Judge says he can order abortion for disabled Nevada woman

So you would rather murder it. How psychopathic.

Abortion is not murder. Get it through your head.
Killing a living person is murder.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


No, it's not necessarily murder. "Murder" is a legal term, denoting "the illegal taking of a human life". There are, of course, times when a human life can be taken legally - self-defense, for example - and it is not, therefore, murder. I doubt that if I killed someone who broke into my house with a weapon, for example, that you would consider THAT to be murder.

Abortion is legal, and therefore cannot be murder, until such time as the law is changed. Inflammatory misuse of words helps no one. It only allows the evil dimwits who champion abortion to hide what they're doing behind it.

Abortion IS, however, the killing of a human being, and should not be mistaken for anything else.
Or, as we can see, when a judge thinks it's best.

Because a woman's mental and physical health are at stake here, something which lifers don't seem to give a shit about!

Does that mean that a judge can decide you cannot have an abortion because your mental and physical health would be adversely affected? If it doesn't, shut the fuck up.

No, no, no, Quantum. You don't understand. In Leftist World, abortion can NEVER have an adverse affect on anyone's mental or physical health. Only childbirth does that. In Leftist World, abortion should be the normal, automatic response to pregnancy, with childbirth being the occasional exception due to very unusual circumstances, ie. the mother actually, deliberately and with great planning and effort setting out to have a child. The REAL world, in which things generally work the exact opposite of that, must be ignored and done away with as soon as possible.
The woman is THIRTY-FOUR. The fact that someone somewhere once COMPARED HER INTELLIGENCE to a six-year-old's doesn't make her one.
I agree and if she has ever asked where babies come from, what better way for her to know than by giving birth to one herself!

God bless you and her always!!! :) :) :)

You cannot be serious.

IF, as the article states, she has the intelligence of a 6 y/o, that would be a horrifying experience that would likely leave her horribly scarred.

I repeat my question - Is there anyone who has her best interest at heart?
How scarred do you think that she would be if something precious that belonged to her was not only taken from her, but killed too?

God bless you and her always!!!

Because a woman's mental and physical health are at stake here, something which lifers don't seem to give a shit about!

Does that mean that a judge can decide you cannot have an abortion because your mental and physical health would be adversely affected? If it doesn't, shut the fuck up.

If I was mentally disabled like this woman, then a judge should have the right to make that decision for me.

Does that mean you haven't managed to acquire any people in your life who give a shit about you, or just that you view your family and friends as so stupid and untrustworthy that you consider faceless strangers in government to be preferable?

Of course, being a lefist, you could just be so stupid yourself as to believe the fairytale of all-knowing, benevolent government of which we should all be helpless, ignorant wards. To hear you talk, you certainly aspire to live in Aldous Huxley's world. (Yes, I know you have a liberal public education, and have no frigging clue what that reference means. Go look it up. It'll be good for you.)
A lawyer for the parents, Jason Guinasso, told The Associated Press it's not known whether the pregnancy resulted from rape or consensual sex.

If her mental age is 6, she is not capable of consenting.

Is there anyone involved who has her best interest at the heart of their position?

If she has the mind of a 6 year old, it's not consensual. It's rape.

That, however, should have no bearing on the decision to abort or not. IMO, the girl's parents are the ones who should be making this decision, not some judge who doesn't know the girl.
I said I believe he SHOULD have that choice.

Years ago here, a judge made the decision to have a woman's feeding tube removed, so she would die. It caused public outrage, but it was the right decision.

Starving a woman to death is the right decision? Really? And yet you have the unutterable gall to get on your high, self-righteous horse and excoriate OTHER people for not being "caring" enough to meet your standards?

By all means, please tell me as often as possible that you disapprove of me. I would never, EVER want the approbation of something like you.
I said I believe he SHOULD have that choice.

Years ago here, a judge made the decision to have a woman's feeding tube removed, so she would die. It caused public outrage, but it was the right decision.

If we are to believe Professor Adrian Owen the judge might have committed murder.

BBC News - Vegetative patient Scott Routley says 'I'm not in pain'

The person I am referring to could not communicate with anyone, and the only thing keeping her alive was that feeding tube.

That's like saying, "The only thing keeping me alive is the eating of regular meals." Pretty much 100% of people die when they stop ingesting nutrients, but I'm not sure what meaning you're attaching to that.

