Judge rules trump spent decades defeauding insurers and bankers

thats not the judges or prosecutors job,,,

we all know this is all politically motivated,,
Errr..representing the interests of the State---is exactly their job.

Politically motivated? If you mean that a lot of people detest Trump and would love to see him fall--sure. But that's a situation of Trump's own brew..and it would behoove one to not make a lot of waves..with such skeletons in their closet.

Yeah...many wish to blast Trump..but it cannot be denied that he himself has given his enemies everything they need--on a silver platter.

After all...no matter how you weigh it....these are indisputable facts.
Errr..representing the interests of the State---is exactly their job.

Politically motivated? If you mean that a lot of people detest Trump and would love to see him fall--sure. But that's a situation of Trump's own brew..and it would behoove one to not make a lot of waves..with such skeletons in their closet.

Yeah...many wish to blast Trump..but it cannot be denied that he himself has given his enemies everything they need--on a silver platter.

After all...no matter how you weigh it....these are indisputable facts.
private transactions are not the states business,,,

considering its NYC where real estate fraud got its name why is he the only one held to account,,
That's false. Trump would not submit the sq. ft. (Gross Living Area) or (Gross Building Area) the appraiser would measure the structure and submit a drawing in the report. If the appraiser did not personally measure the property it would be required that the source be stated and that USPAP rules were not complied with.
...and yet..here we are. Did the banks waive formal appraisal in their rush to get the business? Probably...but, once again, this is not about the banks..who may well turn out to be the only winners here~
That's false. Trump would not submit the sq. ft. (Gross Living Area) or (Gross Building Area) the appraiser would measure the structure and submit a drawing in the report. If the appraiser did not personally measure the property it would be required that the source be stated and that USPAP rules were not complied with.
As a former Federal licensed Appraiser, the above is 100 percent correct and trustworthy.
"Obstreperous conduct."

"Lives in a fantasy world"

"Fraudulently inflating"

"Claiming money you do not have is not 'The Art of the Deal', it's the Art of the Steal' --- Letitia James, NY AG.

His NY Business certs are CANCELLED by a Judge.

It appears the judges feels that there isn't anything here for a jury to figure out, the facts are blatantly clear,

ORDERED...the parties are directed to recommend the names of no more than
three potential independent receivers to manage the DISSOLUTION of the cancelled LLCs.


What the jury will be required to do is decide what are the damages. I guess that's the fun part!

Karma's a bitch, I know.

Donald Trump is found liable for fraud in New York civil case

NEW YORK, Sept 26 (Reuters) - Donald Trump and his family business were found liable for fraud on Tuesday by a New York judge in state Attorney General Letitia James' civil lawsuit accusing the former U.S. president of illegally inflating his assets and net worth.

The decision by Justice Arthur Engoron of the New York state court in Manhattan is a near total defeat for Trump, and limits the scope of a scheduled Oct. 2 trial largely to how much the defendants should pay in damages.

"Humpty Trumpty wanted a wall,
Humpty Trumpty had a big fall.
All of his towers and all of his men,
Couldn’t put Trumpty’s empire back again.

In the court of law, he sat on a ledge,
Found liable of fraud, by the judge’s edge.
His NY LLCs, and certs got cancelled,
Humpty Trumpty’s business got dismantled.

He ranted and raved, tweeted with fury,
But the law was the law, and the judge was the jury.
The people rejoiced, justice was served,
Humpty Trumpty got what he deserved.

With a frown on his face, and a loss of grace,
Humpty Trumpty left the public space.
The wall he wanted, never came to be,
And Humpty Trumpty’s fall, was there for all to see."

Humbly Tendered

All of trumps legal team were fined for wasting court time.A professional expense for trump lawyers.

This is my favourite bit though.

Trump attorney Christopher Kise, meanwhile, argued doing so showed that Mr Trump was an "investment genius" and "a master at finding value where others see nothing".
You can't negotiate the square footage.
That's a simpleton explanation. Depending on the type of property, square footage can be GLA or GBA (residential or income). A complex property might have different areas classified differently. Elevators, stairways, public areas, access hall ways, etc are all valued differently. It is much more complex than a layperson can ever imagine.
"Obstreperous conduct."

"Lives in a fantasy world"

"Fraudulently inflating"

"Claiming money you do not have is not 'The Art of the Deal', it's the Art of the Steal' --- Letitia James, NY AG.

His NY Business certs are CANCELLED by a Judge.

It appears the judges feels that there isn't anything here for a jury to figure out, the facts are blatantly clear,

ORDERED...the parties are directed to recommend the names of no more than
three potential independent receivers to manage the DISSOLUTION of the cancelled LLCs.


What the jury will be required to do is decide what are the damages. I guess that's the fun part!

Karma's a bitch, I know.

Donald Trump is found liable for fraud in New York civil case

NEW YORK, Sept 26 (Reuters) - Donald Trump and his family business were found liable for fraud on Tuesday by a New York judge in state Attorney General Letitia James' civil lawsuit accusing the former U.S. president of illegally inflating his assets and net worth.

