Judge Schedules Hearing on Allegations of DA Fani Willis’ ‘Improper Use of Funds’ and ‘Scandalous’ Affair with Trump Prosecutor

That's because you're an unconfident pussy who's unsure of himself.
Lick me daddy....lick me...make it feel good.

I don't have that problem. I know that I'm smarter than you dumb MAGAts and so I don't have any trouble explaining the obvious to you as if you were mentally slow children.
Yeah it shows in your totally coherent rants.....:auiqs.jpg:
That's what the criminal indictments are for.
Nope,indictments are the basis for filing formal criminal charges....and as I indicated earlier, Trump will have a right to appeal.

Get back to us after that.

You fan boys thirstly looking for details about their relationship haven't bothered to provide any reason why any of us or the court should give a fuck.
Well, Wade met with WH counsel, twice, days before Queen Fanni indicted Trump.....and the ambulance chaser left a big friggin' paper trail of his actions.......billing documents, and Queen Fanni also met with WH counsel shortly after she indicted Trump.

Looks a lot like coaching from Biden's WH......that could be a game changer.....it has all been entered into evidence, a judge has assigned a hearing date.

Stay tooned.
Isn’t the Epoch times and Gateway pundit the same folks who said Trump was going to have all charges dismissed in Florida, New York, Washington, and Georgia, months ago? Why do you guys keep rushing out with stories from them when nothing they’ve ever written has come true?
All the bogus charges are going to be dismissed. I want to see criminal prosecutions for misuse of the judicial system.
Lick me daddy....lick me...make it feel good.
No thank you but you keep hoping you thirsty bastard. :lmao:
0Yeah it shows in your totally coherent rants.....:auiqs.jpg:

Nope,indictments are the basis for filing formal criminal charges....and as I indicated earlier, Trump will have a right to appeal.p

Get back to us after that.
He gets to appeal after a conviction. Which means he'd already be a loser. The appealing of your charges takes place in the form of your trial you clueless fail white.
Well, Wade met with WH counsel, twice, days before Queen Fanni indicted Trump.....and the ambulance chaser left a big friggin' paper trail of his actions.......billing documents, and Queen Fanni also met with WH counsel shortly after she indicted Trump.
And? Is that illegal? Maybe he left the trial because he had nothing to hide you dipshit. :lmao:

He also met with the Jan 6 commission investigators. You could of watched him admit to meeting with them in court on Friday because doing so is also not illegal or even the slightest bit untoward.
Looks a lot like coaching from Biden's WH......that could be a game changer.....it has all been entered into evidence, a judge has assigned a hearing date.

Stay tooned.
I will. I'm going to enjoy watching the judge ask the lawyer who filed this to explain the relevance to this case. :lmao:
He gets to appeal after a conviction.
And?? A successful appeal, all your rantings will be moot.
Maybe he left the trial because he had nothing to hide you dipshit.
Trump hadn't been indicted yet, Einstein.
He also met with the Jan 6 commission investigators.
She coordinated with Jack Smith.....and J6, all kinds of unethical behavior here.
You could of watched him admit to meeting with them in court on Friday because doing so is also not illegal it even the slightest bit untoward.
Yeah,,,,cat's outsa the bag now....they re in full freak out mode.

I see the adulterous Queen went to church yesterday to confess her sins????
The only dam about to break is Trump is going to be found guilty in every trial he's involved in.

The people of New York have been FURIOUS that Trump hasn't been prosecuted before now. I've been watching Trump since the 1980's flout every financial law imagineably and couldn't believe the stuff he got away with.

This isn't "malicious prosecution" at all. This is the take down of a large scale financial criminal who should never have been elected President.
A Canadian watching from afar
I blame Biden's inflation for this debacle. An ugly woman never had to pay so much (700K) for some strange meat. Under Trumpie she could have scored some strange for under 100K. MAGA
I actually read the Colorado ruling. If the Supreme Court does overturn it all I'll be amused by is how servile the party has become for Trump but again, I'm not counting on it. I actually think it's going to be upheld.
Like most leftists you don't understand why the 14th Amendment was passed. It deals with former members of the Confederacy. Doesn't apply to protesters.
And?? A successful appeal, all your rantings will be moot.
So your big cuck fantasy is that Trump loses the trial and then wins on appeal? :lmao:

If you're going to fantasize why wouldn't you fantasize him winning outright? Even in your fantasies you know you're losers.
Trump hadn't been indicted yet, Einstein.
What the fuck are you talking about you moron? He's been indicted on something like 91 felony counts between all his court cases. Where the fuck have you been? :lmao:
She coordinated with Jack Smith.....and J6, all kinds of unethical behavior here.
Because you imagine it's unethical for prosecutors to talk to one another and share information? :dunno:
Yeah,,,,cat's outsa the bag now....they re in full freak out mode.
Nope. I watched Friday's court preceding. The judge asked Wade if he received any additional information after meeting with the Jan 6 committee investigators, he said no and that was that. You morons don't ever think of informing yourselves beforehand, do you? I enjoy that confident stupidity. It's a good look on you MAGAts. :funnyface:
I see the adulterous Queen went to church yesterday to confess her sins????
She went there to call out you fail whites. Let me know when you can respond with real shit rather than fantasy.
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Like most leftists you don't understand why the 14th Amendment was passed. It deals with former members of the Confederacy. Doesn't apply to protesters.
It applies to any insurrectionist you moron. The 14th amendment doesn't say a fucking thing about Confederates you illiterate fail white. Maybe read the damn thing. :lmao:
So your big cuck fantasy is that Trump loses the trial and then wins on appeal?
I believe it was you ranting about Trump being convicted.....you were in some type of mental breakdown then.....I said He has a right to appeal....

Even in your fantasies you know you're losers.

He's been indicted on something like 91 felony counts between all his court cases.
True, but the two trips to Biden's WH counsels office was before Trump was indicted by Queen Fanni....duh.
Because you imagine it's unethical for prosecutors to talk to one another and share information?
I'd say at the minimum it's a good case for political interference, especially involving Biden's WH counsel.....and collaborating with Jack Smith......duh ll.
The judge asked Wade if he received any additional information after meeting with the Jan 6 committee investigators, he said no and that was that.
Based on what you wrote here, the judge didn't ask about his meetings with Biden's WH counsel.
illiterate fail white
All the bogus charges are going to be dismissed. I want to see criminal prosecutions for misuse of the judicial system.

I’ve been hearing that for a while. Promises that the courts won’t stand for whatever. Every motion gets shot down. Every appeal court says no. But still the predictions of eventual success.

The problem is that you guys keep getting your news from the same discredited sources. I mean a broken clock is right twice a day, and they just never are.

Nobody thinks Trump’s claims of Immunity are going to fly. The Appeals court was not amused when Trump’s attorney said that sure. The President could assassinate a political rival and have total immunity.

Of course. The good news is that if you guys are right, and the Court does find that Trump has immunity. Then Biden can have Trump killed and face no repercussions.

I don’t understand why you guys are so desperate to destroy the nation.

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