.
Brilliant! Care to elaborate on that ?

Would it do any good to repeat myself?
No it would not unless you actually explained what your talking about which obviously you cannot.

Another question. Do you consider protected class status to be unconstitutional in relation to race, religion, gender, and nationality as well, or just when applied to LGBT people ?
I believe it's unconstitutional. Everyone should be equal under the law. Don't you?
Pretty broad statement there, don't you think? I'm on the left, and I do my best to protect innocent Muslims who are the victims of racist Alt-Right Nazis. I will also oppose people who claim Christianity as an excuse to deny basic human rights to anyone who doesn't look, act, and believe exactly like them.
Thanks for proving my point!! Muslim nations on this planet are denying human rights every day, and you believe that the American Christian conservatives are the problem. You're very confused.

So you think it is all right to assault innocent American Citizens who happen to be Muslim, because of what happens in other countries? What a disgusting pig.
I never said that. You did.
View attachment 188126
Um, I think you should take a reading comprehension class. Unbelievable.

I've read some of your posts. You think lots of goofy stuff.
Protected classes are unconstitutional.

Since when? the concept covers everyone and his or her immutable characteristics. Doesn't everyone have a biological sex, age, race, ethnic background, and although it is just now being recognized, a sexual orientation. The only covered characteristic that one is not born with is religion, which is chosen and changeable at will.
Protected class is purely a leftist political invention designed for votes. You know that.

No. I don't know that. Because you are wrong. The term "protected class" is merely a part of the analysis of a legal question involving discrimination. You are determined to reject factual information if it doesn't suit your ideology.

Are you really going to deny the left protects muslims and attacks Christians?

How did this turn into a discussion of the various religions?

Whoever "the left" happens to be, It is apparent that people support protecting people who are not doing anything wrong, regardless of what religion they practice, and "attack" or at least oppose people who break the law or mistreat others or spread hatred, again regardless of what religion they practice.

Given the demographics of the U.S., I think that it is fair to say that many on "the left" who allegedly "attack Christians" are themselves Christians and their "attacks" are based on jerks who use their supposed "Christian" faith to justify their misconduct, a fact that some of those who call themselves "Christians" choose to ignore constantly while continuing to whine.

Protected classes are unconstitutional.
Brilliant! Care to elaborate on that ?

Would it do any good to repeat myself?
No it would not unless you actually explained what your talking about which obviously you cannot.

Another question. Do you consider protected class status to be unconstitutional in relation to race, religion, gender, and nationality as well, or just when applied to LGBT people ?
I believe it's unconstitutional. Everyone should be equal under the law. Don't you?
Do you understand the concept and legal standard of strict scrutiny that must be applied by the courts in cases that effect groups that have been historically and significantly discriminated against? Protected class status is what does, in fact make everyone equal under the law. That is, unless you can show that straight white men have been discriminated against in a way similar to various minorities.
Protected classes are unconstitutional.
Brilliant! Care to elaborate on that ?

Would it do any good to repeat myself?
No it would not unless you actually explained what your talking about which obviously you cannot.

Another question. Do you consider protected class status to be unconstitutional in relation to race, religion, gender, and nationality as well, or just when applied to LGBT people ?
I believe it's unconstitutional. Everyone should be equal under the law. Don't you?
Do you understand the concept and legal standard of strict scrutiny that must be applied by the courts in cases that effect groups that have been historically and significantly discriminated against? Protected class status is what does, in fact make everyone equal under the law. That is, unless you can show that straight white men have been discriminated against in a way similar to various minorities.
That’s right...I forgot how Transgenders we’re discriminated against in colonial America.
Protected classes are unconstitutional.
Brilliant! Care to elaborate on that ?

Would it do any good to repeat myself?
No it would not unless you actually explained what your talking about which obviously you cannot.

Another question. Do you consider protected class status to be unconstitutional in relation to race, religion, gender, and nationality as well, or just when applied to LGBT people ?
I believe it's unconstitutional. Everyone should be equal under the law. Don't you?
Do you understand the concept and legal standard of strict scrutiny that must be applied by the courts in cases that effect groups that have been historically and significantly discriminated against? Protected class status is what does, in fact make everyone equal under the law. That is, unless you can show that straight white men have been discriminated against in a way similar to various minorities.
That’s right...I forgot how Transgenders worked in the cotton fields next to slaves in the antebellum South.
Brilliant! Care to elaborate on that ?

Would it do any good to repeat myself?
No it would not unless you actually explained what your talking about which obviously you cannot.

Another question. Do you consider protected class status to be unconstitutional in relation to race, religion, gender, and nationality as well, or just when applied to LGBT people ?
I believe it's unconstitutional. Everyone should be equal under the law. Don't you?
Do you understand the concept and legal standard of strict scrutiny that must be applied by the courts in cases that effect groups that have been historically and significantly discriminated against? Protected class status is what does, in fact make everyone equal under the law. That is, unless you can show that straight white men have been discriminated against in a way similar to various minorities.
That’s right...I forgot how Transgenders we’re discriminated against in colonial America.
Protected classes are unconstitutional.
Brilliant! Care to elaborate on that ?

Would it do any good to repeat myself?
No it would not unless you actually explained what your talking about which obviously you cannot.

Another question. Do you consider protected class status to be unconstitutional in relation to race, religion, gender, and nationality as well, or just when applied to LGBT people ?
I believe it's unconstitutional. Everyone should be equal under the law. Don't you?
Do you understand the concept and legal standard of strict scrutiny that must be applied by the courts in cases that effect groups that have been historically and significantly discriminated against? Protected class status is what does, in fact make everyone equal under the law. That is, unless you can show that straight white men have been discriminated against in a way similar to various minorities.
That’s right...I forgot how Transgenders we’re interned during WWII.
Protected classes are unconstitutional.
Brilliant! Care to elaborate on that ?

