Judge says he can order abortion for disabled Nevada woman

I said I believe he SHOULD have that choice.

Years ago here, a judge made the decision to have a woman's feeding tube removed, so she would die. It caused public outrage, but it was the right decision.

Starving a woman to death is the right decision? Really? And yet you have the unutterable gall to get on your high, self-righteous horse and excoriate OTHER people for not being "caring" enough to meet your standards?

By all means, please tell me as often as possible that you disapprove of me. I would never, EVER want the approbation of something like you.

There was no need to keep a dead woman on artificial life support. Her family insisted that she was improving, despite all indications to the contrary. After she died, Mrs. Shaivo's autopsy revealed that her brain was basically jello.

As for the party in question, I have had dealings with a mentally retarded woman, her mental age was about 8 or 9. She came into the ER with lower abdominal pain, it wasn't her appendix, other issues were ruled out, and the doctor tried a pelvic exam. It was awful. The woman had no idea what was going on... I won't get into it, but I'm able to tell you with all certainty that anyone with a 6-year-old mind is not going to be able to go through childbirth without severe trauma.
Funny how you don't want a judge to decideher fate, yet you think that you are perfectly qualified to decide for her. Yay team you.

Okay, first of all, Dementia Girl, Terri Schiavo was never on "artificial life support" at all. Her body worked just fine to keep itself alive, needing only to be fed.

Second of all, no one ever disputed that Terri Schiavo had massive brain damage. The question was always 1) whether or not she would have wanted to be starved to death, and 2) whether or not it was appropriate to let a man who was suspected of having caused the brain damage decide to starve her to death.

Third, I'm kinda fascinated by how you say, "As to the party in question", and then start babbling on about some anecdote involving someone else entirely. It surprises me a little that I have to tell you that whatever people you have or have not had "dealings" with have fuck-all to do with the woman who is actually the topic. I would think the fact that human beings are all unique individuals should be blindingly obvious to anyone.

Fourth, who said anyone here - EXCEPT the abortion champions, oddly enough - want to "decide her fate for her"? The position has been that it's not appropriate for the judge to take over the decision from HER PARENTS, who certainly know her better than you and your "I can certainly tell you it will be THIS way for her" do. Are you just incapable of reading well enough to understand that that's what we've been saying, or is it just that you automatically assume everyone is as eager to make definitive statements and judgements as you are?
There was no need to keep a dead woman on artificial life support. Her family insisted that she was improving, despite all indications to the contrary. After she died, Mrs. Shaivo's autopsy revealed that her brain was basically jello.

As for the party in question, I have had dealings with a mentally retarded woman, her mental age was about 8 or 9. She came into the ER with lower abdominal pain, it wasn't her appendix, other issues were ruled out, and the doctor tried a pelvic exam. It was awful. The woman had no idea what was going on... I won't get into it, but I'm able to tell you with all certainty that anyone with a 6-year-old mind is not going to be able to go through childbirth without severe trauma.
Funny how you don't want a judge to decideher fate, yet you think that you are perfectly qualified to decide for her. Yay team you.

But they can go through an abortion without severe trauma?

They have this magic stuff you may have heard tell of. It's known as anesthesia.

Hate to break it to you, but they got that for births too.
There was no need to keep a dead woman on artificial life support. Her family insisted that she was improving, despite all indications to the contrary. After she died, Mrs. Shaivo's autopsy revealed that her brain was basically jello.

As for the party in question, I have had dealings with a mentally retarded woman, her mental age was about 8 or 9. She came into the ER with lower abdominal pain, it wasn't her appendix, other issues were ruled out, and the doctor tried a pelvic exam. It was awful. The woman had no idea what was going on... I won't get into it, but I'm able to tell you with all certainty that anyone with a 6-year-old mind is not going to be able to go through childbirth without severe trauma.
Funny how you don't want a judge to decideher fate, yet you think that you are perfectly qualified to decide for her. Yay team you.

But they can go through an abortion without severe trauma?

They have this magic stuff you may have heard tell of. It's known as anesthesia.

Funny thing. That "magic anesthesia" stuff can also be used during childbirth, despite the odd leftist belief that childbirth is the equivalent of three days in a dungeon at the hands of an Inquisition torturer.
But they can go through an abortion without severe trauma?

They have this magic stuff you may have heard tell of. It's known as anesthesia.

Hate to break it to you, but they got that for births too.

