Judge sets absurd trial date for Trump case

I don't know of any liberal candidate who instigated a seditous insurrection. Please point out the liberal candidate you think is guilty of that.
None of your hyper partisan politicians/prosecutors charged Trump with instigating a seditous insurrection
None of your hyper partisan politicians/prosecutors charged Trump with instigating a seditous insurrection
It was a seditious insurrection. Just ask the Proud boys about that. That trump instigated and ordered it was proven in court.
It was a seditious insurrection. Just ask the Proud boys about that. That trump instigated and ordered it was proven in court.
I repeat, none of your hyper partisan politicians/prosecutors charged Trump with instigating a seditous insurrection
You claim that Trump empoyees are guilty of sexual assault, among others. You're just doing whatever you can to smear Trump.
You're really stretching now, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I said he and his employees were found guilty of lots of crimes. I didn't say he and all of his employees were all guilty of all the same crimes.
I repeat, none of your hyper partisan politicians/prosecutors charged Trump with instigating a seditous insurrection
How big is thet bucket you're putting all those nits in? Trump is a crook, and it's being proven in court. Sorry that is so hard for you to accept.
How big is thet bucket you're putting all those nits in? Trump is a crook, and it's being proven in court. Sorry that is so hard for you to accept.
??? You were the one ranting about Trump instigating a seditous insurrection. I repeat, for the third and last time, none of your hyper partisan politicians/prosecutors charged Trump with instigating a seditous insurrection. They indicted him for bullshit. And you cheer.

No whining when Republicans start indicting your politicians. Your party has changed the rules. For the worse.
You are grabbing at straws. It's fully understood how the illegal scam was intended to work. It's a little late for you to try to nit pick facts to make it sound less illegal.
"Illegal" LOL did you stamp your feet when you typed that? Only problem is that there is nothing illegal about an alternate slate of electors. Fani pulled that bullshit right out of her fat ass.
1. the judge will find him guilty or innocent.
Doubtful. It will be a jury trial.
2. From the 1980s until he was elected president in 2016, Donald John Trump Sr. and his businesses were involved in over 4,000 legal cases in U.S. federal and state courts, including battles with casino patrons, million-dollar real estate lawsuits, personal defamation lawsuits, and over 100 business tax disputes. Since then, he and people representing him and on his orders have been found guilty of lots of crimes, including sexual assault.
President Trump has never been found guilty of any crimes. And that includes any sex crime.
3. The requirements mentioned before will determine if he is qualified to run.
You ducked the question. Who makes the determination? You, peewee?
I don't know of any liberal candidate who instigated a seditous insurrection. Please point out the liberal candidate you think is guilty of that.
You on the left have defined questioning an election as instigating an insurrection. Under your definition Al Gore's campaign was guilty of seditious insurrection for challenging the vote in Florida. Please note that I think that's a load of crap but there really isn't any difference between what Gore's people did in Florida against Bush than what Trump's people tried to do in Georgia against Biden. These charges that are being brought against the opposing political parties leading candidate are CRAZY! We've never done anything close to this before and for good reason. That Grand Jury wanted to indict over 40 members of the GOP for questioning that vote tally. Lawyers, political analysts...people that are paid to give advice to political candidates. Stacy Abrams still hasn't conceded that she lost the Georgia Governor's race. Is she guilty of a crime. Is everyone who worked on her campaign guilty as well? This is insane, Bulldog.
You're really stretching now, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I said he and his employees were found guilty of lots of crimes. I didn't say he and all of his employees were all guilty of all the same crimes.
Any firm with 20,000 employees will have lots that have committed crimes.
You on the left have defined questioning an election as instigating an insurrection. Under your definition Al Gore's campaign was guilty of seditious insurrection for challenging the vote in Florida. Please note that I think that's a load of crap but there really isn't any difference between what Gore's people did in Florida against Bush than what Trump's people tried to do in Georgia against Biden. These charges that are being brought against the opposing political parties leading candidate are CRAZY! We've never done anything close to this before and for good reason. That Grand Jury wanted to indict over 40 members of the GOP for questioning that vote tally. Lawyers, political analysts...people that are paid to give advice to political candidates. Stacy Abrams still hasn't conceded that she lost the Georgia Governor's race. Is she guilty of a crime. Is everyone who worked on her campaign guilty as well? This is insane, Bulldog.
The idea that questioning an election is the same as instigating an insurrection is a load of crap.
The judge’s bullshit opinion has no value.

The jury spoke. And it was a civil case in the first place, you simpleton.
The judge can issue a judgement notwithstanding the verdict (JNOV). He/She has the final say if the jury verdict is accepted or overruled.
The judge can issue a judgement notwithstanding the verdict (JNOV). He/She has the final say if the jury verdict is accepted or overruled.
Please try to know what you’re attempting to talk about before you post to confirm that you don’t.

There is no judgment notwithstanding the verdict in a criminal case. A judge can toss a conviction. But that not the same thing.

And, no. if a jury acquits, the judge can’t say shit about it.

And of course, in the event of a conviction, the judge is emphatically NOT the final say. The appellate court judges are.
Please try to know what you’re attempting to talk about before you post to confirm that you don’t.

There is no judgment notwithstanding the verdict in a criminal case. A judge can toss a conviction. But that not the same thing.

And, no. if a jury acquits, the judge can’t say shit about it.

And of course, in the event of a conviction, the judge is emphatically NOT the final say. The appellate court judges are.
So you admit the jury doesn't have the final say.

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