Judge sets absurd trial date for Trump case

They're really not. Trump's base loves the charges. But Trump is wildly unpopular with the general electorate. And the charges against him haven't helped at all.

I know you'd like to believe that, but there are a lot of people (including me) who were worn out by Trump's theatrics but are just so much more upset at Democrat election interference. You accuse us of what you do, and you're doing it again. Trump didn't interfere with elections, you outright stole them. Trump wasn't interfering, he was right
The evidence says otherwise. The forged election documents. The threats against election workers and officials. The attempt to halt an official election proceding.

Y'all show us where you're weak by what topics you avoid. And y'all avoid the evidence like it were on fire.

Leftist wackynitions:

"Evidence" - leftist ideology
He’s not too bright, either. I understood what you meant.

The Democrats are so blatant in their Soviet-style approach to prosecuting their political opponents that the only people who vote for the Democrat will be those who want to see our country turned into a Communist one.

Again, the evidence says otherwise. The evidence is more than sufficient to justify the charges (wth the possible exception of felonies for the fraud in NY rather than misdemeanors. That's not a hill I'm willing to die on.)

Trump's own attorney testified that Trump tried to convince him to lie to federal authorities and withhold documents. Trump's own IT guy at Mar-a-lago has already recanted his false testimony that Trump didn't order the that videos be deleted. There are not one but TWO recordings of Trump admitting that the secret documents he was showing off hadn't been declassified. There's an exhaustive list of classified documents pulled from Trump's residence when he had claimed they had all been returned.....many in a box right by his desk.

The indictments are detailed and damning.

If the evidence against Trump was weak, your ilk would be all over it. But y'all avoid acknowledging it even exists. Showing that you clearly recognize the evidence justified the charges.
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Leftist wackynitions:

"Evidence" - leftist ideology

Trump's own attorney testifying that Trump tried to convince him to lie to authorities and withhold documents isn't 'left wing ideology'. Its damning. As it take a lot to be able to pierce attorney client privileged. And obstruction of justice will do it.

Trump admitting in recordings that the secret documents he was showing hadn't been declassified isn't 'left wing ideology'. Its an explicit contradiction of his claim that he'd declassified all the docs.

Trump's IT recanting his false testimony to the grand jury isn't 'left wing ideology'. Its the IT guy admitting he lied when he said that Trump didn't order him to destroy evidence before federal authorities could get to it.

That's at least obstruction. And very possibly witness tampering and conspiracy is he was told to lie.

You can ignore the evidence. But all you demonstrate is that you KNOW that the evidence justifies the charges. As if the evidence was weak, your ilk would be tearing it the shreds.

Instead, you're running from the evidence like it was on fire.
I know you'd like to believe that, but there are a lot of people (including me) who were worn out by Trump's theatrics but are just so much more upset at Democrat election interference. You accuse us of what you do, and you're doing it again. Trump didn't interfere with elections, you outright stole them. Trump wasn't interfering, he was right

Your mistake is assuming that what you're told in your right wing echo chamber represents the will of the general electorate.

Trump is a deeply unpopular candidate outside the MAGA faithful. You simply refuse to leave your echo-chamber.

As 2020 demonstrated, good luck with that.
Democrats always get angry then tell us to stop being angry when we're not. It's their way. Sure it's stupid, but on the other hand ... Sorry, that was all I had ...
And you’re entirely correct.

I know why.

They’ve got nothing. So, rather than discuss things in any informed way, they seek to rile up their opposing numbers. And they tend to be too dumb to recognize that they failing those efforts, too.
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Right. You want to blame me for other people voting for Trump as if I'm responsible for their actions. Your argument is stupid.

Its standard right wing echo-chamber nonsense. They're fastidiously and desperately avoiding the evidence against Trump. The forged documents. The classified documents. The recordings. The testimony. The recanted grand jury testimony. The pictures. The transcripts. The texts.

All of it.

Desperately ignoring evidence is what they do as part of the right-wing echo chamber. Its not something you do if you're trying to take a long, hard look at reality. And its where their perspective becomes essentially useless.
Suck another bag of moldy old cocks.

Nothing I’ve said has a fucking thing to do with how many lawyers he hires or what they charge, you brain dead bitch.

If words written on a message board bother you so much, good. Suffer, ya bitch. 👍
Damn, bitch! Are you that easily triggered, Bitch?
You snowflakes are going to meltdown into pee puddles when the trials start, bitch!
Damn, bitch! Are you that easily triggered, Bitch?
You snowflakes are going to meltdown into pee puddles when the trials start, bitch!

They are going to get uglier and more desperate as the legal walls close in around Trump.

MAGA does not handle accountability well. One of the foundational piers of the MAGA philosophy is the lack of accountability.

So they take Trump's indictments as an attack on their very identity.
Again, the evidence says otherwise. The evidence is more than sufficient to justify the charges (wth the possible reception of felonies for the fraud in NY rather than misdemeanors. That's not a hill I'm willing to die on.)

Trump's own attorney testified that Trump tried to convince him to lie to federal authorities and withhold documents. Trump's own IT guy at Mar-a-lago has already recanted his false testimony that Trump didn't order the that videos be deleted. There are not one but TWO recordings of Trump admitting that the secret documents he was showing off hadn't been declassified. There's an exhaustive list of classified documents pulled from Trump's residence when he had claimed they had all been returned.....many in a box right by his desk.

