Judge says he can order abortion for disabled Nevada woman

Okay, first of all, Dementia Girl, Terri Schiavo was never on "artificial life support" at all. Her body worked just fine to keep itself alive, needing only to be fed.

Second of all, no one ever disputed that Terri Schiavo had massive brain damage. The question was always 1) whether or not she would have wanted to be starved to death, and 2) whether or not it was appropriate to let a man who was suspected of having caused the brain damage decide to starve her to death.

Third, I'm kinda fascinated by how you say, "As to the party in question", and then start babbling on about some anecdote involving someone else entirely. It surprises me a little that I have to tell you that whatever people you have or have not had "dealings" with have fuck-all to do with the woman who is actually the topic. I would think the fact that human beings are all unique individuals should be blindingly obvious to anyone.

Fourth, who said anyone here - EXCEPT the abortion champions, oddly enough - want to "decide her fate for her"? The position has been that it's not appropriate for the judge to take over the decision from HER PARENTS, who certainly know her better than you and your "I can certainly tell you it will be THIS way for her" do. Are you just incapable of reading well enough to understand that that's what we've been saying, or is it just that you automatically assume everyone is as eager to make definitive statements and judgements as you are?

Terri Schiavo had a brain that had turned to mush. She was on life support, and that life support was her feeding tube. If her family wanted to pay millions to ensure she remained a vegetable for the rest of her life, good luck to them, but if the taxpayers are expected to foot the bill to keep someone like that alive, the taxpayers can, and should, fight to pull the plug.

When did you graduate from med school?

Have you not read the autopsy reports?
Since when?

By the way, she is 34 years old, not 6, despite the blather from the pro abortion idiots.

She has the mental age of a six year old. She thinks and acts like a six year old. Do you treat a six year old child like they are 34 years old?

Damn, you are an idiot.

The story says the parents claim she has the mental capacity of a 6 year old, there is significant difference between mental capacity and mental age. There are kids in college with the mental capacity of adults, but they still have the mental age of how old they are. If she had the mental age of a 6 year old she would be unable to remember anything from longer than 6 years ago.

She still shouldn't remain pregnant.
Its a wonder her parents didn't force her to confess to her sins of having premarital sex.
The state is currently her guardians, however I think precedent will prove him wrong if he chooses to rule in favor of an abortion.

Having read about the case, I doubt he will choose to abort.

Nevada Judge Rules Against Forced Abortion for Mentally Disabled Woman

I hope the woman is able to endure the labor, and that she can cope with having her baby taken away from her.
Her parents seem to think she can. If i had to make that call, is it the same decision I would make for my child? I don't know. However, I would oppose anyone who attempted to make that decision for me.
Mental disable women should be allowed to be ordered abortions from Judges. Period.
It is true that they prefer not to give the mother drugs during childbirth, because many of them can adversely affect the child. There is also always the risk of death when using general anesthesia. There are, of course, ways of managing or even obliterating pain during childbirth that do not carry those risks. And just because they PREFER not to use it doesn't mean they don't keep the option open. It's the reason they won't give a woman in labor anything to eat or drink except ice chips: so that if she has to be anesthetized, she's less likely to vomit and choke to death.

It seems very unlikely to me that the doctors would expect to go with a vaginal birth in this case, should she carry to term, both because it would be difficult to expect her to follow instructions and participate in the birth and because her physical disabilities would probably make it dangerous to her. I would further imagine that, if they were going to go with a C-section anyway, they wouldn't simply give her a general anesthesia to spare her any mental trauma.

Why do you insist this woman that you know nothing of and have never met, should have an abortion just because YOU think it's right? The decision belongs to her family and those who love her not some stranger and not some judge.

Um, Mensa Girl, who the hell are you talking to? Where in this, or any other of my posts, have I EVER suggested that she should have an abortion, or that anyone other than her parents should be making the decision?

If you want to attack someone for holding a particular position, it might be good to first find someone who actually holds that particular position, genius.

Brilliant work. :clap2:

I apologize for not looking at the names... you'd get a better and more sincere apology if you'd pointed out my mistake without the personal attack.
Mental disable women should be allowed to be ordered abortions from Judges. Period.

Why? Especially if they have family. Do you think "next of kin" counts for nothing?

I do not think family members should be making health care decisions for adults, or for those people who cannot make their own decisions. They can be influenced by religious beliefs, and grief.
Who knows sweetie..... I am not an expert ...I was just saying what I thought about it....

Abortions and such are foreign to me...I don't know a thing about that..... never did

I really do not care about the topic ...sorry.
Mental disable women should be allowed to be ordered abortions from Judges. Period.

Why? Especially if they have family. Do you think "next of kin" counts for nothing?

I do not think family members should be making health care decisions for adults, or for those people who cannot make their own decisions. They can be influenced by religious beliefs, and grief.

They are also the people who know you best, and would know what you'd want best.
Terri Schiavo had a brain that had turned to mush. She was on life support, and that life support was her feeding tube. If her family wanted to pay millions to ensure she remained a vegetable for the rest of her life, good luck to them, but if the taxpayers are expected to foot the bill to keep someone like that alive, the taxpayers can, and should, fight to pull the plug.

When did you graduate from med school?

Have you not read the autopsy reports?

I don't pretend to have graduated from med school, unlike you.