They avoid using it for births, it causes complications. And please don't say stupid things about those who disagree with your attempts to take over a retarded womann's uterus. I've never said any such thing about childbirth for adults, even though I went through 26 hours of labor and a breech delivery of a 10 lb baby. I dealt with it. I could. I seriously doubt a 6-year-old, and yes, she is a 6-year-old, could.
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They have this magic stuff you may have heard tell of. It's known as anesthesia.

Hate to break it to you, but they got that for births too.

They avoid using it for births, it causes complications. And please don't say stupid things about those who disagree with your attempts to take over a retarded womann's uterus. I've never said any such thing about childbirth for adults, even though I went through 26 hours of labor and a breech delivery of a 10 lb baby. I dealt with it. I could. I seriously doubt a 6-year-old, and yes, she is a 6-year-old, could.

It causes complications whenever it is used...

My mother was knocked out for when she went into labor with my little brother and came to after he was born. She said it was the best delivery she had of all 5 of her kids. I had a c section after 3 days of labor and 8 hours of transition. I think I would have preferred the anesthesia. BTW, both my kids have autism and my little brother was "normal".

The decision belongs in the hands of her parents, not you, not a judge that's never met her before. The people who raised her and know her.
I said I believe he SHOULD have that choice.

Years ago here, a judge made the decision to have a woman's feeding tube removed, so she would die. It caused public outrage, but it was the right decision.

Starving a woman to death is the right decision? Really? And yet you have the unutterable gall to get on your high, self-righteous horse and excoriate OTHER people for not being "caring" enough to meet your standards?

By all means, please tell me as often as possible that you disapprove of me. I would never, EVER want the approbation of something like you.

There was no need to keep a dead woman on artificial life support. Her family insisted that she was improving, despite all indications to the contrary. After she died, Mrs. Shaivo's autopsy revealed that her brain was basically jello.

As for the party in question, I have had dealings with a mentally retarded woman, her mental age was about 8 or 9. She came into the ER with lower abdominal pain, it wasn't her appendix, other issues were ruled out, and the doctor tried a pelvic exam. It was awful. The woman had no idea what was going on... I won't get into it, but I'm able to tell you with all certainty that anyone with a 6-year-old mind is not going to be able to go through childbirth without severe trauma.
Funny how you don't want a judge to decideher fate, yet you think that you are perfectly qualified to decide for her. Yay team you.

Perhaps childbirth would be difficult for her. However that decision belongs to the people who know her best, her family.
They have this magic stuff you may have heard tell of. It's known as anesthesia.

Hate to break it to you, but they got that for births too.

They avoid using it for births, it causes complications. And please don't say stupid things about those who disagree with your attempts to take over a retarded womann's uterus. I've never said any such thing about childbirth for adults, even though I went through 26 hours of labor and a breech delivery of a 10 lb baby. I dealt with it. I could. I seriously doubt a 6-year-old, and yes, she is a 6-year-old, could.

1) They avoid using it for ANYTHING, if they can possibly do without it, because it can cause problems with ANY use. Even the all-holy abortions don't use more than a local anesthetic on the cervix, if at all possible. But normal procedures that would be used on a normal woman have exactly two things to do with this situation: jack and shit.

Once again, you are acting as though childbirth is this horrific, tortuous, unnatural experience outside of normal human experience. Why you can't imagine that they would alter childbirth procedures to encompass this woman's disabilities, while having no trouble assuming they would alter abortion procedures for them, is just beyond me.

2) Show me where I've "attempted to take over a retarded woman's uterus". Anywhere. I dare you. Put up or shut up, Alzheimer's Queen. Your pro-abortion judge is, the other "this poor woman shouldn't be subjected to this; the pregnancy should be ENDED!" pro-abortionists on here are, YOU are. But if you can't find a single place where I've stated any more assertive position on what should and should not be done about this woman than "her parents should be allowed to make the choice", you can kiss my ass.

3) You and your abortion cohorts all treat childbirth as though it's something terrible that should be avoided at all costs and immediately put a stop to should all circumstances not be ideal at all times. The instant you hear about a pregnancy story where something is not absolutely perfect, you default to "The fetus should be aborted." I don't honestly give a damn if you THINK you have a warm, cozy attitude toward childbirth or not. I can tell you for a fact that what you ACTUALLY have, from the point of view of those listening to you, is about as warm and cozy as a psychotic alligator.

4) No, she's NOT a six-year-old. She's a retarded 34-year-old. Please do not try to smear, smudge, and confuse reality to conform to your less-than-stellar intellect and perceptions.
They have this magic stuff you may have heard tell of. It's known as anesthesia.