I should also point out that if it was a FEEDING TUBE that was removed, rather than - for example - a respirator, then it was NOT the only thing keeping her alive. Her heart and brain were keeping her alive, and merely requiring nutrients to continue doing so. However much you immoral twerps on the left tell yourself otherwise, feeding tubes and life support systems are two very different things.
You seem to ignore the fact that a fetus doesn't matter in this case. The woman is disabled and has the mental age of a six year old. Why do you want her to stay pregnant?

YOU seem to ignore the fact that the fetus "doesn't matter" TO YOU. That doesn't make it true in general.

The woman is disabled. So what? Are you suggesting that disabled women should never have children? Or is it just that, once again, you're defaulting to the idea that childbirth is a horrible, nightmarish torture that should only be engaged in under extreme conditions, like the woman signing a pound of legal documents stating that she really, REALLY wants the baby, and always will?

Still waiting for you to answer MY questions, although I already knew you'd be too chickenshit to do so. Thanks for proving that you're every bit as much the coward I expected you to be.

If a woman did sign a document that she really REALLY wants a baby and always will, isn't that just evidence that the woman is too incompetent to make those kinds of decisions? She is ruled not by common sense but by emotion..

A very good point. She is likely mentally unstable, and therefore should be prevented from undergoing a horrific, traumatic event like childbirth less it further unbalance her delicate mental condition.
The woman is THIRTY-FOUR. The fact that someone somewhere once COMPARED HER INTELLIGENCE to a six-year-old's doesn't make her one.
I agree and if she has ever asked where babies come from, what better way for her to know than by giving birth to one herself!

God bless you and her always!!! :) :) :)


There are LOTS of better ways to know where babies come from, especially since it's not only possible, but common, for women to produce children without having the first clue how their reproductive systems work. Hell, listen to abortion champions for a few minutes, if you want to see how easy it is for an adult in today's world to be utterly ignorant and uneducated on the subject.
A lawyer for the parents, Jason Guinasso, told The Associated Press it's not known whether the pregnancy resulted from rape or consensual sex.

If her mental age is 6, she is not capable of consenting.

Is there anyone involved who has her best interest at the heart of their position?

I'm fairly certain everyone involved thinks he or she has this woman's best interests at heart.

I'm equally certain that you are defining "best interests" as "looking at things the way I do".
The woman is THIRTY-FOUR. The fact that someone somewhere once COMPARED HER INTELLIGENCE to a six-year-old's doesn't make her one.
I agree and if she has ever asked where babies come from, what better way for her to know than by giving birth to one herself!

God bless you and her always!!! :) :) :)


You cannot be serious.

IF, as the article states, she has the intelligence of a 6 y/o, that would be a horrifying experience that would likely leave her horribly scarred.

I repeat my question - Is there anyone who has her best interest at heart?

Horrifying experience? Horribly scarred? Jesus, is that REALLY what you think of childbirth? Someone show you a lamaze video when you were a little . . . whatever you are?
A lawyer for the parents, Jason Guinasso, told The Associated Press it's not known whether the pregnancy resulted from rape or consensual sex.
If her mental age is 6, she is not capable of consenting.

Is there anyone involved who has her best interest at the heart of their position?

Her mental age is not 6, her IQ gives her cognitive abilities similar to a 6 year old.


The lefties seem to be really struggling with the difference between being as smart as a 6-year-old, and actually being a 6-year-old.

Which says some revealing things about THEIR cognitive abilities, in my opinion.
I agree and if she has ever asked where babies come from, what better way for her to know than by giving birth to one herself!

God bless you and her always!!! :) :) :)


You cannot be serious.

IF, as the article states, she has the intelligence of a 6 y/o, that would be a horrifying experience that would likely leave her horribly scarred.

I repeat my question - Is there anyone who has her best interest at heart?

On the average, 6 year olds have an IQ of 100.

There's also a big difference between having lived in the world for 6 years with that IQ, and living in it for 34 years with that IQ.

Although I am not in any way arguing that she's capable of giving consent, she clearly has some level of cognizance of sex that a REAL 6-year-old doesn't, or she wouldn't make a beeline for the truck stop to prostitute herself every time she gets loose of her caretakers. I can' think of a single 6-year-old in the world who does that when they get away from Mommy.
The woman is THIRTY-FOUR. The fact that someone somewhere once COMPARED HER INTELLIGENCE to a six-year-old's doesn't make her one.
I agree and if she has ever asked where babies come from, what better way for her to know than by giving birth to one herself!
There are LOTS of better ways to know where babies come from, especially since it's not only possible, but common, for women to produce children without having the first clue how their reproductive systems work. Hell, listen to abortion champions for a few minutes, if you want to see how easy it is for an adult in today's world to be utterly ignorant and uneducated on the subject.
I agree that there are better ways, but sadly, whoever got this girl pregnant just had to go and change all of that. By the way, was the guy that got her pregnant ever found and busted for what he did to her?