I do know that people that can breathe are not on life support.
She has the mental age of a six year old. She thinks and acts like a six year old. Do you treat a six year old child like they are 34 years old?

Damn, you are an idiot.

The story says the parents claim she has the mental capacity of a 6 year old, there is significant difference between mental capacity and mental age. There are kids in college with the mental capacity of adults, but they still have the mental age of how old they are. If she had the mental age of a 6 year old she would be unable to remember anything from longer than 6 years ago.

She still shouldn't remain pregnant.
Its a wonder her parents didn't force her to confess to her sins of having premarital sex.

The judge disagrees, I guess that means you lose.
Mental disable women should be allowed to be ordered abortions from Judges. Period.

Why? Especially if they have family. Do you think "next of kin" counts for nothing?

I do not think family members should be making health care decisions for adults, or for those people who cannot make their own decisions. They can be influenced by religious beliefs, and grief.

Strange, the law actually says that family has the right to make medical decisions for other family members when they are incapacitated. In fact, that is exactly that happened in the Terry Shicalvo case you like to pretend you are an authority on, the judge ruled that the husband, being the closest family member, had the right to make medical decisions.

You are contradicting yourself.
Why? Especially if they have family. Do you think "next of kin" counts for nothing?

I do not think family members should be making health care decisions for adults, or for those people who cannot make their own decisions. They can be influenced by religious beliefs, and grief.

They are also the people who know you best, and would know what you'd want best.

What about those parents who go against their childs' wishes to donate their organs? Even if you are on the donor list, the parents are free to override that decision.
Doesn't sound like the parents know you, or care for your wishes in this instance.
Mental disable women should be allowed to be ordered abortions from Judges. Period.

Why? Especially if they have family. Do you think "next of kin" counts for nothing?

I do not think family members should be making health care decisions for adults, or for those people who cannot make their own decisions. They can be influenced by religious beliefs, and grief.

So if you mother is dying and an operation can save her, and you are an adult and her closest relative, you should have no say, the doctors should get a court order for an operation?

You don't think I have a right to make decisions for my nearly 25 year old severely autistic adult son? You think a court should come in and decide whether or not the meds recommended by the psychiatrist are good for him? Or do you think the hospital should decide? Or his caregivers? Do you think I should have let them give my son seizure medication when his stupid caregiver decided he had a seizure and took him to the hospital? He's never had a seizure in his life. He was tested for that when he was a kid. What happened was a panic attack that the caregiver didn't recognize. You don't think I know what is best for my own son? That the courts should decide? BTW, I talked to the doctor and he agreed to wait and see if he had another seizure. He hasn't and it's been nearly a year. There WAS NO SEIZURE, but if you had your way, he'd be on seizure medication, because of course, the parents have no rights and shouldn't make decisions. They might let their religion get in their way. Yeah right. If my son was a girl and got pregnant, I'm not sure what I would do, but I sure as hell wouldn't want some court making that decision for my son (daughter).

Please Noomi, have your mother make a living will, right now, so that her life will not be in the hands of the courts. You don't think you can make a good decision on her medical needs, have her make them now and give medical power of attorney to someone she trusts who isn't you.
Mental disable women should be allowed to be ordered abortions from Judges. Period.

Why? Especially if they have family. Do you think "next of kin" counts for nothing?

I do not think family members should be making health care decisions for adults, or for those people who cannot make their own decisions. They can be influenced by religious beliefs, and grief.

They could be influenced by greed as well.

BTW in my experience family members are influenced by the best interests of the person who entrusted them to make the decision in the first place.
Why? Especially if they have family. Do you think "next of kin" counts for nothing?

I do not think family members should be making health care decisions for adults, or for those people who cannot make their own decisions. They can be influenced by religious beliefs, and grief.

So if you mother is dying and an operation can save her, and you are an adult and her closest relative, you should have no say, the doctors should get a court order for an operation?

You don't think I have a right to make decisions for my nearly 25 year old severely autistic adult son? You think a court should come in and decide whether or not the meds recommended by the psychiatrist are good for him? Or do you think the hospital should decide? Or his caregivers? Do you think I should have let them give my son seizure medication when his stupid caregiver decided he had a seizure and took him to the hospital? He's never had a seizure in his life. He was tested for that when he was a kid. What happened was a panic attack that the caregiver didn't recognize. You don't think I know what is best for my own son? That the courts should decide? BTW, I talked to the doctor and he agreed to wait and see if he had another seizure. He hasn't and it's been nearly a year. There WAS NO SEIZURE, but if you had your way, he'd be on seizure medication, because of course, the parents have no rights and shouldn't make decisions. They might let their religion get in their way. Yeah right. If my son was a girl and got pregnant, I'm not sure what I would do, but I sure as hell wouldn't want some court making that decision for my son (daughter).

Please Noomi, have your mother make a living will, right now, so that her life will not be in the hands of the courts. You don't think you can make a good decision on her medical needs, have her make them now and give medical power of attorney to someone she trusts who isn't you.

I should be more specific.

I think that sometimes, people can be irrational, and make choices based on their emotions, which is not good. In those cases, if a doctor noticed and didn't believe the family were making an informed decision, the choice could then be taken out of the hands of family.
If the family was deliberately going against the wishes of the ill person, then the courts should certainly take over.

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