Hate to break it to you, but they got that for births too.

They avoid using it for births, it causes complications. And please don't say stupid things about those who disagree with your attempts to take over a retarded womann's uterus. I've never said any such thing about childbirth for adults, even though I went through 26 hours of labor and a breech delivery of a 10 lb baby. I dealt with it. I could. I seriously doubt a 6-year-old, and yes, she is a 6-year-old, could.

Since when?

By the way, she is 34 years old, not 6, despite the blather from the pro abortion idiots.
Hate to break it to you, but they got that for births too.

They avoid using it for births, it causes complications. And please don't say stupid things about those who disagree with your attempts to take over a retarded womann's uterus. I've never said any such thing about childbirth for adults, even though I went through 26 hours of labor and a breech delivery of a 10 lb baby. I dealt with it. I could. I seriously doubt a 6-year-old, and yes, she is a 6-year-old, could.

Since when?

By the way, she is 34 years old, not 6, despite the blather from the pro abortion idiots.

It is true that they prefer not to give the mother drugs during childbirth, because many of them can adversely affect the child. There is also always the risk of death when using general anesthesia. There are, of course, ways of managing or even obliterating pain during childbirth that do not carry those risks. And just because they PREFER not to use it doesn't mean they don't keep the option open. It's the reason they won't give a woman in labor anything to eat or drink except ice chips: so that if she has to be anesthetized, she's less likely to vomit and choke to death.

It seems very unlikely to me that the doctors would expect to go with a vaginal birth in this case, should she carry to term, both because it would be difficult to expect her to follow instructions and participate in the birth and because her physical disabilities would probably make it dangerous to her. I would further imagine that, if they were going to go with a C-section anyway, they wouldn't simply give her a general anesthesia to spare her any mental trauma.
They avoid using it for births, it causes complications. And please don't say stupid things about those who disagree with your attempts to take over a retarded womann's uterus. I've never said any such thing about childbirth for adults, even though I went through 26 hours of labor and a breech delivery of a 10 lb baby. I dealt with it. I could. I seriously doubt a 6-year-old, and yes, she is a 6-year-old, could.

Since when?

By the way, she is 34 years old, not 6, despite the blather from the pro abortion idiots.

It is true that they prefer not to give the mother drugs during childbirth, because many of them can adversely affect the child. There is also always the risk of death when using general anesthesia. There are, of course, ways of managing or even obliterating pain during childbirth that do not carry those risks. And just because they PREFER not to use it doesn't mean they don't keep the option open. It's the reason they won't give a woman in labor anything to eat or drink except ice chips: so that if she has to be anesthetized, she's less likely to vomit and choke to death.

It seems very unlikely to me that the doctors would expect to go with a vaginal birth in this case, should she carry to term, both because it would be difficult to expect her to follow instructions and participate in the birth and because her physical disabilities would probably make it dangerous to her. I would further imagine that, if they were going to go with a C-section anyway, they wouldn't simply give her a general anesthesia to spare her any mental trauma.

Why do you insist this woman that you know nothing of and have never met, should have an abortion just because YOU think it's right? The decision belongs to her family and those who love her not some stranger and not some judge.
Since when?

By the way, she is 34 years old, not 6, despite the blather from the pro abortion idiots.

It is true that they prefer not to give the mother drugs during childbirth, because many of them can adversely affect the child. There is also always the risk of death when using general anesthesia. There are, of course, ways of managing or even obliterating pain during childbirth that do not carry those risks. And just because they PREFER not to use it doesn't mean they don't keep the option open. It's the reason they won't give a woman in labor anything to eat or drink except ice chips: so that if she has to be anesthetized, she's less likely to vomit and choke to death.

It seems very unlikely to me that the doctors would expect to go with a vaginal birth in this case, should she carry to term, both because it would be difficult to expect her to follow instructions and participate in the birth and because her physical disabilities would probably make it dangerous to her. I would further imagine that, if they were going to go with a C-section anyway, they wouldn't simply give her a general anesthesia to spare her any mental trauma.

Why do you insist this woman that you know nothing of and have never met, should have an abortion just because YOU think it's right? The decision belongs to her family and those who love her not some stranger and not some judge.

Um, Mensa Girl, who the hell are you talking to? Where in this, or any other of my posts, have I EVER suggested that she should have an abortion, or that anyone other than her parents should be making the decision?

If you want to attack someone for holding a particular position, it might be good to first find someone who actually holds that particular position, genius.

