Judge throws out Trump’s ‘big lie’ defamation lawsuit against CNN


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
Another loss for this perpetual loser. How much grifted "campaign reelection donations" did he burn through for this frivolous lawsuit? When are Republicans going to wake up?

Judge throws out Trump’s ‘big lie’ defamation lawsuit against CNN

A federal judge on Friday dismissed Donald Trump’s lawsuit against CNN, in which the former president said the network defamed him by associating him with Adolf Hitler.

Trump argued that by using the phrase the “big lie” in reference to his unfounded claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, the network created an unfair association between him and the Nazi regime.

Hitler and Nazi minister of propaganda Joseph Goebbels used the term as a propaganda tool that involved repeating a falsehood until the public started to believe it. A quote, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it,” is often attributed to Goebbels, though it’s unclear where the comment came from.

Trump argued that the network’s references to the “big lie” created a “false and incendiary association” between him and Hitler, and caused “readers and viewers to hate, contempt, distrust, ridicule, and even fear” him. But U.S. District Judge Raag Singhal ruled that the comments did not constitute defamation.
There is no longer a consistent standard for the rule of law in America. It will change and vary according to which side holds political power.

If Trump regains power the Scotus will be emboldened to side with him and the right's agenda, and no longer be minimally tempered by the power of a leftist president.

Trump's future obviously doesn't depend on the rule of law that presently exists. It depends on what will exist if he has the power to make the law suit him.
Another loss for this perpetual loser. How much grifted "campaign reelection donations" did he burn through for this frivolous lawsuit? When are Republicans going to wake up?

Judge throws out Trump’s ‘big lie’ defamation lawsuit against CNN

A federal judge on Friday dismissed Donald Trump’s lawsuit against CNN, in which the former president said the network defamed him by associating him with Adolf Hitler.

Trump argued that by using the phrase the “big lie” in reference to his unfounded claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, the network created an unfair association between him and the Nazi regime.

Hitler and Nazi minister of propaganda Joseph Goebbels used the term as a propaganda tool that involved repeating a falsehood until the public started to believe it. A quote, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it,” is often attributed to Goebbels, though it’s unclear where the comment came from.

Trump argued that the network’s references to the “big lie” created a “false and incendiary association” between him and Hitler, and caused “readers and viewers to hate, contempt, distrust, ridicule, and even fear” him. But U.S. District Judge Raag Singhal ruled that the comments did not constitute defamation.

The Judge also called CNN’s statements “repugnant“, agreeing with the Trump team. You left that part out.
No surprise Trump lost his ridiculous lawsuit. Trump’s “Big Lie” that the election was stolen from him — which deeply divided our nation and provided cover for his own attempts to steal the election — was in fact classic Hitler / Goebbels demagogy.

Ours is a “free country” where “free speech” allows even the most degenerate & unscrupulous politicians to say almost anything — no matter how monstrous or absurd. But really cunning demagogues …wrap lies in certain truths until it is hard to distinguish them.

Politics in our often unfair & “legally” corrupt society can seem nothing but a bad joke — best avoided by the wise and enterprising. Sometimes it seems the opposite — a medium that entertains and enthralls millions dangerously, like a cult experience.

As tempting as it can be at times to just throw up one’s hands and follow a strongman who promises to “clean the Augean stables” and “drain the swamp,” our nation has been wise to long remain a democratic, representative republic operating under the rule of law.

We live in a new internet era of infinite, instantly reproducible “fake news” and “deep fakes” of every kind. Living encased in one’s own comfortable cocoon or “virtual reality” today leads to the destruction of the very ideal of virtue and truth.

A huge complicated society like ours will always be susceptible to populist demagogues like Donald Trump. So far our institutions have held where almost half of our populace proved very foolish. Before we can fix our still far from perfect institutions, we must make sure our own heads are screwed on properly, our own values classically both “republican” & “democratic.”
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There is no longer a consistent standard for the rule of law in America. It will change and vary according to which side holds political power.

If Trump regains power the Scotus will be emboldened to side with him and the right's agenda, and no longer be minimally tempered by the power of a leftist president.

Trump's future obviously doesn't depend on the rule of law that presently exists. It depends on what will exist if he has the power to make the law suit him.
Great, give me nightmares, why don't you.
No surprise Trump lost his ridiculous lawsuit. Trump’s “Big Lie” that the election was stolen from him — which deeply divided our nation and provided cover for his own attempts to steal the election — was in fact classic Hitler / Goebbels demagogy.