The decision by Justice Arthur Engoron of the New York state court in Manhattan is a near total defeat for Trump, and limits the scope of a scheduled Oct. 2 trial largely to how much the defendants should pay in damages.

"Humpty Trumpty wanted a wall,
Humpty Trumpty had a big fall.
All of his towers and all of his men,
Couldn’t put Trumpty’s empire back again.

In the court of law, he sat on a ledge,
Found liable of fraud, by the judge’s edge.
His NY LLCs, and certs got cancelled,
Humpty Trumpty’s business got dismantled.

He ranted and raved, tweeted with fury,
But the law was the law, and the judge was the jury.
The people rejoiced, justice was served,
Humpty Trumpty got what he deserved.

With a frown on his face, and a loss of grace,
Humpty Trumpty left the public space.
The wall he wanted, never came to be,
And Humpty Trumpty’s fall, was there for all to see."

Humbly Tendered
just when the polling numbers come out showing Trump beating the crap out of the worst POTUS in modern history the left slings more useless shit .
just when the polling numbers come out showing Trump beating the crap out of the worst POTUS in modern history the left slings more useless shit .

He's been about even with Trump for several months on RCP, the poll that matters.

But, it's way too soon to know anything from a poll, anyway.
That is 100 percent correct. I was one of the first appraisers to get the Federal License and owned my own appraisal firm and also trained appraisers.
Trump could never shortcut the process. I also was hired by lenders to evaluate the work done by other appraisers and reviewed a good many by others.
Yep, my story is much the same, one of the first to be licensed and worked 30 years as a licensed appraiser. I retired recently. These internet 'experts' have no idea.
If the corrupt NY justice system examined every developer like they did Trump, the courts would be so clogged up that nothing would ever get built.

Developers exaggerate, but what they don't do is shit like 10k sq ft = 30k sq ft. While there is some debate as to value, there is NO debate on physical measurements.

Sorry, Trump committed fraud in a scale uncommon for even other developers.
"Obstreperous conduct."

"Lives in a fantasy world"

"Fraudulently inflating"

"Claiming money you do not have is not 'The Art of the Deal', it's the Art of the Steal' --- Letitia James, NY AG.

His NY Business certs are CANCELLED by a Judge.

It appears the judges feels that there isn't anything here for a jury to figure out, the facts are blatantly clear,

ORDERED...the parties are directed to recommend the names of no more than
three potential independent receivers to manage the DISSOLUTION of the cancelled LLCs.


What the jury will be required to do is decide what are the damages. I guess that's the fun part!

Karma's a bitch, I know.

Donald Trump is found liable for fraud in New York civil case

NEW YORK, Sept 26 (Reuters) - Donald Trump and his family business were found liable for fraud on Tuesday by a New York judge in state Attorney General Letitia James' civil lawsuit accusing the former U.S. president of illegally inflating his assets and net worth.

The decision by Justice Arthur Engoron of the New York state court in Manhattan is a near total defeat for Trump, and limits the scope of a scheduled Oct. 2 trial largely to how much the defendants should pay in damages.

"Humpty Trumpty wanted a wall,
Humpty Trumpty had a big fall.
All of his towers and all of his men,
Couldn’t put Trumpty’s empire back again.

In the court of law, he sat on a ledge,
Found liable of fraud, by the judge’s edge.
His NY LLCs, and certs got cancelled,
Humpty Trumpty’s business got dismantled.

He ranted and raved, tweeted with fury,
But the law was the law, and the judge was the jury.
The people rejoiced, justice was served,
Humpty Trumpty got what he deserved.

With a frown on his face, and a loss of grace,
Humpty Trumpty left the public space.
The wall he wanted, never came to be,
And Humpty Trumpty’s fall, was there for all to see."

Humbly Tendered

This smells like another three point bump in Trump's polling average.

...and yet..here we are. Did the banks waive formal appraisal in their rush to get the business? Probably...but, once again, this is not about the banks..who may well turn out to be the only winners here~
This entire story stinks of being a fraud on the members here. The appraiser is accurate. I spent years as a Federal licensed appraiser and every word he says is by the book and totally accurate. I never heard of a Bank deciding it did not want a true appraisal.

When Carter was president, back then some faulty inaccurate appraisals took place. I reviewed other appraisers work and saw some sloppy work done and in a few cases the appraisal by the other person was not true. But the lender hired me for that reason, they were suspicious and hired me to check the other guy out. In one case the other appraiser had a Ph.d Degree in something. Frankly even this guy simply used poor comparables. I did review one other where the value turned out correct but the work done was pretty poor and not suitable for my firm to do then. I supplied to the lender superior comparables and left the value as the other guy stated.
That's a simpleton explanation. Depending on the type of property, square footage can be GLA or GBA (residential or income). A complex property might have different areas classified differently. Elevators, stairways, public areas, access hall ways, etc are all valued differently. It is much more complex than a layperson can ever imagine.
I back up the explanation above. I see that he is a very good appraiser.

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