The indictments are detailed and damning.

If the evidence against Trump was weak, your ilk would be all over it. But y'all avoid acknowledging it even exists. Showing that you clearly recognize the evidence justified the charges.

Yep, same evidence, same leftist wackinition. Evidence is leftist ideology. No one buys it because we prefer the real kind of evidence. You believe in the evidence that suits your needs.

So again, do you think Venezuelans planned to go from the richest Latin country to eating zoo animals or did they fuck up believing leftists? I know, I know, you're going to do it right this time, not like every other implementation of Marxism in the history of man. You aren't doing it that way, you're doing it right this time
Trump's own attorney testifying that Trump tried to convince him to lie to authorities and withhold documents isn't 'left wing ideology'. Its damning. As it take a lot to be able to pierce attorney client privileged. And obstruction of justice will do it.

Trump admitting in recordings that the secret documents he was showing hadn't been declassified isn't 'left wing ideology'. Its an explicit contradiction of his claim that he'd declassified all the docs.

Trump's IT recanting his false testimony to the grand jury isn't 'left wing ideology'. Its the IT guy admitting he lied when he said that Trump didn't order him to destroy evidence before federal authorities could get to it.

That's at least obstruction. And very possibly witness tampering and conspiracy is he was told to lie.

You can ignore the evidence. But all you demonstrate is that you KNOW that the evidence justifies the charges. As if the evidence was weak, your ilk would be tearing it the shreds.

Instead, you're running from the evidence like it was on fire.

Is that the attorney Democrats are putting in prison too because you're putting your opposition in prison like all the other tin pot Marxist governments that you aren't going to repeat because you're going to do Marxism right this time, not like all the other times we tried it?
Yep, same evidence, same leftist wackinition. Evidence is leftist ideology. No one buys it because we prefer the really kind of evidence. You believe in the evidence that suits your needs.

Again, Trump's own attorney testifying that Trump tried to convince him to lie to authorities and withhold documents isn't 'left wing ideology'. Its evidence of obstruction.

Trump's IT guy recanting his false grand jury testimony that Trump didn't order video evidence to be destroyed isn't 'left wing ideology'. Its evidence of obstruction. And potentially, witness tampering and conspiracy.

An exhaustive list of classified documents pulled from Trump's residence isn't 'left wing ideology'. Its evidence that Trump lied when he said that he'd returned all the docs. And evidence of willful retention of national defense information.

Recordings of Trump admitting that the secret documents he was showing off had never been declassified isn't 'left wing ideology'. Its evidence that Trump lied when he said that he'd declassified the documents. AND when he said he'd returned them all.

You ignore all the evidence and refuse to discuss any of it.....because you don't want to deal with reality. You want right-wing fantasy.

As 91 charges and Biden's landside victory in 2020 demonstrate elegantly.....good luck with your echo-chamber.
Your mistake is assuming that what you're told in your right wing echo chamber represents the will of the general electorate.

Trump is a deeply unpopular candidate outside the MAGA faithful. You simply refuse to leave your echo-chamber.

As 2020 demonstrated, good luck with that.

Yes, the will of the electorate, one man, one real vote and a thousand fake ones, but only for the Democrats. Republicans are lucky if they get the one
Again, Trump's own attorney testifying that Trump tried to convince him to lie to authorities and withhold documents isn't 'left wing ideology'. Its evidence of obstruction.

Trump's IT guy recanting his false grand jury testimony that Trump didn't order video evidence to be destroyed isn't 'left wing ideology'. Its evidence of obstruction. And potentially, witness tampering and conspiracy.

An exhaustive list of classified documents pulled from Trump's residence isn't 'left wing ideology'. Its evidence that Trump lied when he said that he'd returned all the docs. And evidence of willful retention of national defense information.

Recordings of Trump admitting that the secret documents he was showing off had never been declassified isn't 'left wing ideology'. Its evidence that Trump lied when he said that he'd declassified the documents. AND when he said he'd returned them all.

You ignore all the evidence and refuse to discuss any of it.....because you don't want to deal with reality. You want right-wing fantasy.

As 91 charges and Biden's landside victory in 2020 demonstrate elegantly.....good luck with your echo-chamber.

Democrats are so good at sounding like you have standards, until you turn around and give every Democrat a pass on every standard you just claimed you have
Again, Trump's own attorney testifying that Trump tried to convince him to lie to authorities and withhold documents isn't 'left wing ideology'. Its evidence of obstruction.

Trump's IT guy recanting his false grand jury testimony that Trump didn't order video evidence to be destroyed isn't 'left wing ideology'. Its evidence of obstruction. And potentially, witness tampering and conspiracy.

An exhaustive list of classified documents pulled from Trump's residence isn't 'left wing ideology'. Its evidence that Trump lied when he said that he'd returned all the docs. And evidence of willful retention of national defense information.

Recordings of Trump admitting that the secret documents he was showing off had never been declassified isn't 'left wing ideology'. Its evidence that Trump lied when he said that he'd declassified the documents. AND when he said he'd returned them all.

You ignore all the evidence and refuse to discuss any of it.....because you don't want to deal with reality. You want right-wing fantasy.

As 91 charges and Biden's landside victory in 2020 demonstrate elegantly.....good luck with your echo-chamber.
Damn this broad, Skylar, is retarded.

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