Judge rules trump spent decades defeauding insurers and bankers

You said "Adolph". I still don't know who you're talking about.
There is no guilt or innocence in a civil matter. The left is conflating terms intentionally to smear Trump (or, they are just stupid).
Well...not sure how this plays..but not good for the Donald, I think--just a civil case..but gotta sting a bit:

Former President Donald Trump submitted "fraudulent valuations" for assets that were then used by himself, his eldest sons and his business to obtain better loan and insurance terms, a judge in New York decided Tuesday.
The judge's determination came as he granted partial summary judgment in New York Attorney General Letitia James' multimillion-dollar civil fraud lawsuit.
Judge Arthur Engoron cites "false and misleading square footage" of Trump's Fifth Avenue apartment among other faulty valuations.

The judge immediately canceled all of the defendants' business certificates in New York, and ordered that they must recommend no more than three potential independent receivers to manage the dissolution of the canceled LLCs within 10 days.
This severely restricts Trump's ability to conduct business in New York going forward.

The judge said Trump and the other defendants have a "propensity to engage in persistent fraud," severely undercutting the defense Trump will offer when the case goes on trial next month.
Now to slap another know nothing coward. Banks and insurance companies use third party assessors to determine value dumbfuck. They don’t just ask you. This judge and James will get bitch slapped into next year on appeal. No bank or insurance company claimed any of this shit ever happened.
You do know that this is not about appraisers at all, right? The banks apparently took Trump and Co.'s word, via sworn statements--in their desire to get his business. Not sound banking practice..normally. But this IS Donald Trump, and he no doubt had long-standing relationships with these banks. From the bank's point of view..it worked, right? The 2.2B they loaned was re-payed, with interest.
This is why Trump is directly accused of lying...because it was his sworn word that secured the loans. No appraiser has been mentioned..afaik..if you find different..please post link?
You believe that Banks do not require appraisals? Based on what?
I see holes in this legal issue as does the other appraiser. We both did far too many appraisals to believe what the press reports. Trump definitely will appeal this ruling by the judge. Do you believe all Judges get things right in making rulings?
Fruits of the poisoned tree. Although the loans may have been paid off..I'll take your word for that---all the profit that was realized, all the businesses started---began with a massive fraud.
That's why the judge ordered all of Trump's businesses in New York into immediate receivership....and basically cancelled his right to do business there.
From the link:

The judge immediately canceled all of the defendants' business certificates in New York, and ordered that they must recommend no more than three potential independent receivers to manage the dissolution of the canceled LLCs within 10 days.
This severely restricts Trump's ability to conduct business in New York going forward.
With ZERO complaints from ANY bank or insurance company, who were provided the THIRD PARTY assessments on value. You desperation is showing loser....
His personal living space.

You cannot negotiate square footage.
I had one appraiser working for me for a short period covering the area including San Francisco and saw how his appraisals gave even numbered sq footage. He had earlier done work for FEMA and I presumed he taped the property. He told me stepped it off. I let him go immediately. He told me he would not tape homes no matter what.
With ZERO complaints from ANY bank or insurance company, who were provided the THIRD PARTY assessments on value. You desperation is showing loser....
The article does not say the Judge cancelled Trumps permits, that he wanted it done under the direction of others.
You believe that Banks do not require appraisals? Based on what?
I see holes in this legal issue as does the other appraiser. We both did far too many appraisals to believe what the press reports. Trump definitely will appeal this ruling by the judge. Do you believe all Judges get things right in making rulings?
Damn...you kinda stuck on this eh?

Something you should know..the Bank is question is Deutsche Bank, thus free to do things that a US bank might not be able to.
I suspect that there were a number of good reasons Trump chose this German Banking group for his loans. In fact, you may have touched on some of those in your earlier posts.
US banks very well might have required the very appraisal that Trump apparently avoided~
I had one appraiser working for me for a short period covering the area including San Francisco and saw how his appraisals gave even numbered sq footage. He had earlier done work for FEMA and I presumed he taped the property. He told me stepped it off. I let him go immediately. He told me he would not tape homes no matter what.
Even stepping it off would be closer than a factor of three.
Judge Arthur Engoron, ruling in a civil lawsuit brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James, found that the former president and his company deceived banks, insurers and others by massively overvaluing his assets and exaggerating his net worth on paperwork used in making deals and securing loans.

Engoron ordered that some of Trump’s business licenses be rescinded as punishment, making it difficult or impossible for them to do business in New York, and said he would continue to have an independent monitor oversee Trump Organization operations.

This is going to hurt.

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