Judge rules trump spent decades defeauding insurers and bankers

Seems OP fell for more garbage. Banks do their own assessments when it comes to these things. They don’t just take your word for it. Another judge that will get slapped down by a higher court.
  • A judge ruled that former President Donald Trump and his company are liable for fraud in a lawsuit by New York Attorney General Letitia James.
  • Judge Arthur Engoron as part of that decision cancelled the New York business certificates of Trump and the other defendants in the suit in Manhattan Supreme Court.
  • Engoron in his ruling found that Trump had made false and misleading valuations for multiple real estate assets in statements to insurers and banks over the course of years.
  • Because of those misstatements, Trump had inflated his true net worth by billions of dollars, the judge found.
Judge Arthur Engoron also canceled the New York business certificates of Trump, the Trump Organization, and the other defendants, including two of his sons, in a lawsuit by the state Attorney General's Office.

The judge said he will appoint an independent receiver to manage the dissolution of the corporations whose business certificates he canceled.

It is not clear whether Engoron's decision means the Trump Organization and related entities will have to completely cease doing business in New York or whether the companies can be legally reconstituted later.

How in the hell can this guru businessman be found liable for fraud.

This Judge must be a part of the Deeeeeep State.
Licensed in CA and worked in the Far Northern area above SF and up into Yreka and everywhere around that area. Regular city SFR, rural hobby ranches, lake properties, etc. Doing work in subdivisions in cities was my favorite. Doing an appraisal on any of Trump's properties (Mar A Logo) would be a nightmare. LOL
I did not offer my services for the Valley towns and frankly for a higher fee I did some of them. I told them it took time for me to correctly research outlying areas and I really did not want more of them. I never got as far north as Yreka but spent time in that area at times. God, these poster who think this stuff is true are not very bright. They also are not aware of the enormous liability Appraisers work under. Properties such as Trump owns I would turn down since they were above my scope of expertise. I appraised one office building that was around 25,000 sq feet as I recall. But in that case it was to evaluate the property for county property taxes and not for any lender.
  • A judge ruled that former President Donald Trump and his company are liable for fraud in a lawsuit by New York Attorney General Letitia James.
  • Judge Arthur Engoron as part of that decision cancelled the New York business certificates of Trump and the other defendants in the suit in Manhattan Supreme Court.
  • Engoron in his ruling found that Trump had made false and misleading valuations for multiple real estate assets in statements to insurers and banks over the course of years.
  • Because of those misstatements, Trump had inflated his true net worth by billions of dollars, the judge found.
Judge Arthur Engoron also canceled the New York business certificates of Trump, the Trump Organization, and the other defendants, including two of his sons, in a lawsuit by the state Attorney General's Office.

The judge said he will appoint an independent receiver to manage the dissolution of the corporations whose business certificates he canceled.

It is not clear whether Engoron's decision means the Trump Organization and related entities will have to completely cease doing business in New York or whether the companies can be legally reconstituted later.

How in the hell can this guru businessman be found liable for fraud.

This Judge must be a part of the Deeeeeep State.

I'm predicting a three point bump in Trump's lead over Biden, from nine to 12.

In a civil suit, Donald Trump was found guilty of Fraud for overstating business assets.
He admitted guilt for fraud with Trump University and paid 25 million dollars.
Trump agreed to close Trum charity because a majority of funds going to Trump not a charitble cause.
He was found guilty of sexual abuse and defamation.

Now the criminal cases start. The penalty is more tha money if found guilty.

Is this the type of person we want as President of the USA?

I predict a three point bump in Trump's lead over Biden in the polls, increasing from nine to 12.
  • A judge ruled that former President Donald Trump and his company are liable for fraud in a lawsuit by New York Attorney General Letitia James.
  • Judge Arthur Engoron as part of that decision cancelled the New York business certificates of Trump and the other defendants in the suit in Manhattan Supreme Court.
  • Engoron in his ruling found that Trump had made false and misleading valuations for multiple real estate assets in statements to insurers and banks over the course of years.
  • Because of those misstatements, Trump had inflated his true net worth by billions of dollars, the judge found.
Judge Arthur Engoron also canceled the New York business certificates of Trump, the Trump Organization, and the other defendants, including two of his sons, in a lawsuit by the state Attorney General's Office.

The judge said he will appoint an independent receiver to manage the dissolution of the corporations whose business certificates he canceled.

It is not clear whether Engoron's decision means the Trump Organization and related entities will have to completely cease doing business in New York or whether the companies can be legally reconstituted later.

How in the hell can this guru businessman be found liable for fraud.

This Judge must be a part of the Deeeeeep State.
I heard the fatman is already trying to fundraise off his loss.

Go ahead all you MAGAdummies. Trump wants your money.
Banks do their own assessments when it comes to these things. They don’t just take your word for it. Another judge that will get slapped down by a higher court.
That's exactly right. These very low-IQ affirmative action hire judges are clueless. Third party appraisers for both the banks and insurance companies determine value, not Trump. What's ironic is the op calls himself "The Banker". If truly a banker, he would know this. I have my doubts now!
Another garbage decision that will result in the judge getting slapped down by people who actually know the law. Banks do their own assessments when things like this are involved. They don’t take anybody’s word for it. Yet every other real estate developer in the city isn’t looked at for this? Odd isn’t it?
I did not offer my services for the Valley towns and frankly for a higher fee I did some of them. I told them it took time for me to correctly research outlying areas and I really did not want more of them. I never got as far north as Yreka but spent time in that area at times. God, these poster who think this stuff is true are not very bright. They also are not aware of the enormous liability Appraisers work under. Properties such as Trump owns I would turn down since they were above my scope of expertise. I appraised one office building that was around 25,000 sq feet as I recall. But in that case it was to evaluate the property for county property taxes and not for any lender.
You do know that this is not about appraisers at all, right? The banks apparently took Trump and Co.'s word, via sworn statements--in their desire to get his business. Not sound banking practice..normally. But this IS Donald Trump, and he no doubt had long-standing relationships with these banks. From the bank's point of view..it worked, right? The 2.2B they loaned was re-payed, with interest.
This is why Trump is directly accused of lying...because it was his sworn word that secured the loans. No appraiser has been mentioned..afaik..if you find different..please post link?
Another garbage decision that will result in the judge getting slapped down by people who actually know the law. Banks do their own assessments when things like this are involved. They don’t take anybody’s word for it. Yet every other real estate developer in the city isn’t looked at for this? Odd isn’t it?
Right, because we know you know more than the Judge does.

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