Judge rules trump spent decades defeauding insurers and bankers

we understand youre upset the russian collusion claim fell flat and need so much for this to be a big deal,,

but youre going to have to do better than to go with a real estate investor overvalued property,,

thats common practice is places like NYC
Magically transforming an apartment to three times its actual size is not common practice. Especially when it is a fraud who makes his living in real estate.

Keep trying, loser.
Take your red herrings elsewhere, loser.
Well, if you expect the nation to care about fraud, you know, even the losers have a vote, for now. You best act like you actually give a shit about the real victims.

I suppose, it might be incumbent upon the establishment to actually act like they do care, but they don't. Not with these types of shenanigans.

We better hope they do a much better job rigging the election, than they did last time around, because, boy howdy. . . .

They did a piss poor job last time.

I don't want this Trump guy to be president. Cause I sure would be afeared of the shit he goin' do in revenge to the folks that did this to him. . .
From the summary judgment:

Defendants assert that overvaluations of two hundred million dollars are immaterial, as the NYAG has produced no evidence to suggest that Ladder Capital would have been uncomfortable allowing President Trump to guarantee the 40 Wall Street Loan if his net worth was only $1.9billion, as the NYAG contends." NYSCEF Doc. No.835 at 48. They further emphasize that Ladder Capital has received in excess of $40 million in interest and 40 Wall Street LLC has never defaulted under the Loan.

Defendants argument misses the mark . As has been explained to defendants many times , in many legal proceedings , and in painstaking detail, where , as here, there is a claim based on fraudulent activity [under Executive Law 63( 12)] , disgorgement may be available as an equitable remedy, notwithstanding the absence of loss to individuals or independent claims for restitution. Accordingly , it is not significant that the banks made money (or did not lose money ) or that they would have done business with the Trump Organization notwithstanding . The law is clear that the only requirements for liability to attach under a standalone Executive Law 63( 12) cause of action are ( 1) a finding that the SFCs were false and misleading ; and (2) that defendants repeatedly or persistently used the SFCs to conduct business.

Accordingly, OAG has demonstrated liability for the false valuation of 40 Wall Street in the 2015 SFC.

"As has been explained to defendants many times." :lol:


in this case it proves this is politically motivated and that makes me not care,,
And this, boys and girls, is a textbook case of circular logic.

Make a bogus claim and then use that as the basis for evidence of a prior bogus claim.

This is a politically motivated trial. We know this because everybody does it. Therefore, that is evidence this is a politically motivated trial.

And this, boys and girls, is a textbook case of circular logic.

Make a bogus claim and then use that as the basis for evidence of a prior bogus claim.

This is a politically motivated trial. We know this because everybody does it. Therefore, that is evidence this is a politically motivated trial.
you sound more like youre trying to convince yourself,,,
in this case it proves this is politically motivated and that makes me not care,,
Trump is a national figure, and so his legal troubles make the national news.

In your tard mind, since you have never heard of any other fraud cases by the NY AG, that means there aren't any and others get away with it, which in your magical mind translates to a political prosecution of Trump.

Haven't you gotten tired of being thoroughly wrong in every post in this topic yet?

You've thrown up every logical fallacy imaginable, red herrings, and flat out lies. All to no avail except to demolish your credibility.


Apples to oranges comparison. False equivalency. I have no problem with those, we can identify a victim there.

See, that there, matches the fraud I gave you in the FTX fraud case, you aren't a dummy, just a disingenuous hack. 😜

When you present fraud cases of the same type I did, you acknowledge this thread is about fraud, and I did not bring in a "red herring," you just don't like to be bested.


Try again grasshopper. :113:
Trump is a national figure, and so his legal troubles make the national news.

In your tard mind, since you have never heard of any other fraud cases by the NY AG, that means there aren't any and others get away with it, which in your magical mind translates to a political prosecution of Trump.

Haven't you gotten tired of being thoroughly wrong in every post in this topic yet?

You've thrown up every logical fallacy imaginable, red herrings, and flat out lies. All to no avail except to demolish your credibility.

I don't want this Trump guy to be president. Cause I sure would be afeared of the shit he goin' do in revenge to the folks that did this to him. . .

Cast your mind forward, it is now, Nov. 6th, 2024 4am, and all the networks are projecting that Trump has won in a landslide.

The next day, reports are, George Soros and his family have been spotted leaving the country on private jets. . .


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