Judge rules trump spent decades defeauding insurers and bankers

I didn’t say a shitty ruling doesn’t come with absurd consequences. I said it doesn’t mean anything. Also noted something scumsuckers like you continue to prove yourselves unable and unwilling to grasp: appeals.

Summary judgment.

Do you understand what it meant when Mazars walked away from their work on his behalf?
It means nothing.
Alina Habba put it into context. This judge ruled summarily on this evidence without even bothering to hear any arguments. It will be easily overturned in an appeal. At a minimum, it will at least go to trial. This stuff by the Left is so obvious that they seem to be mailing it in at this point. IMO, they're scared SPITLESS that Tater may refuse to step down and that Trump will win again. They SHOULD BE SCARED...
For instance, Trump’s financial statement for 2011 said he had 55 home lots to sell at his golf course in Southern California. Those lots would sell for $3 million or more, the statement said.
An Den? An What? He's hardly the only NY businessman that ever did something like this. You should save your enthusiasm for the coming multiple numbers of slam-dunk convictions by solidly Democrat juries in NYC and DC. By next year he'll likely have most of those 91 indictments end in guilty verdicts. And not only will it not come close to disqualifying his run, the people who support him will have already baked in their support due to the understanding that the convictions are blatantly political.

I have a question for everyone on the Left... IF he won in '24, would you support the military stepping in and disallowing him to take the oath?
Sure. The judge is corrupt. Not Trump. Okay.
Since when does a single judge get to rule summarily without even hearing the defendant's attorney's arguments? Oh, right, only when the rulings go against Trump. There are a total of 91 charges spread over 4 indictments and even if every single charge was ruled as guilty, it still wouldn't stop him running. What it WILL accomplish is the further weakening of our electoral system and respect fo the rule of law. Believe it or not, that's going to bite everyone in the ass, not just Trump and his supporters.

Do you hear that sucking sound? That's major sources of Trump's wealth vanishing.

Trump lied on his insurance and loan applications for at least a decade. Probably longer, but the statute of limitations prevents going back farther. His two boys are also on the hook, but Ivanka skated due to the statute of limitations.

Trump has just lost control of all his New York properties, including Trump Tower.

The judge just made the NY AG's job a lot easier. She is suing Trump for $250 million for his fraud and the trial is supposed to start on October 2.

The surprising decision by Justice Arthur F. Engoron is a major victory for Attorney General Letitia James in her lawsuit against Mr. Trump, effectively deciding that no trial was needed to determine that he had fraudulently secured favorable terms on loans and insurance deals.

Ms. James has argued that Mr. Trump inflated the value of his properties by as much as $2.2 billion and is seeking a penalty of about $250 million in a trial scheduled to begin as early as Monday.

Justice Engoron wrote that the annual financial statements that Mr. Trump submitted to banks and insurance companies “clearly contain fraudulent valuations that defendants used in business.”


While the trial will determine the size of the penalty, Justice Engoron’s ruling granted one of the biggest punishments Ms. James sought: the cancellation of business certificates that allow some of Mr. Trump’s New York properties to operate, a move that could have major repercussions for the Trump family business.

The decision could terminate his control over a flagship commercial property at 40 Wall Street in Lower Manhattan and a family estate in Westchester County. Mr. Trump might also lose control over his other New York properties, including Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan and his golf club in Westchester.

The order will not dissolve Mr. Trump’s company itself, which is a collection of hundreds of entities, but the decision could nonetheless have a sweeping impact on the company’s New York operations. If Justice Engoron’s decision is not reversed by an appeals court, it could shut down an entity that employs hundreds of people working for him in New York, effectively crushing the company.


Justice Engoron’s decision narrows the issues that will be heard at trial, deciding that the core of Ms. James’s case was valid. It represents a major blow to Mr. Trump, whose lawyers had sought to persuade the judge to throw out many claims against the former president.

In his order, Justice Engoron wrote scathingly about Mr. Trump’s defenses, saying that the former president and the other defendants, including his two adult sons and his company, ignored reality when it suited their business needs. “In defendants’ world,” he wrote, “rent-regulated apartments are worth the same as unregulated apartments; restricted land is worth the same as unrestricted land; restrictions can evaporate into thin air.”

“That is a fantasy world, not the real world,” he added.
An Den? An What? He's hardly the only NY businessman that ever did something like this. You should save your enthusiasm for the coming multiple numbers of slam-dunk convictions by solidly Democrat juries in NYC and DC. By next year he'll likely have most of those 91 indictments end in guilty verdicts. And not only will it not come close to disqualifying his run, the people who support him will have already baked in their support due to the understanding that the convictions are blatantly political.

I have a question for everyone on the Left... IF he won in '24, would you support the military stepping in and disallowing him to take the oath?

In the old days he would already have been taken out and shot. He attacks our Military leaders
bombshell. right. like this could have gone any other way. LOLOLOL

you realize he's leading biden by 10 plus points and even Carville says, Trump is next president. LOLOLOL Guess this bombshell case just fell right into your lap from this past weekend's poor poll showing for old feeble joe the sniffer. WHAT a coincidence.

Meanwhile, here's a picture of Joe's America that you voted for.

Inflating property values is sometimes the only way to get the loans for successful real estate ventures. It's ironic that the former democrat NY governor might be guilty of negligent homicide in the deaths of hundreds of nursing home residents while they decree that venture capitalism is a felony.
Inflating property values is sometimes the only way to get the loans for successful real estate ventures. It's ironic that the former democrat NY governor might be guilty of negligent homicide in the deaths of hundreds of nursing home residents while they decree that venture capitalism is a felony.
I have a 30,000 square foot apartment in Trump Tower to sell you.
Ms. James started investigating Mr. Trump in March 2019 and filed a lawsuit against him last September, accusing him of “staggering” fraud in representing the value of his apartment buildings, hotels and golf clubs, among other assets. Her filings have accused Mr. Trump of using simple, duplicitous tricks to multiply the represented value of his signature properties, from Trump Tower to Mar-a-Lago.

In one noteworthy example, she accused Mr. Trump of overestimating the size of the triplex apartment in Trump Tower in which he lived for decades, saying it was 30,000 feet, rather than about 11,000. Justice Engoron seized on that, noting that Mr. Trump’s lawyers had “absurdly” suggested that the calculation of square footage was subjective and adding that good-faith measurements might vary by as much as 10 to 20 percent, but not 200 percent.

“A discrepancy of this order of magnitude, by a real estate developer sizing up his own living space of decades, can only be considered fraud,” he wrote.
bombshell. right. like this could have gone any other way. LOLOLOL

you realize he's leading biden by 10 plus points and even Carville says, Trump is next president. LOLOLOL Guess this bombshell case just fell right into your lap from this past weekend's poor poll showing for old feeble joe the sniffer. WHAT a coincidence.

Meanwhile, here's a picture of Joe's America that you voted for.

I did not vote for Biden, tard. Nice try.

Clearly, though, this Soros-funded transsexual pedophile judge has gotten your goat, eh?
I did not vote for Biden, tard. Nice try.

Clearly, though, this Soros-funded transsexual pedophile judge has gotten your goat, eh?
Probly yo dead gramma and grampa did. Thank God you don't vote but you probably will when you're dead.

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