Brilliant work. :clap2:
Starving a woman to death is the right decision? Really? And yet you have the unutterable gall to get on your high, self-righteous horse and excoriate OTHER people for not being "caring" enough to meet your standards?

By all means, please tell me as often as possible that you disapprove of me. I would never, EVER want the approbation of something like you.

There was no need to keep a dead woman on artificial life support. Her family insisted that she was improving, despite all indications to the contrary. After she died, Mrs. Shaivo's autopsy revealed that her brain was basically jello.

As for the party in question, I have had dealings with a mentally retarded woman, her mental age was about 8 or 9. She came into the ER with lower abdominal pain, it wasn't her appendix, other issues were ruled out, and the doctor tried a pelvic exam. It was awful. The woman had no idea what was going on... I won't get into it, but I'm able to tell you with all certainty that anyone with a 6-year-old mind is not going to be able to go through childbirth without severe trauma.
Funny how you don't want a judge to decideher fate, yet you think that you are perfectly qualified to decide for her. Yay team you.

Okay, first of all, Dementia Girl, Terri Schiavo was never on "artificial life support" at all. Her body worked just fine to keep itself alive, needing only to be fed.

Second of all, no one ever disputed that Terri Schiavo had massive brain damage. The question was always 1) whether or not she would have wanted to be starved to death, and 2) whether or not it was appropriate to let a man who was suspected of having caused the brain damage decide to starve her to death.

Third, I'm kinda fascinated by how you say, "As to the party in question", and then start babbling on about some anecdote involving someone else entirely. It surprises me a little that I have to tell you that whatever people you have or have not had "dealings" with have fuck-all to do with the woman who is actually the topic. I would think the fact that human beings are all unique individuals should be blindingly obvious to anyone.

Fourth, who said anyone here - EXCEPT the abortion champions, oddly enough - want to "decide her fate for her"? The position has been that it's not appropriate for the judge to take over the decision from HER PARENTS, who certainly know her better than you and your "I can certainly tell you it will be THIS way for her" do. Are you just incapable of reading well enough to understand that that's what we've been saying, or is it just that you automatically assume everyone is as eager to make definitive statements and judgements as you are?

Terri Schiavo had a brain that had turned to mush. She was on life support, and that life support was her feeding tube. If her family wanted to pay millions to ensure she remained a vegetable for the rest of her life, good luck to them, but if the taxpayers are expected to foot the bill to keep someone like that alive, the taxpayers can, and should, fight to pull the plug.
Hate to break it to you, but they got that for births too.

They avoid using it for births, it causes complications. And please don't say stupid things about those who disagree with your attempts to take over a retarded womann's uterus. I've never said any such thing about childbirth for adults, even though I went through 26 hours of labor and a breech delivery of a 10 lb baby. I dealt with it. I could. I seriously doubt a 6-year-old, and yes, she is a 6-year-old, could.

Since when?

By the way, she is 34 years old, not 6, despite the blather from the pro abortion idiots.

She has the mental age of a six year old. She thinks and acts like a six year old. Do you treat a six year old child like they are 34 years old?
Hate to break it to you, but they got that for births too.

They avoid using it for births, it causes complications. And please don't say stupid things about those who disagree with your attempts to take over a retarded womann's uterus. I've never said any such thing about childbirth for adults, even though I went through 26 hours of labor and a breech delivery of a 10 lb baby. I dealt with it. I could. I seriously doubt a 6-year-old, and yes, she is a 6-year-old, could.

It causes complications whenever it is used...

My mother was knocked out for when she went into labor with my little brother and came to after he was born. She said it was the best delivery she had of all 5 of her kids. I had a c section after 3 days of labor and 8 hours of transition. I think I would have preferred the anesthesia. BTW, both my kids have autism and my little brother was "normal".

The decision belongs in the hands of her parents, not you, not a judge that's never met her before. The people who raised her and know her.

Three days of labor? That's horrible - but Cecilie thinks that 3 days of labor is a walk in the park. She'd probably condemn you for having a C Section.
They avoid using it for births, it causes complications. And please don't say stupid things about those who disagree with your attempts to take over a retarded womann's uterus. I've never said any such thing about childbirth for adults, even though I went through 26 hours of labor and a breech delivery of a 10 lb baby. I dealt with it. I could. I seriously doubt a 6-year-old, and yes, she is a 6-year-old, could.

Since when?

By the way, she is 34 years old, not 6, despite the blather from the pro abortion idiots.

