Judge sets absurd trial date for Trump case

When you can think of a charge levied against Trump that you can show us the evidence should be levied against Biden....give me a holler.

Who is "Us?" Can you send me a list of who said you speak for them? And yes, I require evidence they approved that.

Or you can just speak for yourself. But I don't talk to people in the conversation who don't identify themselves
Yeah, Judge Chutkan wasn't having a bit of it.

Has Trump 'immediately' filed for Chutkan's recusal yet? Its been 3 weeks. Maybe 'immediately' doesn't mean what he thinks it means.

And has Trump 'appealed' the trial date? Has anyone told him that appealing trial dates is not actually a thing?
Lauro's first move was trying to hose her. Asking for a date in 26. Typical entitlement monkey move
Tell me dummass, if felony cases are so quick to trial, then why did it take the US fucking federal government TWO FUCKING YEARS just to bring charges and trials against most of the J6ers while they ROTTED in the DC prison under abhorrent conditions and abuse when most of them just walked into the capitol, looked around and left?

Suck on that, jackass.
They could have avoided that by not committing crimes.

Why are Republicans so soft on criminals? Trump said to treat criminals rough. Bang their heads while putting them into police cars. And here you are whining about how the poor convicts are treated, like a bleeding heart.
Laughing......so has pretending that there is no evidence
Zzz. Not a stitch of evidence. Certainly you’re incapable of pointing to any. As evidenced by your many failed efforts.

of any crime by Trump made those indictments go away yet?
One doesn’t make partisan hack political persecutions “go away” by pretending that your non evidence constitutes evidence.
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More avoidance of the evidence by BackAgain.

False. I don’t avoid what simply does not exist. Your false claims that evidence does exist is based on your ignorance, your dishonesty and on your stupidity.
And you wonder why your 'predictions' are so laughably and incompetently inaccurate.

There not. You simply repeat that lie. Sucks to be you.
Trump's attorney still testified that Trump tried to convince him to lie authorities and withhold documents.
Zzzz. Nonsense. Quote. Link. Not that you’re a ducking liar or anything. But you are.
Trump's IT manager still flipped
Zzz. Tells you all you’d need to know about his credibility if you had a brain. Which you don’t.
and recanted his false grand jury testimony.
He did? That’s amazing news. Maybe what he did INSTEAD was recant initially truthful grand jury testimony based on fear of what our outrageously corrupt “special” persecutor was threatening.
Trump's recordings admitting that the secret documents he was showing off were never declasssified.....they still exist.
DEMONSTRATIVE ^ of your lack of comprehension and your gullibility. 👍
And every one of those 91 charges are still hanging over Trump's head.
Oh. Well. That settles it. Imagine that. The charges haven’t been dismissed. Therefore they must all be proper charges.

You schmuck.
How's pretending working out for you?
I wouldn’t know. I leave that crap to imbeciles like you.

By the way, buy a new line. All of yours are stale and pointless.
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It's been acknowledged that trump could legally run from prison as a convict.
Depends on what he is convicted of, you absolute retard.
So you shameful attempt is dishonest.
Aside from your atrocious misuse of English, you’re a liar and wrong and stupid.
..The word you were looking for was....... ineligible.
You caught a typo. Give yourself a little gold star. We’re all proud of you! :itsok:

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