Judge sets absurd trial date for Trump case

Because it's funny that you're such an emotional little bitch. If you're going to cry like a victim because your boy lost an election I'm going to point and laugh at you. 😄

So basically you're a third grade white boy. I thought laughing at my own stupid jokes was funny too. Then I turned nine ...
So basically you're a third grade white boy. I thought laughing at my own stupid jokes was funny too. Then I turned nine ...
Aww. Little titty baby here who can't accept an election loss wants to call someone else a child....... 😄

It is unlikely in the extreme that a massive trial of this magnitude (Constitutionally, politically, historically and legally) will be “ready” for trial that soon. But the judge’s very biased agenda is crystal clear. And it’s unacceptable.

(Since this trial is far more about politics than justice, I chose the politics forum).
In this land of Red and Blue's eternal fight,
Where lawfare dances, casting shadows in the night,
The battle rages on, seeking a victor true,
But the outcome rests in the hands of voters like you.

For don't you realize the power that lies within,
To decide the fate, to beckon a new begin?
With every voice, a force that cannot be denied,
Each ballot cast, a chance for justice to abide.

Red and Blue collide, fueled by their vehement pride,
Yet unity can bloom if partisanship is set aside.
For it's not just the politicians who shape this game,
But the people, united, who bear the power to reclaim.

Let not the lawfare drown your hopes and dreams,
For there's more to it than it constantly seems.
Together you stand, united you must embrace,
To shape a brighter future, leaving no trace of disgrace.

So remember, dear voters, your roles are crucial indeed,
To steer the ship towards the change you all need.
In the battle of Red and Blue, let wisdom be your guide,
For the fate of US rests in the hands of voters nationwide...
Dumbass all these indictments are nothing but political. Have your fun because all those shit will be over turned on appeals. Then the fun is going to begin. Trump in the white house a new DOJ built by Trump coming after all you leftists

Again, the evidence says otherwise.
And once again, you fastidiously avoid the evidence, refusing to even acknowledge it exists. You don't want reality. You want right-wing fantasy.

If the evidence was weak, you ilk would tear it apart. But you run from it every time.

Again, how's willful ignorance working out of you?

As long as you insist that everything the Republicans do is a crime even if it isn't and everything Democrats do is fine even if it isn't, you're just boring. Yawn
Ah. More projection from the lump of shit, Skylar.

More avoidance of the evidence by BackAgain. And you wonder why your 'predictions' are so laughably and incompetently inaccurate.

Trump's attorney still testified that Trump tried to convince him to lie authorities and withhold documents.

Trump's IT manager still flipped and recanted his false grand jury testimony.

Trump's recordings admitting that the secret documents he was showing off were never declasssified.....they still exist.

And every one of those 91 charges are still hanging over Trump's head.

How's pretending working out for you?
As long as you insist that everything the Republicans do is a crime even if it isn't and everything Democrats do is fine even if it isn't, you're just boring. Yawn

And which of the 91 felony charges levied against Trump do you believe Biden should be charged with?

Specifically. And backed with what evidence?
Democrats stole the 2020 election, you aren't fooling anyone, Gomer
Says your right wing echo chamber. You're indoctrinated to ignore all the evidence and cling to empty fantasies.

But why would I ignore the actual vote tallies, or the evidence supporting the charges against Trump?

Why would any rational person?
And which of the 91 felony charges levied against Trump do you believe Biden should be charged with?

Specifically. And backed with what evidence?

I don't waste my time and work on arguments when the asker's mind is not open. You're not a bad guy, but you're mind is closed. You don't process that when you win, your politicians like all other leftist politicians in history are out for themselves. They'll be rich and you'll be poor and silenced just like the rest of us you crushed for them. Ironic, huh.

That's the point of my Venezuela question you keep dodging. Maybe you do have an inkling but aren't ready to deal with it
I don't waste my time and work on arguments when the asker's mind is not open. You're not a bad guy, but you're mind is closed. You don't process that when you win, your politicians like all other leftist politicians in history are out for themselves. They'll be rich and you'll be poor and silenced just like the rest of us you crushed for them. Ironic, huh.

That's the point of my Venezuela question you keep dodging. Maybe you do have an inkling but aren't ready to deal with it

So not one of the charges that are levied against Trump should be levied against Biden.

Well shit. That was easy.

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