Judge rules trump spent decades defeauding insurers and bankers

N.Y. judge finds Trump committed fraud and sanctions his attorneys

NEW YORK — A judge overseeing a $250 million lawsuit against Donald Trump ruled the ex-president and his company committed fraud by inflating his net worth in business transactions, narrowing the scope of what the state’s attorney general must prove at an upcoming civil trial.

New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron also ordered the cancellation of Trump business certificates and imposed sanctions on attorneys representing him, two of his adult children, two other company executives and the business for repeating arguments that failed multiple times previously and were called “borderline frivolous."

Five attorneys have been ordered to pay $7,500 each to a state organization that reimburses clients whose attorneys misused funds. One of the attorneys sanctioned by Engoron is Christopher Kise, a former Florida solicitor general who also represents Trump in federal court there in the indictment over the retention and mishandling of classified documents.

Trump and his attorneys haved denied any wrongdoing.

New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a lawsuit against Trump and his company last year alleging that the Trump Organization and its executives defrauded lenders and insurance companies from 2011 to 2021 by inflating Trump’s net worth in business transactions.

By manipulating the value of Trump’s property and other real estate assets by up to $2.2 billion annually, the real estate, hospitality and golf resort company obtained better interest and policy rates than they otherwise would have, according to the lawsuit.

Trump will stand trial along with his sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, who served as executives, longtime finance chief Allen Weisselberg and long-serving comptroller Jeffrey McConney.
He's been about even with Trump for several months on RCP, the poll that matters.

But, it's way too soon to know anything from a poll, anyway.
unless things for Americans get better lower costs of living lower crime ect .. the polls for the left will continue to plummet ..
Yep, my story is much the same, one of the first to be licensed and worked 30 years as a licensed appraiser. I retired recently. These internet 'experts' have no idea.
They are not professionals. What part of the USA did you work in? I owned my firm of appraisers in the SF Bay area and did some work in San Francisco and down to the Salinas Area below San Jose. East to some small valley towns in the San Joaquin Valley and at times north of Sacramento. I tended to avoid those and only did them on special request by lenders.
If the corrupt NY justice system examined every developer like they did Trump, the courts would be so clogged up that nothing would ever get built.

And all the Democrats they have to bribe every week would lose income and get prosecuted along with them, including the judges and DA's.
Trump fraudulently inflated the worth of his properties in order to receive loans. trump defrauded banks and insurance companies.
If any other person did this, they would be in very very big trouble, as it is illegal and fraud.

Trump is a hard core criminal and this is just one more exmaple of his crimes.

This entire story stinks of being a fraud on the members here. The appraiser is accurate. I spent years as a Federal licensed appraiser and every word he says is by the book and totally accurate. I never heard of a Bank deciding it did not want a true appraisal.

When Carter was president, back then some faulty inaccurate appraisals took place. I reviewed other appraisers work and saw some sloppy work done and in a few cases the appraisal by the other person was not true. But the lender hired me for that reason, they were suspicious and hired me to check the other guy out. In one case the other appraiser had a Ph.d Degree in something. Frankly even this guy simply used poor comparables. I did review one other where the value turned out correct but the work done was pretty poor and not suitable for my firm to do then. I supplied to the lender superior comparables and left the value as the other guy stated.
Yep, these idiots on here have no idea. You are 100% correct.
unless things for Americans get better lower costs of living lower crime ect ..

None of that is going to happen no matter who wins elections. Soon American weakness will encourage another major war in Europe and Asia and we won't win this one, thanks to off-shoring and almost zero manufacturing capacity, along with all the 5th columnists infiltrated into our infrastructure.
In the end, this will just be an illustration of how meaningless a biased judge's decision actually is. Every logical thinking person already knows Trump is being railroaded.
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They are not professionals. What part of the USA did you work in? I owned my firm of appraisers in the SF Bay area and did some work in San Francisco and down to the Salinas Area below San Jose. East to some small valley towns in the San Joaquin Valley and at times north of Sacramento. I tended to avoid those and only did them on special request by lenders.
Licensed in CA and worked in the Far Northern area above SF and up into Yreka and everywhere around that area. Regular city SFR, rural hobby ranches, lake properties, etc. Doing work in subdivisions in cities was my favorite. Doing an appraisal on any of Trump's properties (Mar A Logo) would be a nightmare. LOL

All of trumps legal team were fined for wasting court time.A professional expense for trump lawyers.

This is my favourite bit though.

Trump attorney Christopher Kise, meanwhile, argued doing so showed that Mr Trump was an "investment genius" and "a master at finding value where others see nothing".
Reading of all the article points out that this does not end the Trump case since his lawyers no doubt will appeal this to higher courts. And this is not the same as if Trump appraised his own property. His team would insert estimated values that would be then have to be proven by appraisers.
In a civil suit, Donald Trump was found guilty of Fraud for overstating business assets.
He admitted guilt for fraud with Trump University and paid 25 million dollars.
Trump agreed to close Trum charity because a majority of funds going to Trump not a charitble cause.
He was found guilty of sexual abuse and defamation.

Now the criminal cases start. The penalty is more tha money if found guilty.

Is this the type of person we want as President of the USA?



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