Judge upholds tough Pa. voter ID law

So the Republican state of Indiana doesn't purge dead people from their voter rolls, and you want to address a phony issue like in-person voter fraud? You're not very bright. Or perhaps you are, and just want to justify bringing back a poll tax.

Cleaning up the voter rolls and tightening up the process scares the shit out of you doesn't it. ;)

Not at all. If States purge their rolls of dead people and people who applied for a change of address, you would have a case. But when there's 13 cases of in-person voter fraud in the last 10 years, and you refuse to address the real Republican fraud, I'd suggest you just want to bring back the Poll Tax.


And you have done so, over and over while ignoring a clear and present threat to our election process.
Liberals love falling back on the rape and incest victim as a fail safe on the abortion debate. By the same line of reason I submit to you that even ONE fraudulent vote robs someone of their voice.
Unacceptable in my book.
Silly claim.

It's not a claim, it's exactly how the Texas system operates.

If we match up voter registration records against voter ID's, we can absolutely use voter ID to prevent voter fraud.

Yeah, good luck with that in Texas. I've already explained to you, Texas' system sucks, and it has nothing to do with ID laws. Nothing would have stopped me from voting three times, because the system there operates at the local level. Using Texas as an example for the need for voter ID laws is horribly flawed. I don't object to voter ID laws, generally, but using Texas as an example won't accomplish anything.

We need not accept the way any system purportedly now "works."

It is all subject to remedy.
You aren't very smart.

That's like pointing out the sky is blue.

The demographics of who has and does not have an ID is what matters, not where they live. And it is mostly the poor and elderly who do not have ID.

You are correct the GOP is working hard to make PA a blue state, though. But you are right for all the wrong reasons.

The people who vote Democratic are going to be energized by these obvious attempts at cheating by the GOP.

No one can get a hard-on about Romney. He doesn't inspire voters to get out and vote for him.

But lots of people can get mad enough to vote against him when assholes are so obviously trying to prevent them from doing so.

The Republican philosophy is morally bankrupt. The lies, the hypocrisy, the extramarital affairs, the big government spending, the closet homos. It's all been exposed. The Republican Party can no longer win on principal, so now they have nothing left but to cheat.

Pretty sad.


Nobody has cheated, but please, let's not let reality get in the way of your hyperbole.

Voter ID is a blatantly obvious attempt at cheating. Well, obvious to anyone who isn't blinded by all the bongwater they drank.

The PA Voter ID proponents freely admit there is no in person voter fraud to justify it.

Hey, I don't give a shit if you believe it is cheating or not. But you should give a shit that it is being seen by liberals as cheating and it is going to energize them even more to get out the vote.

This will blow up in the GOP's face. Big-time.

The GOP deserves Obama's re-election.

Every little thing gets the sissies on the left in an uproar......... Cheating ??? Thats laughable , pussified hysterics....

Every effort should be made to validate a voters eligibility

Is it any wonder that these incompetent, helpless , parasites who cant come up with an ID within four years need to live off of others taxpayers for their every want..............
Tell that to someone who has to pay a lawyer to get a notarized statement to get a birth certificate to get a photo ID to be allowed to exercise their Right To Vote.
Tell that to someone who has to pay a lawyer to get a notarized statement to get a birth certificate to get a photo ID to be allowed to exercise their Right To Buy a Gun.

The right to vote, in total, is predictated on you being who you say you are when you show up to vote. The state, therefore, has a compelling interest in making sure that you are who you say you are; the least restrictive means to this end is a photo ID.
Then why the heck did 4 guys get convicted of voter fraud??

Ahhhhhhh...I can see why you did not want to be specific:

There is voter fraud in Pennsylvania. Here are some numbers to prove it.

4 = number of persons convicted of voter fraud in Pennsylvania since the year 2004, including the time when Gov. Corbett was Attorney General. All 4 cases involved people registering when not eligible.

Nothing Voter ID would have done to stop that!

0 = number of persons convicted of a voter pretending to be someone he or she was not, in other words, the very thing the voter ID law is supposed to prevent, since the year 2004 including the time when Gov. Corbett was Attorney General.

20,000,000 = number of votes cast in Pennsylvania since 2004. That’s 4/20,000,000 votes cast which is 1 in 5,000,000 or 0.00002% of the votes cast. For those readers who are of a betting sort, the odds of winning a state lottery are a much higher 1 in 4,000,000 or 0.00000025.

700,000 = the approximate number of Pennsylvania voters who do not have a valid PA Driver’s License who are otherwise eligible to vote. According to the Washington Post, 11 percent of all Americans lack a photo ID, including 20 percent of voters younger than 29, 15 percent of those earning less than $35,000 per year, and a full quarter of all African Americans.

4 = former Pennsylvania Speaker of the House John Perzel, his brother-in-law Samuel “Buzz” Stokes, his nephew Eric Ruth, and Donald McClintock, who were recently sentenced and convicted of using public employees and other resources from the taxpayer financed House Republican technology office for political purposes.

Voter Fraud | Rock The Capital - A network of political stakeholders addressing local and regional elements of politics

I've been on the fence about voter ID, but you make some very valid points.
Here is one of those cases of fraud in Pennsylvania:

Robyn Pugh was charged with perjury, false swearing in official matters and unlawful voting. She could receive up to 10 years in prison and fines of $20,000.

The DA alleged that Pugh registered to vote in Middle Smithfield Township and voted there four times when she was actually living in Stroud Township.

Pugh voluntarily appeared at the Monroe County Correctional Facility this morning with her attorney, Jim Swetz, for processing before the arraignment in front of District Justice Brian Germano in Smithfield Township.