God bless you and her always!!!

I agree and if she has ever asked where babies come from, what better way for her to know than by giving birth to one herself!
There are LOTS of better ways to know where babies come from, especially since it's not only possible, but common, for women to produce children without having the first clue how their reproductive systems work. Hell, listen to abortion champions for a few minutes, if you want to see how easy it is for an adult in today's world to be utterly ignorant and uneducated on the subject.
I agree that there are better ways, but sadly, whoever got this girl pregnant just had to go and change all of that. By the way, was the guy that got her pregnant ever found and busted for what he did to her?

God bless you and her always!!!


That would apparently be next to impossible to do. It seems she likes to escape the care-home and take off to the local truck stop to prostitute herself to truck drivers, meaning that simply finding all of the possible men it could have been would require some sort of serious psychic ability.

And as I pointed out before, it's very possible the man in question didn't realize how mentally deficient she actually was.
I said I believe he SHOULD have that choice.

Years ago here, a judge made the decision to have a woman's feeding tube removed, so she would die. It caused public outrage, but it was the right decision.

Starving a woman to death is the right decision? Really? And yet you have the unutterable gall to get on your high, self-righteous horse and excoriate OTHER people for not being "caring" enough to meet your standards?

By all means, please tell me as often as possible that you disapprove of me. I would never, EVER want the approbation of something like you.

There was no need to keep a dead woman on artificial life support. Her family insisted that she was improving, despite all indications to the contrary. After she died, Mrs. Shaivo's autopsy revealed that her brain was basically jello.

As for the party in question, I have had dealings with a mentally retarded woman, her mental age was about 8 or 9. She came into the ER with lower abdominal pain, it wasn't her appendix, other issues were ruled out, and the doctor tried a pelvic exam. It was awful. The woman had no idea what was going on... I won't get into it, but I'm able to tell you with all certainty that anyone with a 6-year-old mind is not going to be able to go through childbirth without severe trauma.
Funny how you don't want a judge to decideher fate, yet you think that you are perfectly qualified to decide for her. Yay team you.
I said I believe he SHOULD have that choice.

Years ago here, a judge made the decision to have a woman's feeding tube removed, so she would die. It caused public outrage, but it was the right decision.

Starving a woman to death is the right decision? Really? And yet you have the unutterable gall to get on your high, self-righteous horse and excoriate OTHER people for not being "caring" enough to meet your standards?

By all means, please tell me as often as possible that you disapprove of me. I would never, EVER want the approbation of something like you.

There was no need to keep a dead woman on artificial life support. Her family insisted that she was improving, despite all indications to the contrary. After she died, Mrs. Shaivo's autopsy revealed that her brain was basically jello.

As for the party in question, I have had dealings with a mentally retarded woman, her mental age was about 8 or 9. She came into the ER with lower abdominal pain, it wasn't her appendix, other issues were ruled out, and the doctor tried a pelvic exam. It was awful. The woman had no idea what was going on... I won't get into it, but I'm able to tell you with all certainty that anyone with a 6-year-old mind is not going to be able to go through childbirth without severe trauma.
Funny how you don't want a judge to decideher fate, yet you think that you are perfectly qualified to decide for her. Yay team you.

But they can go through an abortion without severe trauma?
Starving a woman to death is the right decision? Really? And yet you have the unutterable gall to get on your high, self-righteous horse and excoriate OTHER people for not being "caring" enough to meet your standards?

By all means, please tell me as often as possible that you disapprove of me. I would never, EVER want the approbation of something like you.

There was no need to keep a dead woman on artificial life support. Her family insisted that she was improving, despite all indications to the contrary. After she died, Mrs. Shaivo's autopsy revealed that her brain was basically jello.

As for the party in question, I have had dealings with a mentally retarded woman, her mental age was about 8 or 9. She came into the ER with lower abdominal pain, it wasn't her appendix, other issues were ruled out, and the doctor tried a pelvic exam. It was awful. The woman had no idea what was going on... I won't get into it, but I'm able to tell you with all certainty that anyone with a 6-year-old mind is not going to be able to go through childbirth without severe trauma.
Funny how you don't want a judge to decideher fate, yet you think that you are perfectly qualified to decide for her. Yay team you.

But they can go through an abortion without severe trauma?

They have this magic stuff you may have heard tell of. It's known as anesthesia.

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