Judge rules trump spent decades defeauding insurers and bankers

More TDS suffering loons who need reminding that banks and insurance companies use third party assessors to determine value. Trump doesn’t, and did not, determine the value of his properties. The assessors did. He reported their findings. This judge gets slapped down immediately on appeal. NYC has already lost over a billion in taxable income with companies fleeing Nazi York. Now this moron James wants properties devalued, further eroding the tax base. Stage 4 TDS is terrible to watch.
I did not offer my services for the Valley towns and frankly for a higher fee I did some of them. I told them it took time for me to correctly research outlying areas and I really did not want more of them. I never got as far north as Yreka but spent time in that area at times. God, these poster who think this stuff is true are not very bright. They also are not aware of the enormous liability Appraisers work under. Properties such as Trump owns I would turn down since they were above my scope of expertise. I appraised one office building that was around 25,000 sq feet as I recall. But in that case it was to evaluate the property for county property taxes and not for any lender.
Yes those outlying jobs never netted much in the end what with travel time, getting 'comps' from local Realtors (where there was no multiple listing service, fuel costs, etc. but, in the beginning I would literally take anything I could get.
Yes those outlying jobs never netted much in the end what with travel time, getting 'comps' from local Realtors (where there was no multiple listing service, fuel costs, etc. but, in the beginning I would literally take anything I could get.
Starting up an Appraisal firm from dead cold is harder than the general person assumes it to be. Supplying past work to new clients gets easier as one does a lot more work for a lot more customers, the lenders. I always relied on local realtors in outlying rural areas such as north of Sacramento like Placerville and north of that in one case. I at times kept in mind I was in rattlesnake country. I appraised some property used on weekends and took photos of comps that had deer resting on property. I trained all of my appraisers to interview every agent participating in a sale of all comps. I wanted both sides of the story on every property.
That's a simpleton explanation. Depending on the type of property, square footage can be GLA or GBA (residential or income). A complex property might have different areas classified differently. Elevators, stairways, public areas, access hall ways, etc are all valued differently. It is much more complex than a layperson can ever imagine.
His personal living space.

You cannot negotiate square footage.

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