Judge sets absurd trial date for Trump case

Then you must really be frustrated how the justice department is ignoring Jo Biden

There is a special counsel looking into Joe right now.

But you don't really care. You're looking for an excuse to ignore Trump's charges.

Alas, ignoring the detailed and damning indictments against Trump doesn't make them disappear.
There is a special counsel looking into Joe right now.

But you don't really care. You're looking for an excuse to ignore Trump's charges.

Alas, ignoring the detailed and damning indictments against Trump doesn't make them disappear.
They also aren't legal defenses. What is Trump's actual legal defense?
There is a special counsel looking into Joe right now.

But you don't really care. You're looking for an excuse to ignore Trump's charges.

Alas, ignoring the detailed and damning indictments against Trump doesn't make them disappear.
Are you talking about Weiss? The same guy who tried to give hunter Biden a sweet heart deal?
They also aren't legal defenses. What is Trump's actual legal defense?

In court? Or in public? Those are very, very different.

In court, delay, delay, delay. The hail mary is that Trump is re-elected, won't be able to serve his sentence until he's out of the presidency. And then.......a third term? President for life? Just dying of old age in office? I'm not sure.

In public, ignore the evidence and insist its all a witch hunt. Which is what his supporters are doing.

To which I say: good fucking luck.
In court? Or in public? Those are very, very different.

In court, delay, delay, delay. The hail mary is that Trump is re-elected, won't be able to serve his sentence until he's out of the presidency. And then.......a third term? President for life? Just dying of old age in office? I'm not sure.

In public, ignore the evidence and insist its all a witch hunt. Which is what his supporters are doing.

To which I say: good fucking luck.
For the top secret document theft cases, I don't see any defense. If prosecution can introduce the evidence in the indictments, its over.
For the top secret document theft cases, I don't see any defense. If prosecution can introduce the evidence in the indictments, its over.

Don't discount the effect on the verdict should a MAGAt manage to get on the jury.
I appreciate Judge Chutkan' compromise scheduling. While it rejects the Special Counsel's expeditious proposal, it respects Americans' right to swift justice. It also defers to the innocent-until-proven-guilty perp while ignoring his outlandish insistence that justice be deferred and denied for years.

His Sixth Amendment right to confront the documented evidence and sworn testimony of so many Republicans must be honored in timely fashion.

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.
That was no “compromise,” you simpleton.
That was no “compromise,” you simpleton.

Of course it was. It was in between what the prosecution was asking for and what the defense requested.

And Trump clearly has the means to review the discovery.

Judge Chutkan has the perfect leverage with Trump. The more he threatens to 'come after' witnesses, the more she bumps up the trial.

Laughing.....though I'm still waiting for Trump to 'appeal' the trial start date. Has anyone told him that's not actually a thing?
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It is against the law to launch an insurrection against the United States of America! Asshole!
Yes it is, you fucking retard.

But the point is that no such thing happened. So take your idiot partisan hack bullshit, fold it and proceed to shove it up your asshole, you asshole.
Yes it is, you fucking retard.

But the point is that no such thing happened. So take your idiot partisan hack bullshit, fold it and proceed to shove it up your asshole, you asshole.

Of course it happened, Welshy. A bunch of Qultists were convicted of seditious conspiracy, which is the planning or incitement of insurrection.
That was no “compromise,” you simpleton.
Don't be disgruntled and churlish because you are afraid the Cry Baby Loser can't defend himself against the monumental amount of documented evidence and the sworn testimony of so many Republicans against him.

Your contempt for trials by juries of one's peers in which no one is above the law is unAmerican.

Weird worshipers, like everyone else, must defer to our system of justice as well as to democratic elections.

Their rapture over the Loser does not grant him immunity from the law.

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Neither Jack Smith, nor Merrick Garland, nor Christopher Wray have ever been Democrats, nor "liberals!

As in the January 6 congressional hearings, it is, overwhelmingly, Republicans providing sworn testimony against the Loser, many having served in his regime, many whom he praised as his "best people."

This upsets Trump worshipers who like to contrive a fantasy that there is a politically-partisan conspiracy to hold him to account under law by disinterested juries of his peers.
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