Ours is a “free country” where “free speech” allows even the most degenerate & unscrupulous politicians to say almost anything — no matter how monstrous or absurd. But really cunning demagogues …wrap lies in certain truths until it is hard to distinguish them.

Politics in our often unfair & “legally” corrupt society can seem nothing but a bad joke — best avoided by the wise and enterprising. Sometimes it seems the opposite — a medium that entertains and enthralls millions dangerously, like a cult experience.

As tempting as it can be at times to just throw up one’s hands and follow a strongman who promises to “clean the Augean stables” and “drain the swamp,” our nation has been wise to long remain a democratic, representative republic operating under the rule of law.

We live in a new internet era of infinite, instantly reproducible “fake news” and “deep fakes” of every kind. Living encased in one’s own comfortable cocoon or “virtual reality” today leads to the destruction of the very ideal of virtue and truth.

A huge complicated society like ours will always be susceptible to populist demagogues like Donald Trump. So far our institutions have held where almost half of our populace proved very foolish. Before we can fix our still far from perfect institutions, we must make sure our own heads are screwed on properly, our values fully classically both “republican” & “democratic.”
I'm pretty sure you understand what Trump pulled off on the American people, so there's no need to talk about it and provide an invitation to his supporters to start screaming profanities. There's no need to get into that!

Could he, or any other politician, have done the same in another country with an equal racism status?

Or in a country with very minimal racism?

Or do you think that racism didn't stand out as his most potent tool?

Judging by what I've heard from DeSantis, he's betrayed Trump's specific extremism by upping the anti! And if Trump is taken down and out of the running, your country is ready for DeSantis.
Great, give me nightmares, why don't you.
Tom Payne reacted and made the point that America has maintained the rule of law. Can that be true when the Scotus, the highest court in the land, has become mostly political on their decisions.
America is making changes toward the far right that have never demonstrated any measure of success in any other country!

Could Nazism in Germany have succeeded?
They would probably at least think 'yes', but not be bold enough to say it.
I'm pretty sure you understand what Trump pulled off on the American people, so there's no need to talk about it and provide an invitation to his supporters to start screaming profanities. There's no need to get into that!

Could he, or any other politician, have done the same in another country with an equal racism status?

Or in a country with very minimal racism?

Or do you think that racism didn't stand out as his most potent tool?

Judging by what I've heard from DeSantis, he's betrayed Trump's specific extremism by upping the anti! And if Trump is taken down and out of the running, your country is ready for DeSantis.
Tough questions. Racism has certainly been one of the touchstones and a profound fault line in U.S. history. Our republican institutions survived (barely) the challenge of slavery, so I am optimistic it can survive the challenge of a single billionaire conman and reality TV star who has taken over Lincoln’s GOP. Our Democratic Party survived and evolved from being the party of the Confederacy and Jim Crow, evolving into the party of Roosevelt. But of course the U.S. was entering the “American Century” and the period of its greatest power in those days.

I never thought Trump was a particularly bloodthirsty person, or an old-fashioned “racist” either. He certainly didn’t start out with a fascist ideology, and still doesn’t have one.

I think the spoiled brat never faced the realities of black crime like many white Americans have, but he certainly latched onto all the submerged grievances of ethnic white Americans as they proved useful to him. It’s like gays and feminists. He doesn’t necessarily hate gays and he certainly supported abortion and other rights for women as a young man. He “loves” women … as many sexist pigs claim to. It seems to me it was mostly his profound need for approval and to be a “winner,” his narcissistic drive to attain the “gold ring” of the Presidency … that led this cunning clown and demagogue to tap into huge long repressed prejudices some thought safely buried in America’s past.
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that led this cunning clown and demagogue to tap into huge long repressed prejudices some thought safely buried in America’s past.
That which I've quoted is enough for this forum Tom.
In a nutshell, his border wall was an appeal to racism that was somewhat repressed.

He brought racism to bear as the main reason why the American working class were oppressed and ready to take extreme measures to gain what they are due.

I still wonder if government has adequately dealt with the threat of a revolution or another coup attempt. Any other government would have administered a bullet between the horns and kicked the carcass into a hole in the ground. Or by the heels from a lamppost.

Many good points you've made but the demands of the forum must keep me short in return.
… a “border wall” still has a certain practical appeal. It is, or can be, more than just an appeal to racism. Democrats support fences and border security too.

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