Pugh oversaw Middle Smithfield's country club golf course, which lost about $800,000 in 2011 before it was closed. The golf course, Country Club of the Poconos, was reopened this year, but the restaurant remains closed.


So, you don't think her having to provide an ID with her legal address on it would have stopped her voting where she didn't live?
Here is one of those cases of fraud in Pennsylvania:

Robyn Pugh was charged with perjury, false swearing in official matters and unlawful voting. She could receive up to 10 years in prison and fines of $20,000.

The DA alleged that Pugh registered to vote in Middle Smithfield Township and voted there four times when she was actually living in Stroud Township.

Pugh voluntarily appeared at the Monroe County Correctional Facility this morning with her attorney, Jim Swetz, for processing before the arraignment in front of District Justice Brian Germano in Smithfield Township.

Pugh oversaw Middle Smithfield's country club golf course, which lost about $800,000 in 2011 before it was closed. The golf course, Country Club of the Poconos, was reopened this year, but the restaurant remains closed.


So, you don't think her having to provide an ID with her legal address on it would have stopped her voting where she didn't live?

A utility bill should be sufficient.
Then why the heck did 4 guys get convicted of voter fraud??

Ahhhhhhh...I can see why you did not want to be specific:

Nothing Voter ID would have done to stop that!

0 = number of persons convicted of a voter pretending to be someone he or she was not, in other words, the very thing the voter ID law is supposed to prevent, since the year 2004 including the time when Gov. Corbett was Attorney General.

20,000,000 = number of votes cast in Pennsylvania since 2004. That’s 4/20,000,000 votes cast which is 1 in 5,000,000 or 0.00002% of the votes cast. For those readers who are of a betting sort, the odds of winning a state lottery are a much higher 1 in 4,000,000 or 0.00000025.

700,000 = the approximate number of Pennsylvania voters who do not have a valid PA Driver’s License who are otherwise eligible to vote. According to the Washington Post, 11 percent of all Americans lack a photo ID, including 20 percent of voters younger than 29, 15 percent of those earning less than $35,000 per year, and a full quarter of all African Americans.

4 = former Pennsylvania Speaker of the House John Perzel, his brother-in-law Samuel “Buzz” Stokes, his nephew Eric Ruth, and Donald McClintock, who were recently sentenced and convicted of using public employees and other resources from the taxpayer financed House Republican technology office for political purposes.

Voter Fraud | Rock The Capital - A network of political stakeholders addressing local and regional elements of politics

I've been on the fence about voter ID, but you make some very valid points.



Even mexico has voter-photo ID!!! With all the illegals in america, we need it more than any country in the world.

As much as the American corporate interest would like us to be more like Mexico, where government can be bought by the highest bidder, we're not.Why don't Republicans just make it a law that all Americans must have papers? They're trying to move us to a fascist state anyway, so why don't they just be honest about it?

So, you disagree with your fellow libtards when they say that elections in the US are bought by the highest bidder? They're gonna drum you out of the Libtards of America association for that one, Dickless. :rofl:

Dude, you're the discarded parts of a transgendered male. What a fucking idiot you are. You're a little fascist brown shirt, with the "also ran special olympics" merit badge on it.
Cleaning up the voter rolls and tightening up the process scares the shit out of you doesn't it. ;)

Not at all. If States purge their rolls of dead people and people who applied for a change of address, you would have a case. But when there's 13 cases of in-person voter fraud in the last 10 years, and you refuse to address the real Republican fraud, I'd suggest you just want to bring back the Poll Tax.


And you have done so, over and over while ignoring a clear and present threat to our election process.
Liberals love falling back on the rape and incest victim as a fail safe on the abortion debate. By the same line of reason I submit to you that even ONE fraudulent vote robs someone of their voice.
Unacceptable in my book.

Your book would be unusable if not for the free pack of crayons that came with it. It's little brownshirt fascists like yourself that are attempting to bring back the Poll Tax. You're too ignorant to recognize that the actual convicted cases of voting fraud are done by absentee ballot, so support laws to suppress the poor, the young, the disabled, and the elderly from legally exercising their constitutional rights to vote.

You're a really dumb shit, Koch sucker.
How DARE anybody limit the ability of liberal Democrats to stack the electoral deck by using dead folks, felons and aliens to do THEIR voting for them?
Not at all. If States purge their rolls of dead people and people who applied for a change of address, you would have a case. But when there's 13 cases of in-person voter fraud in the last 10 years, and you refuse to address the real Republican fraud, I'd suggest you just want to bring back the Poll Tax.


And you have done so, over and over while ignoring a clear and present threat to our election process.
Liberals love falling back on the rape and incest victim as a fail safe on the abortion debate. By the same line of reason I submit to you that even ONE fraudulent vote robs someone of their voice.
Unacceptable in my book.

Your book would be unusable if not for the free pack of crayons that came with it. It's little brownshirt fascists like yourself that are attempting to bring back the Poll Tax. You're too ignorant to recognize that the actual convicted cases of voting fraud are done by absentee ballot, so support laws to suppress the poor, the young, the disabled, and the elderly from legally exercising their constitutional rights to vote.

You're a really dumb shit, Koch sucker.

Bunch of insults and foul mouthed name calling. Color me stunned...
Thought they lowered the bar of the intellectually bankrupt leftist drone to accusations of murder.
You must be one of those high class dip shits...
How DARE anybody limit the ability of liberal Democrats to stack the electoral deck by using dead folks, felons and aliens to do THEIR voting for them?

Take away their fraud, their misled masses and their race card and these chumps have got nothing...and they know it.

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