She has the mental age of a six year old. She thinks and acts like a six year old. Do you treat a six year old child like they are 34 years old?

6 year olds do not go to truck stops to engage in sexual activity.
They avoid using it for births, it causes complications. And please don't say stupid things about those who disagree with your attempts to take over a retarded womann's uterus. I've never said any such thing about childbirth for adults, even though I went through 26 hours of labor and a breech delivery of a 10 lb baby. I dealt with it. I could. I seriously doubt a 6-year-old, and yes, she is a 6-year-old, could.

Since when?

By the way, she is 34 years old, not 6, despite the blather from the pro abortion idiots.

It is true that they prefer not to give the mother drugs during childbirth, because many of them can adversely affect the child. There is also always the risk of death when using general anesthesia. There are, of course, ways of managing or even obliterating pain during childbirth that do not carry those risks. And just because they PREFER not to use it doesn't mean they don't keep the option open. It's the reason they won't give a woman in labor anything to eat or drink except ice chips: so that if she has to be anesthetized, she's less likely to vomit and choke to death.

It seems very unlikely to me that the doctors would expect to go with a vaginal birth in this case, should she carry to term, both because it would be difficult to expect her to follow instructions and participate in the birth and because her physical disabilities would probably make it dangerous to her. I would further imagine that, if they were going to go with a C-section anyway, they wouldn't simply give her a general anesthesia to spare her any mental trauma.

There are lots of alternatives to general anesthesia available.
There was no need to keep a dead woman on artificial life support. Her family insisted that she was improving, despite all indications to the contrary. After she died, Mrs. Shaivo's autopsy revealed that her brain was basically jello.

As for the party in question, I have had dealings with a mentally retarded woman, her mental age was about 8 or 9. She came into the ER with lower abdominal pain, it wasn't her appendix, other issues were ruled out, and the doctor tried a pelvic exam. It was awful. The woman had no idea what was going on... I won't get into it, but I'm able to tell you with all certainty that anyone with a 6-year-old mind is not going to be able to go through childbirth without severe trauma.
Funny how you don't want a judge to decideher fate, yet you think that you are perfectly qualified to decide for her. Yay team you.

Okay, first of all, Dementia Girl, Terri Schiavo was never on "artificial life support" at all. Her body worked just fine to keep itself alive, needing only to be fed.

Second of all, no one ever disputed that Terri Schiavo had massive brain damage. The question was always 1) whether or not she would have wanted to be starved to death, and 2) whether or not it was appropriate to let a man who was suspected of having caused the brain damage decide to starve her to death.

Third, I'm kinda fascinated by how you say, "As to the party in question", and then start babbling on about some anecdote involving someone else entirely. It surprises me a little that I have to tell you that whatever people you have or have not had "dealings" with have fuck-all to do with the woman who is actually the topic. I would think the fact that human beings are all unique individuals should be blindingly obvious to anyone.

Fourth, who said anyone here - EXCEPT the abortion champions, oddly enough - want to "decide her fate for her"? The position has been that it's not appropriate for the judge to take over the decision from HER PARENTS, who certainly know her better than you and your "I can certainly tell you it will be THIS way for her" do. Are you just incapable of reading well enough to understand that that's what we've been saying, or is it just that you automatically assume everyone is as eager to make definitive statements and judgements as you are?

Terri Schiavo had a brain that had turned to mush. She was on life support, and that life support was her feeding tube. If her family wanted to pay millions to ensure she remained a vegetable for the rest of her life, good luck to them, but if the taxpayers are expected to foot the bill to keep someone like that alive, the taxpayers can, and should, fight to pull the plug.

When did you graduate from med school?
They avoid using it for births, it causes complications. And please don't say stupid things about those who disagree with your attempts to take over a retarded womann's uterus. I've never said any such thing about childbirth for adults, even though I went through 26 hours of labor and a breech delivery of a 10 lb baby. I dealt with it. I could. I seriously doubt a 6-year-old, and yes, she is a 6-year-old, could.

Since when?

By the way, she is 34 years old, not 6, despite the blather from the pro abortion idiots.

She has the mental age of a six year old. She thinks and acts like a six year old. Do you treat a six year old child like they are 34 years old?

Damn, you are an idiot.

The story says the parents claim she has the mental capacity of a 6 year old, there is significant difference between mental capacity and mental age. There are kids in college with the mental capacity of adults, but they still have the mental age of how old they are. If she had the mental age of a 6 year old she would be unable to remember anything from longer than 6 years ago.

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