Would it do any good to repeat myself?
No it would not unless you actually explained what your talking about which obviously you cannot.

Another question. Do you consider protected class status to be unconstitutional in relation to race, religion, gender, and nationality as well, or just when applied to LGBT people ?
I believe it's unconstitutional. Everyone should be equal under the law. Don't you?
Absolutely...across the board 14th Amendment says so. Now let’s get rid of affirmative action programs as well.
Protected classes are unconstitutional.
Brilliant! Care to elaborate on that ?

Would it do any good to repeat myself?
No it would not unless you actually explained what your talking about which obviously you cannot.

Another question. Do you consider protected class status to be unconstitutional in relation to race, religion, gender, and nationality as well, or just when applied to LGBT people ?
I believe it's unconstitutional. Everyone should be equal under the law. Don't you?
Absolutely...across the board 14th Amendment says so. Now let’s get rid of affirmative action programs as well.

After you two finish rewriting the constitution, you really should send a note to the supreme court notifying them of your changes. They might want to change some of their rulings.
Protected classes are unconstitutional.
Brilliant! Care to elaborate on that ?

Would it do any good to repeat myself?
No it would not unless you actually explained what your talking about which obviously you cannot.

Another question. Do you consider protected class status to be unconstitutional in relation to race, religion, gender, and nationality as well, or just when applied to LGBT people ?

What is it about the English language that so stymies you?
I heard the The Facebook allows over 87 gender identities you can choose from. Guess which two aren't on the list?

Incredible bullshit the Left is dishing out.
Protected classes are unconstitutional.
Brilliant! Care to elaborate on that ?

Would it do any good to repeat myself?
No it would not unless you actually explained what your talking about which obviously you cannot.

Another question. Do you consider protected class status to be unconstitutional in relation to race, religion, gender, and nationality as well, or just when applied to LGBT people ?
I believe it's unconstitutional. Everyone should be equal under the law. Don't you?
Do you understand the concept and legal standard of strict scrutiny that must be applied by the courts in cases that effect groups that have been historically and significantly discriminated against? Protected class status is what does, in fact make everyone equal under the law. That is, unless you can show that straight white men have been discriminated against in a way similar to various minorities.
Straight white men? You forgot to add "Christian". It's Christian straight white men that make America so bad, huh.
Protected classes are unconstitutional.
Brilliant! Care to elaborate on that ?

Would it do any good to repeat myself?
No it would not unless you actually explained what your talking about which obviously you cannot.

Another question. Do you consider protected class status to be unconstitutional in relation to race, religion, gender, and nationality as well, or just when applied to LGBT people ?

What is it about the English language that so stymies you?
Thank you for clearly demonstrating that you are either unable or unwilling to discuss the actual issue. Rather, you think that you can score points with your snide, mundane and inane wise cracks and taunts.
Brilliant! Care to elaborate on that ?

Would it do any good to repeat myself?
No it would not unless you actually explained what your talking about which obviously you cannot.

Another question. Do you consider protected class status to be unconstitutional in relation to race, religion, gender, and nationality as well, or just when applied to LGBT people ?
I believe it's unconstitutional. Everyone should be equal under the law. Don't you?
Do you understand the concept and legal standard of strict scrutiny that must be applied by the courts in cases that effect groups that have been historically and significantly discriminated against? Protected class status is what does, in fact make everyone equal under the law. That is, unless you can show that straight white men have been discriminated against in a way similar to various minorities.
Straight white men? You forgot to add "Christian". It's Christian straight white men that make America so bad, huh.
I see that we have another one here that refuses to, or is unable to discuss the issue like an adult, and who thinks that they can get over with idiotic wise cracks.

By the way, when strict scrutiny is applied, the government is requires to demonstrate a compelling interest to justify a law or policy that allegedly discriminates. Obviously, in this case they were unable to do so to the satisfaction of the court
I am positive that an enemy, in battle, will offer the mentally ill all their usual protections.
Would it do any good to repeat myself?
No it would not unless you actually explained what your talking about which obviously you cannot.

Another question. Do you consider protected class status to be unconstitutional in relation to race, religion, gender, and nationality as well, or just when applied to LGBT people ?
I believe it's unconstitutional. Everyone should be equal under the law. Don't you?
Do you understand the concept and legal standard of strict scrutiny that must be applied by the courts in cases that effect groups that have been historically and significantly discriminated against? Protected class status is what does, in fact make everyone equal under the law. That is, unless you can show that straight white men have been discriminated against in a way similar to various minorities.
Straight white men? You forgot to add "Christian". It's Christian straight white men that make America so bad, huh.
I see that we have another one here that refuses to, or is unable to discuss the issue like an adult, and who thinks that they can get over with idiotic wise cracks.

By the way, when strict scrutiny is applied, the government is requires to demonstrate a compelling interest to justify a law or policy that allegedly discriminates. Obviously, in this case they were unable to do so to the satisfaction of the court

In fact, the policy would fail to pass Constitutional muster regardless the level of judicial review.

There is no rational basis upon which to justify government seeking to discriminate against transgender Americans, just as there is no objective, documented evidence in support of doing so.

The administration’s animus toward those transgender is predicated solely on ignorance and unwarranted fear.
I feel that gay people and transgender people should be treated with respect and kindness, and that anyone who abuses them in any way should be appropriately punished.


, I believe that when it comes to the armed forces, political correctness has NO place.

I feel that gays and transgender people in the armed forces hinder troop morale.

That is why I also oppose women serving aboard submarines, which I consider to be a recipe for disaster.

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